10 The Canadjan Statesman, Bowmanville, November 9, 1977, Cartwright High School Holds Annual Commence ment AboveI are the honor graduates who received .Swain, Anne Marlow and Bryan Sleep; back row, their diplomas and awards during the Commence- Harold Wright, Blair Graham, Colin Asseistine, ment Exercises of Cartwright High School at Paul Larmer, Peter Kristensen and Valedictorian Blackstock on Saturday night. They are,, front Jack Gunter. row, left to right, Eric Post, Cindy McColl, Debra The Cartwright High School Secondary School graduates are, front row, left to ýright, Lois VanCamp, Anita DeJong, Debra McLaughlin, Carol Rushton and Cheryl Graham; back row, Ed There were four Ontario Scholars at Cartwright High School this year, and, they are shown above wiîth mnembers of the board, their principal and other distinguished guests at Commencement. Durhamf Board of, Education Chairman Mrs. Yvonne Christie is seated in the centre, front row, flanked at lef t by Jack Gunter and Cindy McColl Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fisk attended a get-together of Jessie's relatives in Codring- ton on Sundayevening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stacey were. in Guelph on Sunday afternoon and later in the day at the Mohawk Raceway where Frank's horse, Comp- any Man was racing. Mike Campbell played clar- mnet in the orchestra for the musical "Okahoma" which played in Academy Theatre, Lindsay, last week-. Cliff Richardson, John Alan and Jewel..Moore all returned home from hospital this week. Mr. Allan is presently with his son-in-law in West Hill. Several from this vicinity attended the wedding and wedding dance of Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Milîs in Lindsay on Saturday. Mrs. Milîs was the former Pamela Rei d. Little Bit Country will be playing in Pontypool Con- munity Centre on Saturday night. (See Coming Events). Thankoffering Service The annual Thankoffering Service for Pontypool United Church was held on Sunday, November6th at il a.m. Since Mr. Wiler Graham bas been in the charge for a very short time, he wýýas asked to be the speaker for the service. He sermon was entitled "Lot's wif." rs.Pat Bannister of Lnsywas to be guest soloisi but was iii on Sunday morning and unable to attend. Keith Dewar filled in quite capably and, sang three select- ions "How Great Thou Art", "Bless This House" and "iAmazing Grace." The beau- tful arrangement of flowers on the altar was placed there in loving memory of Tony Richardson by Mrs. Ruth Richardson and family., Following the service those present were invited to the Comm-unity Centre for a light lunch of hot teabiscuits, cheese, pickles and pie. The offering at the Sunday service amounted to $560.85. Second Manvers Girl Guides and Brownies On Monday, October 24th, the Second Manvers Girl Guides and Brownies held enroliment and badge night in the Pontypool Community Centre. The Brownies, led by Brown-Owl Mrs. Smales ably assisted by Tawny-Owl Sandy Stewart and Snowy Owl Mrs. Vanherrewegen, opened with: their Brownie Song. The Tweenies, who were to be- come Brownies that evening, sang their Tweenie Song for the last time. The enrolîment began witlh each new girl crossing the stepping stones in the dark with just the lights held by other B3rownies to guide them. After leaving the Enchanted Forest they crossed to the Magic Pond where Tawny- Wygerde, Peter Duivesteyn, Blair Graham, Doug Larmer, and Barry VanCamp; absent Joanne Malcolm. and at right by Anne -Marlow and Peter Kristensen. In the back row, from lef t to right, Jim Sterlig Area Superintendent, Hon. William Newman, Minister of Agriculture'and Food, as well as MPP for Scugog, and C.H.S. Principal Gordon Paisley. Owl assisted in their progrm Then on they moved to the Toadstool and into the Brown- ie circle where Brown-Owl questioned each girl and heard the-promise and law. The following girls were enrolled-Gail Bailey, Tammy >J4 Cail, Brenda Combdon, Tràcey Gardiner, Colleen Gaynor, Anne Marie Kameka, Karen Medd, Christine Stacey. After the enrolîment several girls received badges. These were: Carol