7 17~ ALEXANDER - Philip and Car ol are very pleased to an- nounce the birth of the ir wee daughter, Meredith Anne, on November 8,1977 at 4:21 p.m., wveighîng 4 lbs. 8 ozs. Happy g randparents are Frank and Audrey A lexander, Baltimore, Ontario and Wesley and Doris Hils, Enniskilien. Great Z andparents are Florence -lexander, Aura Hi lis and Marwood and Gretta McCarrell. 48-1 BARRETT - Allan (Pete) and Shirley are proud to an- nounce the safe arrivai of, their first son Timothy Alan, Nov. 19, 1977 at 12:38 _.. weighing 6 ibs., 13 oz. Proud g randparents are Mrs. Arvel- la Barrett, Mrs. Cara Vander- veer and Mr. Jack Vander- veer, Bbwmanviie. We wouid iikebo thank Dr. Sylvester and Dr. Hubbard, aiso maternity staff of Bowmaniviiie Memori- ai Hospital. 48-1 DAVIS - Terry and Shirley (Sykes) are pieased to wel- corne their new daughter Cathryn Jean Alice, 6 Ibs., 7 ozs. on November 20th, 1977 at Bowmanville Memoriai Hos- pt.Cathy is the tenth SrncIid for Jean and 11fre Sy kes, Warkworth, and the eieventh for Mrs. Aice Davis, Minden. 48-1 a==- Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wat- son are leased to announce the engagement of their eidest daughter Nancy to Christopher Tomlinson, son oi Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Tomlin- son, al of Bowmanvilie. The wvedding wiil take Place March j5, 1978 at Trinity United Church. 48-1 CAMERON-KING - Mrs. Margaret King is pleased to annôunce the marriage of her eldest dauqhter, Dayie to, Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron, Orono, on November 23, 1977. 1 48-1 -ËONATHAN - At Marnwood Nursing Home, Wednesday, November 23rd, 1977, Ger- fr ude Euleen Bonathan, in her 85th year, dear mother of Dorofhy, Audrey (Mrs.ý. M. McDougalI) and Iýeslie (Bud), 1rloronto, Trudy (Mrs. V. Garrod) and Cha ries, Bow- ranvilIe, Marlon (Mrs. J. McGrafh), Orillia. Service asheld in the, Morris ewaneraî Clhapel, Bowman- ville, on Friday affernoon. lIpternhtGroveside Cerne- fery, Brooklin. 48- N "F Iowers Say it Best" BELLE LY Deivery to ... i.- Bowmanviîle Area ýone 623-4441 The family of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black invites ail rela- tives, friends and nei ghbors to an Open House in honor of their parents' 50th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday, December 10, 1977 at Court ice United Church from 2 - 5 p.m. Besf wishes only. 48-2 ALLI N - In oving memory of a dear husband and father, Cyril, who was taken from us December 2, 1974. We do nof need'a special day, To bring you fo our minds For days we do not think of you Are very hard to find. Time goes on with many changes, Joys and sorrows, smiles and fears, But your memory, we wili ai wa ys c herish With the passing of the years. - Always remembered and sadly missed by wife Mary and daughter Carol and son- in-iaw Chris. , 48-lx ALLI N -Inloving memory of my dear son, Cyr il Wesley who was caiied f0 be wifh his maker December 2nd, 1974. If the dark shadows gather as you go aiong Do not grieve for their coming *ing a cheer song There is îoy for the taking, if wiil soon be light - Every cloud wears a rainbow If your hearf keeps riht. When ciouds of trouble put a fear in your eye God stands ready f0 put a rainbow in your heart. -Sadiy mi1ssed by his mother Eisie. 