A AASEN.- Waynep and Louise (riee Hoar) are pleased to announce the birth of Amanda Brooke on Tuesdlay, -October -25, 1977 at the Oshawa General Hospital. A sister for Melanie. Special thanks to Dr. Spear and staff. 43-1 COSBURN r- Bill and Pia are pleased to annoujnce the ar- rïval of their s3on Krister WîiIlriam, 9 ls 3 ozs. born October 20, 1977, at Oshawa General Hospital. A brother fbr Michelle anid Melody. 43-1, R4ASCOE - Brian and Jane (nee Mosley) wîsh to an- nounce the arriva; of their fîrst chmIid, aqaghter, Paula AAicheLleAi, 8 lbis. on, October 17, 17-1, tîthe Ohaa eneral .hospital. Special tIhanks to Dr. Spear adhospital staff. 43-1 SARGENTl-Wayneani--,?ýd Fern dre pleased to annou-,nce the birih Ôf a son Steven james, 5 fbs. 15 ozs. on Oct. , 1977 ai Osh.awa General Hospital, S pecial thanks to, Dr. Cowman 4nd nurses on 4F. 43-1 N SCHMID - Proud grand- pa,,rents Emnili and Helen ,,Lewis) Schmnid of Orono, arinounce the birthý on October 12, 1977 of their first grand- daughter Susan LI.,indsa y Wil- son, a sîster for David. Parents are Julie and Jim Wilson of Midland.ý Grand- parents Vernon and Jean (Graham) Wlilson of Lindsay are also delightecd. Great g randiparenfs are HIarry and Mabel (GI anville) Lewis of Qrono. Baby Susan is named after her late grt-grt-grt , randmother Susan (Haines) Mercerof Orono.' 43-1 ý-MlATH - David and Janice aepleaeçd to announce the ~it~of i o, utrRuther- ~~r Smthon Octob>er 17, 8lýbs 1/2 oýz. at shawa ~eneal Hspîtl. Abrother ~IçMeghan. Podgrand- pirent are M. nd MNrs. 5Sid u Rh er for d, Kirby and Mr. ild rs.J. H. Smith, ingston. 43-1 $fEALS - Merton and Nancy t hankGod for the miraculous d safe arrivai ùf Shnnon I leen on Saturday, October 5, 1977 at 5:58 p.m. Weighîng 4lbs., 111/2 ozs. Herbig broth-' (.:s Scott and Steven are d&~ P hted as are her grandpar- 0njts Doug and ileen L>rdof P eterborough. 0Our- Thanks f0 1-Ys. J. O. Anderson anid Mac- Qillivray and to the fourth floor staff at Oshawe Gen-eral tMlspital. 432 -: Maria Hendrika-Storsber- Sen and Kennefh Charles uztton are peased to an- nounice their forthcoming marriage. The marriage wi Il feike place November 18, 1977> ~Newcastle United Church et 5: P.M. I ;, 43-1 CLYSDALE -- Suddenly et MemF!orial Hiospital, Bowman- viPlle, Wednesey, October 19, 197 LoydClsdaeNewfon- viUe' aeged r60 y ears. Beloved husan 1o Lna Farrow, FDeer fether of Carolyn, (Mrs. PýhýilGilmer), Nca-stle; and Doýriîs (Mrs. Ray Tomipkins), Newfonville. Dear grand- father of five grandýchildren. rother of Gordon Cl ysdale, 0memee. Service wes held in thie MorrisFnea Chapel, B5owmanville on Saturday alternoon. Inc-itrent Lake- vàew Cemetery, Newtonville. 41 N #E E KES -Sarah Helena. At Toronto, October 21, 1977 in hêr 95th year, Sarah Helena keys beloved wife of the late Eýdward Weekes, mnother of Jýhn, George, Wiliam and Robert. A tamily service was hýld et Mr ris, F ýnerai Chepel, Interment Boviyrnen- 1ilIe Cemetery. 43-1iN Mr. and Mr%(s. Ewa.rf Clemn- ehýce will be pleased f0 recei\ïe relatives, friends and neigh- bors et Kingsview United Church Auiditoriuim, Oshawa on the occasion of týheir 50f h wedding- nitvecrsary on Saturday, November l2fh, 1977 from 2 to 4 P. m. Besf wishes only please. 