14 The Canadiap ctatesman, Bowmanville, November 16, 1977 Section Two Agricutural News 1 celebrated my first birthday on October 30. My name Heather Alayne Douglas, my parents are Fletcher and Myra. Proud grandparents are Mr., and Mrs. Douglas McAlonen, Toronto, Mrs. Alice Douglas, Toronto and Mr. Jack Douglas, Port Hope. Godparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cumming Sheburne. By Rod Stork, Assoc. Agricultural Representative Brucellosis Program Changes Increasing numbers of herds under quarantine due to brucellosis, especially in Ontario and Quebec, lias brougit about changes in the control program.' Most of thc changes that were announced are expected to take effect early in 1978. Others such as greater emphasis on brucellosis research, the appointmnent of a planning officer to coordinate ail anti-brucellosis activities and appointment of an inform- ation officer to provide dairy and beef producers with the most up-to-date information will be implemented im- mediately. Changes to be implemented in 1978 wîll have more of a direct effect on producers. Canada will be divided into different regions described as "brucellosis free", "brucello- sis low incidence" and other. There will be tougi controls on thc movement of cattle lic tween these regions, de- pending on 'tic status of the cattle involved. There will be a new policy dcveioped for brucellosis-free1 listed herds. There will be a1 mandatory, negative test fori ail cattle over six months of1 We'vgonepe.. SHOPPERS THIS 15 NO MOKEYSHINE IN A FIT 0F MADNESS, WVE MARKED DOWN OUR PRICES TO UNt3ELIEVABLE NEW LOWS WITHOUT RHYME% OR REASON AIl Merchandise Drasn-tIcAlly Reduced for Quick Sale 1etter -han an . utcy Prices VOOOO BRGIS and WITCH DOCTOR SPE:CIALS by Delcraft Includes large buffet and hutch with, glass doors, spaclous trestie table with 2 leaves, 4 tali ladder back chairs and 2 arm chairs. Lst $2189 CEDAÀR CHESTS FOR Large Selection lt OUR STORE IS 50 CROWDED IT LOOKS LIKE A JUNGLE-WE NEED MORE ROOMI 7 Piece LIVNGROOM GROUP Smnart Mod-ernDesi% nwith Durable Herculon Cover, Sofa, '2, Chairs, Ottomaný, Cocktail Table and 2 End Tables No Monkeying Around' Group ...................... $699 2 Piece Traditional LIVING ROOM SU ITE Multi-tufted Foam Back. Beautiful Brocade Cover. Foam Cush ions. Bongo Bartiain ..................$478 T.V. and STEREO CLEARANCE ALL STEREOS IN STOCK' REOUCED FROM ........... $328 PHILIPS MODULAR 4 26" COLOR T.V. Floor Models Fromi ....................... $599 5 Piece, DîNETTE SET With Swîvel Chairs. 36 x 60 Arborite Top Table .................... ..$228 Spanish Style BEDROOM SUITE by Dcilcraftl iHere's quality. Triple Dresser with Mirror , Roomy Chest, 60" Headend, 2 il Nite Tables. List $1029. Jungle Sale Special...................... $699 Mediterranean Design BEDROOM ASUJITE In Genuine Ash. Large Dresser with Twin Mirrors, Queen Size Headend, 5 Drawer Chest, 2 Nite Tables, Solid Construction Bongo _________....................... Q7 LOVE SEATS 3 Pîece WHITEý BEDROOM SUITE' carance of Many styles and Cavers DI N ETTE SU ITES Dobe rseChsan Pnl Arborite Top Table, 2 High Back Chairs Double Bcd. Reg. $449. From....... ............. $199 ........... ...... 9 No Monkcying A round ...................... 9 S T UDE NT' S D ESSCHINA CABINETS QenSz Glass Doors, Drawers and Cupboard MATTRESS and Box Large Selection of Styles and Colos Doors, Walnut and Oak Finishes. SPRI.NG From ............ ......... ...$69 PYgmY Special .............. $178 Jungle Re.$3 Clearaut................... $168 ELE PHANTASTIC CHAIR CLEAR OUT UPHOLSTERED SLIPPER' CHAIRS ................... $19.95 VINYL ROCKER & RECLINER BY Berkline .................. $198 h PLATFORM ROCKER.. .....................78 ST. .. OMAWAVELVET TUB CHAIR ....... ............ $98 VELVET S WIývEL ROCKER.. ................. 158 Honored on Fiftieth Wedding niversary age within 60 days immediate- ly before they enter livestock shows. or exhibitions. Exemp- tions to this are cattie from designated bruceliosis free regions, brucellosis-free listcd herds, officiai vaccinates under 18 months of age and steers. In addition, there wili be an on-farm test require- ment for certain age groups of cattie before movement off the farm in Ontario and Quebec., 1It is felt that with these tighter regulations, and tic cooperation of ail farmers, tic incidence and control of bruceliosis will be muci improved. Present regula- tions include tcsting of cattie at auiction markets, keeping herds under quarantine until tiey have passed two negative tests, requiring a negative herd test 60 days before a farm auction, iicensing of livestock dealers, wio hold cattie on their premises and requiring dealers to biood test and record cattle movements. The saugiter and compensa- tion program in herds wiere bruceilosis cannot be control- led wili be maîntained. Furtier information on brucellosis and tic regula- tions governing it can be obtained by contacting tic local Healti of Animais Mr.andMr. Hspr Danlow's Hall. A party-like even- Orono Bakery and especially of . arnd clerat ed witîtîai ing witi tea, cards and tic days of delivering bread fmil nd flrcnd tugîoutdancing was enjoyed tirougi- tiroughout tic community taic aatherifticthrwedding out the evcning by tic many in with horse and sîcigis during taniera tr on aturwddigaytc d ' emany rccailing tic winter montis. enveg artiyono Otudfe th- ays when tic Deans werc eveîngin he ron Od fel inbusiness in Orono witî tic Photo Courtcsy Orono Times Brandi Office in Bow- manville or the Agriculturai