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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1977, p. 14

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e S * - e 1970 FORD, 351 motor, 2 door, vinyl top, power steering and brakes, 65,000 miles. Best offer. Phono 723-5739. 43-In '77 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4 door, 5750 miles, no air, 10 options. Phono Oshawa 728- 7906. 43- n 1973' FORD Pinta. 42,000 original miles. Fair condition. $1200 or best offer. ,Phono 623-5435. 43- in 1974 MONTEGO MX 2-door hardtop, 302 V8, automatic, power stoering, power brakes, sterea, radiais, plus numerous options. Excellent' condition, low mileage, certif ied, $2450. Phono 987-5080. 43-in 74, FORD super van, bed, archway, shag carpetîng, sun roof, roof rack, mag wheols. Certif led. Best offor. Phono 579-1436 or 725-7514. 43-ln MUST soit. '76 Mante Caria Landau, AM-FM 8 track, cruise, swivel buckots, mako an offer. Phonoý 623-2139. 43-1 N '69 CHEVELLE Malibu, new tires, snaw tires, trailer hitch, 65,000 miles. Phono 623-7414. 43-1 '71 FORD VB automnatic, power stoering and brakes, radial tires, body excellent. Asking $650,. Phone 263-8474 43-1 N 72 VEGA panel delivery. Ca rpeting and special bucket seats. Very good condition. Certif led . $1000. Phono 623- 4985. 43-1 N '72 TORINO 2-door, 8 cyl. auto, power steering and brakes, radio, whitewalls, whoel discs, snow tires, certi- fied, $750. Phone atter 6 p.m. Newtonville 786-2267. 43-1 '75- CHEVELLE Maibu Classic V8, power steering and brakes, 3,000 miles, extras $3250. Phono Nowtonville 786- 2824. 43-mn 72 OPAL G.T., excellent condition, overhauled, engine. Cal 623-5419. 43-mn '67 BEL AIR, 283 engine, as is, 10 Liberty St. N.- Phone 623-4120. 4- '73 CUSTOM Imýpala, 2 door, 350 VS p.s. and pb., 4 chrome slatted rims,, snowv tires. Phono 623-5231 after 5 or may be seen at 19 Vanstone Court, 43-1iN 1969 DODGE 3/ ton truck, in rodconitinnewly painted. es fe.Phone 1-983-5412. 43-1 N 73 PONTIAC LeMans sport, gaod condition, certif led, best offer. Phono 987-4584. 43-mn 19716 DODGE Aspen wagon (l owner) power steering and brakes, radio, rear defogger, rust proofed, low mileage, spocial editon trimi options. Phne 623-2624. 43-1 1977 OMECGA V-6, firethorn colour, automatic, power steering, power brakes, white walled radiaIs, body side moldîn gs sports mirrors, radio. Phoýne 728-8383. 43-ffn J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf VITALIZINGI Phono 723-1155 for Rusfpraofing on new or used vehicles. Written war- ranty. Durham Vitalizing, phono 723-1155. 47-tf 1974 GREMLIN, 6. c 1 ., 3 speed, mag wheels, AM-FM tape dock. $1650. Phono 623- 7069. 43-l TWO Hereford steers, amea of Enriskiilen, Hampton, Tyrono. Phono 263-2260. 43-tf N TO give away fa good home, 2 monith aId kittens, litter frained. Phono 725-3947. 42-ff WANTED, loving homos tan 2 aduit cats. Excellent wîth children. Phono 1-786-2932. 43-1mn Poodle Clipcping >and Groomning, BY PROFESSIONALS Pleaso cal: 623-6676 43-4N DOG GROOMING Bigand Smali Wedothem al, Phone 623-7764 36-tf HUG-a-Pug and youll have a friend ton lite. Two mgistenod female puppies. Phono 623- 4847ý 43-1 N LAB pups, six weeks aid, black. Phono 623-4593. 43-1 Commercial Building FOR RIENT 1870 sq. downtown Bomanvi le. Phone 623-4406 or 623-5023 30-f TWO bedroom apartmenf, Newcastle, $170 month, first and last, lease. Phono 987- 5347. 