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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1977, p. 13

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The Canadian Stafesman, Bowmanville, November 2, 1977 13,- DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tues., 12 noon 6234303 LEDDY - allowe'en came eriv with mv arrivai. My ,ne is Gregory Joseph, 7 lbs. '- .~ozs. born Otober 30 at Oshawa General Hospital, firs1t chilci for Michael and Heather (nee Green). First graridson for my delighted granciparents Mr. andi Mrs. Gorden Leddy, Oshawa, anci 8th grandchi id for Mr. andi Mrs. Harold Green, Bethany, Ont. 44-1 MAYBERRY - Jack and, Diane (nee Lanibert) are delighted to announce the arrivjai of their first chilci, a daughter Brooke- Nancy Marile, who was born on Sunday, October 9, 1977 andi weighed 8 lbs. 91/2 ozs. Prouci ffi st time granciparents are B Ianche andi Ken Mayberry, Oshawa andi Robert Lambert, Orono. First great -grancichilci for Mr. anci Mrs. Sam Sweet, Oshawa. Special thanks to Dr. A.T. Spear and staff at Oshawa General Hosýpitai. ______ 44-1 BARCHARD - A Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Wed- nesday, October 26th, 1977, William George Barchard, R. R. 2, Newcastle, ageci 56 yr ears, beloveci husband of Isie Saunders, dear father of Jimn, Ajax, Richard, B.C., Lois, Midland, Jim, Bowman- ville, Lyn, Newcastle, grand- father of four grancichilciren. Service was helci in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Saturday afternoon. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 44-19N HOCKEN - Haroldi. At the Community Hospital, Port Perry on Monday, October 31, 1977, Haroldi Hocken beloveci husband of the late Mabel Franklin. Dear father 'of Margaret (Mrs. Ivan Mou nt- joy) of Blackstock. Dea r ? rancfather of iBrian, Judy, Mrs. Carl Gilbank), Linda (Mrs. Robert Kyte). Great ?< andfather of Kari Anne andi imberiey Moutloy andi Laura an Lisa G-,ilban k, in his 94th year. Resingr at the chepel of MDermott- Paniabaker, PIort Perry for service on W<nsa at 2 p.rf. Interm-,en.t-PinýeGre Cemnetery. 4- 'ýRGUSON -- Betty C. _-ýrddenly at the Scarborough Gýeneral 1Hospital on Thurs- dlay, October 27thý,1977, belov- ed wife of Alan B3. Ferguson, dea r mother of Mark, daugher-inlaw -f Dr. andi Mrs. H. Ferguson, loveci sister of Wlýim and Doulas Jenk.inison.Sevceathe-Truil Funerai Home Saturday morning.Int 'ermnt ;'Mount Pleasant Cem-ete-ry. FINLEY- -At îMemorial Hopital Bojwmanvillýe, Tues- day, November sf, "1977, Cecil Finley, Newcastle, in his 75th ea eci husband of bytIeov to dear father of Marlene (Mrs. W. Lyoi's), Oshawa, Carolyn (Mrs. Gil- bert Alîdreaci), Bowmanville, Nelda (Mrs. Frank Hill), Oshawa, g randfather of ten g randcihldren. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manrvîlle, for service on Thvrsday at 2 p.mi. Interment St. George's Cemetery, New- castle, 44-1 N WALKER - Lillian Evelyn. At Fairview Locige, Whit by, on, Thursday , Oct. 27, 1977. Lilian Evelyn Walker daughter of the late Mr. andi Mrs. John Walker in her 78th year, life-long friend of the James Stark family, Enfielci. Rested at the Armstrong Funerai Home, Oshawa, with funeral servicein the chapel Monday, Oct, 31 at 1:45 p.m. Iierment Oshawa Cemetery. 44-1 - - ~ - o MOORE- At his home, Bowmanville, Friday, Octo- ber 28th, Hugh McNeil Moore, ageci 78 years, dear brother of Douglas, Oshawa, loving uncie of Beverly (Mrs. Roy Balson), Oshawa. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville an Mon- day affernoon. Interment Bowmanviile Cemetery. 44-1 N PERRIN - At Memorial Hasptal, Bowmanviile, Friday, October 28th, 1977, Jean Perrin, R. R. 2, New- castle, a g ec 81 years, dear sîster of Ama (Mrs. Weling- ton Farrow), aunt of Wylma (Mrs. Stanley Aluin), great- aunt af Gail (Mrs. Ian McKenzie), Neil Aluin and Arlene (Mrs. Glenn Malcolm), veyclose friend of Bill Mriey Service was helci in the Morris F uneral Chapel, Bowmanviile, on Monday affernoon. Interment St. George's Cemeteryý New- castie.-44-1iN "Fiawers with Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays anci Holidays Bey 983-5811 Ruth 623 FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Ma 62M 365 PROMPT, COU RT EOU S SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL NE E S "F lowei Say i SBest' VNBELLE DAILY Oelivemy ta.. Oshawa - Bowmanville A Phone 623-4441 FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Look for this s Ok it's youm qarantee ai pe rmanience ~/ STAFI-ORI Stafford Brotheî Monuments LIMITE O Bax 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitl Phonie Whitby 668-3552 ES TA BLISH ED 1881 4 DIVISION ST BOWMANVI LL TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVîCE Service to your needs . .. our f irst COncern. So that you wiII be relieved from worry and detail. 5DIViSION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 'L-MITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario OKASI L1A 3W High Quality at Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 Home 8M-5222 24-tf The family of Mr. andi Mrs. Arthur Brunt invite ail rela- tives andi friends ta the Trinity Unitedi Church Hall on Satur- day, Novem ber 12 f rom 2 - 5 p.m. on the occasion of theik Golden Wedding Anniversary., Best wishes only. 44-2 N Mr. andi Mrs. Ewart Clem- encewil be pleaseci ta receive relatives, friencis andi neigh- bors af Kingsview Unitedi Church Auditorium, Oshawa on the occasion of their 5th wedding anniversary on Saturday, November l2th, 1977 from 2 ta 4 p.m. Best wishes only please. 43-2 LANE - 1-n Loving rmemory af C.H. (Kelly) Lane who passed away Nov. 7, 1974. Though absent yau are very nea r Stili loveci, stili misseci and very dear. -Lovincily remembereci by wife Leone and famii1y. 44-1 LANE - In iovîng memary of a dear father andi grandfather, Clelanci (Kelly), who passeci away November 7, 1974. To lose a father as gooci as you, Remains a heartache ail life through. On earth you toileci, in heaven' you rest, Goci bless you, father, you were one of the best. - Always loved andi remem- bered by Gloria, Charles, Shelley and Julile. 44-1 7259 'LARME R- Haroldi. ln loving memory af a dear husband, father andi grancifather, wha passeci away November 6th, 1975. Every day in same small way, Memories of you came aur dl way, Tho' absent yau are ever near, Stili misseci, laveci andi always dear. -Lovingly remembereci by wife Flarence andi family. a 44-1 MAYNARD- In ioving mem- ory af my dear husbend, Ray Maynard, who passeci away Navember 7, 1969. i remember-the day i met you 4tf Andi the day Gaci made you - mine remember the day He took you, i wiil tili the endi of time Among the tears andi heart- rs aches, There is one thing that makes Me glaci That you chose me ta, share Those preciaus years we had We wi il meet again one day To live andi lave anew. - Lavingly remembereci andi alweys misseci by his wife Mabel. 