48-1 ALLIN-Inioving memory 0f a brother and un ce, Cyril w ho died as a resuit of an accident Dec. 2, 1974. i had a brother wifh a heart of Wgoid Whowas more to, me f hân weaith, untoid Withouf fare Weil he fell asieep With only memories for me to keep. -Alwnys remembered by sister Dore ne, brother-un-I aw Lloyd and uncle of Gary, Wendy, Randy and Barbara. LUNNEY - Af Bowmanville Hospital, Sunday, November 27th, 1977, John Arthur Lun- ney, aged 62 y ears, beioved husband of Olive Jackson, dear father of Lvnn (Mrs. John Killingbeck), Lori (Mrs. John Domonkof), Borea (Mrs. Dàne Rogerson), son of Clin- ton Lunney, brother of Mor- gan and Roy, grandfafher of 4 Srandchildren . Service was eld in the Morris Funeral Cha peu, Bowmanville, on Wed- nesdiay affernoon. Inferment Bowmanville Cemetery. 48-1 N "Fles wtheelng For a ny Occasion 623-3377 43-tf Sundays and Hoidays Bey 983-5811 Rufh 623-7259 3Euniera1 l om THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE Concerned people often inquire about pre-arrangement of funeral details. Infor- mation can be simply and thoughtfully obtained upon request. This is part of our service to the community. RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Estabîlished 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street .. .. Port Hope, Ontario WORKMANSHIP QUAUITY LiA3W3 - High Qüality at J Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 i Home 885-5222 ALLI N- In oving memory of our dear father and grand- father, Cyril W. Allun who massed away Dec. 2, 1974.' Isemory is as dear today As in the hour he oassed away 'Tii memories fade and life departs You live forever in our hearts. -Stili oved and aiwa ys re- membered by daughter L inda, son-in-iaw Lloyd and grand- children Dean and Vickî. 48-1 GILKES - In oving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Charles, who passed away December 4, 1976. Without farewell he feul asleep Leaving memories for us f0 keep Within our hearts he'li always stay And be remembered'every day. -Sadly missed by his wife Ma rion, daughter Beverley, sons Ernest and Robert and grandchildren. 48-1 x KENNETT - In loving mem- ory of Robert Edward Kenne tt who passed away November 26th, 1963. The bow was great, the shock severe, We littie thought the end was near, And only those who have losf can tel The pain of parting wîthout tarewell. More each day we miss you Dad Friends may think the wound is heaied, But, they littie know the sorrow, That lies within our hearts conceaied. -Sadiy missed by son George, daughter-in-aw Eve- uine, grandchiidren Robert, George and Evelyn and wife Marlorie. 48-1 MILLSON - In ovîng memory of a dear wife, Pearl, mother and grandmother, who passed away November 3Oth, 1959. Sadly missed aiong life's way, Qetly remembered every day. No longer in our lie to share, But in our hearts she's aiways there. - Always remembered by husband Lanson and famiiy. 48-1 PANAS -- In ioving memory of a dear father and grand father, Michael Panas, who passed away f ive years ago today, Dec. 2, 1972. Dearer to us than words can tell, A dad we ost, and oved sp wel 1, Memories don't fade, they just grow deep, For someone we loved but could not keep. - Missed by son Bill and daughter Helen and their familles. 48-1 PASSANT - In oving memory of my dear Dad Ernest Albert Passant who passed away December 1sf, 1964. What i wouid gîve to ciasp your hand Your happy face to see To hear your voice and see your smile That meant s0 much to me. - Lovingly remembered by your oniy daughter "Ivy". 