4 The Canadian Statesman, BoWmanville, October 26, 1977 Graducite Mrs. Beth Morton, wife of Mr. Vern Morton'and eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Horner, Oshawa, received her Master of Arts degree from Goddard Graduate School, State of Vermont at the fal convocation. Mrs. Morton received her undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from theý University of Toronto and a diploma in Nursing from the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. She is presently employed as the educational co-ordinator at, the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. -Linda Skelding, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Skeld- ing, 8413 Mears Cres., Niagara Falls, has graduated from the University of Guelph with a Bachelor of Science degree. She is currently empfloyed with. 3H in Lo)ndon, as a computer programm-er. Ms Sedgis. a gradcîàu olt 1 : Westlane 1-Second1ary ho and King C 'eorge V ý ' i Schoo1 in Niagara Falls.' Enni'kfllen Mr. and Mrs. William Preece,, Maple Grove, Mrs. George Mitchell and Mathew, Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Noland and Joshua, Guelph, Mr. and Mrsý. Carl Connelly and Wý1/endy, shaa,,,, Mïr. and 'Mrs. Bi1h Preýce, jennifer, Oshawa, Mrs E.A. Werry were dinnîer guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Werry. Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, Peter and Elizabeth were callers after the Baptismal of t-heir granddaughter Jennifer Preece. Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Wýerry- and Mr. and Mrs. H. McGill attended the reception in hionor of Mr-. and Mrs. Clarence Rowan's 5th wedding anniversary at, the Bethany United Church S.S. Room, Saturday, October 22nd and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Manvers Township enroute home. Thursday evenîng the Enniskillen Brownies and Guides joined the Hampton Scouts, Brownies and Guides for a Memorial Service for Lady Baden-Powell. Mrs. Alma Perigoe, Caesarea, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry. Bruce and Eleanor Reid, Bowmanville were Sun- day callers. Friday evening, M1r. and Mrs. Clark Piggott, Jimmy and Donna visited, Mr. and 'Mrs. Wayne Piggott and fïamily. Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Werry attended the Dedication on Sunday of a new Organ in Zion Church in memory of the Stainton family. , Mrs. G. Fursey, Oshawa spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sweeýt, Jayv and Cory. Mr. and Mrs. Francis err were last Sunday dinnrer guests of Mrs. Nora Walker, Brooklin. Town B3oyýs 18331, 20.,>'o'$ia 184-50, 19, Maple G ýr(ve 181613, 16, Tyrone ;862 41, iC's 17334, 13, Enniskillen 17081ý, 12 Farm Boys 16903, 10, Rrl 14934, 5, Combines 12149, . Top 10 Averagfes B. Martin 248, . McGil 242 (15), M. Smelt 219, 11. Taylorý 214, Rlay Davey 214 (9), Ralph Dvy213, R.,Losbeck 212, C Mils 29 R. Twist 207 () Wood 206. High Single Hligh single-J. Pleasance 29U5, J. Vaneyýk 285, B. Maý,rtin 275. High ripl-E. Mrtin708- 240, 193, 275z-, K cl 99-295, 240, 220, J. Pleasanice 694-295, 224, 175. Tre t ouru.el ALL PRICES SHOWN IN TH~IS AD GUARANTEED l EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29TH, 1977. t o Mkpick the be st Soljoecantoo, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS! Week ut AS&Pli Stock up now and save on these fine quality products. ASSORTED VARIETIES (WITH- COUPON BELOW-44c) LA NClA 2bC, BRAVO- PLAIN (WITH COUPON BELOW-59c) SPAGHETTIL SAUCE 28-fl-ozU Lancia Lasagna BRAVO1 Jtalian Tomatoes' BRAVO -- PURE Vegetable, Oi LANCIA Egg Noodies ACTION PRICEFDI 1-lb pkg 55p' ACTION PRICEDI 28-fi-oz lin 49w ACTION PRICEDI 128-1i-oz tun J359 ACTION PRICEDI 12-oz pkg 3#9 TR IP FOR 2M M E àO OM uli Via Alitalia airlihes plus *$1,000.00 Cash spçnding