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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1977, p. 14

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DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFUED Tues., 12noon Phone 623-3303 e - s * 1977 PONTIAC, Grand Saffari' station wagon, fantastic buy at $6950. Phone 623-2788. 45-4 N 1977 OMEGA V-6, f irethorn colour, automnatic, power steering, power brakes, white walled radiais, body side moldin gs, sports mirrors, radio. Phone 728-8383. 43-tf n '73 LTD Brougham, fully powered, excellent condition. Certified. Must seil. Phone Lindsay 705-324-7975. 46-1 N 1968-PLYMOUTH Road Run- ner, needs work. Phone after 6:00. 4 by 8 pool table. Phone 623-5380. 46-lx EXECUTIVE driven, 1977 Chrysier New Port, 16,700 miles. 4 dr. hardtop, vinyl roof, p.s., p. b. , p.w., airomatic temperature control, AM-FM stereo with 8 track t ilt wheel - telescopic wheel - manual side vents, tinted glass, 2 remote mirrors, fonder skirts, door and body profector guards, superbly cdean, $6,642 623-7684. No Sundays. 46-1 N '73 OLDS Cutlass Supreme. Best offer. Two G78-14 snow tires on G.M. wheels, $50. Phono 623-7387. 46-1 1973 MONTE Carlo, V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, swivel buckets and air conditionlng. $2,000 or best offer. Must set I. 263-8206. After s, x263-8209. 46-1 N '75 CHARG ER, S E, 318 motor, vinyl top, deluxe wheets, radial tires, excellent condi- tion. $2950. Certif ied. Must selI1. Lindsay area 705-324-7975. 46-1 N 1976 CH EV. Caprice, 2 door, excellent condition, 13,000 miles, loaded with options, no air. Phono 1-986-5584. 46-1 N 1976 MERCURY Monarch, V-8, automatlc, powersteer- ing and brakes. 2 door, 21,000 miles. Be5t offer. Must selI, 263-8209 after six. 46-1 N '77 MONTE CarIa, Landau, bucket seats, cruise control, other extras. Mint condition. Must soit. Phone 987-4467. 46-1 N '69 PONTIAC, 2 door, $200 as is. Phone 623-7408. 46-1 N 1972 GT VEGA, hatchback. Very good condition. WIli certify. Phono 987-4429. 46-1 N '64 VOLKSWAGEN, $500, cer- tif led, or as is. Phono ý623-2106. 46-1 S'4MONTEGO, 2 door, excel- lent condition, 302 V-8, auto- -macp.s., p.b, radiais, extras, $2250 cerf ited. 46-1 N 197 l- E V Impala. Good cn ,dtion, bargain price, ,,etiid Phono 623-7234 aftem 46-tf N '72 BUICK Electre. Power steering, brakes, windows, eutomatic transmission, air candifioned. AM-FM stomea 4-speaker media. Mounted snew tires. Best offer. 987-4583. 46-2N 1975 G.M.C, VANDURA, 6 standard, 30,000 miles, gead, gas mileage, raised roof, tinlshed inferior, sleeps 4, excellent condition, $5500. Phono 983-9554. 46-1 N 1977 CHEVELLE Malibu Classic wit h landau top and many oxtras. 2500 miles. Phono 725-4698. 46-1 N 1970 JAVELIN, green, Hust mystory shitter, now tires and rims. Phore 725-6479 atter 4. 46-1 N J1 and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Olshawa. 576-1220.1 46-tf VITALtZING! Phono 723-1155 for Rustproofing on new or used vehictes. Wri tten war- ranty. Durham Vitalizing phono 723-1155. 47-tf TENDER Tenders wil be recievod for the cae of proporty ownted by the Town of Ne w- The Property is described as 1eing in the Town of New- castte, in the Reg ion of Durham, formerly in the Town of Bowmanville, County of Durham and as p art of lot 10, Concession 1, cltosed por- tion of Lycett Street., Dimensions areapproximate- !y as follows:- Frontago of Simpson Avenue-----------...66 foot East Limit Dopth... 115 foot Area----------..0. 