43-In OXFORD PARK TOWERS 822 Gien St., Oshawa Two bed roam - $230 Three bedroom - $265 plus hydro Close f0 souf hGM, schools and - shopping. 576-3739 42-2 3 BEDROOM bungalow with attached garage in Bowman- ville. Available December 1. $325 per month plus utilities. References requîred. Phono 623-2439. 43-1 BEDSITTING room, furnish- ed and heated, suitable for g entleman, private entrance. Phone 623-7108. 43-1 SMALL apartment for rent. Maple Grove area. Phono 263-2769. 43-1 1 bedroom furnished, $160. plus hydro, November 1 no pts, adults, two months in advance, Central 623-7264. 43-1 ONE bedroom upstairs apart- ment, available December 1sf. Adults only. Phone 623- 2711. 43-1 Store For Lease în Bowmanviîle 3200 souare foot available immodiately. Wlli divido fa suite tenant. Ideal location for haîrdroesser, barber, res- taurant, hardware, fast food take-out, etc. For infarmation caîl, D. Singer 1-763-1131. 43-1 LARGE-I bedroom apartment in Newcastle Village. $165 peor month plus utilities. C ali Edvan Realty Ltd., 987-4733 or 623-4439. 43-1 N MODE RN, 3 bodroom c.uLntry house. Large lot. Avai1able November 1, 1977 ta May 31, 1978. Cali 623-5749 affer 6 p.m. 43-if ONE bedroomn apart ment. Large living rocm, $175.00 monthly includes stove. Single p orson or couple. No pets. Imediafe possession. 3 miles from Bowmanville. Cali G. Van Dyk Rltr. 6à-4428. 43-1 N HOUSE in Tyrone, twa bed- rooms, iivingmoom and kitchen, available November 1sf - April 30, 1978. Phono 263-2732 affer 7 p. m. 43-1 FLORIDA - Canadian will share large mobile home, 6 miles tram Disney. Pleasecal Bawmanvilie 623-2570. 43-1 BOWMANVILLE -modemn apartmenf, 4 raoms and bath, heated, Cable TV, parking downtawn. Available now. Phono 623-7523 or 1-705-696- 3361. -et BOWMANVILLE - 6 spa- ciaus roams, brick, link, like new garage, loveiy lot. Ask- ingq $49,500. Private thraugh Principais Only. 1-655-4492. 43-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Credîforsof GAYE COLLE EN McKENZIE, who diod at Kingston,. Ontario, (place of residence Bowmanviiie, On- fanao), on or about July 1sf, 1977, are required ta file their dlaims wîth the undersigned before the 9th day of Decem- ber, 1977, affer which the assets of the Estate will be disfrîbuted. DATED af Toronto this l8fh day of October, 1977. BOWLBY AND BOWLBY, 330 Bay St., Suite 707,- Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2S8, for the Executor. 43-3 LARGE grey dappled gelIding pany, 7-years-oid, quiet, weli- tnained. ideal for childnen. Phono 723-4522. 43-1mn SIX-year aid registered -1/2 Arabian mare, western broken. 151/2 hands, $400. Phono 263-2585. 42-2 FULL-TIME bus drivers, Cost of obtaîning licence paid by company. -Please caîliCar- scadden Eus Lines. 1-983-5422 affer 5p.m. 42-2N MATURE girl capable of looking after tiny baby on weekends. Phone 623-7864 ask for Mrs. Harding. 43-1 FULL or part time. Earn $5-$6 an hour in a Fuller Brush territory, close to your home, showîng our now faîl and Christmas lino. Torritory available in Bowmanville and, Blackstock. For information phone 416-372-9969 or- write Patrick Wiebe, 416 Walton St. Cobourg. 43-4x PART TIME INSTRUCTOR for Ladies Swim & Gym Program Mondays 1: 15 ta 2:45 p.m. A p licant should have iiTe-guarding abiîiy (Bronze). Please contact Mr. J. P. Caruana Doparfmont of Parks& Rocreat ion 40 Temperance St. Bowma nvii1le, Onfa rio 623-3114 43-1 N LICENSED mechanic ta aperafe and manage service bays. Ask for Charil!e at 623-6900 or 885-6679. 