Present 'Harvey', at BHS, Provincial Court The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 30, 1977 14 Collect Food for Needy on Hollowe'en Night 'f,1e Key character in a three at~ -play performed by stÙdents at the Bowmanville High School last week is flot like Mtost of us. Elwood P. Dowd is a lîkéable, friendly, eccentric sot of mnan who just happens to'be a good friend of a six foot tali rabbjt. The rabbit's name is 'Harvey and as a constant coxnpanion of Elwood Dowd, theý b east causes a certain amount of embarrassment to bis relatives. These are Veta Louise Sinimons, sister of Dowd and Iiis' niece Myrtie Mae. Both Ï.ies happen to be very prim and proper and flot at' al appreciative of the company that Elwood keeps. They especially dislike Elwood's tendency to introduce Harvey to some of their high society friends. You see, the really embar- rassing'.thing about Harvey is the fact that he is invisible to everyone except Elwood P. Dowd. This situation becomes a comedy writer's dream as the characters attempt to have, Elwood committed to an insane asylum. Towards the end of the second act, we begin to believe that Veta Louise, FNotice of Public Hearing ISSUE NO. 2 Ottawa, November 22, 1977. TORONTO, ONTARIO JANUARY 17, 1978, 9:00 a.m. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecomn fions Commission will hold a Public Hearing beg on Januar 17, 1978 at the Holiday Inn, Armour Chestnut Streets, Toronto, Ontario to considE follqwing: CANADTAN CARI FSVSTFAAS (AAFTDf A LE Lt LIMI IE ýLIÇ;ENSFF 096r. 1 k9Y.151ON SySfEm SERVIN RINÇzbIL2N. L21NT891Q. iHAË ÇýBLE TV ýjMjjEQ. LICEUSEF i , M - 2 COMMUNIIY AhITENNA TFLEVISIOM LTD- 1 NMSNS E OF THg5l Canadian Cabiesystems Limited ("CSS"), a cc tion whose shares are publici y traded, owns controis, or has a major ownersh ip interest in ali foregoing licensees. Since August, 1977 there hav a number of public and private purchases of shi CCS such that, according ta the iatest inforr available to the Commisson, the major ownerý the shares of CCS appears to have changed as fi Jonlab lnvestments Limilted (controlled by Brascan Lîmited) TWC Television Limnited (control led by E. S. Rogers) R oyal Trust Compeny Edper Investments Limited (controlied by Edward and Peter Bronfmnan i family trusts) Auiust 1977 Novembe 25.8 per cent - 25.8 per 18.3 per cent 18.3 per -2 . 5-per cE Managemenëlt 9.3 per cent AMonitreal1 Trust Company 9.4 per cent Others 9.3 perc 37.2 per cent 25.1 per.c The Commission has also been advised by TWC Television Limited ("TWC") and Ed per lnvestments Limited ("Edper")i that there exist between them verbal understandings, entered into ln September, 1977, to the following effect: a) Neither TWC nor Edper sought control of CCS. b) TWC would flot purchase any additional shares of CCS. c> Edper may, over trne, purchase in normal market transactions, additional shares of CCS, but in any event it would not purchase more shares of CCS than those held by TWC. d) TWC and Edpe, bnared total confidence in tbe present manaaement of CCS. e) TWC and Edper each sou.g h representation in due course on the Board of Directors of CCS flot ex- ceeding three members each out of a total number of directors to be established b y the management of CCS, and in this regard TWC and Edper would mutually support the election of the said six directors. -f) In order to protect the foregoing1 assurances, TWC and Edper gave mutual rights of first refusai and related rights in respect of their shares of CCS, which the parties acknowledged in any event would be sublect to the approval of CRTC. In such circumstances, the Commission considers it desirable to review with the licensees, their shareholders