Tu-hree Wîomen Open New Business North of Newcastle 'Village On. Saturday morning, the Village of Newcastle acquired a new business outiet when The Talisman openedî its doors in the large barnlike. structure that is situated north of the village and at one time was operated by Don Murray & As- sociates. Joan Bennett, Joan Frith and Éthe! Naylor are the new, owners and plan to oper-ate it as a flea mnarket every weekend. Dealers in antiques and crafts from a wide area set up their booths on Saturday, hoping to attract customers from the tourists who were driving along highway 115 - 35. These pictures show the, interior of the building, not including the snack bar in charge of Sandy Wallace. Joan Bennett, well-known in the area, is pictured alongside. TheNeatlInpedn IEditors: Jack and Hiazel Crago Telephone 987~ 7-4201I Viii eNofwcastie* New7s Recent visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miller wvere her niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hooper, Oshawa. Miss Lynn Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Parker, Oakwood, was Miss Lindsay Fair this year. We extend belated congratula- tions to this former Newcastle girl and her family! Mr.and Mrs. Lloyd Martin, David. Shelley and Lianne Manoick were 'weekend visitors withMr and Mrs. Alec Mart'in Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walton, BramlptGui, "vis i:e witd Walton and !Peareelaie oni tieTha-nksgiving weked. Sun..-day dinnier guests withi Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce were Mrî. and M',rs. VWayne Pearceý, Vicki and1 Kirk, Betbaniy and Mlr. a:nd Mrs. Larry Peance, Michael and Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stapleton, Orono, were Sun- day evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Kimbaîl. Margery Freethy, Pauline Storks, Jean Rickard and Wilda Johnson are taking flower arranging Thursday nights at Bev' s Floral Art. Mrs. Pauline Stonks and Candy, Miss Linda Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Garrod Jr. and Shawn enjoyed Thanksgiving Dinner with Mre7. Jili Christýeie t her Sundiay dînergests withl Mn. and Mrs. R. Brenton Rickard were Lions members and their wives, Mn. and Mns. Bob Garden, Tweed, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reid, Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. William McGuire, Cobourg and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Leslie, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. George Kim- baîl were among the family and friends who helped- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stapleton, Onono, celebrate their 4th wedding anniversary on Saturday evening. After tradional Tbanksgiving turkey dinner, a social evening was enjoyed. Mr. and Mns. Ray Bennett, Omemee, were Sunday visitors witb her mother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. RalIph Murray anxàcI Coileen, Fanvbr, were weekýend vîsitLors with Mýjr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin and Fred Lake Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mcllroy, Lynn -,,nd Paul, Kingston, were weekend visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell and faily and attended the Andrews-Powell wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Dana Coulter, Beeton, were overnight guests with the Powell's. On Sunday,ý Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago attended the Trousseau Tea given by Mr. and Mrs. Mac Walker, Garden Hill, in honour of Miss Nancy Walker, bride-to-be of Mr. Claude Caron. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Andrews (nee Patti Powell) who were married in Newcastle United Church on Saturday, October 8, with Rev. David Spivey officiating. Patients in bospital includ e Mrs. Kathleen Alun -and Mrs. Wylma Allun in Oshawa General Hospital and in Bow- manville, Mrs. Orena Megit, Mrs. Mona Majer. Glad to report Mr. David Adams bas returned home from bospital.' Mrs. Archie Whitmee has also returned home from hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Metrail- er, Guelph, were weekend visitors witb Mn. and Mrs. John Metraillen, Cathy and Ron. Mn. and Mrs. Wayne Markle, Alyssa and Andrew, Alliston, and Mn. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt, Pontypool were Thanksgiving visitons witb Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. Mvr- and NlVs .. I.ore lrnson enjoyed hnsgvn Sna witb a family gatben3ing at their cottage on Lake Skoota- matta, Mn. Paul Quinney, Carleton University, Ottawa, enjoyed the Thanksgiving weekend at home. Birtbday greetings to Wilma Scott, Audrey Turner, Paul Nesbîtt, Edward Glenny, eyyrtle Alldred and Mrs. Editb Carvetb. Mns. Rachel Dennis enter- tained the ladies of the Euchre Club last week, Miss Ruth Yates, Toronto, spent the Tbanksgiving weekend with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Yates. Mrs. Kara Bennett and son Ryan, visited recently witb ber parents, Mr. and Mns. Sidney Ferguson. Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Wright attended the Lamens- Lafrance wedding at Woolen on Saturday, October 8tb. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Lyall bld adieu to their friends and neiglibours last Tuesday morning before their de- parture to their home in Prince Edward Island. Mn. and Mrs. Robin Alldned were Wednesday evening dinner guests of Mn. and Mns. Evenett Stapleton, Onono. Mn. and Mrs. Clinton Brown enjoyed Tbanksgiving dinner on Sunday witb Mn. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer, Port Hope. Mn. and Mns.,Bihl Lake Sr. and Mn. and Mns. Bill Lake Jr. and Miss Shelley Lake, Bow- manville, wene Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skelding, Jackie- and Kanen, Port Penny. manville, spent the weekend with ber gnandparents, Mn. and Mrs. William Lake, Sr. Mn. and Mns. Roy Pacey, Pontypool, Mns. Gladys Hooey and Mns. Joe Gaudette en- joyed the weekend in Nash- ville, Tennessee. Mn. and Mns. Fnank Gilmen, Newtonville visited last Friday witb Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown. Mrs. Maude Panks, Picton, is spending a few days with ber friend, Mrs. Reta Embley. Sunday Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mrs. Embley were Will, Morley and Muriel Terwillegar, Colum bus. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Embley, Trenton, were also weekend callens. Mn. and Mrs. Ted Martin, Brownsville, enjoyed Sunday evening dinnen witb Mn. and Mns. Wayne Bowen and Jackie, Cavan. Anglican Church News On Sunday, Octoben 9, the Service at St. George's anglican Churcli, Newcastle, was greatly enjoyed.witb Rev. Robent S. Mansfield as guest preacher. The Wednesday Service at 7:30 p.m. will be held this week. The Hymn Sing will be held at the Rectory on Thursday nigbt. Next Sunday, Octoben 16, at St. Saviou's Onono, will be Baptismal Sunday at 10 a.m. The St. Saviour's Harvest Thanksgiving Service will be held at 4:30 pm witb a Pot Luck dinnen following at the 100F Hall. St. Saviours Bazaar will be held on Satunday, October 15, at the I00V Hall, Orono, fnom 2-5 p.m. United Cbunch News Tbanksgiving Sunday the Newcastle United Cbuncb was deconated with fruits and vegetables and connucopia made by Mrs. Beams Grade One ciass. Mn. Glenn Allin nendered the beautiful solo, The Blind Plougbman. In spite of the weatben was the titie of Rev. David Spivey's'sermon. The annual tunkey supper on Saturday, Novemben l2thbhas tbree sittings. Tickets are available fnom Mrs. Albert Pearce. Community Cane Open House is being held Octoben 15 fnom 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. This volunteen programme for THE TALSM AN EMPORJUM (Newcastle Flea Ma rket) at Hwy. 115 and North St., Newcastle NOW.OPEN Every Saturday and Sunday Ifla.m. .6 p.m Seniors is situated ln the old McNulty Sport Shop, Bow- manville. The Prayen for this week is: Lord of life and ahl things, we bless you for youn wondrous goodness. Amen. 1 UC.W. Unit Two of tbe Newcastle United Cburch Women met last Tbunsday, October 16 at the home of Mns. Eileen Allin witb twenty-one present. Eileens daugbten-in-law, Mrs. Jan Allun gave an interesting talký on Judaism. Secut News On Thufrsdaýy nigt, ctober 3 UpTo 6, twelve busloads of American Boy Scouts fromn Pennsylvania arrived at Bramalea for Scope, '77 Ex- change. The îst. Newcastle Boy Scouts, whose friends arrived from Philadeiphia, Penn., at six o'clock, did their share of entertaining* Clarence Gregg accompanied by Scout Master Oliver Knapp, met the boys at Bramalea and brought them to Newcastle Community Hall where the Ladies Auxiliary of the Scouts prepared and served a dinner for the Scouts and their parents. Clarence Gregg hosted William Hynd- man, Joey Werhied hosted Andrew Willcox, Zori Lesnick had Stephen Carber at his home and Bruce Knapp's American friend was Dean Hughes. On Friday, Scout Master Oliver Knapp and three lead- ers set up the camp site at Alliston. Due to the bad weather on the weekend the camp