43-1 N BECOME A BIG BROTHER Phone 623-6646 43-1 N HAIR DR ESS ER FULL or PART-TIME for Bowmanville AIl oporators are fuliy cavered on sick benefits, dental, drugs and health plans. Please cail 725-8710. 42-2 N RELIABLE and rosponsible babysitter, live-in or ouf, ta look affer 1 and 5 year olds in my home, shift work. Phono 263-8834. 43-lnf EXPERIENCED hairdresser required at nowly renovated "Adam and Eve Unîsex". Preterably with clintele. 55 per cent commisýsion plus $100 nef guaranteed if qualifid Phono 623-4191. 43-1 NURSE widow roquireslive- in or out babysitter for two girls ages 4 and 7 years., New homo, Orono area. Light housekeeping oni y. Please reply f0 Box 429, Newcastle. 43-3n BABYSITTER wanted for my home, transportation pro- vided in Bowmanviile area. Phono affer six, 623-6876. 43-1 n AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS WANTED Full timne and part time, licensed mechanics and insfal- lors noeded fan our fast g rowing service department. Full benefît plan available. 5 hoists, aiignment equipment, fiat rate shop, Open hursday and Friday unti'l 9 and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday until 6. oar interview: CAROLE GOULD Canadian Tire 160 Church St. Bowmanvilie 623-2519 43-1 N Contract Cleaner The Pefenboraugh-Victania- Northumberland and Now- castle Roman Catholie Separate School Board mequimos a CONTRACT.CLEANER ton St. Jaseph's School, 90 Parkway Crescent, Bowman- ville.' This assignmenf will involve six portable diass- rooms. Intorested pensons may obtain an application tram the Principal af the atome- mentioned sehool an the Supervisor 0f Plant Main- tenance at 200 Simcoe Street, Peterborough.' Closing Date ton acceptance of application wili be November 1, 1977. Telephone 1-705-743-4861 G. B. Mickey Business. Administrafor s HORPSEB:LIAC K RIDING Hunt seat, saddle seat, jump- ing lessons. Instructors: Mrs. M. R. Moore and Mrs. S., Statton. For information contact HOSKIN STABLES Blackstack 986-5558 43-1iN COLONIAL STABLES EQUESTRIAN CENTRE "..earn ta Ride" Special Courses in Equitat ion, Jumnping and Dressage. "'Horsemanshîp" and "Shawmnanship" Opportunifty to Compote in Shows. Horsos Supplied. SPECIAL PROGRAM being offered- this faîl. 4 lessons per month plus 8 hours f ree ridin? imo - $50,00. Tol: 623-4984 11 th Lî,ne, R. R. 3, Bowmanville 34-ff D MOU NTJOY Professional1 Ca rpet BACKHOE Cleaning SERVICE AT REASONABLE RATES SEPTICTANKANO FREE ESTIMATES Rxe rgerai Ion and TILE BED INSTALLATION Phono Bob Appliance Service TRENCHING, BASEMENTS, 6328 Comecalan omstc WATERLINES, SCREENED 6328 Cmecaan oetc STON E, CRUSH ED ________________ Rofrigoration - Milk Coolers GRAVEL, SANO, TOP SOIL PHONE BERT SYER ,Hv ô a (u Days ........ ....... 623-5774 PHON EHaeyuadyr yîghts............. 621-3177 BLACKSTOCK Furnace Serviced? Lander Hardlware 96477Cal and'ELECTRIC 2-tf Painting and Decorating (Master 35 years) "For no trouble to us and no obligation fo you estimates."' PLEASEI CALL George Mycock & Son 623-7703 43-1 KAREN'S KLEANING * VACUUMING SPRING CLEANING DUSTI NG FLOORS OFFICE CLEANING Covering Bowmanville and >Oshawa Area Karen Slack Phone 623-2438 S43-1 Ron's F loor Ca re Commercial and household cleaning. Dry foam rug and carpet shampooing. Wax re- moval, wall washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf Don Brooks & Son Genera I Contra ctor and Customn Builder Phone 723-6176 New homes, additions, altera- fions, rec