and other interested parties the implications of the above described ownership alterations and understandlngs for the effective coritrol of CCS. in addition, the Commission wishes to explore the implications for the Canadian Broadcast- ing system of a significant ownershlp and directorate connection between two of Canada's largest cable television organizations both centred in the southern Ontario region. Accordingly, the Commission hereby calîs the foregoing licensees to a public hearing to take place Tuesday, January, 17, 1978 a t the Holiday Inn, Armoury and Chestnut Streets, Toronto, Ontario. GENERAL INFORMATION How to Intervene Anyone wishing to comment on an application must submit a written intervention which should contain a clear and concise statement of the relevant facts and the grounds upon which the intervener's support for, opposition to, or proposed modification of, the application is based. Ift should also state whether or not the Intervener wishes to appear at the hearing. Deadline for recei pt of Interventions: Decerrber111, 1177. To be sent by reg Istered mail or personal del ivery to ApplIcant and C RTC with proof.0f service. Examination of AoDglicatigns At local address given ln this notice and at the Commission, 100 Metcalfe Street, Room 1601, Ottawa, *Ontario. Ruies of Procedure Further information is outlined in Rules of Procedure available for the sum of 35 cents from: The, Publishinu Centre, Printing Centre, Prlntinq and Publishing, Department of Supply and Services, 270 Albert Street, VOttawa, Ontario. Information: Write to CRTC or phone 613-996-2294 or 995-69 57., Lise Oui met, Secretary General. CRTC - Public Notice 1977-142 Canadian Radio-tetevision Conseil de la radiodiffusion and Telecommunications et des télécommunications I Commission canadiennes i un ica - ginning, ry and, ber daugbter and a pair of psychiatrists may be even crazier than people who bob- nob with big invisible rabbits. In fact, Harvey introduces a few doubts about who is really sane and who is crazy in the laugh-strewn pathway leading to the final act. Excluding the, invisible Harvey, the cast consisted of 12 BHS- students in each performance. But the four shows at the high school last Wednesday to Saturday offered completely new casts on alternate nights. This means that somewbere in the school two dozen budding actors were re- cruited. And a glance at the program indicates that at least an equal number of persons worked behind the scene. AlI in alI, the high school's first production of the year seems to have gone well. HAYDON er the Mr. Milton Stainton, Ennis- killen called on Mr. and Mrs. *Lloyd Ashton on Friday. '0. Mr. and Mrs. Michael 0), Strenge and David, Scarbor- -TON, ough, were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray. Mr. Bob Jones returned E home from Regina on Friday. Mr. Jim Jones, Scarborougb and Mrs. Meta Kellar, -OO Osbawa, were Friday evening visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Michael E OF Strenge and David, Scarbor- ough, Mr. Kyle Grabam, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. FOF and Mrs. Ross Ashton and UL family. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Black- burn and family, Orono were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn ~rpora- and family. a-or Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, I of the Susan and Fred were Sunday e been dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. iares of E. Taylor, Ennîskillen. ,mation Mrs. Lloyd Ashton called on ,ship of Mrs. Elise McGill on Friday, ,llows: November l8th. )er 1977 Sorry to bear Mrs. McGill is -a patient in Memorial Hos- -pital, Bowmanville. Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, accomp- anied, Mrs. Ivan Sharp and cent Mr. Adam Sharp of Enniskil- len and were last Friday cet dinner guests of Mrs. Eva r cent Kay, Toronto. Joy and Charles Loveridge, Tyrone and Fred Slemon, were supper guests of the ,en Arthur Trewin farnil, and Mrs. M~. Andersoni on Fiida'y. cent Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts and Mr. and Mrs. bars Christen- sen were evening guests al cent helping to celebrate Paul Trewin's birthday. Congratu- lations Paul. Tyrone The winds of change are stirring in Tyrone United Church. On Sunday evening, November 27th, interested members of the congregation gathered for coffee and des- sert followed by. study and discussion of a plan for a unified church board. Twenty-two girls completed the 4H Homemaking Club unit "Taking a Look at Yourself" and participated in the Achievement Day held at Courtice High School Satur- day, November 26th. Katherine Penwarden was presented with ber Provincial Honours Certificate, having completed twelve units, over about six years' time. County Honours for the completion of six units, were presented to Karen Vaneyk and Wendy Yeo. A silver teaspoon is prer mted to each girl wbo completes the unit. Mrs. Doug Delaney was the leader of this unit. Assistant leader was Mrs. Paul Vaneyk and Mrs. Jim Rowan gave special assistanice at some meetings. The next unit will be learning about meat. Senior Citizens card party results are as follows: lst Earl Prescott, 2nd Leland Milîson, 3rd Harold Swain, 4th Dick Gibbs, 5th Ethel Gibbs. Ladies low Margaret Watson, Men's low baverne Clemens. 50-50 draw Lionel Byam. Ladies' Monday Bowling Top Ten Averages Sharlene Dehart 225, Onie Etcher 218, Donna Harness 216, Vickie Terry 210, Jackie Braybrook 209, Nancy Welsh 209, Nancy Evans 206, Shirley Davis 204, Fern Bradley 203, Marg King 202. - Team Standing Donna Harness 31585 pins, 25 points, Sharlene Del irt 30308 pins, 2012 points, Nancy Welsb 31188 pins, 20 points, Shirley Davis 31270 pins, 18 points, Onie Etcher 31237 pins, 18 points, Cecile Bowers 30719 pins, 18 points, Helen Depew 30011 pins, 18 points, Vickie Terry 30514 pins, 17 points, Nancy Evans 30004 pins, 15 points, Jackie Braybrook 29992 fins. 13 D)oints. Judy Bragg 29441 pins, 9 points, Thelmia Forrester 28692 pins, 612 points-. High Triple-Sharlene Dehart 780. Hîgh Single- Jackie Braybrook 329. November 29, 1977 Judge R.B. Baxter presided with Acting Crown Attorney Mr. Wright and duty counsel D., Barber. Mrs. Mary Ann Gonson, 53, 2323 Confederation Rd., Miss- issauga, was today sentenced to 7 days in jail with recommendation if possible that, she be' transferred to Vanier Institute. On August 6 she was charged 'did drive after consuming over .08'. She pleaded 'guilty'. Const. Markle observed ber west- bound on King St. Newcastle, where sbe signalled for a rigbt turn but made a left turn. Tests were .15. Roy Bruggeman, 19, R.R. 1 Newcastle, was charged October 28 at Conc. 1 Darling- ton Township 'did éommit the offense of careless driving.' He pleaded 'guilty.' He was also cbarged same day being person baving care and con- trol with intent to escape 'dîd fail to stop and offer assist- ance'. Pleaded 'guilty'. He also pleaded 'guilty' with failure to produce insurance. There had been a two vehicle collision at Base bine Rd. and Courtice Rd. He was travel- ling east on Baseline Rd and drove into the rear end of a car making a turn. He took off at a bigir ra te of speed and later struck three guard rails. He was arrested the next day at the scene. He said he left 'because be had no insurance.' On the first charge the fine was $100 and costs, in default 5 days. On the second