The Canadian Statesman, Bawmanville. November 30, 1977 15 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stain- ton were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland v,7sited witb Mr. and Mrs Clarence Avery and family on Sunday.1 . Master Jeffrey Wright, eontypool spent -Saturday Witli Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty. 1Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey, Bowmanville, were Saturday ovening callers at Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton's. . on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Vaiyor visited Mr. and Mrs. ')ernetby in their new home. - Cogratulations toMr. and Mrs. Terry Slack, (nee. Maureen MeNair), Pontypool, and the arrivai of their 2nd daughter, b orn on Sunday piorning. M~is Janet Parsons was Sunday nightý dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeater and Ross. Mr, and Mrs. John Burton, Ere and Erin were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Winnie Ferguson and Clarence. 1Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor' attended the funeral of the late Mr. Steven Perkins - a life time friend of the Tom's on Tuesday in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murphy were Sund ay visitors of Mrs. Jessie Siemon and Mrs. Helen Milîson. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and family were Friday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tyers will be coming up fromn Florida to spend Christmas wtb their daughter and family, Mrs. Martha Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Mort Scott, Oshawa, were Saturday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sweet, Joy and Cory. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Gerryts, Shannon and Clarkie, Bow- manville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Peggott and family on Friday evening. 11 Mr. Michael Holmes, St. Catharines and Miss Linda IE; PreChristmas Specials, on Flooring!. Sof tred .Cushion Vinyl SQ. YD. 9' x 12 - On l y$59.40 Gafstar Prime 10.95e SQ. YD. 9' x 12* - Only $47.40 Vinyl Floor, Covering 1 99 SQ. YD. 9' x 12-OnI1y $23.95 McG regmor Hardware 95 King St. W. Bowma nvilIle 623-2542 Sharp were Saturday callers with Mrs. Gertrude Lyons. Mrs. Tom Hockin and child- ren, Elmvale, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Len Stainton. Sorry to report Mrs. Elsie MeGili is in Bowmanville Hospital. Hope you will soon be feeling better, Elsie. Mr. Jerry-Giles and friend, Oshawa, visited on "Sunday with Mrs. Collacutt. Adam Sharp spent the week in Toronto with Mrs. Eva Kav- Wednesday night they were supe guests with Mrs. Ann Sdrson. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe' and Mary Lee were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Howe, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Hobbs would like to thank their Enniskillen friends and neigh- bours for their gif t of money which they received last week. They appreciated it very much. Mrs. Hobbs put the money towards a tea wagon, which she bas wanted for a long time. Our ladies catered to the Rotary Dinner in our Church Basement on Wednesday night for Rural Night. A delicious dinner was enjoyed by one and ahl. Glad to report Mrs. Lou Griffin is somewhat im- proved af ter a recent set back. Little Tara Jane Ashton, Oshawa, was a weekend guest with lier paternal grandpar- ent, Margaret and ril Ashton., A cool wintery morning brought forth between 45-50 worshippers to our Sunday morning service. Our organist,, Mrs. Ulah Chambers and bier Junior Choir favored us with their anthem entitled "I Thought t Over." This being the First Sunday of Advent, Rev. Kempling led us in the candle lighting ceremony. There are three Sundays left to go in Advent. Grant Ashton lit the candle. Rev. Kempling's sermon was based on the song and movie "Neyer On Sunday". By the way, the song was composed you coulddo most anything on each day of the week but not on Sunday but this is not necessarily true as God is with us everyday of our lives. He sees and hears everything we do and say, not just on Sunday, but every day of the week. Our Sunday bulletin had one mistake in the Announcement. Our White Gift Service, will be held December 11, not Decem- ber 4th. More particulars next week. Shirley Draperý elass led the Sunday cQlot On Sunday, November l3th, the family members and friends joined with tLhe pupils and teachers for the presenta- tion