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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1977, p. 6

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RThe Canadian Statesmnan. Bowmianville, Novemnber 9, 1977 BE T H A NYNEWSýÊ The Critic A litte seed lay on the ground, And soon began to sprout; "Now, which of ahl the flowers around," t mused, "shahl I corne out?" The lily's face is fair and proud, But just a trile cold;, The rose, I thînk, is rather loud, And then, its fashion's old. The violet is aîl very well, But not a flower I'd chose, Nor yet the Canterbury bell I neyer cared for blues. And so it criticized each flower, This superclous seed, Until it1 woke one sunimer morn, And found îtself - a weed. "The Light of the World"l Mr. Graham of the Bethany United, Church referred to Matt. 4 "the saît of the earth", which he spoke on two weeks ago. He said, "SaIt purifies, attracts and preserves life, as he has to show his Christianity by his actions" ye are the light of the earth. The world today, as the world of the first century, favours darkness. The renaissance was called the era of enlightrnent. The light of the world cornes from i common folk not fron flor- escence, poiticians, royalty, but from simple people whoj have faith in and love for God. A Christian, should look at what a person 15, and then at what he does. Paul said "'The light exposes the hidden darkness," The scribes and Pharisus hated Jesus because He showed thern for what they were, not the light of goodness and knowledge they claimed to be, but the self-righteous thev were. .Man was made by God and cannot live without Him. Jesus Christ carne to the world to save it. You and you alone are the light of the earth. The Evangehical Fellowship of Peterborough is sponsoring a Spiritual Life Conference from Nov. 7 to loth in the Salvation Arrny Temple, Peterborough. Guest speaker is Rev. Gerald B. Griffiths, Pastor of Calvary Church, Toronto. St. PauI's Anglican Rev. Chatterton taught the young people a lilttle littie chorus: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Sweetest naine I know, Filîs my every longing, Keeps me singing as, I go. 1 Susan Jarvest read the first lesson from Matt. 26. Next Sunday, Nov. 6th wil be a musical event in the church when the choir frorn St. John's will be present, as they portray an American P'olk Mass, accompanied by a guitar. An invitation is ex- tended to everyone to attend this service. The Bible study at Rev. Chatterton's on Tuesday even- ings wiil be based on the parables. This week it is parables for doubters. Rev. Chatterton's sermon was a 'continuation on the subject of prayer, and based on prayers in hard times and he referred to Jesus, Paul and ourselves. He dîscussed it as prayer, the answer and the blessing. Even Jesus as He hung from the cross realized the power of prayer and yet He became depressed as He said, "Father why have you deserted Me? " Sometîrnes our answers are not as we expect them to be and yet a blessing was received when Jesus rose again and accomplished great things. Paul was sickly throughout his life and went to God three times to free hlm from this affliction, but God said His love was sufficient to make up for the physical weakness. Thus Paul continued as God's messenger despite his infirrn- ity. His blessing was that he looked forward to the time when his mission on earth was ended and he would be rewarded. We, as indivîduals, must learn to isten for "the still, small voice" and often there is no time lumit on the answer, but eventually will be a blessing for us, so "Continue in Prayer." The Sunday School, under the leadership of Mrs. Debbie Wood and Mrs. Gloria Johns- ton, is well attended and pupils are enthusiastic about the guidance of teachers and fellowship of other chîldren. A welcome is extended to al young people, regardless of denomination. Mrs. Sue Bonsteel visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank White on Wednesday. High score in Ladies' Bowl- ing was won by Beulah Robinson with a score of 369 for two games and runner-up was Gertie Clark with a score of 353 for two games. Nine tables of euchre were played on Saturday evening in the Cavan Hall. High scorers for the evening were Mrs. Elmhurst of Peterborough and Mrs. MeCamus and low prizes were Won by Mrs. Whittington Of Peterborough and Mr. Bill Armitage. The Women's Institute group served a delicious lunch. The next euchre party will be Saturday, November l2th at 8:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Harold White have extended an invitation to friends and neighbors to help them celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary on Nov. l2th in the Bethany Town Hall. The residents of Bethany and area would like to express their appreciation to the young folk who called at their doors on Hallowe'en evening, and each child was very polite and said "lthank you", for the gift received and evidently "1many received much", frorn the fullness of their bags. Lt