44-1 Ie MOORE - In memory of a loving father andi grandcfather 43-tf Wm. H. Moore who passeci __ away November 4th, 1961 andi a lovi ng mother andi grandi- mother Margaret Chrstina, who passeci away February 20th, 1966. Deep'in aur hearts, Your memory is kept, a. To love, ta cherish To neyer farget. - Lavingly remembereci by their famiiy, Muriel andi Reg, Elsie andi Floyd andi grand- D children. 44-1 rs Iby POWELL - In loving mem- ory of a dear wife who passeci away Navember 7, 1974, Resting where no shadows faîl In peaceful sieep, she aweits us ail; Goci wiil link the braken chain, When one by one we, meet ega in. - Sadly misseci by husband Herb. 44-1 RUNDLE -George. In iaving memory af dear Daci who passeci away Navem ber 2, 1951. Tao dearly lavei ta ever be forgoiten. -Dau hter Mel and son-in- iaw Jack. 44-1 RU NDLE -George. ln loving memory of Daci andi Grancidaci wha passeci away on Novemb- er 2, 1951. "Our memaries are golden" - Daughter Lala, Florida andi g randdaughter Heather, Il i ois. 44-1 TOD - In lavinq memarv of a deer mother, Lottie, who passeci away Nov. 6th, 1974. Memories are like threeds at golci, They neyer vanîsh or grow aid. --Sadly missed by daughter, Eileen, Donald and femiiy. 44-1 TODD - In laving memory of a dear mother andi grand- mother Lottie, who pesseci ewayNovember 6, 1974. A sîlent thought, a secret tear Keeps her memary ever dear. - Sadly misseci by Carl, Maroare. Bruce, Jean and femily, Doris, Larry andi family andi Anne. 44-If Many thaaKS ta aur triends of Enniskillen andi Enfielci communities for your wedtiing wishes andi beautiful corner cabinet. Dan andi Brenda Lepine 44-1 i would like ta say many fhanks ta my family, friends andi relatives for the besf wishes, cerds andi gifts on my 8Oth birhday andi alsa Solina W. 1. for serving lunch. Isaac Hardy - 44-1 The famîly af the late Mrs. Lillian Sellers wish ta extenci their sincere thanks andi appreciation to relatives, neighbours and friencis for their thaughtfulness andi understanding. As weii as the beautiful floral tributes andi donations and cards sent during aur recent 5aci bereavement, of aur iaving mother, grancimother andi sister. Speciaf thanks ta Drs. Long, H. B. Rundie, nurses of I C U Memarial Hospital and Noi4hcutt Elliotf Funeral Home. The Memoriai Park Association, neighbours andi friencis of Hunt St. area, for their kindness fallawing the Interment at Bowmanville Cemetery. 44-1 We Wish ta thank the Ebenezer Cammunity for the presentation of the beautiful card table andi chairs, andi for the Iavely luncheon serveci afterwards. Michael andi Christine Ormiston 44-1 N We wouid like fa thank aur friends, relatives andi neigh- bours for their many acts of kindness andi messages of sympathy in aur .recent bereavement of aur parents andi granciparents Lamne and Jean Kelett. Special thanks ta Rev. Erb for his comforfing andi consollng words. Also for the many f lawer arrange- ments andi donations fa Eldad Unitedi and Cancer Society. Thanks ta Solina W. 1, tar thie lovely lunches serveci at home andi at hall. Dave, Leone and family. Dan, Marie and family. 44-1 N My family andci1 would like ta thnk aur many triencis, relatives andi neighbors for acts af' kindness, flowers, visits andi cards sent during the suciden loss af a clear husband andi father, Layd Clysdalie. Aiso for donations ta vari1aus charities. Special thanks ta Rev. andi Mrs. Tizzard, U.C.W. of Newton- ville, Doctors Westgarth andi Mosienka andi the Morris Funerai Cha pel. Lena Clysciale andi famiiy. 