rooms, garages, repairs of ail types, etc., 25-tf GORD SIMPSON Phono 983-5808 Orona, Ontario Paperhanging Ca rpentry Remodelling General Repairs fnterior Exterior 14-tf Peter Sutherland Aîuminum Prod. Bowmanville Siding - Soffit Fascia - Trough Shutters - Wi ndows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 FOR FREE ESTIMATE. NOW HANDLING VINYL SIDING 3-tf BiIs GLASS and MIRRORS LTD, 7 Division Sf., Bowmanville Ontario. Phono 623-5187 Shoot and Float Glass Sealed Units- Storm Windows Store Fronts - F loat Mirrors Pattemned and Colored Glass and Giazing. 7t DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-fl NEED a pressure systom? Watem Sotteners? Repairs ta ail makes. Hamvey Partner, Orono 983-5206, Bowmanville 623-2301. 35tft TYRONE -ig- Welding -mig Steel - Castfrlon -Aluminum Small Engines Repaired &Tune-ups Lathe Work 263-8849 29-ff WATER Wells bomed, 30" file. Ward's Well Boring Te- Phono 342-2030. Re0msenfa- f ive Harmy L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-tf Durham Masonry Contractors Lt. Bricks - Logs Field Stonework Specializing in Firepaces Phone 839-2431 44-ff f 25-1 ALL-TYP-E ROOFING Shi ng les new or Reoroofing Flats hat or cold process. Ail roof and chimney ropairs. FREE ESTIMATES 623-5038 14-ti OXFORD Bricklayers and Stonemnasons Lt. (Our fireplaces do not smoke) Orono 983-5606 18-tf Lloyd Barnes Pîumbing Carpenfry, Renavating Ail General Ropairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-ff D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION, New Homes - Renovating Roc Rooms Repairs of ail types. PHONE 623-2263 20f JACK* BURGESS OIL BURNERS- FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43 -Bowmanville 30-tf WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, UHF, V.4F Aerials, Rotors& Repairs Ask About Our Guarantee 576-5606 --- COURTICE A Iso INSU LATION Blown Cellulose Fibre by WH ITE'S INSU LATION FREE ESTIMATES 576-5606 REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique. Fee pickup and delivery. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton 37-tf EXPERIENCED in dross- making. Tailaning ladies' suifs and coats. Alferatians and repairs. Mms. Alice Hopson 623-7377. 42-6 N G. VAN LONDEN MASONJRY BRICK, BLOCK, STONE AND FIREPLACES. Phone 623-5114 28-52x C &C JANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Prof essiona ily Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMAN VILLE 45-ff Geddes Eîectric Custom Homnes, Additions - Alterations Rewirig FREE ESTIMATES 623-4174 40-tf-N A. J. GROEN CONSTRUCTON Masonry Contractor CHIMNEYS - BRICKS- BLOCKS - FIREPLACES and MINOR or MAJOR REPAIRS- CaîIl 623-2970 HARVEY PARTNE R BOWMANVI LLE 623-2301 ORONO 983-5206 Parts and service plans availabie. 35-14 Yeomians & Sons Limited Pîumbing and Heating A SERVICE-SHOP ON WHEELS 24-Hour Service Now Installations Alteratians - Repairs spociatizing in Hot Water Hoating Forced Air Heating R, R. 1 Orono, 983-5624 ZENITH- 25-f i M. Brooks CARPENTRY R EMOD ELL ING f CUPBOARDS - VANITlES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 10-fl Ail kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION f 149 Scugog St, Bowmanville 623-2756 13-tf INSTALL an Esso fumnace, boîler, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. Combinatian wood and ail.* Financing a va il- able. Furnaces cieaned - Parts and service policy. Cali Harvey Parfner, your Essa service dealer. Free estim- ales. Oronio 983-5206 or Bow- manville 623-2301. 