Office, Coping With Dry Corn Silage The unusual fall harvest season has caused many probiems for farmers taking off corn for silage, high moisture corn and shelied corn. A good deal of the corn silage is now too dry, however, farmers need it for feed. This can also lead to heating in the silage and lower feed value, Silages containing iess than 60 per cent moisture resuit in lower daîly intake by cattie and igier risks of spoilage. Most of tic silage is now in the silo, so there is flot muci that can be donc in terms of recommendations regarding length of cut, rapid filling and so on. Feed test results comning back from Guelph indicate tint corn silage and high moisture cob corn is drier: tian we would like. Livestock producers are probably going to notice iower fecd intake and tiey will have to compensate for this,-i.sing feeds suci as grain. Feed bunks should be cieaned lunch and plan on takîng part but have flot donc so, tien tus Tic inquest will resume on durîng tic day. Movember l7th. rcguiarly, s0 fresi fecd is la front of, tic cattie. Top dressing tic fecd with molas- ses migit aiso improve con- sumption. Low moisture silage also spoils quicker whcn exposcd to air, s0 fceding should be donc in smallcr amounts. Producers siould check for moldy silage or silage tint is ieating because if bad enougi, tuis can cause problems la your cattlc. If you have been thinking about feed testing your silage, More Volunteers- Needed For Control at Mosport Fewer than five volunteers remained behind to assist witi security enforcement after a race at Mosport Park last ycar when a Toronto man was kiiied on tic track, a coroner's inquest was told iast Thurs- day. Tic inqucst invcstigating tic deati of 28-year-oid Ciristopher Mudge, who was killed in a iead-on collision at tic track on June 2th, was toid that no more tian 30 volunteers heiped watch tic crowd of between 50,000 and 60',000 people wio attcndcd tic race tiat wcckend. Niaile Leslie, supervisor of tic group of volunteers, said that it wouid have taken at probably wouid be an excel- lent time to do it. Feed tests kits are available at tic Agricultural Office. Corn Stabilization Enroilment Corn growers are reminded that enrolîment forms for tic 1977-78 Federal-Provîncial Corn Stabilization Program are now available at our Office. You must enroil if you wisi to make application for dlaim next faîl. Deadline date is January 16, 1978, but don't leave it tili tic lastminute. Forage Day "1977" Ail farmers growing forages are reminded of tic Forage Day to be held on Tiursday, November 24th at tic I.O.O.F. Hall, Orono from 10:30 a.m. till 3:30 p.m. Farmers wio part' ipated in tic Forage Study duing tic past ycar will be discussing ticir programs in tic morn- ing. In tic afternoon, Harvey Wright, Souls and Crops Spccialist in Guelph and Neil Moore, Soils and Crops Spccialist in Lindsay, wili discuss iow to kecp alfalfa in your forage stands, the cost benefits of forage versus otier rougiages and tic do's and don'ts of a top forage pro- gram. This should be an excellent program, so bring along your effcctively control tic spcct- ators. Tic accident occurred aftcr tic Formula 5000 competition had endcd and about 50 private cars wcrc using tic ,track. Tic inquest, under Coroner, Dr. David Mosienko of Bow- manvilie, was tic first part of an investigation of spectator practices during races at tice park. Comparing facilities and operations at Mosport witi Watkins Glen in New Yïork, Mr. Leslie noted tiat 8o or more state troopers would have been on guard for a race of tic same size hcld tiere. Mr. Leslie, who is affiliatcd witi two car clubs and lias been a volunteer security officer at Mosport at prcvjoujs events, said tiat spectators have uscd tic 'track after racing ends on a regular basis in tic past. The number of similar occurrences" at Watkin's Glen are far icss frequent, lic said. Tic track has 600 pound barricades attached to tic guardraii that. are placed at regular intervais along tic race's course, lie said. Sccurity volunteers put tirce barriers miade of 40 .gallon barrels joincd by 300 pound guardrails on top-along tic Mosport track on. June 2Oth he said. Altiough severai annoDunce- ments that spectators are to stay off tic track, arc made on a racing wcekend over tic odp eaker systemr, no signs prhbiting entry ar e made, lie added. Tic sccurity supervisor said he toid tic driver of a Beaumont station wagon to exit from tic track wiile lic was standing at one of tic barricades at tic fifti turn. Tic car, howevc:r, turncd around, travelling against tic direction of traffic and col- lidcd witi tic Jaguar that Christopier Mudgc was occupying. Cannbalized Price tha ("ep ongtg.0. every week throughout thç entire yeor! Subseripyti on to Jbe ~~n~bî~n Publithed by the James Publighing Co. Ltde sne1854 $10-00 cnywhore n Canada; ForIgn - $21.00I An attracieCrstmas card FREE to announce your gift subscription. Pleose mail this todlay to The Canadian Statesma.n. Encîosed Find $ in payment of Year(s) 'Subscription to "THE CANADIAN STATESMAN g Mail to folîowing: AM ESSa a a a a.... - -- aa-- - - aaaa-- - -- - a - - a a a Sonde r 'sNoamrie a aa. aa. aa. aa. aa.aa. aa. aa. a a. aa. A d d re sS a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a - a a a a a a a a - 1 0 %M.ý 1 3 iccePModern Colonial Design 2 Piece B E D ROOM SUITE LIVING ROOM Pecan Finish, Donule reser UITE with Mirror, 4 DawrCheslt, Eeautiful 100 per cent Nylon Full Panel cd Cover, Foam cushions, spring Tigerrific base, pleated valance. Clearouot Jung9le Sale!