Sec) ion Two T'h, Canadian Sftlesman, Bowmanville, October 12, 1977 7 ProspectiveCustome rs Last, Weekend A good crowd attended the Bowmanville. Here, Salesman Bud The entire sales staff posed for Rd. South, Oshawa. They are, from opening at MacDonald Ford Sales, Fogg and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bates The Statesmian at MacIntosh left to right, Stuart MacIntosh, Don check out one of the new models. Chrysier-.t-'ymouth Motors, Park Kidd, Don Hlunt, AI Kennedy Jr. and Earl Lemon. ilR42 31/2" thick 23"1 x 48". 138 sq. ft. 19.19 R-e 23/4" thlick 15" x 48". 135 sq. ft. 12.39 E R-28 8/" thick - 15" X48". 32 sq.-ft. »i~' 999CASH STORE HOURS: >'MONOAY, TUESDAY,1 THURSDAY, 9a.m FRIDAY, 9a.m,1 SATURDAY, 8:30 a,r .:af ill Jring ulation enhent pouring tion. Just tit bag e job is on its Jpgrade your sulation or start Ideal for waII s or use in attics Beaver today! te or i nulation approx< 3 3cu. ft. bag ss than 25 bags .*.*.*.*.*.*... .~ ...................~.... t.. ......:...... ~. .~..................................t.....................................~..-.........................t,........... wenl surgery last week, Local ladies attending the U.Q . tgeeing at .Kendal, Wednesday evening included Mrs. Rowena Tizzard, Mrs. Bea Joncs, Mrs. Mary Joncs, Mrs. Dora De Smit, Mrs. Margaret Elliott, Miss Bernice Milligan, Mrs. Iva Farrow, Mrs. Janet Pacden, and Mrs. Amelia Lancaster. Special speaker was Mrs. R. Zagling of Bingcly, England. Mr. Frank Gilmer returned home from Mernorial Hospital last Wednesday and son, Jim, was able to return home from Port Hope Hospital, on Fr1- day, after having undergone surgery there. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Joncs and Mrs. Bea Jones were visitors Friday with Mrs. Ruth Chidley in Little Britain. Local people among the guests at the Hale-Payne wedding in Welcome United Church, Saturday included Mc. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Skelding, Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Reise, Mr. and Mrs. Don Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Payne and Maurine, Miss Carol Henderson and friend Dayrl Haeser of Kingstonî. Miss Penny Webster and fricnd Brian Strippe of Orillia. Mr. Bob Henderson left last weck for a two weeks vacation in Scotland. The marriage of Miss Julie MeBride to Mr. Leselcy Cow- lard was solemnized in New- tonville United Church by Rev. A. Tizzard on Saturday at 7 p.m. Erma Wood was the greeter at our church door on Sunday morning and the theme of Rev. Tizzard's sermon appropriately was "Be Thank- fuI"ý. The choir sang the aId favorite "Bringing In The Sheaves" and "Joy, Down In My Hcart." As Shiloh Annivcrsary will bc held ncxt Sun day, there will bc nfo church service here at ,Newtonvillc but Sunday Schoo will bcheld at 9:45 a. m. Tucsday, 7 pin. Boy Scouts meet in School Auditorium. 7:30 p.m. Bible Study, Newtonvillc Church. Wcdnesday, 12 noon, Minis- terial Association meets in Ncwtonvillc Church. 5 p.m. Beavers meet in Church Basement here. 6:30 p.m. Brownies mcclt in Church Basement here. Thursday, Girl Guides mccl in Church Basemrent here. Glad to sec Mrs. Lola Savcry of Oshawa at our morning service. She and ber husband, Lawrence are kecp- ing house for Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Savcry who are holiday- ing for a couple wceks at Myrtie Beach. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Fletcher, spent Sunday afternoon and cvcning with Mr. Don Fletch- er, in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henderson Shawna and David werc Suinday supper guests with 1 The Cava "TO HELL WITH THE POPE AND PADDY MAGUIRE" This farnous and legendary naine Cavan Blazers %.vas ap- plie~d tu a group uf yuung men of Irishi Protestant ancestry, liv ing on the northern con- cessions af the Tow,,nship of Cavan during the 1840's and 1850s by cantemporary citiz- ens. Mary Sloane Bakins has recarded their surnames as including Grandy, Sivain, Howden, McBain and Staples. Th(, Blazers, it would seem., ackiiowledged and used the nanie and ane fears, on oc- casion, deserved' il. (Their colors wvere decidedly orange). Th(- origin of the naine is un- known but the ofteii told Silver Creek, Knowlson and othor stories are possible sources. Kcilh Caîl of Bowmanville, Cory Caîl, Newcastle, and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow. Mc. and Mrs. F. Gilmer, with Mr. and Mrs. Clint Brown of Newcastle were dinner guests Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer, Port Hope. As well as being a Thanks- giving occasion, the birthday of their daughter Karen was celebrated. She and her husband, Carm Trizzino enjoying the sumptuous re- past. Also son Jeff, home fromn Waterloo University and daughter Lynn, home from Rycrson, and her friend, Ken Swales. Sorry to learn Mrs. Doris Chrysier and son, home from Toronto for the weekend, have had to return there again for further treatment for the latter., With Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson, dinner guests on Thanksgiving Day included Carol <Henderson and friend Dayrl Haeslcr of Kingston, Mr. George Henderson, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Henderson, Stephanie and Dianne of Bowmanville. Mrs. Leone Lane was a dinner guestsSunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray and girls, Orono and on Monday a dinner guest with Mr, and Mrs. Ted Lane, and family, Orono, Sorry to report Mr. F. Gilmer is again a patient in Memorial Hospital as of Monday. Newtonville Womnen's Insti- tute wilI meet at the home of Mrs. A. Milligan on Wednes- day, October 19 at 2:30 p.m. A GREAT CHOICE Thits 'ye r, Canai Savings Bonds ofter vouîa grear choice. There's a new Regular lnterest Bond thar pays intere'st cat h year..And a new Conspoind Intercst Bond rhat re-inves)., yiur intcresr autornaricallb, earning intreî on your intcresr. SAFETY, INSTANT CASH AND A GOOD RETURN' Bsîrh neix bonds rerain rhe gre sr features rh sr haîve heîped fo inake Canada Saixingis Bondss rhe favourite învestment for millions of Canadians over the pasr 3 1 years. They're a safe., sectîre investrnent. They're insranr cash ans dose. And rhey earn gond interesr year atter year. New Canada Sax ngs Bonds are dared Nox cînher l,- 1977 and yield an average annual intrrrtiof 8.O6îîuî when held ro narnrt in 1986. Each new bond begins w i h 7 î in tercsr the first ye'îr a nd earn., 8. 25% i n resrt foir ea i hof th ete ma in ing 8 ye irs REGULAR INTEREST BOND I-f yilu xxant a regular annual income frtins your investinent, you'il like the neix Re-gtlar lnrcresr Bond w hî1h pays intcrest aurtomaitically cach Nov. I st. You bav e the' ehoiîe of receiving your inrercst eirber by cheque or k tdirect tiepioit i uto yoîîr chetquing or savings ,îet lîur. This new diredepîîsit feature s an ,îddcd t înveniene e for y~ou. il n BlazersI The CaVan settiers were in- telligent, ainbitious and in- dustrious Irish Protestants (colors orange) who emigrat- cd to improve their lot in a society with "no Popcry and no Tolîgates". The re- spected Law,ýrencce Maguire farnily (colors grecen) from Feî-managh settlcd in Conces- sion 6', north of Millbrook. adding variety. They erect- cd the two-starey log bouse 'Maguir" Castie", replaced in the fabulous Filties (1854) by' the brick mansion by the distinguishoed son Pa dd y. -xx hose one failure was ta cst-ablis1î a Romnan Caýtholic parish near the village. Thiq article is about the Blazers. not the estimable Paddy-(Lt.