of 1976 regular attendance awards. The S.S. session was opened with a, sing song led by Mrs. Chambers and Mr. E. Taylor conducted the worship service with Mrs. E. Wright assisting as pianist. The awards were presented by Joyce Virtue to the following award winners - theý 15 year award of an engraved silver tray was presented to Allan Ashton. Plaques were presented to Don Rowan, 14f years,' Janet Sharp, 13 years, Darla Lamb and Bey Stainton, 12 years, Gail Lamb, Janet Rowan, Susan Werry and Brenda Stainton, il years. Ten years bars - Kim Pollard and Judy Virtue. Debbie Pollard and Patricia Lamnb, 9 years - mottos. Carolyn Werry\ and Tracy Pollard, 8 years - Hymn Books'. Grant Ashton and Celebrates First -Birthday H.L. Wood Minor Peewees Win Once in Three Gomes H.L. Wood Minor Pee Wees travelled to Ajax on Novem- ber 15 to be beaten by Ajax in a bard hitting match. Ajax opened the scoring at the 5:49 mark of the first and by the end of the period bad taken a 3-0 lead. At 9:59 of the second period, Scott Heard on a pass from Deryk Clark, opened the scoring for the Toros. Scott Heard beat the Ajax goahie again witb 43 seconds left to play in the period, to bring the Toros within reacb of tying up the score. Scott's second was assisted by Danny Weir. Playîng Ajax always proves, to be bard hitting and very agressive hockey, resulting in many penalties.. This seemed to affect the Toros and tbey were unable to get that tying goal. In the third period with many good chances for both teams, Ajax got the only goal, ending the scoring 4-2. Whitby Trounce Toros 6-1 On Saturday, Novemfber 26, H.L. Wood Minor Pee Wees hosted their counterparts from Whitby. The first period displayed a fine exhibition of skillful hockey from 'botb teams. End to end play produced many good scoring chances which were equalled by excellent goaltending to leave the first period score- less. Whitby.hit with their first goal of the second frame and from this point on it was their game. The Toros fell anart and began to run into penalties. Whitby tallied again at 7:07 to go abead bv 2. The third period was a total write-off for the Truckers as Whitby sharpsbooters bit the target for 4 more goals. The only highligbt for the Toros and their fans was a solo effort from Mike Hamel whicb produced an unassîsted goal at 6:30. Blast Blackhawks 6-1 "he littie- N.H.L.- Black- hawks from Oshawa had their chance to get even with the, H.L. Wood squad on Novem- ber 28, but found a much more powerful team than tbey had faced and lost to by only 1 goal, just two weeks ago. The Toros oDened the scoring at 0:37 of the first period on an all out effort by Gordie, Rogers wbo worked the puck down the ice and rifled it past the Hawk goahie. Assists went to Doug Brown and Scott Masters. Tbree minutes. later, Deryk, Clark relayed a pass from Jay Sweet to Danny Weir who netted the Toros second. The Blackbawks put them- selves back into the game with a goal at the five minute mark of the first period. Ennisk illen News Hi, there! My name isLinda-Carol Cartwright and I have a proud Cartwright. 1 was one-year-old on Nanna Anna Cartwright, ail of Oct. l3th, 1977. My proud Inommie Bowmanville. and daddy are Jim' and Lila Van B.. elle on qGardening9 Colorful Blooms from Bulbs 0f ail the different bulbs that are available on the market today, the Amaryllis is probabhy the best for show and will make an interesting conversation piece in any home. The bulbs are available from your local Garden Centre or from your f orist and will probably be in stock right now. There are different sizes in these bulbs, but the larger ti,-bulb the bigger and tL-hýýe1)blooms will corn-e on tfi&1a 'liTe Amaryllis bilb werei originated from South Africa, it is actually a bulbous berb, growing under dense foliage in the forest. Today they are propagated around the world for the trade, the main countries are Hohand, Japan and of course in South Africa. The best bulbs corne from South Africa, wbich wil produce blooms in a wide range of -color, such as red, Laurie Virtue, 7 years - plaques. Brian Stainton, 6 years - UC. Crest Pin. Cindy McGill, 3 years - 3rd year bar. Jeff Simpson, lst year bar. 34 pins were presented to Scott Kossatz, Shane Kossatz, Charlene Potts, Michelle jWhitbread, Stephen Whit- bread and Laura Seuss. A plaque was also presented to 1Kelly Simpson. Anyone who didn't brîng lyour pennies hast Sunday to. 1Sunday School for Tonia phase 