charge a fine>of $75 and costs, in default 5 days additional was levied With license s uspension 3 months. The third charge was $50 and costs, in default 3 days additional. Given two months to pay. Ronald W. Conlin, 18, 66 Doreen Cres. Bowmanville, pleaded 'guilty' to an October 8 charge 'did steal auto wbeels not exceeding $200. They were recovered. He was placed on probation for two years. If he behaves during this period a conditional discharge will be given. John Fennell, 23, was charged October 14 by P.C. Fitzgerald with baving marijuana in his possession. A van was checked. The fine was $100 and costs, in default 5 days. Darryl Heenan, 18, R.R. 3 Bowmanville, was cbarged October 28 with taking a pair of blue jeans from the Bi-Way store, east Oshawa. He pleaded 'guilty.' He was placed on probation for 2 Shop et .,0 W DY s Pýù I The Differont Food Store NULI UP< ,!CMIAIýs SIMON de GROOTS DUTCH STYLE LUNCHEON MEAT POLISH SAUSAGE 9¶B LB. MAPLE LEAF .1 COTTAGE ROLLS LB. BON ELESS CHUCK STEAKS or" 019 SHOULDER STEAKS i, LB. NOW ARRIVING FOR CH RISTMAS ONE AWAYJ FOR YOU FRESH PRODUCE SPECIALS 49C SUNKIST NAVEL99 ORANGES SIZE 138 9DZ M ANY MORE SPECIALS THROUGHOUT OUR STORE. COME AND SEE OUR MA19IY SEASONAL AND GIFT IDEAS. ENJOY A FREE CJFFEE WhiIe You $hop Thurs., Fr1l., Sot. At DELICA TESSEN FOOD MARKET 73-77 KINGS WEST 623-3541 FRE E PARKING OFF QUE EN STREET years, to keep the peace and be of good behaviour. He is to report, to probation officer once a week for six months and monthly tbereafter. He is to abide by the advîce of the officer as to psychiatrie assistance. Bench warrants issued for Dunbar Hooley and Thomas Horner. 1Michael Douglas Nowlan, 19, 822 Glen St. Oshawa, was charged witb careless driving November 1 and with failure to produce an operator's license. He pleaded 'guilty' to botb charges. He was, driving north on Regional Road 57 at a high rate of speed and bit a tree. His vehicle was demolisbed. Damage to private property was $100 and restitution bas been made. On the first charge the fine was $100 and costs, in default 5 days. On the second charge $25 and costs, in default 2 days additional. Given one month to pay. William Lapointe, 32, Scar- borough, pleaded 'not guilty' to driving after consuming over .08. Const. Cook was despatcbed to a motor vebicle collision on Higbway 2, one haîf mnileeast of Bowmanville., The car was against a tree. Another vehicle was in the soutb ditch. Tests were .18 and .17. He was found 'guilty' as cbarged. He is presently under psychiatric treatment. His counsel stated be is trying to do sometbing. about bis alcobolic problem. The fine was $100 and costs, in default 5 days with license suspension tbree montbs. Minor Injuries A Bowmanville driver who swerved to avoid hitting a dog sustained minor injuries, Durham Regional Police said this week. Police said James Wubbolt, of 119 Liberty St. South was westbound on King St. when a dog darted in front of him near Mearns Ave. The driver swerved to avoid tbe animal, striking a bydro pole. Damage to the vehicle was estimated at $1,000 and a passenger also sustained minor injuries. Police say the accident occurred Sunday afternoon. Mixed Maj or Bowling Top Ten Averages Larry Piper 234, Howie Pollard 234, Rick Thomapson M2, Vickie Terry 224, Maurcie Annaert 220, Jeff Brooks 217, Ross Wright 215, John Luff- man 215, Virginia Fairey 214, Joan Sutcliffe 214. Team Standings Vickie Terry 24, 34,710, Wendy Maynard 23, 33,892, Peggy Haynes 21, 32,573, Anne Emmett 19, 32,840, Vera Tendam 19, 31,881, Bernice Buday 18, 32,875, Virginia Fairey 18, 32,708, Joan Sut- cliffe 17, 32,507, Pat Forsey 12, 30,454, Maria Opoka 11, 31,893, Lola Wright 8, 