43-2 The family oifiMrs. Beafrice ell cordieîiy invites rela- tiv/es, former nei c hibours, new neighbours, and frienids f0 an Open House in honour of fheir Mofher's 90f h birfhday on saturda, ctober 29th af Trî-nlfy United Church from ,4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Best" wishes on-liy. 42-2 Mr. and Mrs. Hesper Dean, Oçono wil wlcmetheir retives, neigh bors and frIends on the occasion 0f their 50th 'veddingannr-,iverser-y et th,ý Oddfellowv's Hall on Safur- day, Octobe,-r2thf romn 7 p.m. Besf wisýhes onl-y. 42-2 The family of Mr-. and Mrs, H~arold Ormiston invite rela- tives, friends and neighbors fo e~recepf ion to celebrate their 5C-th wedding anniversary to ýY held eit Enfield Church Hail1, Set urday, October 29th, 2 - 5 p.m. Best wishes only. 43-1 N F BOUGHEN - In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother Alice who passed away OcfcOber 30, 1974 and dad and granddad Ralph-, September 12, 1956. Memories are like fhreeds of gold. They neyer tarnish, they 1neyer grow old. -Always remembered, June, Adam and family. 43-1 FLINTOFF - In loving mem- ory of a dear wife and mother Marion who passed away October 26, 1976. Though her smile is gone forever And her hand I cannot touch Still I have so many memories 0f the one I loved so much Her memory is her keepseke With which l'il neyer part God has her in his keeping 1 have her in My heart. - Always remembered and sadly missed by 'husband Percy and family. 43-1 FLINTOFF -- In loving memory of a very deer friend Marion Flinfoff who passed away Oct. 26, 1976. c Hoen ioyed Hw sweet their memor1 still But death has left a loneï mess The world can never filI. - Sadly missed by Tine and Eric. 43-1 MULDREW - In loving memory of a dear father and ra ndfather, Lawrence H. uldrew who passed away October 30, 1976. Beauti fui memories Are wonderful things, They last tili the longest day, They neyer wear ouf, They neyer get losf And can neyer be given away. To some you may b e forgotten To others a p art of the past But to us w h o oved you and lost you , Your memory will always Iast. Sadly missed by Marilyn, Don, Carolyn and Elizabeth. 43-1 NEALS - In loving memory of our dear wite, mother and grendrnofher, Jessie Mary, who passed away October 26, 1971. This month comes with deep regret, It brings back a day we will neyer forget, In lour heerts you wiIl always stay, Loved and, remembered day Memoiesaretreasures nô one can steal, Death is a hearfeche no one can heai. Lite must go on, we know ifs frue, But it's not the same since we 1sf you. '(ou left us quiefly without goodbye, But memoàrres of you will neyer die. -Sadly missed and lovingiy rem 'embered by husband Clarence, sons Arnott and Jack and their familles. 43-1 SMITH - In fond memory of a dear tather Arnold, who passed away Oct. 29, 1971, Gone, but not forgotten. - StîlI sadly missed by daughter Elsie and George. 43-1 SMITH=- In loving memory of a dear husband, Arnold, who pDassed away Oct. 29, 1971. Dearer stil as the years depart He lives forever in my heart. - Sadly remembered by wife Doli. 43-1 SMITH - In loving memory of a very dear g randfafher and Zreat gren dfether, Arnold Wlliam who passed ewey October 29, 1971.' Time takes awey the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf. - Missed aiweys be grand- deughter Karen, Clare and greet qrandson John, VANHAVERBEKE - ln loy- ing memory of a deer fether and grand fether Remi Van- heverbeke who pessed away October 28, 1976. Nothing cen ever take away The love a heerf holds dear. Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him nea r. - Lovingly remembered by Ed, Sylvie and femily. VANHAVERBEKE - Remi. In memory of e deer tether and grandfather Remi who passed awey Oct, 28, 1976. Be au tiful memories are wonderfal things They lest f111 fhe longest day, They neyer weer ouf, they neyer gef lost They cen neyer be given away. To some you may be forgotten To Cthers a part of the past But to us who loved and lost yoa Our memories wiii elweys lest. - Sedly missed by Jim, Lise, Donna and Ken., 43-1 N VANHAVERBEKE - ln loy- îng memory 0f a dear hus- band, father and grandfather Remi who passed away Oct. 28, 1976. Although we smile and make no fuss, No one misses you, more than us And when old times we do recaîl, Tha's when we miss you, most of ail. Days of sadness still come over us Tears in silence often flow For memory keeps you ever near us Though y ou died a year ago. - SadlIy remembered by Laura and family. 