4 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, November 9. 1977 WLEY VILLE After weather warnings for rainQon Sunday, Nov. 6th it' xvas a pleasant surprise to enjoy such a fine day, first cloudy then bright sunshine. Service in the United Church at Welcome was in charge of Rev. Wm. Kennedy and the Triptych at the front of the church was closed to show the names of those who served in the wars of thîs century. This is done each year on the Sunday nearest Armistice Day. As is his custom, Rev. Kennedy gave some informa- tion concerning the responsive psalm r.ýead at each service, this tim'e the 91st and recalled that its words of assurance were, a soure of strength to those huddled in the subways in London, England during the war. The story for the children concerned a father who gave each of his two sons -a small coin and told them to buy something that would filrthe house. The first bought ail he could of straw but it wouldn't fi one roolrn. The other returned with a small parcel of candies, one for each room and their light filled the house, illustrating the power of light and our obligation to usée what we have. The chir, reduced in number because of the con- valescence of Roland Bowrean and an annual holiday of Ken Symons and Lloyd Kellogg, sang "Make me a Blessing." Ruth Kellogg and Aileen Wilson helped lead congrega- tional singing using a guitar and voices. In tribute to men who gave' their young years and many lives, the service included the reading of the poemn, "In Flanders Fields", the singing of "O Canada" and at the, ing of the poem, the singing of "O Canada" and at the conclusion, singing of "God Save the Queen." Rev. Ken- nedy's message was based on the topic, "Let Us Wrship God." Personal worship in a public place has a very important place in the life of a Christian, an acknowledge- ment of belief in God and source of strength for ail who meet together. Ushers were David Kellogg, Robert Symons, Edward Henderson and Allin Buttery. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bye-rs greeted the congregaion at the daor. Christmias muîst be some- where ini the nearý future; UJCW m ïembers are talking CrsasConcert. On Thursday evening, Octo- be.r27th at the annual etn o' ,Port Hope distri ct iLo unc ilo -y Scouts, Tom Ar George Tufford wiere gve awa,-rds in appreciation of, their work with first Wel-com-e Scout group, Tom for 10 years and George for 5 years. Cliii Brice is leader of this group with Glenn Thompson assist- ant. Committee Chairman is Roland Bowman, Secretary. George Tufford, Treasurer Tom Andrus and Mrs. Andrus, is leader of the auxilliary. A new group has been started at Wlcome, "The Beavers" with Mrs. R. McHolm as leader. The-regular meeting of the Morrish Institute was held in Port Hope in one of the Historical Society rooms. The nature of the meeting required a larger room t'hen the usual house living room, and most members belong to both groups. The speaker for the afternoon was introduced by Berniece Best. David Kellogg of' Welcome has been known for his work with junior farmers for many years and his active career in farming. Recently with other junior farmers he was on a trip to Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, Fiji and called at Hawaii. lis talk conceg'ned music; Gloria is eniployed at present in Toronto. Other members of her family pre- sent were Mrs. John Mc- Guirck and brother Donald of Guelph., On Saturday, Nov. 5th, Mr and Mrs. George Tuffordà attended the ice foies in Toronto. A tremendous amoeunt oa earth is being mvdfrom none side of the lakeshiore to the other where an overhead bridge and road is being constructed, toward the west end of the site. Mesdames Ida and Eliza- beth Toppin and the latter's sister fnom Ton-onto visited friends in the Comm-uniity one day last week. 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