On Sunday, on Chanxnel 5, we Peggy Hornigold who partici- iere 4,fortunate to view the pated in the service, as did leVýision showing of the John Amesbury, and Cather- ntixýe service of St. John's ime Gracie who contributed a aiglican Church. Archdeacon clarinet solo. The entire con- xraçie could be seen and gregation was shown as well eard~ clearly as could Mqrs. as the choir. Interviewed for Temperance a t Quen SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1977 8:00 a.m. - HOLY COMMUN ION 11:Oa.m.-HOLY COMMUNION' SUNDAY SCHOOL DURING l1:OOa.m. SERVICE Rector- Rev. Tom Gracie Pentecostal Church- 75 Liberty St. South - 623-5182 Sundamy, October'16 Speciol Day with Students'f rom E.P.B.C., Peterborough Oshawa Free Methodist Church TruI's Rd. Darlington 15 725-3606 Pastor: David Dyer 725-3872 Sunday, October 16, 1977 10 aam. - Sunday School1 il a.ml. - Morning Worship Special Singinq Group "The Jubiaires" 7 p.m. - Sunday Evening Service cf Special1 Musical1 lnterest SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15-7:30-Ilp.m. The Shepherd's Flock The Jbiaires Free Tickets AvailabIe - 623-6447 Church at Division St. Off ice 623-31 38 Sunday, October 16, 1977 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10 a.m. - Junior and Intermediate Classes 11 a.m. - Beginners, 3 years Kindergarten, 4 - 5 years Primary - 6-7-8 years illa.m. WORSHIP SERVICE Sermon Topic "Ever Wonder Why?" Nursery Care Provided A Warm Welcome for Everyone Tuesdav, October 18, 2 D.m. UJ.C.W. Thankoffering Tea and General Meeting Rev. John Pters, Associate-Convenor for Christian Development, Division of Mission in Canada, wiII speak on,"World Mission on OUR Doorstep." Everyone welcomne. PLEASE RESERVE SAT., NOV. 5th FOR Trinity Fali Buffet and Country Store Jack and Jili Club Dance at Newcastle toms of -TV were Mr. and Mrs. Ken. 1Nichols, as well as Mrs. Gracie. Truly a fine job by ail. The Robert Mcbeaughlin 1Gallery is pieased to announce that Jennifer Watson, Assist- ant Curator and Registrar bas been awarded a Canada Council Grant to research two articles on Eighteenth Century Portrait Painter, George Romney. This re- search will be conducted at The British Museum, London England and at Cambridge University. The project will also involve trips to the south of E.ngland and ta Austria ta view two Romney paintings. A very special commitment bas been made by members, of our community; Mr. and Mrs. Bernadette and Ron Touran- geauy and Family of Bow- manville, Ontario have joined Foster Parents Plan of Cana- da. They have 'adopted' littie Elane Baptista aged six years of Brazil. Mr. and Mrs. Tourangeauy's monthly con- tribution of $19.00 brings help not only to the Foster Child, but every member of the family. A newly formed barbersbop quartet in Uxbridge called the Millstream Men wiil receive their charter on October the 29tb, and a big night is planned with excellent entertainment, ta celebrate, the occasion. The 64tb Wintario goes this Thursday, October l3th at Milton with the fifth 'bonus draw also being, made. The Oshawa Symphony Orchestra opens this years subscription season on Sun- day, October L6th at Fastdale Collegiate, Oshawa. For in- formation caîl 728-2332. Once again the Peterbor- ough Diocesan Holy Hour, held on September 25 at the Peterborou7gh Memorial Centre was an immense success. Approximately 5000 people came ta the Centre ta participate in the recitation of the Rasary and the Mass ceiebrated by Bisbop Doyle and 40 priests of the diocese. As la previous yearsJ the success of, this annual Catholic celebration bas been due in large part to the wonderful co-aperatian of the new media. The organizing committee is deeply appreciative of your efforts and your contribution to this community event. A University Information Program will be presented at Port /Hope High School on Monday, October l7th at 7:30 p.m. and iS. the only presenta- tion of this nature to be beld la the Northumberland and New- castle area this year. Repre- sentatives of all Ontario Universities, Ryerson, Poly- techaical Institute and the Ontario Student Assistance Program will attend to pro- vide information and answer questiorns. Parents and stu- dents are encouraged to attend and get valuable information about post secondary education. 