43-1iN VANHAVERBEKE - In loy- ing memor f a deer dad and grandpaoremi1, who passed, a^y ctober 28, 1976. He 1left us quietl y, his thoughts unknown But left us a memoryý we areý proud to own, So treasureC hi lm r, In î;your garden of rest, For when he was on earth, he was one ofthe best. -Sadly missed by daughter, Linde, son-in-law John, Remi and Renee. 43-1 ZILVERSMIT - In lovîng memory of my dear beloved husband Abert, who passed away thirteen years ago, October 26th, 1964. I little kneiý when 1 woke that morn, The sorrow the day would bring, For the celi was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one 1 loved 50 dea r. This monfh comes with deep reg ret, If brings back a day i wili ý neyer forget. outfell asleep without good- bye, But memories of you will neyer die. What wouid.I give f0 clesp his hand, His happy face f0 see, To hear his voice and see his s'milie, Thet meant s0 much fo me. - Ever remembered by his loving wife Nanny. 43-1 Durham CoUnty's Oldest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Servîng this district for 96 years. no~tGut eLLioti Wilelrinaan,:Everett Wood would ike tc thank itheir famlly, relatives, friends and neigh bours for the gifts, flower arrangements and cards they received on the occasion of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. 43-1 Mr. and Mrs. John Mc Ewen, 2 Martin Rd., S., Bowmanville wish to express their sincere afppreciation' to family, fends neighbors and co- workers at the, Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville for the man y cards, flowers and acts ofk indness during Mrs. McEwen's stay in hospital following their car accident October 1, 1977. We are especially grateful to the doCors and staff of the Dr. Joseph O. Ruddy Hospital, Whitby, Father Frank, St. Joseph's Church, Bowman- ville and Miss Chris Adams for her tender care of home and family. 43-1 The family of the late Leonard Martin ot Oshawa wish to thank friends, neigh- bours and relatives for their cards, flowers, donations and many acts of kîndness shown us in the loss of our dear fat her and grandfather. Special thank y ou to Oshawa Hospital staff, Dr. S. 1. Williams for excellent care, Mr. and Mrs. Gord Patterson, Reed's Flor- ist and Ladies of Harmony United Church women's group for the lovely lunch. Also Rev. Gordon Turner and Mr. Don Spiers and staff of Anderson- Soiers Funeral Home. TheMartin Famlly 43-1 i wouidIlike to fhank my friends and relatives for cards, flowers, giffs and inquiries while in the hospitel. Special thenks to Rev. and Mrs. Tizzerd, Dr. McKenzie, Dr. Long, Dr. John and nurses of Bawmanville Hospital. Eileen Stepleton 43-1 Stanley and Blanche Corden thenkeveryane for beautiful cards, flawers, gifts and telephane messages. To ail wha helped in eny wey ta make aur'SOth wedding enni- versary e loveiy day. 43-1 1 wouid like to fhank friends and relatives for cards, flowers, visifs, giffs and in- quiries made during my stay in the hospitai and since re- furninýg homne. A special fakste Drs. Cujnninghem- and Seaý rnd nrsing staff on third floor of Bowmanville Memorial Hospifal. Velda Couvier 43-1 We would sincerely like f0 thank aur relatives and meny friends for the beautiful gifts, cerds, flawers, weIl wishes receivedby