174 acres The Zoning is Residential. Envetopos should be c loarly marked as. to contents andi be dellvered in the Office of the undersigned no later than 4: 00 p.m. on Monday, December 5th, 1977. The highest or any Tender mar nncessarily be ac- cepÏed.o J. M . Mcllroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvllle, Ontario, FULL or part time. Earn $5-$6 an hour in a Fuller Brush torritory, close te your homo, showing aur 'new faIt and Christmas line. Torrifary available in Bowmanville and Btackstock. For information phono 416-372-9969 or write Patrick Wiebe, 416 Walfon St. Cobourg. 43-4x MATURE woman for part- fime shitt work as nurse's aide in nursing home. We will train. Write Advertiser 732, c-o Canadien Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanvitle, Ont. LIC 3 K9. 45-2N Poodie Clipping and Groomning BY PROFESSIONALS Please cati: 623-6676 43-4N DOG GROOMING Big and Small We do them al. Phone 623-7764 36-tf PUREBRED miniature Shetie Calle, e gistered papers, one yoam aid, house broken, vemy good with chul- dren. Also budgie and cage for sale. Phono 623-6875. 46-1 TO give eway fa geod home, 2 month aid kittens, ltter train- ed. Phono 725-3947. 46-ff N FR EE te geod home, 5 mnonfh old mate pup, house broken, geod wifh children. Phono 623-7742. 46-1 N BEAUTIFUL regilstered Peki1nese pups, tom sale. Jusf: in fimie for Christmas. Phono 576-2685. 45-6N TWO bedroom cottage, Hwy. 2 next to County Chrys er. Avaitabte immediately. $135 monthty. Phone 623-2586, Mr. James. 46-1 BOWMANVILLE, basement office space for rent, 2 rooms, approximatel y250 sq. ft. each. $5 per square foot including att util ftjes. Lease to pay business taxe" onty. Availablo now. Tetephone 723-0575 or 623-4172. 46-4N BJOWMANVILLE. New day came centre avaîleble for ent. Appoximately 900 square fooet, p!rme downfewn loca- tion. Teélephone 723-0575 or 623-4172. 46-4 BOWMANVILLE. New com- mercial space for ent, choice downtown location, Areas ot 500 te 5000 square foot. Total et 15,000 square foot avaitabte. Telephene 723-0575 or 623-4172 46-4 OXFORD PARK TOWERS 822 Gien St. Os hawa Two bedroom - $230 Three bednoom - $265 PLUS HYDRO Close f0 south GM, schools and shopping. 576-3739 45-4 ONE bedrom apertmenf, heat included. First.and lest month's ent in, advence. Phono 623-4387. 46-tf N MODERN 2 bedroam aparf-. mont.-Separate diningj roem, olectmIc heat, available Dec. 1, 1977. Near Temperence and King Streets, Telephone 623-7664. 46- SMALL one bedroam apamt- ment in Bowmanville. Avail- able December lst. Fridge steve and heated. First and lest month's mnt. $165 plus hydre. Phono 623-5598. 46-1 N ONE bedroom, basement apamtment, Newcastle, appliances included. Phono 987-4546 affer 3 p.m. 46-1 N 2ndi and 3rd MORTGAG E MONEY AVAILABLE -5 year term open Mortgag os -No paymenfts for three mont h s -No bonuses - No Credif Checks -No inquiry from neighbors -Confidential arrangements made in your home -Borrow as low as $1,600 Fast service First Mortgages aIso arranged Cail Mr. Wilks Mortgages bought and sold (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) Don't waitttiIli Spring. Get your Canvas Jobs and Repairs done now. Gloria's Canvas & Upholstery Customn Made Awnîngs Tra iter - Boat - Sait1 Covers AIl Types of Canvas Repairs Boat - Skidoo - Motorcycle Soats Recovered BOWMANVILLE 623-4654 44-5N JOHN M. FINN Interior Decorator (20 Years Experience) SPECIALtZING IN: PAPE RS- FLOCKS-FOILS VINYLS -FABRICS STUCCO -ANTIQUING ('Special' installation charge of $8 per roll on orders placed before Nov. 20, 1977.) Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates PHONE PONTYPOOL 277-2948 45-2N EXPERIENCED in 'dress- mnaking. Taitoring ladies' suif- and coats. Alterations ar. repairs. Mrs. Aice Hopson 623-7377. 