31,064, Pat Bagneil 8, 30,630., Men's high single-Ross Wright 329. Ladies high single- Bernice Buday 267. Men's higb triple-Jack, Heffron 787. Ladies bigh triple-Bernice Buday 711. The Bowmanville Pathfinder Club wants to acknowledge the generosity of the residents of Bowmanville for contributing cans of food on Hallo- we' en night. Instead of soaping, windows and trick or treating, the Pathfinders decided to help those in need by collecting food for Christ- In the Dim and Distant Past 49 Vears Ago Thursday, Nov. 22, 1928 Mr. Sam Wilson, Editor -of the Weston Times and ýGuide was guest speaker at St. John's A.Y.P.A. meeting on Monday evening. Norman. S.E. James was elected President of Bowman- ville Hospital for the fourth year on Monday. Directors are F.F. Morris, J.W. Alexan- der, W.R. Strike, C.T. Ross, W.J. Dudley, Jos. O'Neill, Chas. Mason. Mr. Francis Sutton, organist and Cboir Director of Trinity United Church addressed the Rotary Club on Friday. The local Board of Health under the direction of Dr. W.H. Birks, M.H.O. and Miss Olga Todd, Public Health Nurse are adminigtering tbree applications i5f toxoid as a diptheria precaution to th~e scbool children in town. On Friday evening, Haydon Young people wlll present their play The 'Colonel's Maid'", a comedy in three acts. FIGHT THE LUNG CRIPPLERS CURERA R OSIS CIA HSU R 05Gb E ClA C HRONI ' BRN.,P.-R OCST R ARASÉS AIR POLLUTION The Women's Institute of Sulina met on Thursday at the borne of Mrs. S.E. Wery's. 25 Years Ago Thursday, Nov. 27, 1952 Frank Williams, manager of the Bowmanville Brancb of. the Bell Telephone Company, will complete 45 years service with the, company on Sunday,, Novemnber 3th. ,, Bruce Tink, of Darlington Twp., was elected President of mas baskets. And they thank you for your help! Pathfinder Director Ed Pardy commented: "We encourage our youngsters in this projeet because it centers their thoughts on persons. who need help. We want them to be able to respond, to'the needs of others in practical ways. " tbe Durham County Liberal Association at their annual meeting in Newcastle Com- munity Hall on Wednesday. The following were elected as officers of the Memorial Park Association for the coming year. Pres. E. Beau- prie, Sécy-Mrs. D. Parks. Sick Convenor Mrs. N. Wilson., Manvers Twp. elected by acclamation t he following Reeve-Allan Beer, Deputy Reeve Earl Argue, ýCouncil- lors Addison Scott, Ralph Malcolm and John Payne., Officers for Cartwright Twp., elected by Acclamation George Black, nominated for Deputy Reeve, Wesley Sweet, I. Cochran, for council, (3) Allan Suggitt, Howard Forder, Bruce Ashton, Orr Venning, Board of Education (ACC) Wilford Jackson, Joseph Bradford. , Enniskillen Mission Band beld an oratorical contest on Friday evening. 37 girls and boys entered. Judges were Mrs. E.Ri Taylor, Mirs. W. Yellowlees, Mrs. A. Trewin and Mr. E. Wright. Advertising Oshawa monument Co* Fomily Memorials - Markers Ail Dosign und Lottoring Done by Us on Promises -NO SALESMEN INVOLVED - P lea se Te lephone 728-3111l for Full Details MACDONALD F0 'S -KEEPý ON TR U KIN' SALE The beet truck deals Vou'II find anywhere to Prove that we moan business in trucks& Sale ends Tuesdayf December,17 Look f or Bargains like these: 1978 F-100 PICKUP V-8 engine, power steering, power brakes, heavy duty rear springs, step bumper and more. Stk. No. 8T48. KEEP ON TRUCKIN' PRICE 1978 E-150 CARGO VAN 6 cyclinder, automatic, power steer-: ing, power brakes, high output heater, instruments.> Stk. No. 8ET52. KEEP ON TRUCKIN' PRICE s.5996.00 OVER 20 TRUCKS TO CHOOSE1 LET OUR TEAM 0F TRUCKEPS: PUT RIGHT TRUCK. SEE BUD FOGG - F ROM. YOU IN THE PHIL DANIEL - RICK DAY TE EVISION L-ALBt-RTA jý ý 1