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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1977, p. 5

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NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Les Peck spent a few days in Water- town, U.S.A., last week. Glad to be able to report that our youthful sick ones, John Chrysler and Shawna Mclnnes have both improved to the state that therapy is no longer necessary. We are indebted to the Newcastle Horticultural Society for donating Tulip Bulbs to be planted at our local Cenotaph and to our worthy gardener and General Clean-up man, Mr. Anthony Ton, for planting themi. Unfortunately, they received the usual treatment, from some of the local hoodlums-riding their bikes, deliberately through the beds, digging them up, throwing al kînds of rubbish on top of them, etc. We have been informed that some of their parents even belong to the Legion, so it's hard to under- stand why they have not been taught tIo respect what our Cenotaph stands for! t looks as if the police are the 'only ones who can enforce law and order here. Miss Cindy Brown spent two weeks' holiday with her sister, Judy at Banff, Alberta reçent- ly. Glad to report Mrs. Gertie Jtowe is able to be at home again. UCW Regional Meeting The Oshawa Presbyterial U.C.W. Regional Meeting was held in Newtonville United Church on Tuesday, October 25th. Registration at 9:15 -a.m. was in charge of Mrs. Amelia Lancaster, and Mrs. Bea Jones, Chairman was Mrs. Emma Killens, *who opened with a hymn and prayer, with Mrs. Violet Gilmer at the organ. President Inez Boughen welcomed ail after whîch various reports were heard, ~and a program- entitled "Caribbean Capers", was enjoyed. A Literature Display came next, then dinner was served, downstairs, to the one hundred and twenty present. Greetings were heard from Rev. A. Tizzard and Rev. V. Parsons. The afternoon session began at 1 p.m. wîth the hymn "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" with Mrs. Mary Caswell at the piano. After announcements, Rol Caîl and Special Reports, the Worship Service was conduct- ed by Maple Grove. Kendal introduced the Guest Speaker, Rev. Roger Maggs, Chaplain of Oshawa General Hospital. Appreciation was expressed by the Newcastle group and the Benediction brought this enjoyable gathering to a close. A Hallowe'en party was held by the Brownies, in the Church Hall, Wednesday evening, with about twenty-three in attendance and these results Silliest Costume-Vicki Kim- baîl, Tina Cox, a tie, Scariest Costume-Karen Park, a witch, Most Work-Brenda Knapp- Panda Bear, Most Original- Paula Warner-Queen of the Leaves; judges-Junior Leader Phyllis Knapp, Jennie Park and Jean Kimbaîl. They wish to express thanks to the mothers for assistance wîth lunch, etc. Mrs. Phyllis Peck opened hier home, Thursday afternoon to friends and neighbors in honor of Mrs. Shirley Martell, a former resident of this village, a few years ago, and now living in the Peace River District, in Alberta. All en- joyed a cup of tea and a'chat about old times, with Mrs. Peck and Shirley who has been down here for the past month and left for home on Sunday. Mrs. Peck's hospîtal- ity was much appreciated by ail. Mr. and Mrs. S. Lancaster and Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones attended the funeral of the late Monday - Tuesday 1Wednesday Allyear around. 20% Offo on ail PERMS and COLORS For example: Perms Reg ular Iy $20.00 NOW $ 16.00 Corne in and se Jan Mathews - Rudi Wybenga Kath yBaker Marietta Kapuscinskl and we proudiy introduce to tBowmanvilie LYNN GILLILAND Lynn has manyý years experience, and is fully quaIified to handie ail your ha Ir needs. Mr. Tom McGill, in Lindsay on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Inez Boughen, with Mrs. Ruth Yeo and Mrs. S. Gordon were visitors in Peter- borough, Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Art Campbell and their guest, Mrs. S. Page of British Columbia. Mrs. Boughen, Mrs. Yeo and Mrs. Gordon also took Miss Debbie Gordon, who is attending University in Peterborough out to dinner. Visitors the past week with Mr. F. Gilmer in Memorial Hospital included Mr. and Mrs. LaýYrence Gilmer, Tona- wanda, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer, Port Hope, Rev. A. Tizzard, Mr. Phil Hayman, Mr. Howard Ormiston, Mrs. Lena Graham, Mr. Phil Gihuer and Kim and Mr. Raymond Gilmer of Islington. Miss Carol Henderson is home from Kingston for a two weeks' vacation. There were five tables in play at the Card Party in Community Hall, Friday evening with these winners: high lady-Tva Farrow, high man-Ruth Yeo, 