42-6N Don Brooks & Son Genera I Contra ctor and Custom Builder S Phone 723-6176 - New homes, additions, altera- fions, rec rooms, garages, repairs of aliltypes, etc. 25-tf GORD SIMPSON Phono 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Ca rpentry ffqýmnuwaR #m 9n General Repairs TYRONE 'neronExe> i- Welcding -mig Steel - Cast lron - Aluiminum Smalt En9ines Repaired Bil's &Tune-ups GLASS and MIRRORs LTD. 263-8849r Ref rigeration and Applilance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration'- MiIlk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days-------------....623-5774 MNghts------------..623-3177 Lander Hardware 2-tf OXFORD Bricklayers and Stonemasons Lt. (Our firoplaces do not smoke) Orono 983-5606 18-tf Lloyd Barnes Plumbing, CarpenrRonovating Ail G=eai Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Roc Rooms, Repeirs 0f ail types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS -FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 1263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43- Bowmanville 30-tf Prof essiona I Carpet Cleaning AT REASONABLE RATES -FREE ESTIMATES Phone Bob 623-2383 37-tf Ron's Floor Care Commercial and household cleaning. Dry foam rug and carpet shampooing. Wax re- movat, watt washing. R on Turcotte 623-7966 ALL-TYPE ROOFING Shingtles new or Reroof ing Flats hotor cold process. Ail roof and chimney repairs, FREE ESTIMATES 623-5038 Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Bowmanvi île Siding - Soffit Fascia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 1623-4398 FOR FREE ESTtMATE. NOW HANDLING VINYL StDING- 3-tf INSTALL an Esso furnace, bolier, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. Combination wood and oïl, Financing. avait- able. Furnaces cleaned Parts and service poticy., Cail Harvey Partner, your Esso service dealer. Free est im- ates. Orono 983-5206 or Bow- manvilte 623-2301. 24 hour service. 35-tf Grist Milt Auct ion Ban Newtonville, Nov. 18th, Friday, 7:00 Round oak pedestal table, butter print and butter bowl, wicker rocker, orgen stool, smell cane bencht, lanferns, Victorian rm hipcue back chair, rnilk cens, 4 speke< wheels (weod), sew harses, de y bed, crib, bed chester- fiel d, file cabinet, slate pool fable (4 x 8), etc. Terms cash. Auctianeers Stapleten Bras. 786-2244. 46-1 N Saturdey, November 19 11 a.m. The estate of Mrs. Yekeîey, north et Goodweod on 3rd concession, heusehold furni- fume. Watch for signs. Temms cash. No reserve. Auction- eers, Norm Faulkner, Earl Gauslin. 46-1iN Thursday nighf, Nov. 17 6:45 Orvet McLean Auction Contre Lindsay Enter parking lot off Little Britein Road. Seiling property of Mrs. Russell Archer, Lindsay. Complote contents of aId femmn home, antique turni- fume, eppliances, dishes, etc. Hamvest table, fîreplece mentie, antique rocker, gramophone, antique hall seat, caler televisien, etc. Ne moservo, giving up housekeep- ing. Orval McLean auctioneer 324-2783 Lindsay. 46-1 Thunsdey, Novem ber 24 12Noon Hoisteins Melment Annivorsery Sale solling et the Malmont Sales Amena, Blackstock, Ontario. Neil Malcolm, prepriofor. This sale teafures 50 head. Severet younq cows and heifers wifh high productionb and full pedigrees. A num berS with Very Goed dams. A5 number are fresh or close ta celving. AIse a nice group ef bred and open hoifors and- celves. 