1bring themn this Sunday. white, pink and two-tone blooms. The beauty of the Amaryllis buhb is the fact that you can keep themn from year to year and as the bulb gets larger in size, the more blooms or stalks you can expect. The larger the buhb the more stalks willh appear, it will produce lily-like flowers on taîl stahks wbich bloom before the strapshaped leaves appear. The amaryllis bulb requires a loose fibrous soil, so that the water cýan oeýietrate through the soil, without leaving too much moisture in the soil and the bulbs will rot. Take a 6 to 8 inch pot and put some stones or broken pieces of pottery on the bottom for drainage, put a little soil mix ini the, pot then take the bulb and place it in the pot with the top haîf of the bulb out of the soil, and firmly press the soil around the bulb. Water themn about once every three days. The bulbs wil bloom from 4 to 6 weeks later depending on the tempera- ture, which shouhd be around 75 degrees. After the blooms are finished the leaves will appear, and let them grow until about 2 months after the flower is fînished, then the plant, pot and ail can be taken into the basement and let to dry, and can be re-grown the following faîl, repeating the same procedure as *before. Gloxinia Bulbs This bulb is also a herbous buhb from the rainforest of Brazîl, where they will start to grow after the rainy season is over. The bulbs today are grown maînhy in Europe, then shipped across the world for the florist trade or for the homeowners use. They should be available now at most garden Centre's or at your local flower shops. The best results wihh be obtained from the larger size bulbs, you wihh probabhy find it bard to know which way to plant the bulb since it does not appear to have a top or a bottom, check closely and you wiilh see some small fîbrous roots on the bottom or find a tiny sprout coming out of the top. The best way to get them started is to place the bulb with bottom on top of some moist peatmoss and you will siart to get the roots growing and the top wil sprout, after about 2 weeks plant them in 5 to 6 inch pots, with practicalhy the whohe bulb showing on top of the soil. The soul mixture shouhd be porous so that the water can drain freehy through the soil, only water when the soul appears dry, since it is a bulb and can rot easily, but on the other hand it wilh require a fair amount of water 50 you wihh have to check daily. Be careful flot to spihi any water on top of the eaves, whicb are covered with tiny hairs and will hold the water, which wil cause the leaves to rot.. Gloxinia's come in a wîde range of colors, from blue to red, and in singles and doubles, they are excellent for school projects. Until next week, happy gardening. Fida running5 mate. GOLF, IN FLORIDA FORT LAUDERDALE ILAST CALL! TWO WEEKS Fobruary 27th March 11lth, 1978 ~579?ER PERSON Your Trip Includes: *2 Weeks Accommodation in Two Bedroorni Villas with Kitchen and Living room. *Return Airfare via Wardair 747. *Unlimited Golf at Arrowhead Country Club. *Four Din(*rs. *Car per 4 People, Unlimited Mileage. *Canadlian and U.ý. Air Taxes. *Golf Bag Storage. second trame came off a backhander of Chuck Nashi. Assisting on this goal, was Deryk Clark and Chris Michel - son. 1The third period was al Toros with Ray Cummings stealing thç puck from behind the Hawk cage and tucking it, in from around the side, unassisted. Next, Scott Heard connected from Jay Sweet, and Danny Weir and with 1 second remaining, >Scott ,Heard clicked again with: Danny Weir picking Up 'bis third point for the'night on the assist. George Kennett provided solid goaltending for the Toros. Lîibelriiy Ble Phillips 21637, 25,' Bragg 21769, 24, Piper 21201, 21, Sheehan 21166, 20,' Gibson 20826,' 20, Spear 20797, 19, Roberts 20832, 171/2, H4arrison 20264, 171/2, Meek 20581, 15, Cook 21629, 14, Robinson 20722, 12, Forsey 20004, 11. High single-Jeanne Spear 303. Higb double J. Spear 481 (303, 178)., Top 10 Averages M. Pollard 199 (2f0), C. Roberts 197 (24), J. Spear 193, B. Osborne 192, S. Robinson 192, P. Lunn 187 (8), D. Foran 184, R. Fiee 183, B. Alldread 183 (16), W. Coombes 182. 400 Doubles F. Sleep 459, j. McMfýullen 451, E. Bragg 444, B. Osborne 444, S. Robinson 437, H. Piper 430, S. Wilson 429, H. Sheehan 419, R. Fice 401 Book Now!1 ! Li mited Space Ava1la ble 1 BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL CENTRE, à% Il - 11 l 47 KING STREET WEST 623-3182 auA à