Secftion 'fwu The Canadian State. inan, Bowmanville. October 12,'1977 Durhamto im I Mira Mari Frozen Concentrated Unsweetened Frozen Eviscerated Utility Grade, Frying or F'LO RI DA R ORANGELJUIC CHOENSLB 12-112 fi. oz. tin 2 inl. size Valley F a rm Back Strap Removed, Properly Aged FROZEOON PRIME FRE'NCH F "rRIESRI B R OASTeS LB. M 21ýb. bag Cut f rom Canada "GRADE A" Beef Parchment Wrap Fresh Shank or Butt Portion C4,H E F MASTER C n"*LEG OF MARGARI NEPORK RAT B i lb. pkg. Fresh Ontarlo PorkLB Beef, he, Liver Properly Aged, Cut & Trimmed, T-Bone or DOGF00 LI EAKSLB.B 25.5 oz. in _______________Cut fo aaa"G RADE A" Beef LIQUID BLEACH 88C Champlain WHITE SLCED BREAD _1 24oz. ioat Steinbei-rg's Condensed TOMATO SOUP LipI on Chicken Noodie soup sec Pkg. of 2env. Mira Mari Processed Regular orSingle I CHEESE SLICES lb. pkg.1 3 CelORNFLAKES 9 rssing Pro perly aged, cut & trimmedBnei Fuît Cul .8 67 ox3 i. oz. jar bL Cut f rom Canada "GRADE A"Be Bfo aaa"RDA" Beef LB. Fres frrrtheTrop ic BANANAS Ontario Grown- Fancy Grade n&g MacINTOSH APPLES qjf' 31 ILbagu Ontario Grown- Fancy Grade BOSC PEARS LB V Product ofU.SA m RED EMPEROR GRAPESIU Ontario Grown Canada No. 1 Grade TABLE POTATO ES 10 lb. bag Ont. Hot House Grown Canada No. 1 Grade, Engiish SEEDLESS CUCUM BERS Product of U.S.A. geSeHONEY DEW MELONS es Product cf Ontano or U.S.A., Canada No. 1 Grade SPANISH TYPE ON ONS i1î98 Mapie Leaf Sweet Pickled COJTTÀAGEROLLS i b. avg. size LB. lZiS Full Slce Boneless, ROUND STEAKS Cut f rom Canada "GRADE A" Beef LEl>S Whole Ontarjo Regular, FRESrH PORK LOINS P RIME RIB STEAKS Cul & wrapped, 1214 lb..size Home Freezer Buy LB 1368O CLtfromi Canada "GRADE A" Beef L . Boneless Bottom Cut __No-a ROU ND STEAK ROASTS1 XX PRIMVE RIB STEAKS I5 Cu fromçCanada 'GRADEA" Beef LMCuffromnad"GAEABefLB.M Lazy Maple, Top Qualify Sliced -M, ie SIDE BACON IKXSLICED COOKEDHAM 5' 1 lb. pkg. 6 fz. pkg. sliced Fresh Canadian Store Packed, Hamburger LEG 0F LAM B LB1,5 PATTIES LBý 78C LB. 98 1Quarter Pound size Fresh Canadman 9'lofSOe Packed, Beef &O C RIB LAMB CHOPS L UI.78LB88C ShoulderorBladeFresh Canadian 100 ary MileD Q LAMB CHOPS LIM U CEDlbpkg *,UU.3 out for be in Toronto at the Rayai York on November 9th and iOth with Mrs. W., Brown as delegate and Mrs. H. Cryder- man as alternate. Our District Fun Fair wil be heid on October 26th at 2 p.m. at Hampton and plans were made for this. It was agreed that we cater te an open house and 25th giedding anniversary on November l2th for The Bert Bosgra's. Mrs. H. Cryd,,erma,ýn report- ed for thýe 'GoodJNeîghIbeurs.' Mrs. CaosLagxi f Solina mo-ý)ved a vote of thanks te Maple Grave,- Ladies Lunch of sandwiches, pickles, cookies and tarts, tles and ceffee were served HoId Rentai Seminar Durham Coliege's Durban Conference Centre will con- duct a Rentai Income Seminar October 25, froni 9:00 a.m. to 4: 00 p. m. The objective of the seminar is te enable property mana- gers tei properiy understand the Income Tax. Act, and te conduct business with proper tax planning. Measurement cf Rentai Income and speciai tax con- siderations will bel outlined by Durham staff member Barry Bracken. Jim Webster, aise of Durham Coiiege's Business Division will review the Land- lord and Tenant Act, with particular eniphasis on part 4 dealing with Residenti!ai Ten- ancies. Recent amencdments have given the tenant many new rights, and new preced- ures have been laid down which both the Landierd and Tenant must follow tàe nforce their respective rights. ,Government representa- tives wiil outiine information availabie from the Province to assist both property owners and tenants. Scott McAukey, of the Ministry of the Attorney General, will discuss the methods cf amending the legisiation and will take sug- gestions for changing the Act. Carmen Mammoliti cf the Ministry cf Consumer and Commercial Relations wiii outline the background of Rent Review and in1formation concerning the Residentiai Premises Rent Review Act, as weli as procedures for filing for Rent Review by Landierds and Ten~ants. There wili he an open session where both Government representatives and Durham Conférence Centre personnel wiii conduet a round t abhie discussion. Fee for the Rentai Income Seminar is $40.00 per persan, which includes the luncheon and ail materiais, iniieuding copies of the Landiord and, Tenant Act. Attendance wjiIl be limited ta 50 persons. Applications wilI be processed1 as they are received, and those interested shouid con-' tact the Durham Conference Centfe, Durham College, Box 385, Oshawa, Ontarie (phone 576-0210 extension 240Y. MAPLE GROVE W.I. The October meeting cf the W. w \as heid in the C.E Hall at 8 p.(on !the 31-d with Solina W-v.L. as our guests. Meeting apened with Mrs. H. Bradley, President wei- comning ail present folewed by the singing cf "the Ode" and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unisen. The Roil Cali was "Anî idea for happiness". Mrs. W. Brown, Convenor cf Public Relations was in charge cf the following prograni. The Mette "Dan't veunt days but make days count" was commented on by Miss Susie Laird cf Oshawa, a former member cf our W. She said "If we filouar days with worthwhiie happenings we wen't need te count eur days. Our heart has te reach eut ta concerns eutsîde of ourseives such -as a, study of nature, art, etc. Our seul has to have scope te grew as well." Mrs. W. Brown, intro- duced our guest speaker, Rzev. Ed. Schamerhorn, minister of St. Paui's Church, Bcwman- ville, who speke on Communi- cations and Public Relations, He said ever since the cave man there have been -symbols on the cave wails, signais were sent by' smoke and communications new 1by radio and T.V. which brirngs the worid edoser in a shortep.r space