6, The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville., November 30, 1977 Section Two Beha ny Mrs. Ina Palmer and Mrs. Mildred Bristow spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Palmer's children in Peterborough, wbile Reg and bis wife and mother-in-law, Mrs. HuIly, spent the week vacationing in Jamaîca. Mrs. Palmer attended the funeral of Mr. Douglas Donaldson. He leaves bis wife, Mrs. Jean DeLong, who was a former resident of Bethany, ta mourn is loss. The Manvers Arenia Board and the Counicil had a meeting to review applicants for the manager's position for the arena, as they hope the arena will have ice available for skating by December lSth. The building is progressing favorably as scheduled. Tickets are to be sold by the canivassers for the Manvers Arena anid' Community Centre, as there will be a draw on February 18 for a 1978 Monte Carlo Sports Car and a second draw for a $1000,bull. A limit of 3000 tickets will be sold at $5 each, and proceeds will go to further finance the building of the arena. Remembrance Day The dreams for which young heroes died, How cbeap they seem today. Except to those who loved so mucb, And watched tbem march away. We live because they dîed, and yet They live if we do not forget. United <hurch Remembrance Day: The dreams for wbich young heroes died, How cheap they seem today. Except to those wbo loved so mucb, 'And, watched tbem march away. We live because they died, and yet They live if we do no, forget. On Dec. 3 at 2:00 p.m. the Bethany U.C.W. will hold tbeir annual Christmas Tyme tea and bazaar. The newspaper drive is stili on! Please save your ôid newspapers for the Project Committee. They hoe to have a truck load to deliver to - Pal-O-Pak before the rush of the Christmas season. Wt Prizes at the euchre party sponsored by the Cavan Women's Institute were bigh lady was Linda Brown, bigh man was Carl Porteous. Low score was Mrs. Gutbrie for ladies and low man was Luther Olan. Hilda Bigelow and, Kate Tomnlînson- tied for high score of 375 for two games with the Ladies' Bowling Club. Run -_____Lea ner-up was AltaCurtis witb aClvrLa score of 365 for two, games. P INK Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Bige-N low visited Mr. and Mrs. AI SA L MON JnoinScarborougb nd775 oz. tin then Hilda, Sharon and Jen- nifer went on to Mississauga to visit Mr. and Mrs. Rick Oag amldRsbry McLeary (Pat) . Oane_______ Rspery The Bethany United Church Mrs. Luke's choir sang "Lest We Forget" aiRA BERIRY as their antbem on Sunday, and Mr. Graham chose as bis j7 JAM text "The Stairway to Heaven- Wth Pectin, 24 fI.az. jar Chosen", as the first of bis series of sermons. In the Old Testament, Gen. Swift's Premium 28:10-22, Jacob had a vision of a ladder stretched fromC 6 E beaven to eartb, witb angels Nj running up and down. That CA NE D story illustrates a symbol ofHAM the New Testament-JesusHA Christ acting as a bridge 1.112 IL tin between God and man. Sirnce the beginning of time men have tried to win their way to Assorted Colours, 2.Ply Royale beaven by different religious. A, We want se much to ma ke FT HRO OM ourselves acceptable to God, I 4~W ueE that we are willing to, do TISSUE practically anything ta 4 roll pkg. achieve that aimn. But God- i ven religion says we cannot uild up the stairway to sotdCl heaven ourselves-God bas to AsotdClurs, build it for us. In Ep. 1, Paul is 2 PIy Kleenex building the çstqirway and O UI QUEnf Of Be Ésihs lareverydlay9 And other guests took flight New Encore Fear and Anxiety, grief andIN T T CO F gloomINTN O F Sped eut into the nigbt.8 oz.jar I wondered that sucb peace 1 could bel S But Faitb said gently, "Don't A BESTB " you see _ _ o s Tbey really cannot live with1 me."lIP SSIBEt' We wisb Mrs. Rene Smelt a M vrM i surgical, operation at Civic Hospital. An accident occurred at the intersection of the Beer Hill and Higbway 7A when Allan Armstrong in a pick-up truck collided witb a car driven by Norman Fisher. Mrs. Fisher was taken ta emfergency hospital, but released. We're pleased that ber injuries were not too serious, as Mrs. Fisher has just returnied home from a former ilîness. POLYFOAM CUP59 AIL PRICES EFFECTIVE NOV. 30-DEC. 6,1977 IN METRO TORONTO 0 MISSISSAUGA 0 OAKVILLE 0 THORNHILL 0 BRAMPTONO MALTON 0 MARKHAM - WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. RD A YANC; A WEDNESDAY OPEN TO 10:00 pim.e