The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 26, 1977 5 ENN ISKILLEN Mr. Jim Muller bas re- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie turned home from Eskimo Taylor, Orono. Point, N.W.T. He has been Sorry, to report Mrs. G. involved with installation of Lyons is in Port Ferry flooring for a nurse's station Hospital. We wish ber a for 'the Inuits. speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb, Mrs. Courtnev Graham, Mr. 'and Mrs. Wilbur Toms, Baileboro were Friday dinner Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Earl guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne TrewiM.adMs ly Lamb. Ralph, Joan and Leslie rsLly accompanied them to the 4th Siemon and family, were wedding anniversary o f Mr. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hetz, Fair- and Mrs. E. Taylor. "Congrat- "o-ulations Elgin on your recent view Penn. on Sunday. 'Cn rthday." gratulations May and Clif-br ford."Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeat- fom. esiaHokn er were Sunday visitors of Mr. Tml and Dessica Hin and Mrs. George Leadbeater, Elve acnd vistanton r.Oshawa. wnder reen tviitosof. Rev. and Mrs. Robert and an Ms.Lnstain T. or Sherman and family, Picton Mer. aendars E. aylr were Friday overnight guests were Wedesda dînerof Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Gorgerat were Sunday visit- ors of Mr. and Mrs. Wally Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor were dinner guests of Mr.,and Mrs. Donald Taylor, Solîna. The occasion being his father's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stainton entertained 35-40 peole to a surprise 8th birthday party in the form of a Open House for Miss Laverne Orchard, Oshawa. "Congratu- lations Laverne." Mr. Elgin Taylor and Mr. Bruce Taylor attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.' Clarence Rowan ât Bethany. A warm autumn sun shone through the glorious red and gold maple on the church lawn on Sunday morning for the Sacrament of Baptism Service and a capacity -filled- the Plaza Suite Rehearsals in Progress who will explain how to "Wake the Sleeping Giant" of youth potential in our'churches, as they learned at the Youth Forum weekend inBelleville during September. Youth Group News Our Youth Group accepted a invitation from Centennial, U.C. Youth Group for a, Barbeque and Dance on Sat- urday evening and 25 Guys and Dolîs and some special partners enjoyed eating and dancing in the C.. Hall with their twinning group at Cen-, tennial Church, Oshawa. 4-H News The Enniskillen Peek-A- Boos met for our sixth meeting at the church on Tuesday, October llth. The girls'had partners, and filled, in a paper on head shapes,> hair color, etc. Our books were taken in to be marked. The seventh meeting was held on October 18 at 7:00 p.m. The home economist attended and answered our questions about our books that we asked-our books were given back to us. The 4-H girls were very grateful to our leaders, Joyce and Mrs. Chambers for doing another unit so well. <U.C.W. News The Enniskillen U. C. W. mee",ng was held at the home' 0f ra ýs. Keîth McGill, October l9th with 22 ladies present. Pres. Mrs. M. Pollard welcomed everyone, thanked our hostess and'opened wîth a poem "Which Are You?ý" The theme for the devotional "Tlhanksgiving and-Customs" was given by Mrs. L. Stainton The customn of givîng thanks for our daily food before meals fromn early times, was re- corded in Genesis at the time of the Creation, followed by the grace used in the Stenger home. Mrs. H. McGill re- peated a family grace used by, the late Elford family1 (Can- bry Ont.) in the 18th century. "O God, our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for this food, we ask Thee to be our Heavenly Guest, our Morning joy, our evening rest, and with our daily food, impart Thy peace and joy to every heart. Amen." Plans were made for the usual Halloween party in the S.S. room at 8 p.m. one Monday, October 3lst. Thank-offering envelopes were given out (or the November l6thmetn at 1:30 p.m. to be held at th home of Mrs. L. Stainton. Mrs. R. Sten)gerý, reaCýj Prince Philip's speech on'-Jý "Industrial World" given )t Men's Canadian Club during;ý7 their Royal tour atOtaa "Excuses, Excuses," read- ing by Mrs. R. Howe anda poem, by Mrs. S.: Lamrb. A thank you note tIo the U.C.W. from Mr.anid Mrs. Lorne Lamb, was read in appreciation of the dinner served and gift for their 50t1 anniversary. The White Elephant sale was quite a success. Everyone enjoyed a social time along with sand- wiches and tea., The list of renewals for the observer, are requested to be forwarded by November llth. E.F. Plan sub is, $2.50 per year. Anyone wishing to cancel their sub. please con: tact Mesdames May McGiIl or Pat Simpson. Also new sub,' scriptions are welcomed. The Bowmanville Drama Work- between a Hollywood producer and a shop is busy rehearsing for their