money * PLEASE PRINVTM : N AM E: ................. *ADDRESS: . * CITY: ............PHONE: ....... * NO PURCJIASE NECESSARY TO ENTER * FUI in this ballot today & deposit i Ballot B1ox at your A&P M * Store. Yaou could witi 2 rcturp tickets to ROMIE ptus $1,000 M M Me "Guirden Spàot!"R Na. î Grade, Ontario, Fresh Daily, Large Size Cabbage 3FO$ CANADA FANCY, ONTARIO RED DELICIOUS Apples_ 39< NOi 1 GRADE, ONTARIO, FRESH PAHLY Carrots 2-lb cello bag29 NOD 1 GRADE, ONTARIO, FRESH DAILY, LARGE SIZE NO. 1 GRADE, IMPORTED, NEW CROP Tmatoes lb69 ONTARIO, BUTTERïNUTJ' S:quash 3%î ,O Speciol pices to help you stock HP now! s PLUS 20c PER BTL. DEPOSIT Pody rsmt EKCO 5-LB 40-FL-OZ 5-LB COK Box RT. FORJ0 BOTTLE S * .0 DETERGENT ~mmnI.ht Im iiirl 32 FL-OZ l bufflighIIt ~ ~LiIMPLAS -TIC CBTL 9 SUNLIGHT ACTION PRICEDI 50-OZ BOX Dishwasherý Detergent 1.89 WHITE, PINK, YELLOW, BLUE ACTION PRICEDI PKG 0F 4 ROLLS Delsey Bathroom Tissue 1.09 WHITE, PINK, YELLOW - FACIAL TISSUE PKG 0F 100 SHEETS Scott Hanki Pack 2'for6!9< PALANDA, SLICED, CRUSHED, TIDBITS Pineapple 19-fi-oz tin 2for99 READY CUT MACARONI OR LONG SPAGHETTI 2-LB PKG LIGH-T CHUNKS ATO RCO Bye The Sea TunalLi13-o i SUMMER SWEET 14-FL-OZ TIK Green Giant Peas 2for89ý SWIFT PREMIUM, LAZY MAPLE OR Side Bacon A&P BRAND, SLICED Side Bacon SWIFT PREMIUM, VISKING Bologna By the FROZEN, BANANA, CHOCOLATE, VANILLA, DEVILS FOOD, COCONUT LAYER CAKES ACTION PRICEOI Pepperidge Farmll3oz cake5 RIO - PIECES 8, STEMS ACTION PRICEDI Mushroomis 10 f-oztn59< Pancakce Mix - Regular, Bu, lermilk, Buckwhest ACTION PRICEDI Aunt Jemiîma îkpk89 5-YEAR' GUARANTEE Ifths priduct fails det ee n workmanship o aei onlyi_ Ne other purchâý rqure COVER FOR 1-QT AUEA", Start yurseitioday! MACARONI & CHEESE ATO PRICEDI Krat in er7.5oz pk 3f9r 0 Betty Crocker, Choccoste, Lemon, Spice, YeIIow Action Pricedi PALANDA - ROUND PEELED Sti'Lr' rost ix13.4oz1n99< Tomatoes BOVRIL LucenMa 28-f -oz tin 2 for9 JANE PARKER, SLICED, ENRICHED WHITE OR 60% WHOLE WHEAT ACTION PRICEDI Sandwch Bead 2orl SEACLIFFE, WHITE ACTION PRICEDI 19-FL-OZ TIN JAEPR R- MBR BNSOACI RCE WhlePoatoes n3firlOO Wiener Roils Pkg of 83fQor A&P - FANCY Tomato Juice ACTION PRICEDI 48-f l-oz lin59 CEM E,100% VEGETABLE, PARCHMENT WRAPPED CUT PROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF EXCELLENT FPOR lb BRAISING SUGAR PLUM, SLICED PREVIOUSLY FROZEN SWIFT PREMIUM-SLICED, 6 VARIETIES 1-lb Vac Pac 1.-68 Sliced Beef Liver 1b48< ooe M as e'Cac4 BURNS FROZEN 1-bVcPc1.68 Sausages Beef& Pork lb89 Turbot Filuets 1.119 BURNS, HOT OR SWEET PPEOI&CES Piec 1b9< Ialin Stle ausae 189<S&M Pizza 14-oz packof 2piesj5 Me M g Mà MS3 e_' D M- M ME AIER T "USCUO BRAVO- PLAIN WITH THIS COUPON a SAVE 25c WITH THIS COUPON PA Apkg *128fi1o MEAT 4-oz shaker S0 Ilna a :lTENDERIZERM IMIT ONE COUPON ?ER CUSTQffMER. YVALle UNTII. SAT., LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. VALID U4TIL, SAT, 1M M LIMIT O.NE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. V.ALIO UNTIL SAT., MR MOCTOBER 29th, -1977, WITH A MINIMUM $5.00 PURCHASE M M OCTOBER 29th, 1977, WITH A MINIMUM $5.00 PURCHASE, M* OCTOBER 29t1i, 1977 WITH A MINIMUM $5.00 PURCHASE, M3 MEXCLUDING CIGARETTES. NO. 629 M* EXCLUDING CIGARETTES. NO. 630M M EXCLUDING CIGARETTES. V.C, M M * lu MMMMMMM MMdMouMMMUMMMMMU EMMMMMMMMMMUMMM,*MMMMmMMMMMMMMM M LIQUID SAVE 35c WITH HIS OUPON * M jà nauticuîs' M LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. VALID UNTIL SAT., M M OCTOBER 29th, 1977 WITH A MINIMUM $5,00 PURCHASE, M EXCLUDING CIGARETTES. V.C' CUTI FR'OM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF SHORT RxROASIor POe ýTiD sHOLE RAST GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, FROZEN Ren-a sting Chc keÂn s 4 t l-b 7 BONELESS SHOULDER CUTS SWIFT PREMIUM Vac Pat MM-@