44-1 Thaniks ta relatives, neigh- bours andi friencis for their many acts of kindness while i was a patient in Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. andi Mrs. James Green, Dr. Hubbard, nurses andi staff. George Huber 44-1 i would like to thank my frienis, andi relatives for cards, flowers, gifts, andi visits made during my stay in hospitai. GaiFne 44- 1 We wish ta express aur sincere thanks ta friencis, neighbaurs andi relatives for the laveiy floral tributes and donations ta the Gideon Bibles, expression -of sym- g athy shown us in the !03S Ot e lovec h usband and grand- father Wilîis McNair. Special thanks ta Memorial Hospital, nurses on lst floor andi doctors andi ambulance drivers, Rev. Donald Pugh Oneill's Funierai Cha pel, Sfouffville for the km ci ness shown us thanks, Stanley and Brenda for pro- viding car to take me to hospital, relatives who pro- videci lunch, those who serveci lunch, my sister and husband for the use of their home. Goci Bless You Wife Hazel, Grandison Stanley 44-1 i wauid like ta thank friencis andi relatives for carcis, fiowers, visifs, gifts andi inquiries made during my stey in the hospital andi since returning home. A special thanks ta Dr. Sylvester andi nursing staff an thîrd floor of Memarial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Richard Budel 44-1ix My thanks ta famîiy, rela- tives, neighbours, frientis anti Unit 4 of Trinity United Church for flowers, cards, gifts andi ta ail those who contributed ln any way ta make my 9th birthday such a happy occasion. Beetrice Bell 44-i 1 wish ta fhank my family andi friencis for gifts, cards andi flowers. Aiso Beehive Rebekah Locige andi the Legi!on Ladies Auxiliary end the Map le Leaf Club. Special thanks toa Dm. H. B. Rund le andi Dr. Singal andi nurses on the lst and 3rd floor for wonderful came andi kindness. Thank you ail Eiieen Large 44-1 i would like ta sincerely thank ail my relatives, neigh- bars, frientis, my famlily, Trinity U.C.W.and Group 4 for f lowers, gifts, cards, letters, visits, also meny kincinesses while i was e patient in Memairiel Haspital, Bawmanville andi Oshawa General Hospital. Speciai thanks ta Drs. Sylvester, Singel, Clark andi Fisher, nurses andi staff. Phoebe Larmer Lon'g Sault Club 50 Penny Sale, bake sale andi afternoon tea, Wednesday affernoon November 9 at 2 o.m. in Tyrone Community Centre also quilt draw. 432 Trinity Fail Buffet andi Country Store will be held in the Church Hall on Safurday, November 5th. Settings for the buffet 5:00 p.m. andi 6:30 p.m. The Country Store will be open from 4 p.m. fo 8 p.m. Tickets available from Mrs. A.W. Harris, 623-2638. 43-2 The Acres will be closed on Saturclay, November th. We will be open for business on November 6th. 43-2 APPEARING AT The Queený's Hotel NEWCASTLE WHITE LUNE Fr. and Sat. Nov 4- 5 BOWMANVILLE MEN' CANADIAN CLUB Novemiber 44-1 is Dinner Meeting Spea ker MR. ALLA LAWRENCE O.C., M. P. Wed., Nov, 16 6:30 p. m. Newcastle United Chumch Hall For tickets, phane 623-3425 or 576-7964. Last date for tickets Wednesday, November 9. 44-1 B INGO NE WCASTL E COMMUNITY HALL Tues., Nov. 8, 1977 Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS 44-1 N Join the Team and Staff of the BOWMANVILLE JR. "C" HOCKEY ASSOCIATION at the PORT DARýLINGT--ON MARINAHTL DANCE PRT Sat., Nov. 5, 19ý77 8 p.