us on the occasion af aur SOth wedding ennîvers- ery. A speciel thenks foall our children for the lovely recep- flan they held in aur hanor, the grand hot dinner the U.C.W. ladies served'at the church hall and the beauliful wedding cake thet Jennie made for as. If fruly was an occasion that we will neyer forgef. Lame eand Gladys Lamb 43-1 The family of the late Alberta (Bertie) Stevens wlsh to, express aur fhanks for messages of sympathy, fiowers and contributions re- ceived et fhe time of hem passing. A speciel fhanks ta the wonderful staff of the Marnwoad Nursing Home, Rev. David Burns and his message and Morris fanerai dimectars. The famiiy of the lafe Dale O'Neîi wish ta express their sincere thanks and appredia- flan ta relatives, fiends and neighbars tam their many ecfs of ki ndness, floral trîbutes and cards and ta Rev. Burns of Mapie Grave Church. 43-1 ~Thanks ta my femily and fmîends for cerds, flowers, visits, and inquiries, during my sfey in Oshawa Hospital. Speciel fhanks ta Dr. Sproull, Dr. Grant and Dr. Wesfgarth and nurses anfiffh floor. Gertie Rowe i-unerai nume FLOWeERS ;BY THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE JA4C KMA N Concerned people often inquire about Bowmya nvil1le Mail1 ,Pre-arrangement of funeral details. 6336 Information can be simply and thoughtfUl- lobtaind Lipon request. PO T s is part of our service to the COURTEOUS, ~ îhî SERVICE FOR community. ALL YOUR 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-ç68 SIMPSON MEMORIALS Monuments - Markers - Inscriptions 49 Lavinia Street Port Hope 885-6434 HOME APPOINTMENTS GLADLY ARRANGED 41-1 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Estabîished 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Onta rio Street ~ ~- - Port Hope, Ontario OKASIP uLT LIA 3W3 l'1 High Qua lity at Reasonable Prices Phono 885-5216 Home 885-5222 24-tî F-LORKAL N E E S 14-ff FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Look for this sea 1. lt's yoar gaarantee of p4 ermnanence. BSTAFI-ORD BROS. LTD. Daors Stafford Brotheers Monuments LIMITE O Box 133 318 Dandes Sf. E. - Whïfby Phono Whitby 668-3552 Movie Walt Disney's ""SNOWBALL EXPRESS"J BOWMANVILLE LIBRARY Sa t., Oct. 29th 3 p.mn Admission: $1.00 Preschoolers 75c Hallowe'en Dance Centennial Hall Fri., October 28th .$6.00 couple Proceeds f0 the Bowmanville Rotary Club's Spîash Committee. Costumes optiona I. Prizes and buffet lunch, 42-2 lt' s the best musical comedy of the year! SHOWTIME '77 The Happy Daze Revue presents "Be A Clown," St. Paul's United Church Hall 8 p. Nov, 12 Adults $2.00 Chi dren under 12 -$1.00 Ticket s eveilable: Couple's Club -Members, McGregor Hardware, Church Secrefery 623-5701 and Abernethy's Paint &Wellpaper. 43-1 BASEMENT SSALE FURNITURE ETC. Fri., October 28th 6 -lO0p.m. 24 Southway Drive, 623-4632 43-1 U PSTAIR PS, DOWNSTAI RS SALE PLUS BAKING November,4th 1la. m. - 3 p.m. et St, Andrews Church APPEARING A 'Thfe Queen's Hotel2ý NEWCASTLE WHITE LINE Fri, and Sat. Oct. 28 - 29 Dancing 9 - 1 43-1 N LAÀDIES! Relax over coffee and study the Bible înformally every Tuesda y at 10 a. m. Babysitting provided. For information or transportation Phone 623-7474 30 Meadowview Blvd, Bowmanville 43-2N Pontypool United Church Roasf Bef Dinneî-, Thursday, November 3rd, 4 p.m. - in Pont y po Community Centre. Adults -$3.50, 12 and under - $1.50. Pre schaol - Free. Thankoffering Service in Pontypoal United Church on Sum ndy November 6th - 11:00 a..r. Wil bar Graham - speaker. Special music. 