MAPLE GR•OVE 1st Maple Grove Cub News First of all, we would like to introduce the new Cubs for this year. They are Edward Colliss, Gregory Burke, Bobby Jeffery, Johnny Jeffery, Peter Kozak, Dean Smith, Billy Jennings, Marcus Ryan, Todd McPhee, Scott Hanthorn, Mark Van Leeuwen, Jason Burgess, Jeff Recker, Paul Martin, David Van Dyk, Corry Gibbs and Chris Baylis. Our new assistant leader this year is Mrs Barbara Van Leen- wen. Thank you all for joining the Boy Scout movement. We hope you will enjoy your stay with the Maple Grove Cubs. To all overage boys the best of luck to you. Mr. Barchard thank you, your help was appreciated. Our eleven mile hike was cut short to eight miles, wet, wet. On Sunday, October 2nd we had a meeting with all parents and registra- tion night. On Wednesday October 12th we had our first bowling night at Liberty Bowl. There was a littie confusion with 32 boys, but we all had fun. The winners were as follows: Lane seven, Bobby Jeffery, 182 points, lane eight Jason Burgess, 149 points, lane nine Johnny Jeffery, 134 points, lane ten, Tim Van Leeuwen, 147 points, lane eleven Stacey Zealand, 168 points, lane twelve Andy Davey, 204 points, Dyb, Dyb Dyb, Do your best. Next bowling night is on November l6th. On Saturday, October 15th we had our annual apple day. Your support was appreci- ated. The winner for best decorated basket was Jason Burgess, best decorated tin can went to Scott Hanthorn. The judges were Mrs. Han- thorn, and Tommy Colliss. On Monday October 17th the boys had a surprise for our caretaker, Mr. Trewin who is leaving us. Le was presented with Wolf Cub pen and stand set. On Tuesday, October 18th all registration was handed in to District Council. On Monday, October 24th we had our Hallowe'en party. The winners for best costumes Jason Burgess (Bugs Bunny), Andy Davey (Lion). Judges were Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Russell. Congratualtions. On Monday, October 31st there will be no Cubs. On Monday, November 7th we will invest our new assistant leader and all new Cubs. There will be a party afterwards. Everyone welcome, coffee, hot choco- late, donuts, cookies. At pre- sent all boys are busy, selling 1978 Boy Scout Calendars. Our Sizes 5 to 20 next paper and bottle drive will be on Saturday, Novem- ber l9th. Our next Group Committee meeting will be on Sunday November 27th at Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davey. Our next project will be on tricycles, and standard bikes. If you have an old tricycle or bike you no longer need give us a call at 623-5301, the boys enjoy fixing them up. Also we are looking for a real wolf, for our Cub pack for our mascot. If you are lucky to get one and willing to donate it to the lst Maple Grove Cubs, so we can get it stuffed and use it. Yours in Scouting, Akela, Andy Van Hemmen. By D.M, Dineen, Chief Librarian, Newcastle Publie Library System Time was when Canadian authors were considered second rate aâd it was a rare Canadian book that became a bestseller. This seems to be changing as several new Canadian books have swept the international market. They are mentioned below along with other new books. Act of God by Charles Templeton Templeton' new novel centres around the question of what would happen to Christ- ianity if we suddenly found that Christ did not rise from the dead, and it's all tied together with a murder mystery and an archeological mystery. The First Toronto Catalogue Toronto features some fine and unusual shops which are discussed in this collection. Antique rugs, a cartoon gallery, a cheese house, fabrics, shoes, seashells, doors, antique trains, orchids and emergency pet care are all available (as is much more) for flipping the pages of this book. A craft program for child- ren age 6 and up will be held Friday, October 28 at 4:30. It will feature a Halloween craft and everyoneis welcome. Canaciian Legion Hall, the bride's mother wore a formal, jade green gown and match- ing cape with a silk corsage of peach roses, daisies and lily of the Valley. The groom's mother assisted in receiving in a formal coffee colored gown, with a corsage of orange roses, daisies and lily of the valley. Leaving on a honeymoon to the Pocono Mountains, Pen- nsylvania, the bride wore a three piece outfit of dark brown velvet, a beige and brown pin stripped blouse and a corsage