-l1am. Admissian $1,00 per persan. 44-1 "Conserver Lifesty les in th Middle East' (Comnex Revisiti presenteci by Warren L< Tues., Nov. 8, 15 8 p. m. $1 Admission Court Raom Na. 2 Church St., Bowmanvi EVERYONE WELCOJ Spansarei by SEAP Darîingtan RUMMAGE SA ST. JOHN'S ANGLICi CHU RCH Temperance St. Bawmanvi île Thursday, Nov.: 10 a.m - 9 DANCE AT THE LEGION November 19, 1977 Dancing 8:30 -1 a.m. t0 CARMEN SHIRK, D.J. $5.00 coupl ALL PEOPLE W ELCO'ME. 44-3 Court Vent ure Canadian Famesters ANNUAL BAZAAR Sat, Nov, 5, 1977 2 p.M. MEMORIAL PARK Liberty St. S., Bowmanviile Proceecis Cancer Research 43-2 Orono Cauntry Jamboree, Sunday, November 6- 2 p.m. at the Orona Youth Centre Tawn Hall. A 2 hour show tam the whole family. Adults $1.50. Chilciren .50. 44-1 N LADIES! Relax over caffee andi study the Bible infarmaîly every Tuesda yat 10 a.m. Babysitting provideti. For information or transportation Phone 623-7474 30 Meadowview Blyti. Bowmanvi île 43-2 N CARTWRý,IGHT HIGH H OOý -ý0L ANN UL,, COMMENCEMENT PROG RAM Sat, Nov, Sth alt 8;30 p.m. RECREATION CENTRE Blackstock Presentation of Di plamas, Proficiency Prizes, Track & Fieldi traphies. Valeclictary acidress, one act play anti GIee Club selections. E VERYONE WELCOME 44-1 N U PSTAI RS, DOWNSTAI RS <SALE PLUS BAKING Novem ber 4th 1 a.m,. - 3p.m. at St. Andrews Church 43-2 N RUMMAGE SPECIAL AIl1 items 10 cents Friday evening November 4 7 -9 P.M. Saturday morning November 5 9 a.m. - 12noon KNOX CHRISTIAN SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Scugog Street, Bowmanville. 44-1 N, Anýyane interesteci in can- vassing for the SPLASH Committee to help builci a municipal indoar pool at Bowmanville High School is inviteci ta attend a Canvas- sers' Question Night, Thurs- day, November 3, 8 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Bowman- ville. 44-1iN U.C.W. Bazaar, Newtonville Church Hall, Wednesday, Novem ber 9, 2 - 5 p.m. Lunch 50 cents. 44-1 N Dance at Newtonville Hall, Saturday, November 5th. $2 a persan. Dancing 9 - 12. Everyone welcome. 44-1 ANTI QUE SHOW and SALE Nov. 8th and 9th at RockHIaven Motel Hwy. 28, Peterborough HOU RS: Tues., Nov.8th -2 p.m. -9 p.m. Wed., Nov. 9th 11la.m. - 9p.m. 44-1 N Evening Tours. We are now booking ap pointments at House of Arnber Antique andi Giff Shop (Hampton Village). Tour aur homne (araunci the aid ,Manse) anci Gift Shop. Tea andi cookies provideci. We are decorateci for Christmas. Don't miss ouf. Cail taday 263-2981. 44-4 RUMMAGE SALE Durham Regianai1 Wamen's Police Auxiîiary at Memorial Park Club House (Liberty Sf. S., Bowmanville) Wed,,, Nov. 9th, 1977 Goaci Variety of Articles 10Oa.m. - 2 pm. LOTS 0F PARKING Praceeis ta Children's Charity. 43-2N MýÀE TRENTWAY TOURS Special Tc WWVA JAMBOREE 44-1iN SHOW STARS - Freddie Fender LE Novembe il to 'AN November 13, 1977 For details contact BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL 623-3182 3rd FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 1 1 . ~623-4400 432 44-1 N432 DANCE St. Joseph's Hall 127 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville Sat., Nov. 5, 1977 Musicby SAPPHIRES $5,00 perCBO cope 9-a.m. EVERYBOY WELCOME 43-2N St. Jahn's Parish Fair, St. John's Church, Sat., Nov. 12 - 1 - 5 p.m. Tearoam, attic treasures, fish pond, handi- crafts, bake table, pickles andi preserves, books, plants. At approximnately 3:30 p.m. auc- tion saieof quilts, afghans anci larger attic treasures. 