Ramjohn (cyclist, Golden ladder), Mon- ica McIlmoyle (Golden bar), Angie Stewart (gardener, artist), Melissa Dunford (pet keeper, housekeeper), Angela Zralko (housekeeper). Many mothers were present and following the ceremone enjoyed a delicious lunch. Guides There was an excellent turn-out of mothers to watch Captain Suzanne Muirhead enroîl the following guides- j Sylvia Berlinecke, Diana Smith, Paula Smith, Kim Warren, Susan Stacey, Susan Strong. Service stars were given toJ Anna Slute, Teresa Kish, Kim Medd, Renee Slingaling, Tina Peciak. Refreshments were served. Anna, Teresa, Kim, Renee and Tina acted as hostesses to earn their hostess's badges. The Guide leaders are ~" looking for someone to help out with the Guides during March, April, May and June as Captain Suzanne Muirhead is going to be presenting the girls with a little mascot. NE WTON VILLE MWs Jack Bail of Oshawa (the former Evelyn Bellamy) visited Mrs. Mary Jones, last Mondav and also called in to see Mr. and Mrs. Jim Imlach and Mr. and Mrs. David Imlach. Well, another Hallowe'en has passed and gone and we are happy to report it was celebrated here at least in a happy fashion. Approxîmately 100 callers were at our door, from 5,30 p.m.,ý on, mostly small ones and ail were cute-looking in their various disguises and nicely manner- ed. Thanks to the co-operation of one of our grandsons, it wasn't such a tiresome job as usual, answering the door-' bell, as we took it in turn, playing a game or two of cribbage, in between calîs! Local ladies attending the "Lucky Luncheon"' at Orono United Church last Wednes- day included Mrs. Bea Jones, Mrs. Phyllis Peck, Mrs. Mary Jones and Mrs. Florence Ferguson, and the latter three were mong the lucky winners. The Hall Committee spon- sored a dance in Community Hall,1 Saturday night, which was well attended. Music was furnished by "The Additions." Among those attending the Bazaar at Kirby, on Saturday afternoon, were Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. Lena Clysdale, Mrs. Rowena Tizzard. and Mrs. Inez Boughen. Messrs. Trueman Hender- son, Sid Brown, and Don Vinkle, have gone' hunting back north. Another capacity attend- ance was enjoyed in Newton- ville United Church, Sunday morning, when the various youth groups joined the "regu- lars." Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Brownies and Guides marched in with Flag-Bearers and Leaders in full regalia, and we hope they may continue to attend, bringing many parents out, as well. The choir sang "What A Friend We Have In Jesus", and the theme of Rev. Tizzard's sermon was "Love And Remembrance" in keeping with this special occasion. Sunday visitors with Mr. F. Gilmer in Memorial Hospital included Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Gilmer, Tonawanda, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer, Port Hope, Mr. Phil Gilmer and Kim and Mrs. Violet Gilmer. Mrs. Acey Farrow attended the Musical "Show Boat" in Peterborough, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed-ward De- Smrit returned home to Hl !and laýst We1dnesday, after several weeks' visit, here, with Mr. and Mrs. L. DeSmit, and family. Mr. and Mrs., Clinton Far- row were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy, in Newcastle. The death of Mr. Wm. Taylor occurred in Lindsay, last week, and sympathy is expressed to his sister, Mrs. Milligan and other famîly members. Supper guests, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stacey, Sheila and Joe included Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarke, of Port Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brignal, Melissa and Angela of Bowmanville and al enjoyed the pleasant evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Hender- son of Campbellford, were supper guests, Sunday, with Mr. andf Mrs. Fred Hender- son. Mrs. Lena Clysdale was a supper guest, Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Glmer and, family. A Remembrance Day Ser- vice will be held at Newton- ville School on Friday, Nov. llth at 10 a.m. Everyone is invited to attend. On Nov. 15th Mr. Warren Lowes will be at