3 buils, ane service age by "Pansy Feundaf ion" f rom 2 Very Gaod dams. Ait cattle blood tesfed. Lunch aveilable. Lloyd Wilson, auctioneer. - Auctin Sal conSaludy oebr1 Sat.rdy5 Novmbe 1:15 p.m.utin al ianstesAutin al Cossing o:ewtioley el Consistlng 2f:hatio umbreai la tbte,2 chirs nd cais lounge, sewing machine cabi- P net, hostess armchairs, Tc tabtes, planter, chest of ani drawers, dishes, glassware' Go oil lamps, fold-away bed, ME TV's, chesterfield and chair, 5Y refrigerator, stove, and other Soli items stili being consigned. Da Roger Bannister, auctioneer. JO 46-1iN 416 KtCGISTJERED Hostein cow, freshening in December. Cal 786-2675. 46-1 N SIX maIe, four temale horn- less young goats, 12 haif grown Dutch rabbits. 623-5655. 46-1 N Saturday, Novem ber 2fth at 1 p.m. Whitby Auct ion sale of furniture and things for Arthur Edwards, et 517 Perry St., Whitby.r, 3 chests, d ishes, new little washer and dryor, desk, rockin g chair, wardrobe, small table, tomn stand, sew- ing machine, table sew, new ledder, oId iran pots, antique carpenter foots, '72 Volks- îwaeon, as is, boet traiter, boat mo or, othor articles. No reserve. Terms cash. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. Corneil's Auction Barn Saturday, November 19 1 p.m. Three miles oast ot Litt le Britain, or 7 mites west of Lindsay on the Lindsay - Little Britein Roed. Pine f let-to-the- weli cupboerd, oalç dressers, Iran bed with brass knobs, wash stands, quantify of silverwere, antique rocking chairs, captain's chair, press back chairs, quanfity ef ictojre trames, quentify of Selîs, coal ail lam ps, quantify af hand-made quil ts, aid shoot music, piano stools, laine book case, deacon bench, jam cupboard, antique soalers, red i ng cutter (good condi- tIon ), arge quentity of miscel- laneous antique pieces. Don Corneil, auctioneer, R. R. 1 Little Britein, 705-786-2183. 46-1 N Corneii's Auction Barn Frîday, November 18 7 p.m. Three miles easf ot Little Bnifain or 7 miles wesf ot Lindsay on the Lindsay - Little Britaîn Road. The propemty of Mrs. Grace Smith of Wood- ville. Coder chest, bedmoom suifes, chests of drewers, q uantity af pictume trames, Thomas electric organ, floor lamps, pine bIenket box, chesterfieldand chair, ocde- sLonal chairs, meagazine rack, china cabinet, dining table and- six chairs, plattorm rocker, coffee and end fables, library table, coal ait lamps, wash stands, Quebec heefer, rocking10chairs. Moto-Ski snoobie, 972Chev. Impala (certified), quantity of china and glass plus many more antiques, fumniture and house- hold items. Don Corneil, auctioneer, R. R. 1, Little Britain, 705-786-2183. 46-1 N Safurday, November 19f h et 1 p.m., Blackstoick Auct ion sale for thoest&ate of the laite Mrs. Russell Mount- jay. AIl hem fumnifure, 9 piece dining moomi suite, fmidge, stove, beds, dresser, bedding, dishes, sewing machine, TV,, washing machine, anly ac partial list. Evorything musts be sold. No reserve. Terms cash. Clitf Pethick, auc- tionoor. 46-1iN h Pefhick's Auction Barn Haydon Satunday evoning, Nov. l9fh eit 7 p.m. Au<-tion sale, anc mile eest t of Enniskillen. And again c another large sale or, C Monday ovoning, Nov. 21sf at 7p.m. 1 ti Look et these two sale dates a and be sure te came. We have K aoads et things. Clitt Pethick, N auctianeer. 46-1N e Set unday, Novemben 19 Pethick's Auction Shed 7 p.m. ln Ha ydon, one mile eesf of Enniski lien. Largo Duncan U ,hyfe dinin9 table, oak rock- E g chair, ce cream chair, p opper baller. irons. tools, sc stend-up secretarial, oak F ideboard wifh plate glass s -irror, oak halIl rack, t< .rocks, lenterns, temps, c -rrors, aid chairs, ver y old gi ;cheot map (goed condition), n' leassware, dlocks, collectar's ai ters, Primitive laine credie, A iilIbrook rocker, tmunks, <uple doil, cream cens, rnilk )ottles, chitd's woaden wagon. ehutd be a ver y intemest ing ale. Somefhing for everyono. liff Pethick, auctîoneer. 