1 44-2N BINGO November 16, 1977 PONTYPOOL COMMUNITY CENTRE 8 P.m. CASH PRIZES General admission 75r L ea r-nfo-Drive TRACTOR TRAILERS Cali1 Toranto 416-864-9381 44-1 Western Canada Schoco 0 Auctioneering LtUd, Canacla's firsf, and the oniy complefely Canadian course offereci anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schools Liceh5ing Acf, R.S.A. 1970, C,366, For particulars of the next course write: Phone 403-782-6215. Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phane 782-6215. 37-9 e ýed) wes 97 îlle A MAN'S short leather lacket, size 40, rusty brown, brand new. $100. Phone 623-9210. 44-1 N F 78 14 SNOW tires $25. Single bed, springs, metal legs $5. 623-7011. 44-1 Fi REPLACE wood, cut in foot lengths, reasonable. Will de- liver. Also Honda 50 mini-bike, Phone 623-4550. 44-1 26" COLOUR Philips, modu- lar 4, 3 years oId, - like new, $295. Phon~e623-3883. 44-1 N 30 CUP coffee urn, G.E., in good condition. Electric juic- er, neyer used. Automatic heater, temperatfur -e control, 10-speed, Osterizer . blender, new guarantee. Can opener and knîte sharpener, electric. Phone 623-9498. 44-1 N SNOWMOBILE, 1974 Evin- rude,.35 h.p., excellent conoi- tion. Phone 623-5028. 44-1 N SMALL portable colour tele- vision, General Electric, ex- cellent working condition. Telephorie 987-4394. 44-1 BABY crib with mattress $25. Foi/ci-up stroller $10. Swing-O- Matic $10.* Walker $5. Infant seat $2. Assortment of bottle$, nipples, el'c. $5. Hardwooid gates $2 each. Plastic traîner $3.50. Also change table, electric sterilizer, other baby thîngs. 623-5466. 44-1 N POOL table, 4' x 8', balîs and cues includeci, $200. Phone 623-7708 after 5 p.m. 44-2 -SPIRIT 0F THE HILLS.- A historical bookonthe lifeof all the variaus church denomin- ations of the past and presenT of Manvers Township for $6.00 each. Contact Mrs. A. Curtis, R. R. 3 Ponfypool. Phone (416) 983-5864 or Mrs. O. Challice, Orono. Phone (416) 983-5824. 44-1 N BEEF sides or haîf sides, buy direct fram farm anci save, corn ted steers. 85 cents lb. custom wrapped and frozen. Phone 983-9471. 44-1 TWO 678-14 wide base snaw tires, n'tounted andi baIanceci on Chev. rimrs, gone only 400 miles. $55 pair. Large quantity, of goaci appie woad dît in 1976 andi semi-drieci. Phone 263-8430. 44-2W ORDER now for Christmas. Hanci-cracheteci purses. $12.00. Phone 623-3142. 44-1 N STEREO com panent set. A.M., F.M., F.M. Muiti Plex, 16 watt per channel, two shartwave bands, with stand. Phone 987-5296. 44-1 TWO bedraom 700 square feet house trailer for sale in Newcastle Trailer Park far $12,800. Financina available. 725-6969. 44-tf N TWIO nearîy new snaw tires with rims far, Datsun. Dag kennel for travelling. Hoover' polisher. Phone 623-7565. 144-1 N COB carn. $36 a tan. Phone 1-986-4679. 44-2N ROGERS cabinet model, cus- tom sterea, AM-FM, turn- table; oak buffet, leadeci glass in doars; press back h igh- chair; oak beci; chest of drawers; mirrars; light fix- tares; many ather items. Can be seen at 62 Andrews Rd., Orano Estates, 9a.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday ta Saturday. 44-1 N POTATOES. Cliffard Swal- 1ow. Phone 623-272 1. 44-1iN A SPECIAL - well known Manor twist carpet, reaular $12,95, for a limifeci time $10.95. Severai splushes o- short shag, reg. $10.95, navî $8.95. See aur basement foi scatter matts, remnants etc, A few metai book sheives, $20.00 each. F. A. Kramp, 37 41 King Street East, Bowman- ville. 