48-1 PASSANT - In oving memory of my dear husband Ernest Albert Passant who passed away December 1sf, 1964. Dearly missed aiong the way Quietiy remembered every day, No longer in my life to share But in my heart you're aiways there. - Lovingiy remembered by your wife Ada. 48-1 VANDEPOELE - In Iovîng memory of a dear mom, ulie who , passe away November 29, 1974. Dear Mom you g ave us the best years of i ife, You cherished our secrets, our sorrows, our strife, You taught us to love, and taug t us to pray, Dear Mom in heaven, God PROMPT, COU RT EOU S, SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL NE E S 14-tf Cà rd* yh We wouid like to thank all our friends and relatives, for the loveiy gifts, cards and congratulations qiven us on the occasion of our 5th Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Marfin Wind 48-1 We Wouid like to thank our friends and neighbours for the Community shower on November l9th and the warm welcome back f0 Biackstock. Joy and Gord Malcolm 48-1 Many thanks to everyone, for the cards. flowers, and visits, durig my six weeks' staJin Memoriai Hospitali, = oDr. Long and Dr. Cunningham and the nursing staff for their care. Aiso to ami the kind friends and relatives who provided transportation for my wife, in her daiiy visits. Thanks a million! Frank Glmer 48-if i wouid like to express my sincere thanks f0 my famil y friends, relatives and neig h- bours for cards, f lowers and visits to me whiie in hospital. SIpecial thanks f0 Dr. McKen- zie, Dr. Long, and nurses on 1stf floor of Memoriai Hospital. Grace Cochrane 48-1 We, the famîiy of the late Alex Carruthers, wish f0 express our most sncere thanks and deepest gratitude to Dr. Belch, Dr. Van Loon, nurses and staff of Peter- borough Civic Hospital for their kindness and efficient care. To friends and relatives for beautiful floral tributes, donations, and food. To the P.C. Ladies organization for their most efficient assistance affer the service. To Cobourg O.P.P. for theirservices and f0 the many iodges and organizations for donations and floral tributes. To Dr. N. Martin and Rev. Wm. Rainey for the beaufiful service at Perrytown and to the Alison Funerai Home. We can oniy say most sincerely, Thank Yo.Yvonne Carruthers Marlon and La rry Manders Karen and Scott Doherty Cathy and Roger Wilson Brian and Sheila Doherty Ciare and Aileen Carruthers Edith Carruthers 48-1 The, famliy of the late Eleanor Grace Dadson wish to express their thanks and appreciafion for the kîndness shown to us during our recent bereavement of our oving wife, mother and grand- mother. We wouid like fo give special thanks for ail fower tributes and donations re- ceived. Special fhanks f0 Memorial Park Association, neighbours, Memorial Hos- oital Emergencv Staff. Morri, Funerai Chapel and Reverend Tom Gracie. Special thanks f0 the First Bowmanville Boy Scout Troop for their floral honour guard. Also a very speciai fhanks f0 Bob and Gloria Nicholis and famil y. George Dadson and fami iy 48-1 We wouid like to thank our relatives and friends for the beautiful giffs, cards and f owers received by us on our 50f h wedding anniversary. A speciai fhanks f0 our family who arranged such a nice reception, and also f0 the ladies of Trinity Church Unit 6 for serving a deiicious lunch. if was a memorable occasion nof to be forgotten. Arthur and Alice Brunt 48-1 The family of fhe late William John Arthur Farrow wouid ike to fhank friends, neighbours and relatives for f lowers, cards and messages of sympafhy. A very special thanks f0 Morris Funeral Chapel and Rev. N.E. Schamerhorn. God Biess you ail. 48-1 Clarence and Alice Rowan wish fo express their fhanks and a ppreciafion f0 relatives, frien ds and nieighbours who heîped to make their 5Ofh wedding anniversary such a happy occasion. Thanks aiso to her amlyfor making the arrangements and f0 ail those who sent flowers, gifts, best wishes and such oveIy cards. 