2U, hour service. 35-tf 2111Jand J 3rd MORTGAG E MONEY A VA ILAB LE - 5 year termn - Open Mortgag os - No payment s for fhree mont hs - No bonuses - No Credif Checks - No lnquiry from noighbors - Confidential arrangements made in your homo - Borrow as low as $1,600 - Fast service - First Morigages aiso arranged Caîl Mr. Wil, ks Mortgages boughf and sold (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-2611 WANTED - Canadian and -mrcnsie on.Cl 623-4711. 42-2N WANTED-buiiding lot. WiII pay tram $10,000-$15,000. From 50-60 miles tram Tan- onto. Phono 1-493-8108 evon- ings. 43-l N Corneil's Auction Barn Friday, Oct ober 28 at 7p.m. 3 mileseèast of Little Britain, seven miles west of Lindsay an the Lindsay-Littlo Britain Rd. Antique -pine camner cupboard, ma ple kitchen suite, Hoover k itchon cup- board, chesterfi!el d, coffee and end tables, six' mahogony dinin g room chairs, chests of drawers, g ingorbroad dlock, small roilI top dosk, woad lathe, antique wall telephano, key-wind watch, pife chests of drawers, brass lamp, wash, stands,' antique rocking chairs, broad axe, press backed chairs, antique coffee !,rindier, Quebec heater, quan- ~ty of oak chairs, aak forn sa nd, strin g of sleigh belîs, large quanfity of miscolla- neous antique pieces. Don Coneil, auctioneer, at R. R. 1, Little Britain, 705-786-2183. 43-1 N Carneil's Auctian Barn, Saturday, Oct. 29 at 12:30 P.m. 3 miles east of Little Britaîn or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay-Little Britain Rd. The p roperty of Hilîs Texaco of Boaverton and Davo Mitchell of Beaverton ' Garage Equip- ment: Lincalin electric weld- or, drill press, anvil, chain block and chain, olocfric gr inder, welding cart, torches and gaugos, ta pand die set, large vise, spark plug cleaner, vulcanizer unit, zip gun, bat- tory charger, battory testeor, vacuum tester, a Iternatar tester, rad pressure tester, lg. f loor ack, hydraulic bumper g ack, pipe threader, tire bead brea ker, compression gage, tire changer, ail pressure gaugo, lg. qty. toals, car parts, nuts and bolts, etc. Furniture: Qty. press back chairs, capper boliers, box stôves, qty. oak chairs, Morris chairs, chesf of drawers, gate leg table, Queen Anne style, china cabinet, round ok table, finger bull's oye lamp, hall tables, press back rocker, caffee 'tables, coal-oil lamps, lanternis, hang- ing lamp, lg. qty. china and glassware, plus many mare articles ao numerous ta mention. Furniture sale af 12:30 p.m. Garage equipment, 2:30 p.m. Terms cash. Don Comneil Auctianeer, R.R, 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. 42-2 N Friday, Ocfober 28th 12:3_0 p.m Auction sale forJohni O'Su! livan, Lot 17, braken frai con.,'Rn e3, below 401, Tovit of Pick ng. From401 fakg Brock Road to Bailey St. ther east 1/2 mile, then soufh oc Station Rd.. Sale of tarir machinery and mise. iten- indluding M.F. no. 1080 diese tractor, m-p and ail weathei cab; M.F. no. 175 diese tractar, m--p; Int. B-275 trac for with front end loader, Norcan B., S-M 4 furr. plaw,« yr. aId; M.F. S-P combine 30( series; New Idea fo. 325 2 rom coan plcker sheller; M.F. no 33 seed drill; N.H. no. 68 baler P.T.O.; 1971 G.M.C. 1/2 ter pick-upftruck (cerniiied); 1961 Chev. 5 tan truck wifh hoisl and grain box (certitied) Many ather farm mnachinerý and mise. items includE apprax. 1000 bales of sfravy and ap i-ox. 2000 bales cl stra. ýrmscash. Choques with l.D. only. Gond Onr auctioneer. 