43-1 N BOWMANVILLE PART ICIPETTES BAZAAR Thurs., October 27 1lp.m. -4 p.m. Memorial Park Clubhouse Liberty Street S. Proceods fo Durham Participation House 43-1 BOWMANVILLE DRAMA CLUB presents, PLAZA S% UITE Noývembr4er 10,11, 12 8:15 P. M. B.HS, Auditorium Canadien Foresters ANNUAL BAZAAR Sat., Nov, 5, 1977 2 p.m. MEMORIAL PARK Liberty Sf. S., Bowmenyil le Proceeds Capcer Research 43-2 Swinging BOWS Square Dance reunion and pot luck supper. eud ,October 29 eStGeorge's Perish Hall in Newcastle at 6:30. 41-3 "Conserver Lifestyles in the Middle East"'ý (Comnex Revisited) presented by Warren Lowes Tues., Nov. 8, 1977 8 p.. $1 Admission Court Room No. 2 Church St., Bowmanville EVERYONE WELCOME Sponsored by SEAP Darlington 431 RUMMAGE SALE jDurham Regional Women's Police Auxiîiary at Memorial Park Club House (Liberty St. S., Bowmenville) Wed., Nov, 9th, 1977 Good Variety of Articles 10Oa.m. -2 p.m. LOTS 0F PARKING Proceeds to Children's Charity. 43-2N LAST WEEK 0F THE Annual Citrus F ru ît Sale Sponsored by Courtice Secondary School Band Parents Association Fruit delivered inftime for Chrisfmas giving. 20Ilb. box $6 e 40 lb. box $10.50 To order phone 725-4985 43-1 N RUMMAGE SALE KNOX CHRISTIAN SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Scugog St., Bowmanville Friday, October 28 From 7 to 9p.m. Used cîothing, househoîd goods, plants -and baked goods. 43-1 N TRENTWAY TOURS Special To WWVA JAMBOREE SHOW STARS Freddie Fender Novemnber il to Novem ber 13, 1977 For details contact BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL 623-3182 FORSEASONS ;-îTRAVEL 623.400 43-2:N DA N CE St. Joseph's Hall 127 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville Sat., Nov. 5, 1977 Musicby SAPPHIRES $5.00 per couple 9 - 1 a.m. EVERYBODY WELCOME 43-2 N HAVE FUN! Dance at Solina Hall .October 29 RAY AVE RY'S ORCHESTRA 43-1 N Long Seult Club 50 Penny Sale, bake sale and effernoon tee, Wednesday affernoon November 9 et 2 p.m. in Tyrone Commun ity Centre, alsoqluilfdraw. 43-2 Trinity Faîll Buffet and Country Store will be held in the Church Hall on Saturday, Novemnber 5th. Settings for the buffet 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. The Country Store will be open tram 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tickets available from Mrs. A.W. Harris, 623-2638. 43-2 The Acres will be closed on Saturdey, November 5th. We will be open forý business on November ôth. 43-2 Catholic Women's League feil bazaar and auction, Set urday, October 29, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Auction 7:30 p.m. St. Joseph's auditorium, 127 Liberty St.S. 40-4N Masquerade dance in Ponfy- pool Community Centre on Saturday, Oct. 29th - 8:30 p.m. Fay Adams and the Country Hits. Prizes. Lunch. $2.50. 42-2 N NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB allowea'en« Dance . W -__- DIET WOý'RK'eSHOP Wull be openeing ea morning Nov, 3, 1977 10 a.m. Bowmanvîle Public Librery 42-2 N HADASSAH JEANS PLUS SALE Brand Name Jeans Ail sizos PLUS material by the yard, white elephant, and nearly now. Wednesday, 1Nove-,m ber 2nd 9:30 a.I'f,- 9 p.m- 144 King East, Oshawa 43-1mN SKATES,, boys, various sizes,, $3.00 pair, 1 pair Vector head skies, 2 pr.: ski boots, sizes 6 and 912 (like new). New arn car radio. Cali 623-5048. 43-In CAN D LE sterea, 8 track, BS R turnitable, 5 months old. Must seli. $150. Phone 623-2678. 43-1n ENGLISH saddle, like new. $135. New bridie $30. Used bridie $20. Portypool 277-2555. 43-1in YARD sale, 64 Ontario, Octo- ber 29, 9 a.m. Small articles, clothing (size 14-18), jewel- lery, books, aquarium and accessories, brand new lady's winter boots (size 9), Avon productsfthalf price). 43-1in GOLD drapes, thermo guard foam backing 150" x 95". Two gold fie-backs with tassels. Ca]l1987-4237. 