48-1 A speciai thank you f0 the person who s0 honesfîy furned my purse Info the police station the day of the Santa Caus Parade. Delores Scott 48-1 FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARK ERS Look for this seal1. It's your guarantee of OÎ permanence. E STAFI-ORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Mon urnents LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas Sf. E. - Whitby Phone Whifby 668-3552 NOTICE TO CREDITOR N THE ESTATE THOMAS WHITEHEA ÔO-CEASED late of the Toi ship of Dariington, in Counfy of Durham, now Jt cial District of Durham. Sersons havin g daims aga! he estafe offtheu afe Thon Whitehead, lafe of the Toi ship of Darlington, whod on or about the 25th day Novem ber, 1972 af the Tovi Bowmanville, are notified send parficulars of the sa f0 the undersigned on before the l6th day of Dec( ber, 1977 after which assefs wiii be disburs having in mind only fi accounts of which the ai nistratix shahl have recei notice. DELIVEREDat Cobourg,t 9th day of November, 1977. LîLLIAN ISABELLE BOU DR EAU Administrat ix, by her solicitors herein, BRENT, PURVIS &BREP Barristers, efc., Box 9, 17 Kinq St. E., COBOURG, Onfario. 2nd and 3rd MORTGAGE MONEY AVAl LABLE - 5year term - oe gamrfats for fi -mont s No bonuses - No Credif Checks - No inquiry from neighb - Confidentiai arrangemý made in your home - Borrow as iow as $1,600 -Fast service - First Mortgages i arranged Ca Il Mr. Witks Mortgages bought and so (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax' 683-2611 s Learn to Drive TRACTOR TRAILERS. 1CALL TORONTO 416-864-9381 OF >wn - fhe ludi- .All inst )mas own- died ýy of vn of d f0 iame ior em- fhe -sed, -hose dmi- ýived this e s - New Year's Eve A note from Mel McNufy - Memoriai Hospital. With fwo weeks in the. hospital and no visitors ailowed, i do want each of you fo know how much your kindness has meant f0 me. Plants from Dorofhy, Kim and Marian Chiids; The Bond Famiiy; vase of fiowers from Jean and Liew Burton; Leg ion Ladies Auxiiiary; Moi Iv Mairs; Jack and VI Coole; cactus garden from Maurice, Denise and Rickv Annaert; cards, letters and liffie giffs from Clarence and Dot; Veima Gay; Lorna Davey; John and J une B.; Jack and Dot B.; Jack and Vi C. (3);' Moi y M.; Gert H.;. Ma rg and Reg; Marilyn and Gary; Mary Connors (4); Virg and Larry; Mr. and Mrs. G. Badger, Bill and Eva (3); Helen Depew; Alice and Bill; Jean and Jim F.; Lydla Graham; Tedl and Dot B.; Bernie and Ross; Ev Jamieson; Mar~ Perris; Mariiou and Bob( la.); Russ and Marian (3); M. and D. Annaerf; Barb Gilkes; Flo and J. Knight; Ed and Ede. Rundie; Jean Cameron (Fia.); Fbo Ewarf; Georgina and Tom; Rick and K. Hayes. To my dear sister Lola - with calis from Fioridla and my dear brother wifh calis from N.B. fo my son and his wife Marghand my dear husband who as been af my side constant Iy. 48-1 %M=s Pre-Christrnas Special EAR PIERCING $8 .00 (no appointment necessary) Plus 10 per cent off f îrst purchase ' f earrings with release slip. Gift Certificates Available. Hooper's Jewe tiers Mt. 29 King St. E. - Bowmanvilie 623-5747 42-tf Want a f ree hair-do? Modeis wanted who would like their hair cut. Hair must be 5" on top and at leasf 3" or longer on nape area. For Mondaýi December th, 4 p.m. - 10Op.m. For more informatioti caîl Kuf n, Kur 1623-5019. (Must calur for acknowledgmen). 