42-2N Durham County Sales Arena Orono Weekly livestock auctions every Thursday commencing af 7:30 p.m. Charles Reic auctioneer, 983-5914. 39-8 Apple Growers Again buying iuice appios in large volume, also peelers. Quick, officient pick-up ser- vice. Cash payment. Raymond Inch, 416-753-2246 PLAY AND EARN THE MILITARY BAND 0F THE ONTARIO REG'T has oponings for EXPERIENCED (3yr. min.) BRASS REED & PERCUSSION MUSICIANS Enroîl under aur 3 phase plan and you wilI be paid In accordance with military pay scalos. I NTE R ESTED - Apply Tuesday ovenina f0 Sot. K. Gabourle or Pte. (W M. Petrie from 7-30 p.m. f0 10:00 p.m. at the Oshawa Armnourios or Thursday evenings fromi 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the band sheli, Memorial Park, Simcoe and Mefcalf Sf5. in Oshawa or phone 728-3181 or 725-8876. 43-1 N US-EDFurniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf CASH for gold, silver, coins, guns, dlocks, jewellery', dish- os, furniture, cracks, paint- i ngs, sealers, appliancos. F riendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf TOYS - aid Dinky toys, mefa. and plastic model cars and trucks. F-air pricos paid. 623-2570. 43-1 N USE D tractor with or without accessories. Phono 263-8019. 43-1 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-ff Il- ifn 'Ti en sel icI Saturday, October 29 Bannjstersu-ctimon Hall Bewdley Consistin g of Findlay Condor Wood stove, Winghamn Clipper wood stpvo, Quebec heater, chest . f drawers, chesterflids, chairs, tables, violin, Eloctrohome color T.V., dishes, glassware, oil lamps, pictureframes, space heater and other items stili being consigned. Roger Ban- nister, auctioneer. 43-1 N October 29 at 7 p.m. Aucf ion sale af Pethlck's Aucf ion Shed on Saturday evening October 29 at 7 p.m. Large quantity of things . Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 43-1iN Auction Sa le Grist Mill Auction Barn Newtonville, Friday, Oct. 28th 7:00 p.m. Selling addit ional contents from the home of Elizabeth Davis, Orono, including 15 cu. ft. freezer, drossers, wash- stands, quilts, set of 6 Bow- manville type chairs, set of 4 oine chairs, commode, pine buffet cupboard, oak armn chair and rocker, fernery, captains chair, dishes, books, also selllng 2 pc. chesterfield suite. 7 oc. kitchen suite. Electrohame portable T.V. (B-W), chosts of drawers, press back rocker, loveseat settoe, bikes, rugs, drapes, carp et (9 x 101/2), nesting tables, clIock shelves, foamn mattress, lamps, dog house, ail stove, and numerous other ýecs erms cash. Auc-. oineeis:T Stapleton Bros. 786-2244. 43-iN Monda y, October 31 12 Noon Brick Home and Contents Auction sale including 2 soe y brick home af 59 AIlbert Stree in Uxbrldge. Good oil fumnace,, hardwood floors downstairs, 3 large bedrooms upstairs. Lot 66 x 165. This property is zoned Ci (general Commercial). this presents several possibilities. Terms on froperty $3000 down. Balance loobarranged ln 30 days. Sale subject to awner's approval. Contents Include: 6 pc. modern dining roomf suite, chestorfield and chair, Frigi- daire r efrîgeator, Viking dryer, electrical appliancos, Electrohome T.V., rocking chair, sowing machine, rugi, bookcase, smnall Duncan Ph yfe table, wringer washor, dishes, antique d rap front desk, bedroam suite; chest of drawers, wicker rocker, lawn mower, garden tools, lawn chairs, chairs, plus many other Items. The property of Mrs. Leta Acton, 59 Albert St. in Uxbridge (opposite Town Parking Lot). Sale managed and sald by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 141-3 )w Thursday, 0.Auction Sale r, chiney, uri ed1 . The pro stGreenan, for ).Con. 6, Ops T% y of Lindsay on dy John Deere Nw custom cab, of pressurizer,I es approx. 