50-50 draw- Bea Jones, Draws: Miss Easter, Mrs. Kathleen Gordon, Wallace Boughen and Reg Elliott. Quite a number of our local ladies attended Shiloh Bazaar on Saturday afternoon where Fae Cornish of Orono was the holder of the Lucky Quilt Ticket. Newtonville U.C.W. met in the Church Hall Wednesday, Oct. 26 at 8 p.m. and President Inez Boughen opened with the singing of two verses of "Blessed Assurance", followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Secretary Shirley Stapleton read the minutes of previous meeting, as well as the Financial Statement, alI approved, as read. At the Annual Masonic Ladies' Nîght Banquet, one hundred and fifty were prepared for and paid for, while, actually one hundred and forty-two were served. Notes of thanks were read from those remembered by the. Sunshine Committee including one from Re Ludford, for the six cartons clothes received. He is r tiring from active work, th coming December. A donation of twenty dolla: and thanks for lunch serv( after the funeral of h( husband, was received froi Lena Clysdale and family ar a motion was passed to hai that sum put in the Speci Account, for the presen Appreciation was expressed1 all those who helped with th, lunch, as well as with t] Masonic Banquet, Postei have been made. at our loci school, advertising Our bazaî and gifts for the girl and bc making them, have bee donated in appreciation. The first five groups in ot U.C.W. are reques(ed to mal; sandwiches for the Bazaa Lunch and the last five groui are to bring cookies, squarE or tarts. The tables will be s( up Tuesday night, Nov. 8th. All were invited to caîl at th home of Mrs. Phyllis Pec] Thursday afternoon, to meE an old friend, and forme U.C.W. President, Shirle Marteli, now living in th~ Peace River Area. Marlen Stacey and Doris Chryske agreed to act as Nominatinj Committee for this commti year. Two quilt tops have beei donated and a motion wa: passed, to have them launder ed and put up for sale at ou Bazaar. 1Unit Leader Olive Hender son presented the Devotiona assisted by, Carole Gardnei and Acey Farrow. After th( singing of "In The Garden' special speaker, Mrs. Clark, registered nurse and Adminis. trator at Nel-Gor Rest Home, was introduced by Mrs Tizzard. She gave us a very informa. tive talk on the various wayç in which the inmates are taker care of, and entertained and stressed the fact that volun- teers would be very welcome to come in and assist, and how they would enjoy tea parties and sing-songs. There are 81 residents at present. Appreci- ation was expressedi and lunch served by the group to the 19 members and 2 visitors present. Beautiful weather added tc the enjoyment of a capacity congregation for our Annua] Anniversary Service, in New- tonville United Church, Satur- day at 9:45 a.m. Apparently, everyone remembered to put the dlocks back on Saturday evening. Flowers at the altar were ini memory of the late Lloyd Clysdale, a former member of the male choir, eight in number, whose singîng was much ejyd. Their select- ions inc=de "The Old Rug- ged Cross", "ILeaning Out The Everlasting Arms", and "Revive Us Again" with Mrs. Allan Foster at the Organ and Mrs. Helen Wood at the piano. The speaker, Mr. Denzîl Dale of Oshawa, as usual brought us an inspiring message, the theme being "A Living Message For Today", his interpretation of the old favorite Twenty-Third Psalm. Many familiar faces from former years were noted among the gratifying assem- bly and we were sorry time did not permit us to welcome them alI, individually. Ap- preciation is expressed to aIl for this thoroughly enjoyable service. Next Sunday, Nov. 6, will be Etemembrance Sunday with our service at 9:45 a.m. as usual. Overnight guests, Friday, with Mr. and Mrs. L. DeSmit, wrere Mr. and Mrs. Jack De Smit, of Charing Cross. On Saturday, visitors with the )eSmnits were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Frost, Gary and David of Oshawa, also Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Green and Steven and on Sunday, Mrs. Acke and son Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lee of smbray were overnight ests Friday, with Mr. and Irs. Clinton Farrow and ttended the funeral of Mr. ln. Barchard on Saturday. Sunday supper guests with r. and Mrs. Bruce Green and Steven, included Mr. and Mn~ Larry Frost and boys Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. 1 DeSmit and Paul, and thei guests, Mr. and Mrs. Edwar DeSmit, from. Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Fat row and little granddaughte Jan, were among those attend 'ing the 50th Anniversarý Celebration, in honor of Mi and Mrs. Hesper Deane, heli in the Oddfellows Hall, Oronc Saturday night. Sunday visitors with Mrs Violet Gilmer, included Mr Raymond Gilmer of Islîngton Mr. Phil Gilmer, Kim an( Ken, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmine of Port Hope. Happy Anniversary wishe! to the following local couples: Mr. and Mrs. S. Lancaster Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown, Mr and Mrs. C.R. Farrow, anc Mr. and Mrs,. Don Stapleton. Best wishes to the followinî members of the Birthda'ý Gang; Irene Burley, Mab] Wade and Tiffany Rowe. Starkvillle Mr. and Mrs. Don Hart. Jim, Mary and Sean ol Newmarket were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch spent the weekend lui New York State. Shiloh United Church Women held their October meeting at the home of Mrs. Norman Andrews with twenty-one members present. The President, Mrs. Brian Caswell, opened the meeting and Ruth Andrews gave the devotional and prayer. The Secretary, Mrs. Jim Stark read the Correspondence and thank you notes. AIl the reports were given. Plans were made for the bazaar on October the twenty-ninth at 2 p.m. Mrs. Ross Todd invited the U.CW. members to her home, for the November meeting. There will be a pot-luck dinner at noon hour. Mrs. Tizzard introduced the speaker for the evening, Mrs. Clarke, from Nel-Gor Nurs- ing Home. She gave an interesting talk and told how volunteer help was needed and the many ways we couild help. The president thanked Mrs. Clarke and presented her with a small gift. Mrs. Andrews served a delicious lunch at the close of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Haw, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Allin Haw, Grand Bend, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell. Mrs. Carl Todd, Mrs. Jim Stark and Mrs. Brian Caswell attended the U.C.W. Presby- terial at Newtonville last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Falls, T'oronto, Mr. and Mrs. Allun -Iaw, were recent visitors wi th VMr. and Mrs. Llew Uïallowell. The U.C.W. bazaar was-a stlccess with proceeds 'of $409.00. Mrs. FayeCornish of )rono was winner of the quilt. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Woods, Newcastle, spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Long Sanit Mr. 'and Mrs. John Baker and boys were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. AI Mathews, Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baker, Port Dover were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker. Mrs. Gordon Baker, Miss Ruth Baker and Pamela Baker visited Mr. and Mrs. red Hall and Lisa, Oshawa iaturday afternoon. Glad to report Mr. W. Janeyk was able to come lme from. Memorial Hospital ast Friday. N~ 26"Franklin With The Warmth & -Charm of Yesteryear Traditional styling and con- temporary practicality in an ail cast iron stove. It will cheer up any room you put it in. VentsW/rt to rear and through top. B-rass / eOOÊ balis are extra. 26" Franklin Screen Attractive Black matte finish. Fits franklin with 26" opening. 13~~ Decorative Z-Brick Adds the look of real brick to any area in your home! 5 sq. ft. Used or Old Chicago. 525 Door, Package Set Includes a mahogany slab door and ail you need -(mc. a Iatch Set). Ail For only Easy to instali longue and groove design. Plain White. 64 sq. fI. 12" x 12". 3188 Beaver's Carpet Offe.r There's a wide4P assortment of car- 9 pet to choose from 4' x 6' et low bargain prices! 9 ' 12' Beaver Sati Latex A rich low lustre finish that dries quickly. 2 8 , ~Gallon covers Gi 1 2 qs9 approx. 600-700 sq. ft. White DIRK BRINKMANDmmrSwitch 6 Step Ladder CoprWeCperPe S 600 watt solid state dim- CS.A. approved Iadder with Ideal for most householci Tp ad oprpp 623-3621, mer. Dia1 control. Push on- wide 3" rails. Safety non- installations. Insulated TMMformot oehol i peb push off. 1 yr.any. slip rubber feet. Aluminum. with grounci. NMD 7-14/2 wire.moistalatos, 12lengths. 'State Farmï Fire and Casuaity special wr.iquAlain.1!lnts Company -à Price UN0 'flith, 12' CANADAN CNE OI ANNUAL ELECTIONS NU and BUSINESS MEETINGS Monday, November l4th, 1977 8:00 p.m. at the OId Town Hall1 -PUBLIC WELCOME - I I The pa rty sea son wil11 soon be here, so now's the. perfect time to corne in for your perm or color. At Artistic, Senior Citizens are always assured of a very warm welcome. Cail 623-2931 for appointment Barber and Beauty Salon Dominion Plaza Bowmanville h J I -BOWMANV ILE 246 KING 5STREETlý, STORE HOURS: MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, 9a m.to6p.m. BWAVLE_ FRIDAY, 9a.mto9p,.m. _ SATURDAY, 2am.opr.6338 ; li ii i i uT ine 1 a

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