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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1977, p. 15

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COLOI4IAL STABLE S EQUESTRIAN CENTRE Specil Corsesin "earn ta Ride" Speia Corse inEquitation, Jumping and Dressage. - Horsernanship" and "Showmanship"l Opportun ity to Cernp etc in Shows. Horses Supplied. SPECIAL PROGRAM being offered this fali. 4 fesson month plus e heurs free ridinq time - $50.00. Tel.: 6234984 i lth Une, R. R. 3, Bowman Oshawa Momnument Co. fumily Momoriols -Markers AIl Design and L.itring' Doms by Us op Promises -NO SALESMEN INVOLVED - Please Telephone 728-3111 for Full Details Shop at.. DYKSvTRA' DELICATESSEN FOOD MARKET The Different Food Store ILEAN, BON ELESS BRISKET 79LB. POT ROASTLB EXTRA LEAN 19 GROUND BEEF LB. DEMPSTER'S3 00 COU NTRY.0 BRAN BREAD 24 OZ. LOAVES HOLLA'S RUSKS PKG/7 TRY OUR TABLE READY MEAT OR CHEESE PLATTERS e87 MEAT PLATTERS CHEESE PLATTERS BAANASl9. McINTOSH COURTLAND SPARTAN Made to FRUIT BASKET $7,0 >1 029 5 LB. BAG FREE PARKING OFF QUE EN STREET k, BEHIND OUR STORE flAFood.é'.'oe 73-77 King St. West Bowmanvillu M iNest Mr. and Mrs.'Oliver Rohrer visited Mrs. Len Mennen in Sunnybrook Hospital on Sun- day. She continues to improve but must remain on hier back for another two weeks. Benny Per Mennen who accompanied Ville Mr. and Mns. Robrer also 34-tf vîsited his mother. He is staying-withhis sister Mrs. - Bi- Hutchinson but will return home on Monday. Mrs. Lorne McKee, in Oshawa Hospital and Mr. Clarence Gian, in Port Perry Hospital are prognessing favourably and may be home this week. On Friday evening, Mn. and, Mrs. Norman ý Mairs were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mairs and Steven in honour of Steven's first birthday. It also was in honour of gnandmother Bernice whose birthday was on Wed- nesday. Congratulations! * Mr. and, Mrs. George Bowens spent the holiday weekend with their cabin trailer at Elm Lodge. For the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mcbaughlin had reservations at Elim Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stinson and John, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ginn visited on Sunday with Mr. Clarence Ginn. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and, Mrs. Wilfred Vine and family were Mrs. Chas. Earn- shaw, Caesarea and Mr. Herb Vine, Port Perry. Evening dinner, guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Frew, Alan and Virginia were Mr. and Mrs. Garry Edgar and Erin, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mappin and Tanya, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Frew. ýlet on News Dwayne and Andrew R.R. Nestieton. 1Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Freer, Oillia, were Tuesday over- night and Wednesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. G. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Mairs and Steveni had mid-day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry and Joy, Blackstock. Mr. Elmner Wright is spend- îng one week with his friends, Mr. and Mrs. Wînston Leavitt in Kingston. Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Malcolm and family were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Endicott, Lynn and Laura,, Peterborough. Mrs. Lawrence Cooledge, Mr. and Mrs. Les Manley, Peterborough, had Thanks- giving dinner with the Gordon Cooledge Family, Caesarea. Mr. and Mrs. James Kent, Katrina and Tamara, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Malcolm and family, Mrs. Alwyn Haines, Annette and Anthony spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Malcolm and Heather moved into the farm home at Malco Farm, Glenn is the fifth generation on the Century farm which has been in the family since 1844. Thanksgiving Day guests with Mr. and'Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm and Laurie in their new home wene Mr. Stanley ~Malcolm, Port Ferry, Miss Gail Malcolm, Blackstock, Mr. Dennis Malcolm, Scarbon- ough, Mn. Barry -Malcolm, Simcoe, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Malcolm and Heather, Mr. and Mrs. David Malcolm, Nestieton. Recent visitors wîth