48-1 N Harry Voerman Insurance 181 Church Sf., Bowmanvi lie, Ont. Phone 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE - INSURANCE 28tff Theatre Max presents :NT, "MAX THE EATER" )A CHRISTMAS PRESENTATION) A Christmas plIay for the whole famniîy sponsored by the 46-3 Newcastle Public Library System. mu Friday, Decemnber 2, 1977 at 7:-30 p. m. Bowmanville High School Liberty Sf. N., Bo6wmanville ADMISSION FREE (A CHRISTMAS PRESENTATION) 47-2 N hree :ors ients also Dîd A - *~ . WOODMASTER, Suburban, Shenandoah wood stoves. Acorn and Franklin fire- places. Selkirk chimney kits $99. Best prices. Orono 983-5444. 45-4N NEON sign with timer and wiring. R. Bud Virtue Reaitor, 623-2967. Cail before 7 p.m. 48-1 00S HAW A SCREENED SAND GRAVE L & STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS rI ALL SIZES F0OR Z1- DR IVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & DIRT FILL EXERCISE bicycle, good condition $15. Phone 623-7078 after 5. 48-1 LADYS' full iength nafurai fox fur coaf. Size 12, excellent condition. $700. Cali 623-2427. 12" SNOW tires, mounfed on Datsun rims, phone affer 9 p.rn. 623-2754. 48-1 SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY Phone Oshawa 1725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 48-1 1 Mile North of Hwy. 2 ELECTRIC organ, portable record players, chesterfield and odd chairs. end tables, odds and ends of tables, old books and women and chiU- dren's clothes (mostly new). '65 Pontiac car, Ford van, ready to live-in and many more items. 1-983-5478. 48-1iN GOAL skates, C.C.M., size 81/2, ski boots, Kasanger, size 8, skis, Atomic. Phone 623-3222. 48-1 SNOW tires - 2F78-15 mounted whîtewaii belted to fit GMC, $40. Phone 623-3960. 48-1 N Clarke High School Band and Choir presents their fourth annuai "Almost Christmas" concert. Guests: the Eyman sisters and Orono Public School Choir - 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 6. Admission $1.50. Refresh- ments. 48-1iN "Pontypool Chamber of Commerce Christmas Dance, Commun ify Centre, Saturdlay, Decernber lOth, 9 p.m. Ian Page Band - $5 cou le. Lunch. Win a turkey for a door prize."1 48-2 t"Figure Skating Registra- ton - Manvers Arena - f0 be heid at Grandview School on Dec. lOth, llth from 9 - 12 a.m. andl1- 4p.m." 48-1 BAKE SALE at CLIFFCREST CLEANERS Fri., Decemnber 2nd 10Oa.mi. - 2p.mn. Sponsored by BOWMAN VILLE K iNETTES 48-1 N APPEARING AT The Queen's Hôtel NEWCASTLE "Bud Roberts" Fri. and Sat. Dec. 2 -3 Dancing 9 - 1 48-1 N FREE FILMS Tues., December 6 7 -8:15 p. m. (approx.) BOWMANV ILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance St. 48-1 BINGO N EWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tues., Dec. 6, 1977 Early Bird Games 7:30 Reguiar Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Pri zes PLUS $500 JACKPOT S ponsored by NEWËASTLE LIONS 48-1 N Christmas special &aFIHouse_ of Amber- (Hampton). 20 per cent off ail Sterling Silver Bowmanville Charms from now unfil Christmas. Call 263-2981. 48-3 New Year's Eve Dance - Pont ypool Comm unity Centre, 8:30 - ? Music by Ross Jackman, D.J. Corsages for ladies. Dinner - $20 couple. Sponsored by Pontypool Cham ber of Commerce. Tickets wili1 be on sale Dec. 1sf n local stores or cali Yvonne Faiuisat 277w2183. 47-2 Spend NEW YEAR'S EVE at Solina Hall Ray Avery's Orchestra $10a person BUFFET LUNCH For tickets phone 263-2216 47-2N Christmas Dance in Kendai Orange Hall, Saturday, December 3rd. Sponsored by Orange Lodge. Music by the "Additions." Everyone welconie. 