1Reverend Peter Tink, Co- ordinating Chaplain at the Toronto General Hospital will be guest speaker at the St. Luke's Day Service on Sun- day, October l6tb. Reverend Tink is Chaplain Supervisor for the Canadian Association for Pastoral Education and is responsible for post-graduate chaplaincy education. This annual St. Luke's Day Ser- vice, sponsored by the Hospital Chaplaincy Associa- tion (Oshawa) is designed to encourage a close relationship between hospital staff and clergy. St. Luke is the patron saint of the medical profess- ion. The service begins at 7:30 p.m. in Harmony Rd. United Church in Oshawa. Following the service, refreshments will be served. The public is invited to attend. The Sanctuary of Trinity United Church was beautifully decorated for the Thanks- giving Service 'on Sunday, October 9th by members of the Jack and'Jili Club, using fruit, vegetables and autumn foliage, carrying out the theme of Rev. John Peter's message, "Thanksgiving in a nuclear age." The Sacrament of.Baptism was administered ýby Rev. John Peters during the Sun- day morning service, October 9th at Trînity United Church when the following children were received into the fellow- ship'of Christ's Church and Trinity congregation: Shan- non Marie Jonice, daugbter of Mr. -and Mrs. David Green, Lee Brandon, son of Mr. and Mrs . Richard Marrison, Kyle Richard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shackelton, Jennifer Adele, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tîmothy Slocombe, Darren Robert Clare, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steven- son. The pickers at Roy Orch- ards celebrated Thanksgiving on Monday by cookinýg their mneal outside in the orchard and serving it there a1s, buffet style with Mr. and Mirs. Roy as their guests. La last weeks issue of the Statesman, in the write-up of HAMPTON UNITED CHURCH Haivest HNome seMyce Sunday, Octaber 161h at,9:00a.m., ýGuest Speaker: Rev. N. C. Schamerhorn Special1 Music - "',Corne Worshi'p With Us" THE BAHA'î For your SCRIPTURES wedding day The ight ofgodarl character surpassed the Ch ight cf the sun. He who attains' thereto is ac- eve r af fer counted as the essence cf men. Bahal books in Bowmanville Library. Local Resident Retires from Militory Sgt. IC (Ivan) Matthews retired from the Canadian Armed Forces on completion of just over 25 years service. He is shown, here being By Gordon Leggat Sgt IC (Ivan) Matthews retired' from the military in the faîl of 1977. H1e had the Alldred farnily reunion, the item should have stated on, "Sunday, September l8th over 120 attended Ebenezer Church who were related to the five daughters of Charles and Elizabeth, (Cole) Reynolds." An exhibition of the works of Terrance Michael Shortt -will bc held all thîs month at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery. Sandy Kemp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kemp, bas returned to ýecond, year studies at Western University. Whati world s about t Weight w Progr f P don't ever f~like I'm die Easy ta fol] I don't co differently my family Neyer dul stay on a dI wherever 1 Fantastic!! FMAJTASTI ..DELICIC FILLINQI.. ENJOYABI Losing we never tasted ',o good.W WA1 The Au @)ywu itis clos tic BOWMAN MEMORIAL PAR THURSDAY OSHAWA St. Mark's Anglican Church 520 Beurling St. Thursday, 7:30 p.m. OSHAWA YWCA 199 Centre St. Tuesday, 9:30 a.m. UXBRIDGIE Salvation Army Auditorium 114 Brock St. West Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. BROOKLIN Commun! yCentre Cassels Rd. and Ch urch St. Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. LIN DSAY Roy ai Canadian Legion 12 York St. North Thursday, 7:30 p.m. FOR CLASS INFORMATION CAL MISSISSAUGA Î, 826-9200 FREE EACH MONTH es Esfi montE mernbers of our U las1 es receive Weigfif Watchers magazine absolutely FRlEE Don't delay - oin today. ENROLL AT- ANY CLASS Enrotat any lass. rirsi meeting Fee $7 Ailoher meetings $3 - spec4a sen or citizen & studeri 0e t. r meetng $4, AI! olfer meetings $1.50 resented with his' Certif icate of Service by Col. JH Spratley, CO of Aerospace Maintenance. Develop- ment Unit, CFB Trenton. "1twenty-five years, nine montbs and fifteen days" of service. A resident of Bowmanville, he joined the RCAF ln 1952 as an Aero Engine technician. ln 1962 there was "a big remus- ter in the Telecom trades" and Ivan switched to Radio tele- vision, staying witb that trade until retirement. A look at bis records shows that S gt. Mattbews ("Please don't f orget that second T") served in Langar, England from 1957 to 1960 as "crew chief on the Bristol Freigbt- er". During that period Bristol Freighters were running a ferry service to ail the wings in' Europe. Ivan also put in 3the aying oday"'s ,am? n feel ting! for' I can Liet 1 go. )US!... eght IGHT :HERS -Ahority - osngwelohL YVILLE K CLUBHOUSE 7:30 p. m. OSHAWA St. Paul's Presbyterian Church 32 Wilson Rd. North Wednesdlay, 7:30 p.m. PORT HOPE Knights of Columbus Hall Elias and Hector Sts. Monday, 7:30 p.m. PORT PERRY Masonic Hall 320 Queen St. Monday, 7:30 p.m. FÉNELON FALLS> St. James Anglican Church Bond St. East Monday, 7.30 p.m. PICKE RING Sheridan Mall 1355 Kingston Rd. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. %ght WUders eWEIGHT WATCHERS 'The Athority The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 12, 1977 7 some time at St. Jean and St. ests. At the time he was Hubert in Quebec. interviewed Ivan had a But Sgt. Matthews, who was number of feelers out in the stationed at 6 Repair Depot, civilian job market, but notb- Trenton from 1952 to 1957 ing was finalized. seems to have a yen for the Quinte district. As well as bis Jfp r 1 first five years in the service fpo t he was back at 6RD from 1960 D l O to 1961. From 1964 to 1969 be RED CRuO& was with 708 Communications Squadron, Trenton. Andt in 1971 hie returned, to Aerospace Maintenance Development Today's Bible Unit, successor to 6RD. He remained with AMDU'sF Electronics Projects Branch For we are not as many, from 1971 until bis retirement. 0whic orp tewr Sgt. Matthews is married to but as of sincerity, the former Joan Munday of but as of God, ' Bowmanville. Tbey have two in the sight of God speak children, Joanne (Mrs. RQn) we in Christ. Anderson and Richard. Both uCRNHAS live in Trenton. IlCHAPTER 2,N Ivan lists camping, reading VERSE 17. ("'l read anything") and jogging as bis special inter- TELEPHONE 623-6555 JON. qMAINuELC.G.A. Incarne Tax and Related Accounting Services 67 Kîng St. East - Suite'2 Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 1N4 THE REDKEN EXPERIENCE Put onyour Happy Face ... andcome * O n ta THE tgQeopW \~ / "YOUR PROFESSIONAL SALON" 37 king St. W. Bowmanville Closed Monday, October i 7th - Perms in arder for aur staff ta attend - Curs the 1977 REDKEN Regional m - Blow Drying Educatianal Semninar. -Hair Analysis Mmes mmmUJG SrO E SOCTOBER supin spuciaus STAYFREE Mini-pads Speclal $1088 30 plus 4 free Bathroom Tissue S ~ Pack AVEENO Oilated or Baby Bar $1e67 VASELINE Petroleum Jelly Easy-off Top $ White Y ,- 500 gm. 1-D-A Epsomg Bath Crystals $1 09 5-lb. I.D.A. MiIk of Magnesia Tablets 100's 99Ç l.D.A. "Dua-Scale" Fever TH ERMOMETER $1,49 STAYFREE Maxi-pads $3ý69 4' AQUAFRESH 100 ml. Toothpaste $1,17 LISTERMINT Mouthwash $1.49 511 MI. Specia 1 Magi-Cubes $2e19 Y A.S.A. Tabets (Idasal) 4 5~ gr. 100's .D. A. Absorbent Hospital RolI $1099, -b KLEINEX Facial Tissues 6,6 White 6l 0' VASE LU E Intensive Care Bath Beads $ 4 49 454 gm. Antiphlogistine Rub A-535 $2.49 128 gm SCHICK Injector Blades 9 9* 7'sSpca 1. D.A. Isopropyl Alcohol 69 l 70 per Cent I.D.A. 12 Exposure COLOR FILM No. 126 or 110 Our every day Iow price Only V w each SPECIALS Rowntree Junior Rowntree Junior SMARTIES KIT UT Hallowe'en Pack Hallowe'en Pack 20's 20's Lowney Lowney LOLLY-POPOHER Fa llowe'en Pack Halilowe'ený Pack 268 gm. 162 gm. YOUR;i CHOICE $1,88h YOUR CHOICE $1e49 ec MeGego 1Ae Drugs 5 et LI( )k Ec ve El :1 .ui bo N 5 King St. W. 623-5M2