37-tf 42 SI1NGLE 4 x 8 elm, 35 single 4 x 8,kindling wood, 250,rails. Phone 263-2786. 43-2n OSHAWA RIDE ta dawntown Oshawa for 8:30 a.m. Returning be- tween 3 - 4 p.m. Shame costs. Phone 623-5903. 44-1 N Apple Growers Again buying luice apples in large volume, alsa peelers. Quick, efficient pick-up ser- vice. Cash payment. Raymnond Inch. 416-753-2246 LI VE ducks and pheasants, G. Harfemink. 987-4430. 44-1 GU ITAR, amp., cord, fuzzder, strap. Gooci system far a beginner. All new. AIl this for $500. Cali 623-6998. Ask far Steve. 42-tf N ANTIQUE C LOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for most antique clacks, packet watches andi modemn watches andi cîacks, andi 400 day cl9cks. Our repairs are cione with madern up-ta-date equipment andi qualified Swiss traineci watchmaker, HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 22 -tf J andi M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf TEAKWOOD and Rasewood Scandinavian furniture, beci- room suite - 8 pc., dining roamn suite - 9 pc. chesterfie id andi chair. etc. Ail Brandi new, reasonable. 1-247-4377. 27-tf SILK FLOW:,AER AR RANGEMNTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS made up at House of Arnber Gift Shop (Hampton Village) Order your wedding or special occasion arrangements taday. Shop hours: Nionday, Tuesday 12 noon - 9 p.m.; Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9 a.m. - 9 P.m. 43-6 CEDAR rails, SOc a piece. Phone 987-5274. 44-1 175 KAWASAKI, goaci condi- tion, $600. Phone 623-2197. 44-1 N WOMENS' and chilcirens' clothing, mastiy new, chester- fieldi andi chairs, electric chord organ, aid books andi pictures (f.ramed>, ocicis andi endis af dishes, tables anci1 chairs,en tables and many other items. Phone Orono 983-5478. 44-1 N SPANISH couch andi chair, velveteen u phoistery, gaici- brawn wifh black andi white pattern, excellent condition. Asking $350. Antique spool beci, approximately 1840, gooci condition, asking $250. Phone 683-9419, 623-6502 or, 644-6620. 42-3 N SNOWMOBILES, new 1978 Yamahas, same gooci useci machines, clothing, Assels- tine's Yamaha, 'south 0, f Bl acksfock a n 57. 43-4 USED Fujrniture andi Appli - ances. Paddy's Market, Hamptan 263-2241. 26-tf PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s andi stereos and aiso useci furniture andi appliances. Wili accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf FRESH haney, 70c lb. in custamer's containers. Phane 623-5218. No Sunday sales. 37-8x Lots of Used Pianos in Stock, Organs Too! Lowrey, Ham mond, Heintzma n OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simncoe N. (at King) 728-1675 3-tf 16' BOWRIDER fibergiass boat wîth full canvas top andi h-aller, 50 h.p. Merc motar, duel 5 gallon tanks, many Dther extras. $2900.00. 623-7966. 44-2N SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY WANTIED Canadien andi American silvercoins, Paying top prices. Cail 623-4711 affer 8 p.m. 44-2N CAPENHAGEN Procelein, Bing Grondehl Mother's Day plate 1969. Phone 623-4164, 44-1 N Adertiin, I Ieepsyou posted. 1972 BUICK Electra, 4 door: hardtop, vinyl roof, AM-FM stereo tape deck, 'air candi- tioneci, ail power options, certifieci, $1550 or best offer. 987-5474. 44-1 '74 FORD super van, bed, archway, shag carpeting, sun roof, roof rack, mag wheels. Certified. Best offer, Phone 579-1436 or 725-7514. 