47-2N ATS SILK FLOWER ARRANGEMýýENTS for ali occasions ma: de up af House of Ambter Gifi Shop (Hampton Village) Order your wedding or special1 occasion arranV ement today. SHP OURS- Mon. - Tues. 12 noon - 9 p. M. - Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9a.m.'-9 p.. Saturday 9a. M.-5 p.m. Sunday 9a.rn.- 4: 30 p.m. CaIli 263-2981 46-3 WOOD for sale, Hardwood or soft wood. Deliver or pick up. Phone 623-3548 or 623-3829. 46-6 DANCE (St. Joseph's Hall) REFRE SHMENTS WARM BUFFET Music by -"Sapphiresý" Admission: $20.00 per Couple (Limited Tickets> Call: 623-5196 (Mary Chishoim) 623-3233 (Rectory) 48-2 GOODYEAR EMPLOVEES' RECREATION CLUB CH RISTMAS DANCE Tyrone Community Hall Sat., December loth 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Admission $4 members $6 non-mem bers 48-1 N THURDAYNIGHT TOPS O.N.870 BAZAAR SAT., DECEMBER 3 1 19:00 - 4:.00 Bowmanville Mail Baking - Crafts - Books' 48-1iN Durham- Northumberland NDP Nomination meeting, Thursday, December 1 at 7 9 .m. Memoriai Park Club- ouse, Bowmanviile. Guest speaker Clîff Piikey. Wine and cheese. 48-1iN Bata Sigma Phi Bazaar, Bowmanville Public Library, Saturday, December 3, 1:30 - 4.30. Numerous crafts, baking and tea room. 48-1iN Orono Countrv Jamboree, Sunday, December -41<_in Orono Town Hall. Local country music entrrtainment at its best. Aduits $1.50. Children .50. 48-1 N SI. Johïn's! TAKE--A-BREAK BAZAAR Sat., Decemiber 3 1 :30 - 4:00, St. John's Church Hall Christmas crafts, baking, fish pond and tea room. S47-2 N B.M.H.A. HOCKEY MOTHERS Christmas Bake and Craft Sale SatUrday, Dec. 3rd 9 a.m. - 4p.m. BOWMANVILLE ARENA 47-2N Corne to our Christmnas Antique Show a nd Sale at the FI yigDu tchmnan Motel Bow ma n vii1e Wednesday, Dec. 1 2 - 9p.m. Thursday, Dec. 8 11la.m.-.9 p.m. Sponsored by Shamrock Shows 47-3 N DEKOKER ME wrapped, frozen and guaranfe( Orono 983-5445 Oshawa 725-4245 CH RISTMAS TREES SCOTCH PINE anc S PR UC E AIl Sizes Location BOWMANVILLE ZC King St. E. Phone - 623-5632 FIREPLACE WOOD AIU hardwood, (applem ail cut ready for the firel Wiii deliver. Phone 623-4551 MOVING SAI 6 piece dinfing room suife kitchen fable and Chairs 5 piece bedroomn suite, coffee table, $10; home couch, $8; 31/2 gaI. sprayer, $10; chrome CI $3 each, 2 mountedG belted snow tires, $30 CHRISTMAS TREES Bring your fani and cut your ov Befween Bethany and CE App roximafely 3 miles i, Bethany, turn north,f signs on Hwys. 35, 115, ar The gift thaf keeps on giving "'OUT 0F THE MISTS"I A History of Clarke Township. 338 pages with 110 illustrations SmaII quantify left ..... CailIMrs. Helen Schmid,' 1Orono 983-5837 FIRE PLACE MANTLES USED TIMBER 10" x8" x8' and il" x il"x 4' 623-2677 Furniture - Cabinets Toys CUSTOM MADE Repairs and Refin is h ing 623-2677 Morning or Evening 1 46-3 LADY'S dark grey winter coat with matching mink coilar, size 161/2, in good condition. Phone 623-3569. 48-1 COMPLETE lady's ski equip- ment, excellent condition, Fisher skis, Nordica boots, size 61/2, ski poies, gioves. Asking $200. Phone 623-5883. 48-1 N HO! HO! HO! Shop today at House 0f Amber, Antique and Gift Shop (north end Hampton Village). We have many Merry Christmas gift items for everyone. Shop hours, Monday and Tuesday 12 f0 9. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9 f0 9. Saturday 9 f0 5. Sunday 9 to 4:30. Cail Hampton 263-2981. 48-3, PLATFORM 8 x 10 ct buiif, Iow side racks; 2 truck sna p ring wheels 16.5" truc k tubeless vhi H.D. pintle hook; 1 H.E' hook; 1 tank and burn< tar pot; 1 s1ace hi suitable for cottage $15, mechanical tire chi (Coates); 4 - 8.75 x,16.5 snows (used); antique fi powered by Jeep enginE drive lune, beit puiley P.T.O. (Empire). F 263-8172. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS LAWN GARDE H'ighway 2 Open 10- 6 Seven Days A Wéee 987-4670 :usfom - 16" s; 1- ýr for ---. MODERN chrome butcher block top kitchen suite with 4 leather bound chairs. Excel- lent condition. $150. Cail 623-4044 affer 6. 48-1 ANTIQUE glass and china. Buy someone a pïece of the past for Christmas. Cali 623-4044 after 6. 48-1 N FRANKLIN fireplace, brand new, soiid cast iron, 30"' openin g regular $259, asking $200 %Pone 623-7696. i 48-1iN 1971 SNOWMOBILE like new, 20 h.p. motor, colour black and white. Best offer over $250. Phone 623-2236. 48-1 TWO Winter Express snow tires with rims,ý polyfiex, G78-15, used one season for G.M. car. Phone 62ý-3448. 48-1 N ELECTRIC guftarý and new amlifier, case, cord and book ÎMIuded. $125 or 'make an offer. Phone 987-4579. 48-1 N ROLIECORD camera. Twin- lens reflex, 21/A" format veith -L" bracket and ielectronic flash. $110 or best offer. Phone 623-5897. 48-1 TWO Antique càrved oak uphoistered setties, antique, p icture trames, antique um- brella stand and walking sticks, 5 piece bedroom suite, queen .sîze, (3 .{ears old) apartment size D.j table and 4 chairs, fruitwood, 3-fier garden fountain, !5 Barbie dolîs, ciothes andý camper, drum with sta nd a nd ofher misceilaneous items. Phone 623-6897 affer 1 p.m. 48-1 N 15 BAGS of cement. Frank Stenger, Enniskille'n. Phone 263-2328. 48-1 N BASEMENT sale, scatter matfs, carpet remnants. odd size makegood ai-ea rugs, 2 PC. wooden armi (pine) sofa and chair. Hîgh pilowed back. Swivel rockers. FA. Kramp Furnîture, 37-41 King St. E Bowmanvilie, Ont. 48-1 N SNOW tires on rims, 2-8.25,x 14. 2 for Volkswagen bug. Reasonable. Phone j63-8443. 48- 1 iae, PAD DY'S Market' now has .0;1 new furniture, appliances, ianger T.V s and sfereos! and 1aIso ruk used furniture and appliances. ractor Wil11 accept trade-îns. Paddy's e and Market, Hamnpton, phone,263- yand 2241. 3t Phone 48-1 - ELECTRIC Spanlsh guitar and Gibson amplifier, su-itable for student. $75 aise î-o--rcJ crera, reasonablée. Phone .NS 263-2288. 48-_1_ N ONE poLitble 44 8,$15 k one Magnus organ,$2 one set of weîghts $25. Po(ker table $45. Exercise board $'25. Phone 45-7N 623-2954. 48-1 N 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 wn .avan. east of fol Iow nd 7A. 48-3 N IDOUBLE ski-doo-trailer. Phone 987-4397. 48-1 N COMPONENT setý (turnfable and 2 speakers) 35 Prospect St. Bowmanville affer 41:30 p.M. 4- 3000 BALES god ua fi y Timothy hay,siabIe for horses or catt le. PFhone 987- 4865. 48-4N 6'GE NDRON pool table with 5 cuyes- 3 new. Rack for 4 cues 46-4,N wif h couniters. On1e set Boston _ balis, one set snco ker- bals. S Triangle, rest, repair kit etc. Good condition. Ideal Christ- mas gift. $150. Phone 623-2363. id 48-1N SNOW tires, G70-15, glass belted on GM rims, used one :0 year. $50. Phone 623- 5427. 48-1 48-tf N ELECTRIC guitar,' excellent condition, with case and cord, E Phone 987-4012 eve inings.4- Wood, ANTIQUE furnituý-;--,re movîng 'place: sale. 10 per cntoff ai lstock. 48- tblschairs3, deks nd m0rany gifts. Movngf0420 481 King St.W. Oshaw,. De -ember - Sth. Dusty Corner Antiques, 44 Bond St.W. 576-6732. 48-1 N e, $95; SNOWBLOWER, ýone Sun- s, $25; beam, gas-powered, 24"'. ,$125; Phone 623-7764. 48-1 N ima de weed chairs, TEAKWOOD andý Rosewood G,2x 15 Scandinavian furï,iture1, Ae- 5pair. ýnSuite - 2 c. ce eie1 d nd t-hiretc Ai Brndnew, 48-1iN reasonable. 1-47-377 DOUBLE bed, sp ring mat- fress, 54", just lîke new, a uiv bargain. 37 Prospect Sf. after