46-1 N B( Durham County t Sa les Arena C Orono n wl VeekIy livesfock auctions le 'ery Thursday commencing X t7:30 p.m. Chartes Reicf, aucf ion een, 983-5914. et 39-8 ca Safundlay, November 19 Co 11:OOa.m. Siý Prince Albert HatIl fr( 2 miles south et Part Perry. st. operty ef Mrs. A. E. Rudd, orente. ,Quentity e ood S fi! ues ,and colectag leýS. t. >odJ fumniiture. Sports equip- sel lnt, 14' canao, sterea sound M estem, space-heater, fridge, Mc ex moped, cemtified '71 ab] tsun. 'Tee goad ta miss. i hln Pearce, auctioneer. L ô-985-7492. 46-1 o e CIRCLE R Rencn. Herses boarded, box stails, balanced died. Exemcised daily. Lighted indoor and eutdoor areas, 200 acres trails. Inquiries invitod 1 mile seuth et Kawarfhe Downs. 705-939-6549. 4- COLONIAL STABLES EQUESTRIAN CENTRE "Leemn fa Ride" Speciet Courses in Equifafion, Jumping and Dressage. " Honsemnanship" and "Showmanship" Opportunity ta Compote in Shows. Hanses Suppiod. SPECIAL PROGRAM being offered thîs feti. 4 lessons per mont h plus 8 houns free niding ime-5,0 T'el. 623-4984 thLIne, R. R. 3, Bowmanvitîe 34-tf ýreedomaf Chaice." Hosaid tel eat freedoni of chaice have, ho: ,? Does God have a free jul oco? Is Ho free ta, destray an ?Is Ho free ta stop loving va ?Is Ho froc ta have choice ski ta whom should be in His 1 urch? We croate a God ta Ani rawn liking. Our freedom of Mo oice is limited whîle God's is Ontrio. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Ftoat Gtass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 17-tf DARLI NGTON MASONRY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIRE PLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-f PHON E 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton 37-tf NEED a pressure s ystem? Water Softeniers? Repairs to. att makes. Harvey Partner, Orono 983-5206, Bowmanville 623-2301. 35-tf WATER Wells bored, 30" tilo. Ward's Weil Borlng. Toto- phone 342-2030. Reoresenta. tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phono 987-4531. 16-tf Have y ou had your Furnace Serviced? Ca il HARVEY PARTNER BOWMANVILLE 623-2301 ORONO 983-5206 Parts and' service plans avai table. 35-14 Odd Jobs Basement Clea nouts Light Moving Phone 46-1 N WOOD CUTING Wood sawed with circuler saw of chain. f PHONE G. VAN LONDEN 46Jb N ~ -6 MASONRY'4- BRICK, BLOCK, STONE Dra aor AND FREPLCES. Contractors Ltd. Phone 623-5114 Bricks - Logs 28-52x Field Sfonowork Spediatizing in Fireplaces C &C JANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professionally Cleaned FREE EST IMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMAN VILLE 45-tff Yeomans & Sons Limited Pîumbing and Heating A SERVICE-SHOP ON WHEELS 24-Houn Service New Installations Att enafions - Repairs spedieîizing in Hot Wafen Heating Forced Air Heating R. R. 1 Orono, 983-5624 ZEN îTH- 25-tf 6N Phone 839-2431 44-ff M. Brooks CAR PENTRY R EMODE LLI NG CUPBOARDS - VANITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 Ali kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bowmanvi île 623-2756 13-tf Ask About Our Guarantee 576-5606 Also INSU LATION Blown Cellulose F ibre by WHITE'S INSU LATION FREE ESTIMATES 576-5606 Gecldes Eîectric Custom Homes, Additions - AMenations FREE ESTIIJATES 623-4174 40-tf- N )rse for tfiis functio -n.