8 Winter Driving Supplement of The Canadian Statesmnan, Novrember 2, 1977 -îTune-upi called best insurance against no-starts, by AAA Motorists whe have fol- lowed the regularly sched- lied prograin of car care prescribed in the owner's mranual can forget about wlntering, accordilng to Automobile Club of Michi. gan. "Most 'can't start' cails for assistance are the re- suit of vehicle nieglect rather than vehicle f ail ure," AAA notes. "Poorly tuned engliis and weak batteries are responisible for 80 per cent o! ail wintertime emier-. gency road service cails." For vehicle owners who have not followed the de- talled maintenance in- structions in their car owner's manual, A.AA of- fers this 10-point checklilst for keeplng a car in peak operating condition, once lt is properly tunied: 1. Check plugs and points regularly. Dirty or worn plugs wastle gas and put an added strini on the battery because they re- qire more electri*city than clean plugs. If !poits are worn, ilhey cannut deliver peak power to) plugS. 2. Have car's automatie choke cleaned and adjust- ed. If aijiomatir bo, doesn't cEï tawn when en- gifle i's 'wrme1d up, gaso- neis waSteýd. sysçtem. Hose, ,radiator, pressure cap and thermot- stat asý welI as the anti- freeze level should be checýked regularly. 4. Makeý surecar bat- tery is fuilly charged, witb terminais cdean and secure and water covering -battery plates. Battery should bc free from cracks or corro- sion. Periodic inspections will assure that battery is properly charged. 5. Check voltage regu- lator. An undercharged battery wilIl ail and au overeharged battery will buekle its cover and bulge the sides, eauesing leaks. 6. Is the exhaust sys- temi noisy? A rusty or Ieaky muffler or exhaust manfold is a carison mon- oxide hazard. 7. Check windshicid wipers and washers for proper operation. Worn or poorly functioning w'iper blades eut visibility and should be replaced. Water in the windshield washer reservoir shoiuld have an added solvent ail yerlong. It not only pre- vents freezing, but helps wipers reniove slush or accumulation for better visfibiiity. 8. Make sure defrost- ers and heater are work- ing properly, 9. Check fan beit and other belts for proper ad- justnent and replace thent if worn. A slipping belt af- fects the alternator and operation of tbe car air conditioner. . 10. Have a periodic general safety check made every 10,000 miles, in- cluding inspection of brakes, headlights, hoses, turn signais-, -back-up lights and tires. Check brake and transmission fluid levels and fluid level in the rear axde. Auto Club points out that a further beneflt of a well-maintained auto- mobile Is fuel savings:ýA properly tuned'engine wilI- help cut gasoline consump- tion by one or two gallons per tankful. Do'tlard thait Your Car Needs BOrake Servie b>'Accident. .Bring your car to our Qualified Brake Specialists, for ail Major Repairs and for Top Quality Work. SEE US TODAY AT J.T.AUTO m' REPAIRS 163 Baseline Rd. E. Bowmanvïille TELEPHONE 623-3209 M 9 ~ûuQdi'i7t ~ugg tIw~e 7 CPîecu~e~k pca~a Pre-Anniversary Usod Cair Specials! 1977 DODGE ASPEN 4-Dr., 6 automatic, power steering$35 SHARP (LDT673) ....... 1.................... ....$3 5 1974 GRAN TORINO 2 Dr. Hardtop 302 V-8 Automnatic, power GOOD CAR (ENR845) ... ....................... 1972 FORD 9ý passenger wagon 302 'V-8 automatic, power $ 4 5 NiCE WA/'GON-(JUJ341) ............................$ 9 1969 NOVA 4 Dr. 6-cylinder standard CHEAP RUNNER READY TO GO $ 9 <CAWO15) ............ ..........,.................. $ 9 ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE 30-DAY WARRANTY and SAFETY INSPECTION Darlington Auto Centre $1895 19 Silver Street ROSESWAN SALES and SERVICE PHONE 623-6900 Bowmanvillie RtICHAàRD GWionG-