was "Dad's night"' too, as many fathers accompanied the littie people. However, it is always sad when a few of the "big kids", spoil the fun by snatching bags from younger ones, and then when the firemen are called out after midnight to entinquish a fire foolishly set by someone. Luckily, the alertness of the firemen and other good citizens managed to prevent it from spreading very far. Hallowe'en can be fun--- let us keep it that way! Golden Star Senior Citizens "A prayer for growing old" was read by the president, Belle Smith, as an opening for the meeting on Wednesday. "Lord, Thou knowest better than I know myseif" that 1 arn growing older and will some day be old. Keep me from getting taikative and particu- larly from, the fatal habit of i thinking I must say something1 on every subject and on every1 occasion. "Make me thoughtful, but not moody, helpful, but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom, it seerns a pity not to use it ail, but Thou knowest, Lord, that I want a few friends at the end. Seal my lips on the subject of my many aches and pains, they are increasing, r and my love of rehearsing ji them is becoming sweeter as a years go by. c "i'Give me grace enough to t, isten to the tales of other, aches and pains with patience. r Teach me that it is possible s that I rnight be mistaken. g Keep me reasonably well- F temp e red, I don't want to be a o aint, some of themr are so c Lard to live with. Amen." a The theme song was sung, iv nd the minutes of the last ci mleetings and the minutes pi [om a New Horizon executive meeting were read by the w secretary, Mrs. Violet Carr. financial report of the tea ani bazaar held in October wî given by Mrs. Nva Porteou The proceeds were mor gratifying and the presider expressed appreciation to a the members for their spier did co-operation and contribi tions to the sale. A welcorne was given to a. present, but a special we& corne to four new înemberr Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sharp and Mr. and Mrs. Fran' Harkness. Senior Citizel cards from U.S.C.O. wer, given to paid up members. Final details were made ti attend the Senior Citizens' da, at the Royal Winter Fair o1 November llth. A Christmas dinner an( party was discussed and i was decided to hold it or Decernber 14th at 5:00 p.m and to invite the A.C.W. of St Paul's to cater to it. Ar interesting program has beer. planned for the evening, s0 wE invite ahl members to attend Part of the proceeds frorn thE bazaar will finance the dinner and some will be used for transportation to the Royal Winter Fair. Wintario night in Lindsay on November 18 was discussed, but the rnajority felt they'd prefer watching it on T.V. not many "gamblers" in our group!! Plans are being made to attend a Front Page Challenge taping on January 23, 50 those who wish to attend give your narnes to Margaret Wright. On Novernber 3Oth the meeting will be held in the Cavan Hall and a Cavan group is responsible for the pro- gramme. They have invited the Bailieboro Senior Citizens as guests, s0 a considerable time was given for practice with the choir under the leadership of Mrs. Ruth Jen- nings, assisted by Mrs. Mar- garet Wright and accompan- ied on the piano by Mrs. Lillian Fallis. ."Elderly persons can improve everythîng from blood pressure and co-opera- tion to stimulating elasticity in the body" said Dr. Bernard T'albot, a rehabilitative medicine specialist, so the F'un and Fitness program conducted created much fun and we hope agility as well as )leasure for the members who wished to participate. The highlight of the after- noon was the recognition of MIr. and Mrs. Rowan's fiftieth Inniversary. A decorated cake centered the candle - lit table of honour, and a poem 'God Bless Our Home" was read by Charlie Smith, which soke of love and parent uidance of Mother and 'ather. Congratulations were )ffered onl behaîf of the Senior itizenis by Mrs. Mildred Syer and Mrs, Violet Carr spoke of Ur. and Mrs. Rowan's past ontributions to the musical )art of the United Church. Euchre ended the afternoon ith high prizes going to Mrs. Parent -Advisory Committee By Jean Cunningham presented by Monsieur Henri. enne or Quebecois. It can be The' first meeting of the M.J. He explained and dernon- understood in any French Hobbs Parent Advisory Comn- strated his technique for speaking region. mittee was held'in the Home teaching letter combinations Harvey Webster comment- Economics Roorn on October and the numbers. The folow-' ed on his Health, Guidance 27 at 7:30 p.m. ing items were mentioned: and Physical Education Those present included (1) There is to be student classes. Items discussed Sandra Beck, Sandra Boyd, exchange program next were:. Louise Canfield, Richard and summer-more information (1) The Parent Workshop on Joan Carr, Joan Coverly, Jean will be sent home. November 25, P.A. Day. Cunninghamn, Joy Cowie (2) Remedial help in French (2) Co-ed Health' classes- Milton Dakin, Lamoine is being offered by both which seem to be