143-In CHROME kitchen suite, 6 chairs and large table, $40. Caîl after 6 p.m. 623-7612. 43-1in ON E GSW chest freezer, 14 cu. ft., excellent condition. Phone 623-7044 after 6:15 p.m. 43-1 ON E wringer washing machine. Like new. Phone 623-2711. 43-1 GAS tank wifh pump. Phone 263-8447. 43-1 SNOW tires size F-78-14. Used 2 months. Asking $45. Electro- home humidifier, 2 speed, one year old. Asking $70. Cali 623-2742. 43-1in SNOWMOBILES, new 1978 Yamahas, some good used machines, clothing, Assels- tine's Yamaha, south of Blackstock on 57. 43-4 42 SINGLE 4 x 8 elm, 35 single 4 x 8 kindling wood, 250 rails. Phone 263-2786. 43-2n TWO 39" Cantinental beds with heedboerds, $30 each. Phone 623-5652. 43-1 ANTIQUES, English Bane China, vases, silver pletters, cendle sticks, sorving and candy, dishes. Three large mahogany picture fremes. All fram a New Brunswick estete. One Hoover floor palisher. GAS dryer, cal; effer 5, 987-5206. 43-l Lots of Used, Pianos in Stock, Organs Too! Lowrey, Hammond, Heintzman OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simcoe N. (et King) 728-1675 3-tf USED Fumniture and Appli- ences. Peddy's Market, Han-pton 263-2241. 26-ff J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf PADDY'S Market now has new fumniture, appliences, T.V.'s and stereas and also used funiture and appliances. Will ecceptftrade-ins. Peddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf SILK FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS made up et House of Amber Gift Shop' (Hampton Village) Order your wedding or special occasion arrangements foday., Shop hours: Monday, Tuesday 12 noon - 9 p.m.; Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9 a.m. -9 p.m. 43-6 TEAKWOOD and Rosewood Scandinevian furnifure, bed- room suite - 8 pc., dinfing room suite - 9 pc. chesterfie Id and chair, etc. Ali Brand new, reasonable. 1-247-4377. 27-tf SCREENED SAND GRAVEL &STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS 2z ALL SIZES FOR Z4o DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & DIRT FILL, 30 CUP coffee urn, G.E., in good condition. Electric .Luicer, neyer used. Automafic heater, temperature control, 10-speed, Osterizer-Blender, new guarantee. Can opener and knife sharpener, electric. Phone 623-9498. 43-1 2-20 CU. ft. freezers, like new. $250. each. Sears 7 h.p. cultivator $200. Phone 1-786- 2932. 43-1 n FOR acquariumsI, fis hl, pumps and'filters. Drop in at the Tropical Fish Circl e, Hampton 263-8838. 43-In 181 GLENDETTE travel trailer, sleeps 6,'2 piece bath, large canopy, fridge, $2100. Phone 623-3777. 43-In 3/41 REGULATION folding ping pong table with bats and net. Like new. $45. Phone 623-9596. 43-1 SIEGLER 85000 BTU propane heater. $135. Phone 263-2388. 43-1 n KENMORE wringerwasher, 2 years oId, excellent condition. $80. After 6 p.m. phone 987-5372. 43-1 1975 FLYTE, 17 foot treiler, tandem axle, furnace, sleeps 6, towing package included, excellent condition. Phone 623-7418. 43-ln TV, 26" black and 'white, colonial cabinet, in perfect condition $75. Phone 623-3408. 43-1 n MATTRE SS and box spring, vacuum cleaner (Viking), baby car seat. Phone 623-7832. 43-1 DUNCAN Phyfe diningroomn table and four chairs and 3/ mattress. Phone 623-9236. 43-1 n 1971 OLYMPIC Skidoo, twin, new, muffler, low mileage, $60Gk>- or best offer. Phone 263-2719. 43-1 2 h. p. jet pump, 50 ff. hose, well valve. $125. Phone 987- 5140 after 7 p.m, -43-1 PURE wool tapestry ru g 6,x 9 rose and beige $35. Phone 623-3871. 43-1 GUITAR, amp., cord, fuzzder, strap. Good sysfem fror a begiýnner. Ail new Ail this for $500. Celi 623-6998. Ask for Steve. 