Mn. and Mns. Clarke Williams were Mr. and Mrs. Melburn Middle- ton, -Lindsay, Miss Janice Williams, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Frank White, Bethany, Mr. and Mns. Douglas Falis Glen, Lawrence, Carl and Miss Sheehan, Bowmanviile, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stephen- son, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cawker, Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. Grant, Thompson, Mr. Marvin Nes- bitt, Mr. Richard Davison, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wil- liams, Mrs. Bruce Heaslip, Nestieton. Mns. George Prosser'has returned home following six weeks vacation with her sister Mrs. Alex Forbes at Owen Sound. Recent visitors~ with'Mrs. G. Prosser were hen cousins Mrs. Florence Harvey, Nanaimo, British Columbia and Mr. Sid Reynolds, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bul- lock, Steven and Kim attended the wedding on Satunday of his niece Tammy Bullock and Rick Mashmann a the home of the bride's prents at South Portage and the reception at the German-Canadian Club. Thanksgiving guests of Mns. barmen Hyland were Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Samelîs and Wendy, Peterborough. In the afternoon they visited Mr. Hyland la the Nursing Home, Port Ferry. In the, evening they were dinnen guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim McMulien, Pontypool. Holiday visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Milton Fisher, Caesarea were Mr-. and Mrs. Delton Fisher and Scott, Westhill, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Fisher, Leanne and Susan of London. Mn. and Mrs. Ward Bruce of Guelph, Mn. and Mns. Ross Curtis, Orillia wene Saturday evening callers with Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip, Mr. and Mns. Lionel McKeown of Caledon East were Sunday visitons. The dance on Satunday night sponsored by the Hall Com- mittee was a splendid success Joey Vann, as usual pnovided excellent music and Mn. Gordon Cooledge of Caesanea catered for the buffet salad supper. Mn. Maurice Nesbitt won the door pnize. Other winnens are not available. On Thanksgiving evening Mrs. Harold Bulloek was hostess for a miscellaneous shower for ber nièce, bride- elect Miss Cathy Prosser. Assisting the honoured guest wene Donna Prosser and Betty Hicks. Cathy gnaciously thanked the guests for her lovely gifts after which a delicious buffet was enjoyed and a social time followed. Weddiniz belîs will be ringing for Cathy and her fiance Mn. Fred Johnstone on Novemben 19. Best wishes are extended to this young couple that they may have much happiness as they journey on Life's High- way. Nestieton United Church Faîl Annivensary will be Sunday, October 23 at 2:30 p.m. Blackstock Choir will provide the music with Mns. Lynda Kyte at the organ. Revenend Edward Schamen- honn of St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, will be the guest speaker. Mn' . and Mns. Arthur McColl and Cindy, Mn. and Mrs. John Elliott, Oshawa,~ spent the holiday weekend, Saturday to Monday guests of Mn. and Mrs. Neil Lee, Debbie and David at thein cottage at Green Lake. Friends will be pleased to know that Mns. Elliott (nee NEW '78s? ? NEWI'77's?' USED CARS? PROBLEMS IN DECIDING WHAT TO BUY? Let Ou r Team 0f Trained' Problem-solvers Put You Un THE RIGHT CAR AT THE-RIGHT PRICE. REMEMBER, AT MACDONALD FORD WE'RE A GOOD DEAL BETTER 219 Telephone King St. E. 623-4481 zIP Susan MeColi) has, received a teaching positioný at Cedar- brae Collegiate in Scarbor-, ough. She is employed ful time and is teaching English, Library and Math. Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary Congratulations are extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs Ross Curtis, of Orillia who observed their fiftieth wedding anni- versary on Saturday at. Nestieton Community Centre. They had a delightful party when they received rela tives, neighbours and friends at their informai gala afternoon. La spite of incessant rain al were in a happy mood as they renewed friendships, remin- isced and extended congratu- lation to the honoured couple. The Nestieton U.C.W. served appetizing refreshmentsto the many guests. In the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis and their family had dinner at a restaurant in Port Perry. Women's Institute The Nestieton Women's In- stitute met in the Community Centre on Wednesday, October 5, at 1:30 p.m. Following the Opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect, the president, Mrs. George Hea- slip welcomed the thirteen members and three visitors warmly. The minutes were read and adopted and Corres- pondence and Fînancial Re- port given by, secretary Mrs. M. Finlit. Mrs. J. Wygerde, District Director, gave a report of a meeting when plans were completed for the District "Fun Fair". t is to be held in Hampton at 2 p.m. on October 26. A variety programme, Country Store, Bazaar and Tea Table promise a most ..... .rLIVe bodv. In 1971 a lu~ JUT 'NJj"URL SBEAUTY SHOP PKRBEMS? Is your haîr dry or oily ? Is your scalp dry - itchy - oily or have you got dandruff? Corne in and oijr KE RASTASE'S SPEC IALISTS wiII1 help you with your individual problems. We alIso retaîl these fine producfs: KERASTASE BATH, EMULSENE CONDITION and KERASTASE HAIR SPRAY fordry or oily haïir. "TRY THEM YOU'LL LIKE THEM" Cai I623-5019 Stop by at 71 King Street East Bowmanvîî le "OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK"' On Hwy. 2 East of Miii Street The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. October 12: 1977 15 interesting afternoon for W.I. members and, friends. Neces- sary articles and programme numbers wre planned. An invitation to visit Shirley W.I. on, October 19 a graciously accepted. As it is our regular meeting day on November 2, we were unable to accept the invitation to visit Hampton W.I. ladies. Black- stock and Shirley Institutes have been invited to join with us when Mrs. S. Cawker is to be our guest speaker. Lt was decided to donate $50 toward the upkeep of Nestie- ton Community Centre. The Area -Convention in Toronto was discussed. Our first Vice President, Mrs. Jean Bolan is to represent our. W. I. and bring back a report. The roll caîl, "A useful Craft taught by our grandmothers" proved most interesting. Mrs. Richard Davison "Ed- ucational and Cultural Affairs Convenen", presided for the programme. Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm gave the Motto, "He who owns a hobby, own a mental island of refuge." She stressed the importance of "Hobbies" as we grow'older. Mrs. Grant Thompson gave a reading "Now that Winter Comes", which told in a most interesting fashion ail the many assets of an old7fashion- ed cook stove. These are becoming popular again due to our energy crisîs. Mrs. R. Davison then intro- duced our guest speaker, Mrs. Adams and Mrs. W. Brock, representing Scugog Shores Museum. They told of the early beginning when the Histonical Society, was for- med in 1969 which is the CITY 0F OSHAWA .s AUCTION SAT., OCT. 15, 10.00 a.m. DEPARTMENT 0F PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING, RITSON RD. S. - OSHAWA, ONTARIOi (from 401 Highway, Oshawa, take Ritson Rd. cut-off, turn South haif mile ta Auction Sale) 1, IF WET, SALE WILL BE HELD INDOORS, LUNCH ON PREMISES Preview - Friday afternoon, October 14, 1977 12: 00 te 4: 00 p. m. VEH ICL ES: 4 - 1974 Chlev. Suburbans 1 - 1971 WiI1Iy Jeep w PIew 1 - 1971 l.H.C. 1/2T Panel 1 - 1971 Ford 1/2T Pick-Up 1- 1971 l.H.C. 45,000 GVW Cab & Chassis w 25 CU. yd. Heu 1Packer, Body 2 - 1972 I.H.C. 3/T. Crew Cab Pick-Ups 3 - 1970 I.H.C. Pick-Ups w Dump Hoists l - 1970 Chev. ¾/T. Pick-Up 4 x 4 1 - 1971 G.M.C. 1/2T. Pick-Up 3- 1972 Novas 2 - 1972 Venturas 1 - 1971 Maverick LANDSCAPE - GRASS CUTTING EQUIPMENT: 1 - Massey Fergusan Tractor & Mower 3 - Kutkwick Side Hill Mowers 2 - Weed Eater Trimmers ,l - Post Hole Auger <Teco) 5 - Mott 72" Mewers' 13 - 20" Lawnmowers CONSTRUCTION- EQUIPMENT &TOOLS: 114" Water Pump 3" Diaphragm 1968 A.C. Shoulder Grader 1960 Tractor Drag Blade Band Saw Table Saw Chain Saw Step- Ladders OFIlCE EQUIPMENT - PARTIAL LIST ONLY: Adding Machines, Electronic &Mechanical Calcula- tors, h que Protecto, Addresso Graph, Postal Scale, Typewriters & Stands, Tang Covers, File Cabinets, Trays & Wagons, Desk Trays, Reference Table, Photo Copiers, Drafting Table & Chair, Wooden book Case, Storage Cabinet, File Guides (il" x 81/4"1) complete sets, Steel & Wooden Office Desks, Steno Chairs,. Captain Chair, Stacking Chairs, Utility Table, Intercom, 2 Chanel Marconi Radios, Scotch Tape & Dispenser, end table. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: Coin ýChang e-z Pop ý-Cern Vendorî- Chit -"verder, Frigidaire, Waterfountain, Projection Screen, Steel F lood Light Shades, Fluorescent Tube Lig hts & Fix- ture, Cash Trays & Drawers, Electric KiIn, Steel Lockers, Electric Stoves, 41 Refrigerators, Vanity Sinks, Card Tables, Electric Floor Scrubber' Overhead Gara ge Door <10' x 13'1, Aluminum Storm Doors, Styrofoam Cups, Basebalîs & Gloves, Volley Balîs, Soccer Balîs, T obogga ns, Lest & Found - Watches, Wallets, etc. PARTIAL LIST ONLY PLAN TO ATTEND - TO BUY - TO SAVE TO ENJOY YOURSELF TE RMS: $100 Cash Depesit on large items, balance Cash or Certif led Cheque - October 17, 1977. Ail other items Cash. Durham Auction Services PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS Ver- CAN HANDLE ANY TYPE OR SIZE 0F AUCTION Res. 263-2009 Hampton Office 725-6011 Oshawa cabin was donated by Mn. and Mns. Jim Lawrence of Nestle- ton. From this simple begin- ninig there are now five buildings with storage space housing a fascinating display of early Canadiana. On dis- play were many articles including the Pattens which date fromn 1750. They are the oldest known articles in our Museumn and only 3 pairs are to be found in Ontario. Indian baskets, lard pail, pot scraper, combs, china head dolîs, crinolene, crazy quilts and various articles of clothing al proved to great interest. Anyone having articles to donate should contact the Museum. The display is changed each year and volun- teer guides and workers are always needed. Mrs, R. Wygerde expressed appreciation to the speakers and Mrs. Davison presented MARRILL MacDONALD Auctioneer DAN MURRAY Auctioneer * ~ I h. NOTICE 0F 'APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F TH E TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE TO DISPENSE WITH A VOTE ON THE ELECTORS TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1: The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval of an extension to the Public Works Building at Hampton at an estimated cost of $235 000. whÎch arnount stiail be raised. by the sale of debentures payable out of the generai rate over a period not exceeding 20 years. 2: Application wilI be made to The Ontario Municipal Board for an order to dispense with the assent of the ele'ctors to the undertaking 0f the said works. Any ratepayer may, within twenty-one days after the f irst application of this notice, send by post prepaid to the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval and the grounds of such objection. 3: The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the statute that the assent of the electors shaîl not be required and may approve of the said works, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections will be considered. DATED at the-Town of Newcastle this 5th day of October, 1977. J. M. MCIlIoy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. L_1C 3A6 UP YOUR HOME for the COLO1 ER A HEADpee Stop Mn. We'II help YouI Zjp Up for the cold mnonths aheadl. For a happier hom-e and a ha ppier you. SEE US TODAYI NEWASLLMBER 'LT 1 Tolophone 623-3541 Phone 987-423,4 The meeting closed with the singing of "O Canada", and the Institute Grace. Miss Ruth Proutt's group served a delic- ious lunch and Mrs, R.W. Jackson thanked ail respons- ible for another, enjoyable meeting. Sunday Services Presbyterian In the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning, Miss Dorothy Bulmer, Deaconess read ScriptP re passages Jeremiah 29:8-14 and Luke 9:1-10. 'We are il piigrim people. We are bound to have a different'set of values than others, and so we will tend to be less concerned with worldly comforts. Life is a journey and we are passing travellers who have a purpose and a destina- tion. We are ready and willing to be led throu:gh Life's journeys by the light of Jesus Christ. The choir sang a Hymn a

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