Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 3o, 19- 7 uar Canadian Processed Mira Mart Frozen Eviscerat-ed Utility C;H E ESE IS SLICES Regular or Singles, 16 oz. pkg. ICES 2-3o IL sizej LB Beef, Chicken, Liver Properly Aged, Expertly Cut and Trimmed PEPs1 DOG FOODS 25.5 oz. tin From Be,,st, Quality "GRADE A" Beef B Pony Tail Wrap Champain T-Bone or W TI TeAOS 28 oz. jug rom Be-st Qualiýty "GRADE A" BeefLB ia Mat The KînStef nber 28 fi oz. tine Assorted Flavaurs, Mira Mart SOFT 0DRI NKSM 750 ml i bu Plus 20c~ deposit 25 ,Ce Steinberg's Conidensed TOMATSOU PC 10 fi. oz. fin 1 Parchment Wrap 1000/ Vegetabie Qi! Chefmaster MARGARINE UCu 1 lb. pkg. - Chicken Noodie LIPTON'S SOUP'MIX SH9C Pkg. of 2 env. French Formula Êa Breakfast Cereal 1 Fresh Meaty Frazen Eviscerated HAIR SPRAY CHEERIOS iX PORK HOCKS 215 %RD GEESE LBI~ 10o.Mi 15 az. pkg . Fresh Ontario Pork LB. 8-2Ibsize rrCe[ Yuung tviscerate GRADE A DUCKLINGS 3-4 lb. sîze L B Fresh tram the Trapics L ARPtG E SIZE BANANAS Prod1uct ai Mexica Cýanada Na. 1Grade CUCýU MBERS24 Product ai Mexîca EGG PLANT 3 Praduct af U.S.A. RED EMPEROR GR-APESw C LB. Ontario Grawny Canada No.1Grade 0 1 TABLE 'rtD ý POTATOES 10 lb. bag Praduct aiUS.A, Flarida WHITE GRAPEFRUITC 5 lb. bag Praduct af U.S.A.,Canada No. 1 Grade CORN ON THE COB Package af 5 & Praduct ai U.S *A. Nuts in Sheli JUMBO WALN UTS Packaged LB Boneess aottom uut Round STEAK ROASTS From Best Quality "GRADE A" Beef LBI.348 Famaous For Quaiîfy Wieners ufu Bone-in SCcHNEI%ýDER'S RED OT RUMP ROASTSLB 1 lb. pkg, From Besf Quaiity "GRADE A" Beef L. 4 Whoie Fresh Regular Ca pon PO R KSHULDER G F MUE RIB8-STEAKS 121 bagszFrsOfaraPr LB. (No-cap steaks $1.78 lb.> LB.Mil Fearman's Davern FarmsI Clîfide, D~ SLICED SIDE BACON B)nEEF PE 1 lbý pkg. Praduct ai Canada I 6 pie pkg. m 8 Swift's Premium Sliced Sîde orj Sweet Pîckied LAZY MAPLE BACON COTTAGE ROLLS 1 lb. pkgý Praduct af Canada 3Ilb avg. sîze LB1j Sliced Side Store Packed Frazen Hamburger MAPLE LEAF BACON BEEF PATTIES 1 lb. pkg. Product af Canada _. Quarter paund sîze LBý Frase Val CadWhaie North Atlantic FISH & CHIPS FRZNMCKERELLB Large 24 az R ZEL.3 TYRONE: Tyrone Umity L.O.B.A. Na. 1244 held their annual election and installation of officers recently with 25 members present. Visitars were from Oshawa and Toronto. The fallowing are the offîcers for 1978. W.M, Sis. R. McRoberts, D.M. Sis. E. Gable, Jr. D. M. Sis. P. Griffin, Rec. Sec. Sis. C. Farrow, Fin. Sec. Sis. A. Phillips, Treas. Sis. G. Smith, Chap. Sis. L. Hendran, Guard. Sis. L, Taylor, D. 0f C. Sis. A.' Park, Sr. Lect. Sis. M. Drinkle, Jr. Lect. Sis. K. Lowery, I.G, Bro. R. Patton, O.G. Sis. D. Patton, I. P.M. Sis. B. Lawery. This lodge meets the 3rd Wednesday of each motîth at Tyrane Orange Hall and new memnbers ar las wýlcome PARTY PATR Party of 10, made up of European style deli meats expertly arranged on a platter and garnished with radishes and parsley. We also have a wide variety -of cheeses, salads, regular dei and BBQ'd meats to help make your party a success. ALSO AVAILABLE FOR PARTIES 0F 20 AND 30 PERSONS. We missed Bob and Harry Ryley in the store this week, but we don't hear, of any venison being sold o[ver the counter. Mrs. Violet Ritchie of Toronto spent the, Rememb- brance Day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. McMahon. Senior Citizens There was a good attend- ance at the Golden Star Senior Citizens' meeting on Wednes- day. The president opened the meeting with a passage from The Voice on "What is a Senior Citizen?", "A Senior Citizen is a human being wha stili feels and hopes and dreams and loves. 4ý Senior Citizen is only "youth"' grown wiser and less impetuaus, whose physical appearance bas changed. " The secretary,, Mrs. Violet Carr, read the minutes and a special welcome was given ta fîve new members-Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayes, Mrs. Sadie Kirk and Mrs. Vera Masters. Our attendiance is now ninety-nine members. Gardon Britton's birthday was recagnized. Mrs. Irene Challice's quilt was displayed as the ýquilters finîshed the beautiful work that morning. There are twa more quilts, on hand !for the, busy fingers after Christmas. Final arrangements were made for the Christmas party on December 14 at 5:00 p.m. The Anglican ladies are catering thîs year.1 .The next meeting, Nov. 3th will be held in Cavan. Anyone wishing a ride pleasle be at Ryley's-store at 1:00 p.m. George E. Clark and! Charlie Smith-offered ta p)ut a railing on the steps ta the stage. The president reaçl same information from the U. S.C.0. that should be of interest toa ah senior citizens with reference ta the Guaranteed : Annual Income System, Senior Citizen housing, the Ontario: Health Insurance Plan, Ontario Tax Credits, Homes for Aged. Mrs. Ruth Jennings, with help from Mrs.: Jessie Ellicott and Mrs. Lillian Fallis on the piano, a haif hour of gaod humiour activity was enjoyed as members partici- pated in clapping exercises, aàn variations and towel twisting.* The choir then reviewed the Programme planned for Nov. 30, when the Baîleboro group will be their guests., Mrs. Mildred Syer, as convenor, gave an enjoyable programme of old songs and Mrs. Ruth Traynar read a poem "How to preserve your husband. " Will Armitage gave a harmonica selection. Ten tables of euchre were played. Highi lady wa s Mrs. Lucyi Borrow and low lady Mrs. Lilliani Fallis. High man was George W. Clarke and low man was Will Armnitage. Ui.C.W. : The November meeting of the U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Addîison Scott, with the vice-president, Mrs. Jean McMahon, opening the meet- ing with a paem. Thank you notes were receivedi from Street Haven, Mrs. Michel and Mr. and Mrs.' Clarence Rowan. A donation was voted ta be sent ta the John1 Milton Society, and an encauraging report on the progress, of the Youth Group was given. Mrs. Neals reported a financial success framn the bake sale at Towers and she expressed appreciation for ca-aperation and contributions from the members.' Final arrangements, were discussed re tea and bazaar on Dec. 3 at 2:00 p.m. Mrs. McMahon reported an the Presbyterial U.C.W,. rally, the highlight of the evening was thie play "Greateslt Play, ever Written. " Mrs. E. Beer gave a boo)k