-- The Nid nping displayed by horse of d horsemen fram the mez nous nations shawed much, the .11 and koen competition. And bere Dinner was enjoyed at the Ané irew's Restaurant in the fron, orningside Plaza.1SO Saturday, November 19 af 1l a. m. Sharp Selling the antiques and household goods of Joan ne Swadron, Mill Sf., Newcastle, Iust north of the stop tights. nc Iuded in this fine auction sale are, one arm bandit (slot machine), comploto wicker set, brass wood box, mea le oval table, marble coffee table, 7 piece wesh set, marie wash stand, pine blanket chest, five wash stands, pine armoire, essorted chairs, cep- tain's chair, chopping block, umbrella stand, rocking chair, pine lift top box, maple dresser, banquet tamp, brass, bottom lemp, antique dres- sers, brass and copper knick knecks, brass curtain rods, set of brass stair rails, three hanging copper lamps, mir- rars, butter bowl, cranberry hanging tamp, wooden shut- tors, wooden dijck decovs, crystal chandelier, brass tireplace equipment, antique grandmother dlo ck, plus many more antiques too numerous te mention but also inctuded in this sale is a house traier, an Admirai air candi- fioner, a power sew and sander, beseboard heaters, black &white TV and a comn- plote photogrephic dark room and equipment. Be sure ta attend this fine auction. No reserve. Terms cash. Charlie Reid, auctioneer, Lawrence Harris, clerk. 46-1 N Tuosday, Nov. 22 12 Noon Hoîsteins, Machinory & Feed Clearing farm auction for Brinan Farms ownod by Brian and Nancy McCloskey, R.R. 3 Hastings Ont. Lot 1, Con. 6, Asphodel Twp., 212 miles wesf of Hast ings on Keene-Hestings Roed. 50 Hoisteins, 30 Regis- milking tag e, 20 Heifers, R. O. P. test e * 0 hoad fmesh or close at sale fimie. Several due in January. A bred heifer by Roybrook Envoy f rom e Very Good Nugget with (138-173 BCA) (Both sollO. Others by Starlite, Pickland, Chiettain, etc. Dairy-oquipment: Muet- ler 400 g ai. Bulk Tank with autamafic washer, Surge Alamo 60 pump (new), 3 surgo ,,-rkpts - Equipmont: 10 ton Grain bin wifh 12' -Auger, David Brown 1200 Selecto- mnatic Tractor (good), David Brown 9,90 Tractor with load- or, chains and 2 buckets, New Idea 240 bu. Manure Spreader with hydraulic end gate <tikei neW ),New Hollend H ay bine, MV-F no. 9 Hay Baler, Bale buncher, Wgn-ewj er A-C 3 pt. hîfch Cutîatr ý ' Hay Elovator 40', Cheiný Har- rows, Cattte aller, loading chute, 1969 Dodge 1/2 ton (as [s), Feed cerf, 33 acres standing corn, 500 ton corn sitage. Lunch availeble. Sale if 12 nmon. Big machinery will sell et 12 o'clock. Sale iianaged and soîd by Lloyd Nilson Auct ions Ltd ., Ux- bridge 416 852-3524. 46-1 Saturday, November 19 ati1 p.m. at Gibbon S t., Oshawa Generat household furni-i uro, some antiques and collectibles, oId desk, vanity, Ild dresser, buffet, new LR78-15 tire. Large tables, table saw, mitk cen, old trunk and several other articles. Note f ime - 1 p.m. Saturday, Novem ber l9th. Ross Mc Lean,, auctioneer. 576-7550. 46-1iN Set urda y, November 26 c Sale Time12 Noon ' Oshawa House sold, moving f0 U.S.A. Sale to be hold et 16S Bond St. East, Oshawa. The proporty of Mrs. Jean Thomp-a on of Ajax, Ontario. Comn- 'loto household furniture, P fove, tridge, coloured TV,I tak dining room suite, a overal chosterfields and hairs, good drapes, Plusr arden tools etc. Complote 11sf l ext woek. Most of the articles re 2 years old or less. Ross- AcLean, auctioneer. 