- Col. Patrick Maguire, J.P.) whose life and contributions ta Cavan and, Durham for aver 50 years espccially ta Durham agriculture, menit a full dress article. George Berry, a contemp- orary o! the Blazers, put on record (50 years after their exploits) that they were "the social regulators ai their time who maintaincd 'order and promoted good citizenship by settling diVsutes and correct- ing persans acting in a man-_ ner injurious to the commun- ity". He added that unlike the laxv they acted "without dclay, without cost or 111 feel- ing" and that "their punish- ment fitted the crime". Fire had an attraction for the Blazers. Tbhey were known ta set fires in safe places Fou Apples Apples Bartlett Pears Fresh Vegetables Sweet Corn Pickling Cucumbers' Pure Maple Syrup Honey Peachtes and Plumsi Fred's Fr uit market Hwy.' 11 SI - a mile 'South of Orono Telephone 983-5628 aÂ&qN ý s You can buy tihe Regular Interest Bond for cash wherever you bank or invest in denominations tof $300, $500, $ 1,000 and $5,000. -COMPOUND INTEREST BOND If ytiu seek sax îngs gron th, or an investment ftor the future, tir a retirement fuîsd. vou'Il choose the nexv Cosmpound Interest Bond. After the first year yeîu wiIl earn interest on your interest at tise annual rate of 8.Q6%o. Interest ons this bond is left ttî accuissulate and is payable oni> uipon redemptitsî or at mnaturity. Here's hoîw tise vaIluetif a $ 100 bond grows: Novi s. 1 Vi he 1978 $107-00 1979 $115.81 1980 $125,34 1981 $1l35.63 1982 $146.76 Nov. 1 Valli 1983 $158-78 1984 $171.77 1985 $185.81 1986 $200.97 The Comptmund lnterest Boînd may, be purchased for cash tir on the convenient Mtmntlily Savings Plan wherever yeîu bank or invesr. It is available in den(*minations of $100, $300, $500, $ 1, 000 and $ 5,000. ý THE CHOICE ISYOURS As ytîu can see, new Canada Savings Bonds tîffer you a grear cîsoice- the Regular Interest Btond ansd tise Comsptund lnterest Bonsd. Bstîs new bonds are ton sale nens up t(i a consbined ttal peirchase linsir of $15,000. Tlsey hsave been specifically designed to meet yebur savings gtoals. Ubtiose, the oine that's rghr for y i Average Annual Interest toMaturity AG RT CHICE COMPOUND INTEREST OR REGULAR INTEREST ANNOUNCEMENT Announcing the opening of a new Dental Office for the practice of -general and fa mi ly dentistry at 400 Dundas St. West, Whitby, (corner of Kent, 2 blocks west of Brock St.) Dr. M. Neiman., Depmtist. Office hêurs by--ý appointment. Evenirmg and Saturday ap- poiniments available. Phone 666-1555. Zonlil Micafil & CARRY 2.79 le NE DN ESDAY, f.0t 6 p.m. ro 9 p.m. m.tu 5 p.m. 246 KING STREET CHARGEFX BOWMAN VILLEL 623-3388 near houses to attract the oc- cupants' attention while they (the Blazers) "bcarrowed" a saddle froin the stable or "ýselected"I a turkey from the roost, for.a supper under the autumn moon. Tradition at- tributes the burning of the toit gates at Millbrook, John Knnwlscn's Cabins at Cavan-ý ville and- without proof) St. Mary's Church, Port Hope, to the Blazers. (Mr. Knowl- son for unexplained reasons adopted the Romnan Catholie faith and was attempting to establish a Catholic com- munity and parish !at Cavan- The, Blazers, understand- ably, left no written records, yet tradition has for- a cen- tury kept their :unwritten records. Mr. Ernest Clary, a devoted son of Cavan has written informative articles concerning that :township. Despîte the lack of official records. both the Blazers and the princely Maguires must have a lasting place in the chronicles of Cavan-. -0. B. Dickins on - 1973 Our thanks to Stu Candier for providing us 'with the above article out of his file of old "Statesmans." A dog hears twice as weiI as