180 i rDeeme 1630 ?N sfeoning, 50 h.1 John Deere 8à drill, 1977 Jahn 1977 AIllied 4 se 1977 Hanson 1. 21' boom, 1976 baler PTO, ig s F45 plough 4- John Deere 29 3 pf., 1976 elevafor with 1976 6 ton wa, 8 full lino of mac apprx.60« m 1 xeJay. 2pr dressons, bec chairs, 4 ani antiq ue buffet Grand piano, iam p, Cuck-ac baby bug Y, chairs, Rota-f! mower, deep gerafar, gas quantity of antiques. Bu! reoved - 2 sic house 39' x 30' concreto block 29', knew gas mefal oufsido aluminum winc 2 trame barnsi x 30'. 2 t rame h~ 18' and 12' x U be removed tnc June, 30, 1971 buildings anni sale. Buildin< inspection wei 23rd. Temms caý Fumnitume sale Machine sale Buildings af Hi ckson, a uctio Ont. 705-324-9951 Oct ober 27th - af farm ma- ngs ta be remav- Proporty oft Mm. and Mrs., perfy of Jack Ploscaki, 5 '5 Wynfomd- Drive, f h hait Lot 9, Toronto ta be heid at Stirte- jvp. 4 miles south vants Aucian Hail,'27 Hall St. n Hwy. 35, 1977 Oshawa, Tuýesday, ;November 2130 tractor, 1, 6 p.m. Ail fumniture oxel, power steering, lent condition. Breakfast leaer 66 h- g . suite, teak dningroom table, 6 trator poerchairs and buffet, Spanish .p., 290 hrs.,17 style chestemfield and chair. 250 14 run seed one year aid, (new pric,çe i Deere 110 dise, $1400), teak coitee and end cefions haraws, tables, componenit sot-mo-: 150 g ai. sprayer, ceivor and turf table (now, Jo hn Deere 336 value $700), large wail mirror,ý 976 John Deere goid drapes, white sheors, bed *14's 3 pf., 1976 chestenfield and chair one 1faofh cultivafor year aid (now value $900.), Allied 32' bale R.C .A. Victor portable T.V. undercamniage, (XL 100) wi h stand (less than igon with rack, 1 year aid), smoker, 2 swagq lemn machinerv, liamps, 6000 B.T.U. air can- 'e ton of Herta tioner (usod one summn)r, 21 o.1300 bales single continental beds (excel1- Nooden chosts, 3 lent condition), dresser witî. Is, tables and match irîc night table, radie, ique tables, 2 and record player, umbrellgc s, antique Baby table and seven chairs, shagý 2 failet sots, ail rug 9 x 12 white, vacuwum o clock, wîcker cleaner,,floor polishor, pic- wicker crib, fumes, base' board heait r, mes, wooden humidifier, complote sot of lionr, gas iawn encydiopedia cook books ()2 treeze, refri- pecesi. approximnaely 35 §à~ stove, large broadlýoom, hait furnifure and stand, toak stand, end table ildings ta be lamps, complote lineofo eleet- rey white brick ical appliances, silver, china, 1with aftached pots and pans. Terms cash. Na, kgarage 28' x resorve. Reason for salý-- tumnace, new moving ta Poland. Ail furfi- chimney, new fumre to be sold in on e evening., dows and doors, Myles King, auctioneer, 7ý,- 60' x 36' and 80' 5751. '43-3. ion houses 40, x 0'. Buildings ta, Monday, October3'. om praperty by Lindsay Sale Barn '8. Terms on Seliing at Lindsay Sale ounced day of Barn. 42 head of Charolais ýgs open for caffle. The pmoporfy- of J. J.. ikend of Oct Phiilips, R. R. 2, Oshawa, 20, ïh. No neserve. Charolais caws wifh 14 calves. af 1:00 p.m.i by side, 3 bred heifers, 4 oper, at 2:'00 p.mfi. heifers, 2 Simmental cawýïs d :00 p.m. Carl sc00f, 4 Simmental heifens,- )neor, Reabomo, open. Cani Hickson, auic-_ 9. 