16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 9, 1977 Yelverton U.C.W. News The November meeting of Yelverton U.C.W. was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore with 22 mem- bers and two visitors present. Mrs. Thora Gray convened the Devotional as follows: Scrip- ture, Hymn, a reading, follow- ed by prayer., Sect. Peggy Stacey took the Roll Call of meý1ibers, Pres. Joyce Malcolm .7ýelcomed the visitors, present. Minutes of previous mee- ings were read and adopted. Janet Spinceley provided the Treasurer's Report. Isabelle Wilson, the flower and fruit report. Linda Pfoh gave- the report on the faîl rally nelu recently in Omemee. A dona- tion was made to the Home for Native Girls. The offer by Linda Rowa n to provide the program for, next two years was gra tefully accepteci. The JJecemiut; meeting is invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pfoh. Agnes Howe demonstrated the art of making Christmas Decorations at home. Mrs. Mary Moore and, Mrs. Maureen Moore served a tasty lunch to bring the afternoon to a close. On Friday, we were plea- santly surprised to see one of Pontypool's V.I.P.'s appear on Peterborough T.V. in person of Mr. Samn Manetta discus- sing the growing of Christmas trees. Very interesting. Miss Jane Connolly and Mr. Marti Malcolm are currently enjoying a week's holiday at Montego Bay, Jamaica. For those who favour the premise that Toronto is "going to the-Dogs", a'mple Canine collaboration could be collected on Sunday at the International Centre on Dixon Road, west of the airport. Thousands of folks, presum- ably mostly fromn Toronto converged on this centre to view the international dog show held there this weekend. What a congiomeration of canines from that rarest breed of aIl that originated in China with only a very few members with the wrinkly hide like a Mirino sheep - to the regal looking Dobermans, the ludi- crous looking French poodles. Big dogs, small dogs, fuzzy dogs, short haired dogs, yappy Pekes to suent Basenjis, skinny Greyhounds to squat Bulldogs with Churchillion visages. The complex was filled. to capacity with dogs and people and still they came, the people that is. At mid afternoon with a lineup of a thousand or so, a quarter mile (pardon me) a haif a kilometre or so in Iength, the Fire Marshall stopped the sale of tickets except on a refill basis. Luckily we managed to get in before the lineup started. The many friends of Mr. Don Frew of Viewlake are wishing a rapid convalescence to Don following scheduled surgery this week. Also to Mr. Harry Sehia of Fleetwood who is in hospital- in Lindsay. New Year's Eve will neyer be quite the same for many who year by year have watched and listened to Guy Lombardo ushering in the big event with his own version of Auld Lang Syne and the sweetest music thisside of Heaven. The nostalgic end of an era! HA Y DON1 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ashton, Oshawa, called on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald andRay on Sunday. Susan, Blackburn, Orono, spent Saturday-night with her Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones, Port Coîborne, Maureen Jones having spent ,some time wîth her grandpar- ents, returned home to Port Coîborne. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin and Mrs. Mildred Anderson visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Anderson and Bill, Port Hope, on Sunday and on Sunday evening, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge and family, Tvrone. The Community Care office on King St. in Bowmanville is doing a good job for senior citizens who need a little service. Such as getting to hospital or the doctor and someone to visit the lonely. They need volunteers. This includes the Durham area office hours 9-12. rFRESH,,RIB END PORK LOIN ROAST SPAILI BETWEEN 3-4 LBS. LB. FRESH, TENDERLOIN END ErwO JRK mÇvLÀ OI1N ROAST SPALI f3~j§ALI L IDEAL FOR PORK PIES SPECIALI FRESH GROUND PORK LB.88 MAPLE L EAF SLICED BOLOGNA, PLB. 98C SCHN EIDERS 1 Z HEADCHEESE BOWLS SIZE 1.08 MAPLE LEAF CHIOKEN, MEAT & OLIVE CHICKEN, MACARONI & CHEESE. MEAT PICKLE & PIMENTO LOAF & BOLOGNA 4 COOKED MEATS 60OZ. MAPLE LEAF FROZEN GOLDEN FRY ' SAUSAGE 1 LB. 12 SAUSAGE PKG.1a BURNS' AND SWIFT'S BRANDS SLICED BACON 1 L 1.5 BITTNER'S SKINLESS1LB 99 WIENERS PLB. 99 SPECIAL! BITTNER'S SLICED 0 %q COOKED HAM PG SPECIAL! BITTNER'S COOKED BEEF SALAMI LB. 17 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE FEATURES SHOPSY'S SPECIALI ALL BEEF 1LB. WIENERS, K.79e FREELAND, FROZEN SPECIALI STORE PACKED BEEF STEAKETTES LB. 69'- ORANGE FLAVOUR SPECIALI JOLLY MILLER CRYSTALS PGS BETTY CROCKER SEIL STIR 'N FROST CAKE MIXES 13.40Z: ASSORTED COLOURS SPECIL! TIFFANY 2 PLY BATHROOM TISSUE PIKG. POWDERED FAB__ 5 LB. DETERGENT o2 9 PICK UP YOUR TICKET FOR NEXT WEEK'S RACE! ryTO 9 CHOPS1 FAMILY PACK, I PER TRAY, QUARTER SPAL! 1.01 ASýSORTEýDCOLýOURS KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE PKG. 0F 200 SPECIAL! KOTEX MAXI PADS NEW FRiEEDIOM OF1 MI NT GREEN OR RED SPECIAL! TOOTHPASTE __MI 0 CLOSE-UP 'TUB MOUTHWASH AND GAROLE SPECIAL ANTISEPTIC LISTERINE 750 mi 1W9 SUAVE CRFME RINSE SPECIAL! AND ASSORTED 350 ml L SHAMPOOS OT ROLL-ON ANTIPERSPIRANT SEIL ARRID OZCONT.l59 SPECIAL' SKIN CARE CREAM oj 240 ml ROSE MILK T.az SPECIALi O H.P. WINDOW5010M oro%9 CLEANER CN.b STP 10W20W50 MOTOR OIL QUART 1.44 CHAMPION BEEF, LIVER SPECIAL' CHIOKEN, KIDNEY, BEEFN CHEESE 'T DOG FOODS TIN £ ELIMINATES STATIC CLING 3O STATIC GUARD CONT. 18 INCH WIDTH SPECIAL! REYNOLDS ALUMfNUM 100 FT. ROLL f l FOIL WRAP PG SPECIAL! ASSORTED COLOUR PRINTS ROYALE TOWELS2 K.O ASSORTED COLOURS 2 PLY BATHROOM TISSUE 8RL ROYALE PKG. 5- SPECIAL! KRAFT PARKAY 311LB -A9 MARGARINE PKG 2. VIAU ROYAL SPECIAL! OR VILLAGE BISCUITS Box1.m4 9 RICHMELLO INSTANT COFFEE 10 OZ. JAR ENRICHED ALL-PUIRPOSE FLOUR ROBIN HOOD 1 B A3 ASSORTED VARIETIES SPECIAL! INSTANT FRIEDA l DAINTY RICES 120Z. COLONIAL BAVARIAN, VENETIAN, PEANUT BUTTER CHIP OR SPECIAL! PEANUT BUTTER CREMES IIIIIIIIL à1 COOKIES P140Z 9' WITH PORK AND MOLASSES SAUCE SPECIA Li GREEN GIANT OVENCROCK BE NS14FLOZ. SPECIAL! DOMINION BUTR3B2 9 IN TOMATO SAUCE, LIBBY'S SPECIAL! ZOODLES, SPAGHETTI OR ALPHA-GETTI O. IN46~ YORK FANCY SPECIAL! FROZEN, WHOLEAm&4 KERNEL CORN PKG. BREAD & BUTTER OR SPECIAL! SWEET MIXED HEINZ PICKLES OZ. BL.99* SPECIAL! RICHMELLO 100% WHOLEa * WHEAT BREAD 240A45 SPECIAL! RICHMELLO À200ZF APPLE PIE -PIE Z DOMINION, CANADA CHOICE JUICE ..e CANADA CHOICE TO0 MATOES 19FL. OZ. TIN GOOD THINGS GROW IN ONTARIO ONTrARIO GROWN CANADA FANCY GRADE Mcîntosh SEIL 1.38AL ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO. i grade SPECIAL! Parsnips BAG 58 CANADA NO. 1 grade large size Cooking 0 L. SPEC IAL' Onions i .58 CANDANO. 1 GRADE Red Cabbage 16'3 9C CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Savoy PC Cabbage 12's 79 CANADA NO. i GRADE SPECIAL' Rutabagasi5C OPEN THURS. and FRI. UNTIL MIDNIGHT Values Effective until closing tUrne Tues. Nov. 15, 1977 Youdo befter aL. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS, DOMIN'ION STORES LIMITED. Apples BAG LIQUID JAVEX BLEACH 64 FLZ.G CONT.W TOMATO HEINZ ÀM KETCHUP 1.12 ~AL32 FL. OZ. a - - a -a dm - & - . m a .