of peach silk roses and multi-colored blossoms. Mr. and Mrs. Sheehan will réside at 68 King St. E. Bowmanville, Apt. 705. Photo by Piper Studio SOLINA Solina 4-H Homemaking The fifth meeting of the Solina Stylistics 4-H Home- making Club was held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, October 17, 1977 and Solina Community Hall. Jane Hills, our president opened the meeting and we repeated the 4-H Pledge. Annette Taylor read the minutes of the last meeting and we had the roll call which was to tell a hair style vou c9~kek4~ Trinity United Church, Bow- manville was the scene of the marriage of Joanne Marlene Allen and Paul Joseph han, on Saturday, Octob 1977 at 3 p.m. Reverend Peters officiated. The o ist was Mr. John Crook and the soloist Mr. Densham, Oshawa. Their parents are Mr Mrs. Marvin Allen, 36! son Avenue, and Mr. and Fred Sheehan, 16 A Street, all of Bowmanvi Given in marriage b father the bride wore a f gown of white crystal, pe soie, trimmed with lac( seed pearls. The gown tured a stand-up collar, puffed sleeves and a wai accented with a narrow bow. lier headpiece h three tier fingertip veil, fourth tier flowing in cathedral train, and carried a cascade bouqu peach roses, white carne and baby's breath. Mrs Wayne Leah Shee- bride's sister was matron of er 8th, honor and the bridesmaids John were Mss Jill Allen, sister of organ- the bride, Mrs. Carmen Smith, shank groom's sister, and Mrs. Mike Fred Bryant. The junior brides- maid was Miss Tracy Dolan, . and and the flower girl Miss Laura Simp- Dolan, both nieces of the h Mrs. bride. Ilbert Wearing identical gowns of lle. rust polyester with floral ty her chiffon capes, they carried rrmal bouquets of dried flowers with au de small dried flowers sprinkled B and in their coiffeurs. The junior 1 fea- bridesmaid and the flower girl long carried baskets of dried stline flowers. satin Best man was M.AI eld a Junkin, the ushers Messrs. wât1 a Wayne Sheehian, groomn's ito a brother, Wayne Leach and s he Terry Trevail and the ring net Of bearer, Master Dean Smith, ations groom's nephew. Receiving the guests at the the reception held at the Royal The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October|26, 1977 3 really liked. Our next roll call is to present an exercise to the group and to state its useful- ness. The exhibit committee announced they would be me ting within a week and they would appreciate any original ideas from other club members. Our record books and special project are to be in to the leaders by November 5th. Mrs. Best, than provided us with a film called "Cosmet- ics" which showed us different possibilities in make-up and hair styles for the different facial shapes. Using Nancy Traviso as a model, Mrs. Best described the hair style she had given Nancy over the weekend and the reasons behind it. She also explained some of the general rules for hair care and styling. Some helpful hints on good hair care products were appreciated by everyone After this quick lesson we divided into groups of two and within this pair we decided what each other's facial types were and what hair style we should use. Mrs. Best thanked Miss Caldwell, our new Home Economist for coming and the meeting was adjourned. Advertiýsingi.1 helps you compare. CoMplementary of Leather, Wool or Fur Fabric Trimmed or Untrimmed We have many to choose from in a wide range of colors. "A Speciaz Shop for Special Women" Garter*B uf ?Mxb 8trEEt Etb. OSHAWA, ONTARIO 44 Bond Street West "(UJehe tho e peî[i THE8 PTICAL D8II E 30 KING ST. WES WRAYE CAMPBELL BOWMANVILLE DISPENSING OPTICIAN PHONE 623-4477 Monday - Tuesday Wednesday Ail year around. 20% Off on al PERMS and COLORS For example: Perms Regularly $20.00 The party season will soon be here so row's NOW the perfect time to come in for your perm or color. At Artistic, Senior Citizens are $1i 6.00 always assured of a very warm welcome. Come in and seeCo Jan Mathews - Rudi Wybenga Kathy Baker for api n Marietta Kapuscinski and we proudly infroduce towmanvile LYNN GILLiLARD Lynn ,has many years experience, ',and is fully qualified to handle ail your Barber and Beauty Salon hair needs. Dominion Plaza Bowmanville Commencement Exercises BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 49 Liberty Street North Frday ctober 28, 1977 8:00 p.m. Public Cordially Invited Phone 576,-7152