working Elodge, Aldorine Haagmans, French teachers-parents are welî. Lt was necessitated by Grant Herron, Ken Hoskins, responsible for picking up the overlay of the French Shirley Jarvis, Cathy Mailer, their children after 3:30 programn on the timetable. Pat Simnpson, Helen Thornp- classes. (3) Obtaining a qualified on, Paul and Rusty Zurba; (3) Parents are asked to person to present a workshop Staff members-Messrs. R. help build up the French regarding "Teenage Prob- Henry-French teacher; N. Picture File by sending in any lems" eg. Alcohol, Drugs, etc. busito-French teacher; H.W. interesting magazine for a future P.A. Day. Webster-P.E., Health and pictures. Pictures should be at (4It was decided that M.J. Guidance teacher; P. Chriso- least 9" x 12". Hobbs would hold their Educa- ,nalis-Vice Principal; E.S. ThFechentagts tion Week activities at a Paylor-Principal. standard French, no Parisi- differet tim hp Ppp I I c r Mr alr-eloe hs who.eaylorelco nmenos wo er te prntansenth tomione a that eproeof the committee w as that of anu adsrnoallirect hter, u * suedtianl pres entthtvery sauestidionwold e givn caefu onsidoeatio ercan bmre h ctaopeunicinret improvte comunionbe tweenthe soland its commnity hobemsaid. iAny psoalrbhles or baes shd odbethaedprmivtely atnaknot by te nmtee. ailton Din are onac as J Comnnitee ghaesn Mgrs.e oanCunn eing agcreedto ctarrcrdn A French presentation was Edith McKellar and Mrs. Ruth Traynor and low scores were Mrs. Vera Smith and Mrs. Etta Robinson. Cake and ice creamn was served by the Cavan group. There will be a regular meeting of the Senior Citizens on Wednesday, November, l6th. Mrs. Ina Palmer enjoys company and is a wonderful hostess as she entertains her many friends. Among her Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Monk of Peterbor- ough, who attended the anni- versary service and then dinner with Mrs. Palrner. Last Sunday guests of Mrs. Palmer were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ransberry of Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Palrner and Vivian, and Mr. and Mrs. John Piccitto and Lee and Mrs. Mildred Bristow. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bristow and Tracy took Mrs. Mildred Bristow to visit her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Ogryzek in Kingston. A player on the Minnesota North Star hockey team, Ron Zanussi, is Mrs. Palmer's n iece's son. Some-friends, may know hlm as Harold Palmer's grandson. Get-well wishes are extend- ed to Mrs. Norman Fisher and Mr. Allan Gray, who are in the Civic Hospital. We wish them a speedy recovery. YOU ARE INVITED to our November 1lOth - Novem ber i 9th, 1977 See aour large selection of gifts for every age. In-store specials on gift stocks to make you' Christmas shopping easier. Special1 prices on ail1 ma cra me supplies Leathercrafter Bonus Clearance of discontinued items Limited Stocks- Extra Special Prices COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION A & P coupons flot applicable on sale items Schools to enable parents witl¶ children in b oth 1schools to attend the activities at bo4tk schools. (5) Those students partici- pating in the Runathon will receive student cards. Al students wlll have the oppor- tunity to get a card in the very near future. (6) It was suggested that this year's Graduation Exer- cises follow the same format as last year's-a dinner for the graduating classes and their parents followed by the presentation of awards. (7) Report Cards - to be picked up on December 15, to increase communication be- tween communfity and school. (8) Future Committee meet- ings are scheduled for Thurs- day, January l9th, and Thurs- day, March 9th. Ail parents are reminded of the "Open Door" policy and ROqWAN TREE 133 Church St. 62x- i 22ng 4 The girls have finally locked JOHN away! but they can't stop hlm from giving ail his customers & friends the BEST BUYS IN TOWN indluadlngFR11 DRAWI Soto Nov. 26 for Early Canadian Rocker, to be drawn by Ellen Coe, representative of Bedding Unimited's SeniorLadies' Ontario, Softball Champs. Regular size 100% nylon cover 3 9 Queen size olefin, polyester & nylon caver 5499 3 pc. Suite double dresser, 260O9aboa drawer chgst, 54-6 CIh2d0995 "Prices you can sleep with"l MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING COMBINATIONS 39', 60",x80", 17995) 9950 OFFURI -Heavy duty trame I3 wlh 2" corpet irelier. w» h very mtr» & box aprlatg. FAST, FREE, COURTEOUS DELIVERY e Speciallots in oddl-size mattresses and box springs. BMARGAIN ANNEX l"Odds a Ends", Fi B iMattress& Box Spring-Floor Samples CASH & CARRY 60" x 80" QUEEN SIZE. BOX SPRINGCS LOUIS NORMAN Reg. 249. SALE .................. 149 3V51..... BEVERLY Reg. 329. SALE.................199o 54" . .. EASY FINANCING-TELEPHONE ORDERS WELCOMED eddlg U imitdýI f !Q-9fl11 5g~ - - - u M - - ww~ 133 Taunton Rd. W. Somnervîie Mal SALE PRICES 57 m@mmmmý 1 --&7 uiiierviit unie unan me r eeaer 623-9122 r "'%HE FPP.P

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