the school to give a talk on his trip to India. A Christmas play will be presented there, on December 14 at 7:30 p.m. - "Santa In Blunderland." Dinner guests wilth Mrs. Leone Lane, Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray a&d girls, Orono. Recent callers with Mrs. Agnes Burley, included Mr. and Mrs. Wagenaar, of Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McEwen, Peterborough, and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, Newcastle. Mrs. Violet Gilmer was a supper guest, Sunday,' with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer, Port Hope, also son Jeff, home from Waterloo and daughter Lynn, home from Ryerson and friend, Ken Swales.. Among those attending the Hymn-Sing at Shiloh, Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Jones, Mrs. Mary Vinkle, Mrs. Dora De Smit, Mrs. Mary Skelding, Mrs. Marlene Stacey, Rev. and Miss. A. Tizzard, Mrs. Sandra Mclnnes, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Boughen and Marilyn Ogden. Newtonville Women's Insti- tute will meet one week later than usual, on Wednesday, Nov. 23, at 2:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Olive Hender- son. Mr. Jim Adams- was a visitor with his son and his family in Toronto wrecking, or salvage yards, in tained the Boy 'Scouts at Room 1, Jr. 2nd, Editb Rowe, luncheon on Friday. 25 Years Ago Thursday, November 6th, 1952 Jack Elston, co-owner of the Radio Shop was Monday evening appointed Bowman- ville Co-Ordinator of, Civil Defence by Town Council. Russ Candler does a mighty fine job of keeping the Post Office building in shipshape condition. Total strangers have commented on the glîtter and shine of the main lobby. Rev. Alex. G. Scott, 'on Sunday, October 26th, preached his first sermon as minister of St. Andrew's Presbyterîan Church. -W. Ross Strike, Q.C., Town Solicitor, Advised Town Council by letter Monday evening that the municipal body cannot "1prohibit", the establishment of junk, auto Bowmanviîîe at the present Helen Weddell, Mabel Bagnell, Lena Taylor and, Violet McFeeters attended the Band P Convention held at Niagara Falls, last weekend. -Dr. Charlotte Horner bas been appointed Medical Officer of Health and Director of the Northumberland-. Durham Health Unit, suceed- ing Dr. C. W. MacCharles who resigned to take an appoint- ment with the Defence Re- search Board. Dr. Horner begins duties on December lst. 49 Years Ago Thursday, November lst, 1928 Report for South Ward Public School for October. Ila Sutton, Florence Shotter, Bernice Mutton, Ross Rice. Charlie Sornerscales, Velma Woodward, Robert Wood- ward, Leon Connors. Jr. it Kenneth Nercombe, Jack Col- ville. Teacher Miss M.H. Collacott. Balmoral Motel Bowling Alleys have been completely renovated. Spec1 iaprzes are being offered t s week. Music Study Club wili meet in St. Paul's Lecture Rooni on Wednesday. Convenors Mns. H.D. Clemens and Mrs. F.H. Moody. Topic, Local Musicians. Trinity United Cburch con -~- gregation was favored Sunday evening when Rev. R.T. Richard and bis choir of 30, voices camne from the. United Church in Port Perry and took. charge of the service here. Hem-stitcbing and picot- edging done and work deliver- ' ed free in town, phone 561. Swimming badges were preslented to Ivan Leighton and Lyall Woods, and Tender- foot badges to Bradley Honey-~~ man, Charlie Cawker, Harold, Colmer, Ted Bagnell, Ned Rehder, Jasper Smith, Josee Alexander and Alex Birk when the Rotary Club enter- LAUN DRY A General Electric laundry pair that of fers exceptional value. AUTOMATIC WASM ER FUATURES e 5 cycles including Perma Press, Poly Knit and Delicate Setting 0 Large capacity 0 2 wash/spin speeds e 5 wash/rinse temperatures e Infinite wash levels *Bleach dispenser. MATCHING AUTOMATIC DR VER FEATURES e Au tomatic dry control 0 2 temperature selections * Perma Press, Delicate and Fluff cycles. 1L~"'" Model W532 Automatic Washer Model D534 Aufomnatic Dryer These models available'in Snow White only COME IN AND SEE THESE MODELS NOW AND GET A FREE BOX 0F "ALL" LAUNDRY DETERGENT WITH YOUR PURCHASE. 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