42-ff N ANTIQUE CLOCKS -,REPAIRED- Parts available for mosf antique dlocks, pockef watches and modern wafches and dlocks, and 400 day dlocks. Our repairs are done with modemn up-to-date equipment and qualified Swiss frained watchmaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 22 tf A SPECIAL - well known Manor twist carpet, reculer $12.95, for a limited fime $10.95. Severel splushes-o- short shag, reg. $10.95, nove $8.95. See our basement foi scaffer matts, remnants etc A few metal book shelves $20.00 each. F. A. Kramp, 37 41 King Street East, Bowman. ville. 37-tf FIREWOOD for sale, reasoln- able. Phone 623-7257. 42-2n SPANISH couch and chair, velveteen a pholstery, gold- brown with blac k and white pattern, excellent condition. Asking $350. Antique spool bed, epproximately 1840, good condition, asking $250. Phono 683-9419, 623-6502 or 644-6620. 42-3N FRESH hoy, 70c lb. in customer's containers. Phono 623-5218. No Sunday sales. 37-8x ORCHARD sprayer, airblest type with 200 gal. tank. Also 1 ton cold storege refrigeratian unit and epple boxes. Phone 1-98379364. 42-2 N SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. L U ' Mile North of Hwy. 2 lWA2 IIFlowerswif h Feeling"- For any occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Hoîideys; f Bey 983-5811 Ruth 623-7259 Say it Best" DAI LY Oelivorytf0... Oshawa - Bowmianvillo Area Phone 623-4441: 43-tf Pro-Christ mas Spocial EAR PIERCING $8.00 (no a ppoinfment necessary) Plus 10 per cent off first purchase of eaerngs wîth release slip. Gift Certificates Available. Hooperý's Jewe tIers Ltd. 29 King St, E. Bowmanville 623-5747 2t Roberte McCeinn, C. E. Permanent heir removal, Free consultations. Phone 623-6214. 19 Burk Court, Bow- menville. 25-tf Harry Voerman Insurance 181 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont, Phono 623-4428 Res, 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE, IN1SU RAN!CE 28-t Western Canada School of Auctioneering Ltd., Canada's first, and the only complefely Canadieni course offered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade' Schools Licensingý Acf, R.S.A.' 1970, C.366. For particulars of the next course writç-: Phone 403-782-6215. Box 687, Lacombeý, AlberTa or Phone 782-6215. 37-9 UCanada TheCaad Canadaiic i inviting tenders for -the Toronto & Believille Highway Service, Full defails as to cantract specificaftions, sche- dule of servic.e, tender forms etc., may beoabteined tram the Posfmasfer et Bel leville, Tren ton, Cobourg, Part Hope, Bowmenvillo, Oshawa or tram: Director Eastern District Onfario Postal Region Room M-250 1424 Caledon St. Oftewe, Ont., Ki AI0Cm Tel: (6i3),992-6814 Menageor, Transportation Toronto Metro Postal District -Ontario Posfal Region Room 456 21 Front Sf. W. Toronto, Ont., M5J lA5 Tel: (416) 369-3173, Tenders will be received until 3:00 p.m. an Wednesdýay, 23rd Novemn ber 1977. NOTE# Eech tender must be accomipenied by e bld bond or a securify deposit in the form of certified choque or maney order for an amount equal ta 1 per cent of the estimeated per annumn rate but not ta exceed $1,000.00, and made payable to the Receiver - Generel of Canada. 43-1 SERVIC ES WESLEYVILLE: GENERATING STATION Ontario Hydro inie contractors ta subm;f- tenders for the nightl1ýy claig of approxiý- foot of office area et the Wesleyville Generating Station, locafed 6 miles weest cf Port Hope, The period of tMe con- tract is December 1, 1977 f0 November 30, Tend;ýersi wiII1 be received up, to 2 p.m. local fime, Wodnesday, Novemb-er Tendering documents mey be obteined, Fî m: 700 University AneTomonto 131., Floor Re- ceptîion D Write: Onrlo Hyd 70 Uivrsf Phoneo: (4;6 52-57 der willetof ncessaril be acceýpted. \M ýMIle