44-1iN '69 CHEVELLE Malibu, l0w mileage, good condition, extras. 623-7414. 41 -1N '67 CHEV Impala,-283, as is, best offer. Phone 623-6563. 44-1 PRIVATELY owned '69 Volks- wagen, automatic, with new motor, low mi!leage, excel lent condition, Certifieci. Phone 623-4550. 44-1 '76 GRENADA, 2 door, V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, Iow mileage, many extras. Phone 263-8034. 1 44-1 N 1973 CHEV Bel Air, as is $1800 or best offer. Phone 623-3712. 44-1 N 1976 CH EV Caprice,ý excellent condition, 4 door sedan, air conditioning, vinyl roof, tinted glass, radial tires,, 350 V-8, power steering, power brakes, 25,000 miles. Must seIl. Asking $4495. Calil 623-2431. 44-1iN ONE Ford van, completely equipped ta live in, can be certifieci. 1965 Pontiac V-8, as is. Phone 1-983-5478. 44-1iN '77 MONTE CaýrIo Lan dau, low mileage,-cdean, bucket seats, cruise contrai, other options, g oaci gas mileage. Private, Phone 987-4467. 44-1 N 1975 FURY wagon, excellent condition, power steering andi brakes, radiais, air condition- ing. $2500 or best offer. Certif ied. 576-3783. 44-1iN '77 Camaro, LT, 305, console, auto, power steer'ing. and brakes, AM-FM, $5400. Even- ings Oshawa 576-4982. 44-1 N '72 CHEV Im pala, 2 door hardtop, low mil eage, must be seen ta appreciate. $1800 certif ied;. i23-5672. 44-1 1970 GK C Van, nragwheets,1 tinisheý inror, oo'run order. W.ilIcertiy.Phe 623-9393. 44-2N '76 CHEV 1/2 ton, truck, 350 engine, P.S., p.b., standard transmission, usec i as 2nd vehicle. Phone 725-9431. 44-1 '77 PONTIAC Pariseirne, 4 door, no air, 5,800 m!iles, 10 options. Oshawa 728-7906. 44-1 N 1977 OMEGA V-6, firethorn colour, automatic, power steering, power brakes, white walled radiais, body side moldings, sparts ýmirrars, radia. Phone 728-83831, :44-2N 1970 CHEV 1/2 ton truck. As is. Phone 263-8485. 44-1 N 1974 VOLKSWAGEN, Love Bug, excellent condition, one owner car. Phone 723-6443 for detail1s. 444iN 1973 MERCURY Marquis, four door hardtop, neecis body work, as is for $8ý00. P'hone 987-4233 after 4. 44-1 N 1967 CHEV., 4 door, automna-, tic, radio, $450. Alsa( 1964 Chrysier $350. Bothi cars in g oaci condition andi certiýf iable. Phne Newcastle 987:5474. 44-1 N BU ICK, '73, 4-door, gald vinyl top, AM-FM, power windlows, 50,000 miles, perfect condition, $3,000. 623-2744. 1 44-1 VITALIZING! Phane 723-1155 far Rustpmoofin g on new or useci vehicles. Writfen war- anty. Durham Viitaîizing, phone 723-1155. 47-tf '69 CHEV sedan. $500. As is. Phone 987-4631. 44-1 N 1971 TORINO lain running condition. Sellet $100. As is. Phane 623-4341. 44-1 N J andi M TIRE Service fam Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-f 1977 OMEGA V-6, f irethomn colour, automatic, pawer steering, power brakes, white walied radiais, body side moldin gs, sparts. mîÎrrars, radio. Phone 728-8383.ý 43-tf n '69 VOLKSWAGEN Beef le, standard, good 'mec'hanical shape, gas heater, new battery Phone 623-6686. 44-I N Omano area. Reward. Phane 623-2435. .44-1 N DOG last in Bowmanvillie erea arounci middle of "August. Yorkshire Terrier, bi'ack and, fan, grey tint on back. Family pet. -Reward. Phone 728-4503. 44-1 N TWO Hereford steers, area of Enniskîllen, Hampton, Tyrone. Phane 263-2260. KITTEN, champagne stripeci colar, vicinity of O'DeIl andi Scugag. Cail 623-7741. 11 lel Meé w-, m '4e', î',,i

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