576-7550. P 46-1iN K The Boy Scouts fromn 527 Iru 3endale Ave., Scarboraugh, of he Salvatian Army. group împed et the Dowson Farm M rth of Bethany, during the di eekend, and under the K eadership of their Scout Jaster, Bob Hewines, they et eln Cu ch erice. - m REYNOLDS- WHITE'S UPHOLSTERING TV. TOWERS Modgrn, Traditional and Antique.,oes UF H F00 pickup and delivery. Aeias, URotons & F REE ESTIMATES eilRtr infinite. Rev. Sissmare refer- red ta the parable of the slaves and -tenants in the vinoyard. The tenants had three choices and finally killed the son. God sent prophet after prophet but people rojected them, thon Ho sont His only Son. They killed Him, but Jesus came back and Christian people and Christian chui-ches were the choices He gave us. We have a choice botween submitting or reject- ing and hoe spoke of the need of supparting the church, or choosing ta lot it die. Although the snow hasn't fallen, a number are gaing South ta the warmer climate. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jackson entortained with a dinner party for Mr. and Mrs. Manseil Wright on Saturday evening beore they left an Sunday for their homo in Zephyr Huis, Fiorida. We are pleased ta hear that accidentai falis cancurred by Mrs. Emma Lamb and Mrs. Mary Capeli did not cause any brokon bones, although a "shako-up" of the system can be most uncomfortable. Mrs. Dobbie Smelt, who has undergone bladder surgery, is improving favarably, and we'ro pieased ta hear will be homo soon. Items of interest from the Manvers Council minutes: The township accepted the affer of settiement of the Insurance Ca. for the oid haîf ton truck, stolen and damaged by vendais, in the amount of $856.00. Parties i efusing ta teke out building pormîts, for the erection of new silos, are advised by registered mail that unless permits are taken out by Nov. 18, that tho township, in ordeftat enforce the building by-lew, will proceod with court action. This enforcement order will also appiy ta any other offenders that have erected a 'building or structure without securing a building permit fram the building inspectar. A letter is ta bo forwarded ta the Victoria County Library Board, outlining that in the Council's opinion, after can- vorsing with soverai of tho residents of Manvers Town- ship, that it wouid appear there is insufficient interost in ,the Towýnshiip ta proceed in joining the Victoria County Library Board, apert from the fact that it would be an additional cost of approxi- mately $10,000.00 per year, which wauld amount ta aboutt three milîs on the tax bill. The Township doos not wish ta joinc the library system et this time. f Mrs. Propp is ta interview V Mrs. Diane Warren and find 0 out the perticulars of the F operatîon she wishes ta coni- j iuct from hoer house. ý I A by-haw was introduced ta add twa recently socured parceis of land, in the hamlot Ji of Bethany, ta the existing C road systomi in the Township N of Manvers, g The 20-year franchise was M signod with the Consumers o: Gas Ca. gîving them tho gas C distributian rights in Manvers tj Township. t Congratulations ta the AI players who contributed ta the mr success of Oklahoma played M at the Academy Theatre, te Lindsay. Ladies, who taok g part from this area were Mrs. W [elen Fry, Mrs. Marion Wood SI and Mrs. Carol Bolton. M Senior Citizen's bowling F] results this week were: high Di îdy-Hilda.Bigelow, runner-up Sc 1Gertie Clark, high men-Earl H, ýarrat, runner-up-Tom Mc- Cz ýellar. B Mr. and Mrs. J. Kloepfer Ni >ent from Nov. 2 ta Nov. 16 in ranto at the Royal York M, lotel. Jim was attending an H nsurance Convention, an Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Mc- tio dahan were Seturday ovening ln nnmer guosts of Mr. and Mrs. sic (enneth Proctor, Oshawa. th( ont- y a ngh 0t-hrgr-1-.