former girl friend which takes place first production of the season, Plaza in the famous Plaza Hotel in New Suite, which they will present in York City. In the photo above, Peter November at the Hi gh School. An Sobil and Iris Hellam rehearse a aduit comedy written by Neil Simon, scene in the leading roles of, the play. the play revolves around a reunion Weedas a 405PM, Bil Deegar Join Bill and his friends: taes -Dover the1CPRB icrophone, 0O Weekdays tram 4:00 PM ta and w!lihis crew of broadcaste rs, "The Bill Deegan Show. brings t aýil home on"ÏThe Bill Higliîghts nodUe: DegnSow i ou orshow At 1 4: 00 ancl'5:00. Bob Grecr has omehin fo eveycc w h a Peter Dckens tar Autharita potpourr o prsna'festa hring Nes YOuI the ew, pot,,weathier, ew traffic reorstianiinews, liveiy o At 5:15, David Tafier, Edtor omentry ndPUSiC., musiC, Financiai Times, talks morE mýUsic. "Maney Matters, Bill Deegan S at the.-centre cf it ail, makingdrv time and dinner- O At 5:20'and 6:40, Dave Hod( time ight and I visparts on "Spartvews,' Hes sa good a ýt tThe Bih11Deegan oA :5 ete on Show" has hecoume ane cf the most populaýýr eryeeigradio ,o0A: r:45, Gordon Sincair rai programs n Ganada. cutain or "Show Busines sanctuary of worshîppers whicb included 4 tiny infants for Baptism and their parents and friends which proved "A little child shall lead them." The brillant crimson carpet of the chancel and altar had added colour from the vases of pretty rose buds, garnered from local gardens. Our organist, Mrs. Ulah Chambers and her 10 voiced choir sang the anthem "Wherever He Leads PI Go" with a lead part by the maie section. Junior choir was in the care of Joyce Virtue and daugbters Judy and Laurie. Our minis- ter's children's story saîd "You Are Like A Watch" "So Be On Time, Be, Regular and Keep in Step." In bis sermon, Rev. Kemp- ling clearly explained how "We Are One In The Spirit" through Christ and also in race, creed and color. The ushers were Allan Werry and Keith McGill. The Sacrament 0f Baptism was led by our minister assisted by Clerk of Session-Art .Youngman. The wee ones who were " At 5:50. Bah Hesketh com monts or today's rews, " A: 6:30, Torben Wittrupa for News ard Gar ments, " At 6:50, Bah Hesketh aind Bil McVear spar on "Dialogue:' " Throughaut the evening, Henry Sharnnon flics in and out ta give up-ta date traffic reports. t's this knd of 'people combina- tiar' tmat reai y gets your evening raling, whether you're an your way or settling in at home, receiv ed by Baptism were Heather Leigh Elizabeth Alloway, daughter of James and Lois (Bowyer) Alloway, R. R. 2 Burketon. Laurie Ann Irons, daughter of Brian and Susan Irons (Vandam) of Oshawa. Jennifer Lynn Preece, daughter of William and Sharon Preece (Werry), Oshawa. Kimberly May Wil- son, daughter of William and Darlene Wilson (Ramsey) of Oshawa. S.S. opening worship a led by Ruth MeGill and son Brian. Notices-Sunday at 2:30 p.m. the session met in Enniskillen Church Hall for further plan- ning of an Every-Family Visitation Program. Monday, 7 p.m. Brownies had their Halloween Party. Tuesday, 9 a.m. an area meeting of Oshawia Presbyterial was held in Newtonville United Chi-urch I 'i Deegan, in the rniddle of thîngs as usuaf with bis friends le/t s/de, front to bac k: Peter Dîckens, Gordon Sinclair Henry Shannon, with the Rev. Roger Maggs. Chaplain to Oshawa General Hospital as speaker. Wednes- day, 7 p.m. Youth Group mneeting in S.S. Room. Satur- day evening the Youth Group will hold a Masquerade Dance in the Community Hall. Advance notices are Sunday 7:30 p.m. Adventure In Learn- ing. A workshop for Sunday School teachers and mid week group leaders will be beld at Trinity United Cburch, Bow- manville, on November 6th at Blackstock United Church on November 13 and at St. Marks United Churcb,; Whitby on November 2th. Sunday, Nov- ember 13 will be a Laity Sunday, when the Youth Group at Enniskillen and the Senior Class at Tyrone will conduct the regular service. The guest speakers will be Susan Pleasance, Ellen Vanek ad MagieCraig, The Àfewf to ~ow~oeii'tQQe! Gin fls Hai r Fashions is pleased fa announce the ultra-modern method of natural hair cutting. Corne in and ask us for fuli detais. TELEPHONE, 623-7312 103 King St. East e Bowmanville, ~hoppc We've moved to, a NEW LOCATION We'd like to take thlis opportunity to invite you to cornein and browse through our new shop, Iocoted 0ft 33 King Street Eaist. Corne in and Iook over our extensive selection of dresses and accessories. Telephone 623-3685 "Bowmanville's Leadi ng F lorist Since 1912" Bowmnanville Maill - 623-3365 id Ta fer Bob&,nfed to BilA rght, front te bac/i Dave Hodge, Torben Wttrup, Bill McVean, Bob HesAeth, Eri Thorsen. Bih Deegan& endCs 8: OPM, -fie! doa tat ve ney on dgo talks aisesthe 1O%/0Off Ail Coats and Dresses Friday a nd Saturday October 28th and 29th Alterations Extrq The people people listen to Umm LMU (4mo m CHARGEX