42-2 tioneer. 705-324-9959. PUBLIC AUCTION Durham Regional Police Force 77 Centre Street Nomth Oshawa SaturdayUctober 29th, 1977ý Sale s4rts at 10:00 a.mi, By Public Auct ion Whereas no dlaims have been made by the of the properfy in possession of the Durham Regional Police Fonce, by reason of having been stolen tram ifs owner, or by neasan of having been tound abandloned In a public place and the Farce is unabie fa ascorfain ifs ightful owner. Funther that thqse articles have been held more than the 3 months required. Articles for auction are as follows: BICYCLES - Sale ta be held on the râmp on the soufh side of the Durham YRegianal Police Headquartems, TERMS: CASH Jon M. Jenkins, Chiot of Police. 43- 4 N we.,12 no monoe 623-3 303, Satu rday, October 29 atý 2: 06 p.m. Clearing auctioni of' antique furniture for first- rCurch of Ch-rist, Scieýntist. Located orn164 COborne SI. E. (East of Simcoe St.' N,.) ,Oshawa. Selling: 19 beautiful a ntique oak pews, very orate oak hall rack W-Mirror anid seat, small size glass showý- case, sectional bookcasýýs, library abe, hall table, set1s ofoa and Bentwood chai rs, Bowmanville and Pressba,,k chairs, readers: desk, rugs, etc. N.B. Everything in excel- lent condition. Sale indoors, Terms cash or good chequç. No reserve. Chut-ch Relocat,- ing. Kahn Auction Services, 985-8161. 43,1 The undersigned auctioneeçr, will selI by public auction for' the estate of Miss Hazel Al1lin.î '1100 Dundas St. E., Whitby. AIli her household effects, a- large' quantity of beddinig, quantity of aIdi dishes, ancr small article>s. Every>hi from a fine roomed house. OrrY Saturday, October 2?th at 1- p.m. No reserve. Terms ýýcashs« Lawrence Harris Clerk, Cliff' Pethick, auctioneer. 31 Private Estate Property of Mr.- an1d Mrs.-' Rusko, AItonaý Road Pick,< ering to Le sold at Stirtevý.an>ts, Auction Hall , 7Hall Streef Oshawa, Thursday, October 27' at 6 p.m. AIli fuýrituir-. approximate-ly one year oldi. Reason for sale-moving back. to Europe. 3 pac modemn chesterfield (spot less), plat- form rocker, coffee and end tables, hi-fi set (perfectcodi tion), Gulbransan preside- organ, (approx. 2 years olid new value- $6500, excellent- condition), teak diningroom suite, black vinyl chair,, harvest gold Moffatt electric, stove (self cleaning oven).; >harvest gold Coldspot refrig-, erator, automatîc washer ad dryer, deep freeze, (ail appli,.- ances 1 year old), 5 pc, bedroom suite, Kenmnore-, sewing machine, diningroom., table, 6 chairs-sideboard, 4 pc. French Provincial chester- field suite, portable R.C.A. Victor color T.V. one year old. - bed chesferfield 'suite, fire- place topîs and screen, bowý- and arrow set, 2 elecfri,- utars with amplifier,, Ruridifier, Philps' radio and, record player, portable bar.- Westinghouse 2-door r1efriger-- ator (like new), complete inre. of electrical a-,pp! alinces,. complete line of gaýrdien tooli, including Lw-oylw 1mower (ione-yearol) lcr~ grills, Zenith fioormoe remote control T.V. oe er old), A-1 condition.Aifun- ture is f rom an executîve t ype.- home. Ail furniture wllbe sold with no reserve. Also in this sale 1961 Lincoîn 'Cntin- ental (Floridla car) 42000 original mileage, completely power, excellent conitiHon, This is an excellent sale. PlaOý f0 attend. AIllfurniture musi, .be sold in one night. Termr-n cash. Myles King-Auctionee--.i- e - &.

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