- Xl ýve memorial award for '4 tory project at Port Hope i school in 1976-77. Ur. and Mrs. Claïren&~ -ols and Grace Anldoýrsôni Toronto drove ta Wesk'- eth on S'aturday, ;eunii 1next day, ta visîtMià oerson Sr. and other mrenuj- as f the f m i. Mrs,. [orson is r ecuperatixý-I s injuries received in a fall .ie weýeks ega. WESLEY VILLE On Tuesday evening- Nov- ember 8th the general meeting~ of Welcome UCW was held at the church and called ta order by the president, Mrs. Gwen Newton. The worship periqr' was in charge of Mr,, Christine Wilson who used ti "Ton Comnmandments for UCW's" as basis, for tat period. Following devotions eaeýh group met separately t'O discuss their own business and plan a share in coming events. These includod the pot luck suppor with guests, flisb)op and Mrs. Hienry Marsh, to be held in the church next week, and catering for a banquet later, in the m1-onth. Lst, payment of m.oney ta tbe general treasur7er for 1977 was voted which met aiql requiý- ments. BUSi1ness of the gerieri meeting was coniducted by tLe president, Mrs. Newton. Reports were heard froÏn various comrmiteo chairmniýj and executýLive members showing muc(h activity over the past Year. Margery Asliby reported two parcels"of ee glasses had been en aat areas where they are of great benefit to. those -who have n'O others available. There 'vàs also a request from the ministry of education for hearing aids. Ahl financial comnmittments for the yeàr were met and the budget for 1978 was accepted. This M- cluded an increase in Mary areas including, bursary funid, Quin-Mo-Lac, manse fuik, Street Hayon, and the alloca- tion. Other projects are, The Fred Victor Mission, Five Oaks, and- the Blind. No shiPments are sent to Angoli, long a missionary objectiVe, but now not feasîble. The girl in Hong Kong will continue Io benefit in hier high schoô0l years, and local work done in the past as with the Golden, Plough, senior citizens aid caro for those in illness or s®rrow, will be part of tis work done in the name ý3f Christ. The UCW will be in charge of the church serviýe at Welcom»e on january 8til The election, of officers waýï 4o have been conduqted by Mis. FPhyli s yons bu_)ýt she jas 'Lab1e to bepresen.t bc~ of ihne p ~thefaiy Peter hda mre~,- appendectomy that sp evening. Mrs. Jean Kenn-iy kindly consented ta pel-formll this duty at a lst minlute notice, and the chairmian 'of committele on nomninati@Is resented the following siate of officers which was acceptiEd ,'ith no change. The oxecutive of Welcome UCW for 1978:ý, Honourary president: Mts ý. ean Kennedy. Past, president Irs. Gwen Newton. For Eloctîan-President: Mrpý. Mary Kellogg, Treasurer Mrs. Iazel Tufford, Secretary Mr's. aroline Byers, Archivist Irs. Elva Osborne, Leader of ,roup two Mrs. Christine; Wilson, Representativo to the fficial board, Mrs. RLthU 'onnelly, ta the stewards of e church (ta be confirmred at ie congregational meeting) drs. Barbara Irw,ýin, to the nanse cômmlittee, Mr. Jarjorie McHolm, commitï- oes: Literature andpr-o- ,amme Mesdames christire Vilson, and Jean Payze, iupply and service Mrý. largery Asby, Commnityt riendship, Mrs. H-eljeï inner, Mrs. Donna Chestntiil, ocial, Mesdames Orald Ford, [len Dinner, Gwen Newtôn, ,aroline Byers, Child Spofls4r ýrniec~ e st, AudItors Gweyn lwton and Mlelody Hençlry. Commi'tée on nomina3tien5: lesdames E. Barrowclougl4, âzel Irw in' Doreen MHh d Donna Chiestnut. Installa- on of officers wîll take plane January. As usual di.scl4- on of concerai for the work oïf igroup continues through

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