had to close on Satur- day. Two faithful drivers, Mr. Lesnick and Mr. Werhied, transported the boys to and from camp, while Scout- master Knapp looked after the camping gear in his truck. On Sunday, a tour of Parkwood, the home of the late Col. R.S. McLaughlin and the company he started, General Motors was enjioyed. After lunch at Mr. Donut, some energy was spent at the Bowling Lanes in Bowman- ville. On Monday morning at 7:30 am. the American Scouts were to leave Bramalea bound for home, taking many memories. Community Bowling Ladies D. Neal 227-287, H. Couroux 204-204, G. Henry 214, T. Langstaff 211, B. Petherick 206, J. Stere 217, T. Wind 223, D. Gregg 200-204, R. Sinou 246, B. Major 212, M. Major 213. Men B. Lewis 210, J. Clapdorp 221, S. Powell 209, C. Strachan 226-208, B. Forget 222, J. Schultz 208, 1. Fanis 204-218,, W. Flintoff 316-210-233, G. Calder 308, B. Farrow 204, R. Sutcliff 211, M. Henry 221-241- 206, G. Cowling 220. Friday Mixed N. Madill 245, B. Cal 213-252-223, H. Caîl 293,' R. Pearce 214-212, M. M~acDonald 222, M. Henry 218-210-267, M. Vogels 210, H. Webb 229, S. Webb 212, L. Willems 213, B. Glanville- 216-261, F. Couch 204, N. Hoogkamp 222, R. Good 219-261-208,- -G."Osmond 203, B. Kentner 228, G. Kentner 209, E. Keller 215, M. Burley 217, R. Burley 204-271, G. Dunflop 213, T. Emibley 221, T. Slu-ymers 2M~, H. Nickolson 2 53 2 5 8, N. ),1ITcgka riP,2 22. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 12, 1977 i OBITUARI !S MONT RICHARDSON Mont Richardson, 49, of 80 Archerhili Drive, Islington, died on Tuesday, October 5, at Toronto Western Hospital, following a brief illness. He was born in Barrie, Ont., and'moved ;to Orono at an early age. He received his schooling in Orono and upon completion he lived in Ton- onto. For the past 23 years he had been employed by the University of Toronto as a technician in the geology department. ',He' was an accomplished swimmer and amateur photographer and spent many hours taking pictures along Wilmot Creek in the study of underwater ecology. For the past 18 years he had been a dîving instruct- or, teaching and lecturîng at Hart House. Many of bis photographs are on display at the Roy al Ontario Museum and the Royal Gallery in Ottawa. He leaves to mourn bis passing,-his wife, the former Thelma Lornson and his daughter Norma, his mother, Mrs. Jennie Richardson, Orono, and sister Mrs. J. Grant (Gloria), Bowmanville. The funeral was held Friday, October 7 from the Ridley Funeral Home Lake- snore Rd., W., Toronto wîth interment at Glendale Memor- ial Gardens. CECIL OSWALD SHAW Cecil Oswald Shiaw died at theOshawa General Hospital 1on Friday, Septemnber 30, 1977 after a lengthy illness. He lived at 238 LUpin Dr. in Whitby. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shaw he was born June 7, 1917 at Point Anne, Ont. Mr. Shaw is survived by his wife, the former: Lillian May Reid, six sons, Wayne of 1Oshawa, Leslie, Barry and Ronald of Whitby, Cameron of Bowmanville and Larry of Port Perry; four daughters, Mrs. Gerald Bissonnette (Edith>, of Brockville, Mrs. Harold Lowry (Bonnie) of Orono, Mrs. Ray: Pack (Flor- ence) and Mrs. Chris McPher- son- (Barbara)! both of Oshawa and 22 grandchildren. A former employee of the C.N.R. who retired ln 1975, he was also 'a member of the Salvation Army., Mr. Shaw rested at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby. Service was held in the chapel on M onday, with 1Cpt. A.D. Adnum officiating. Interment Mount Lawn Ceme- tery, Oshawa. ft Off Regular Price Four Convenient Self-Serye Locations Shop in Compete Indoor Comfort Use your Chargex or Master Charge or open a convenient revolving charge account. OSHAWA~ 100 Bond 'St. West Mon. to Fri. 90 Sat. to 5:30 WHITBY 223 B'rock 3St.,N. Mon oWd to 6:00 Thurs. & Fri. to 9:00 Sat. to 5:30o COURTICE Bloor St. E. of 0ýHAWA Mon. to Wed. to 6:00 Thurs. & Fr1. to 9:00 Sat. to 5:30 PORT HP 37 On,ýtario St. Mon. tu Frâ. to 5:30' Sat. to 4:00 I wiII hold their annuel BLITZ CANVASSb THROUGHOUT THE VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE' AND SURROUNDING AREA ON Tuesday October 1lSth: OId Lenses and Glasses wiII1 be Pîclked-up Day of the Blitz Clearance Sale Ends Saturday, October i 5th. Specials, Ends of Lines, Sea,.sonail Goods ili at low, low clearout prices. Look for Outstanding Values In: *WALL PANELLUNGS * STORAGE SHEDS * STORM DOORS ( 34" Jx 82"1) * LUMBER SPECIALS, PINE, SPRUCE, CEDAR *SHELVING *TRIMvS Limite19d Quati-glgties, Shop Eairly.