10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 7, 1977 Support for SPLASH Gathering Momentm The enthusiasm Which town residents are showing for the pool and squash court com- plex is spreading like a fever according to the doctor co- ordinating the project. Newcastle SPLASH Com- mittèe Chairm an, Dr. Howard Rundle, told the Bowmanville Rotary Club last week that the area is giving coruplete sup- port to the building projeet. The SPLASH Fund Raising Committee reached the $100,000 level in donations from 'the community last week, nearly one-third of the total required to start building the new centre. Comparing people's reaction to the projeet to a contagious virus, Dr. Rundle indicated that although the proposal has recently been gathering momentum, it was suggested a number of years ago. Until the Social PlanniiÈg Concil became the spearhead of the drive in 197, hovwever, the proposaI was lef t laying in, the dràwing board stage, he said. The future complex, located adjacent to Bowmanville Hligh School, has been approved by both the Town of Newcastle and the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa-> tion. -An agreement outlining the responsibilities in main- taining the building noW, is in the hands of lawyers for both parties. Ownership of the $600,000 facility has been delegated to the town, which, will take responsibility for both main- tenance and capital expenses. The board receives the option of using the pool, during school hours and pays the town on a free-for-service basis. by The thermometer is rsn steadJily hgher toward the $350,000 needed in ublicdonations to finance construction of an ndor pool for the Town of Newcastle. Fn-asn for the sports complex which is plannedc as an addition to Bowmanville High School urn -pedl to the $100,000 mark last week. Sev.eral rmembers of the Saved on Costs fund-raising co-chairman Bob SPLASH Building Commit- Stevens also explained to the tee Chairman Merrili Brown club the fînancial impact thaýt also described some of the the new pool will have on the specifiç detaàils of structural area. plans for thé building, As an addition to the high $100,0from Clubs school, the facilîty has been The province will provide 60 designed to complement the per cent of the funds required sehool in its general appear- tbrough Wintario and Com- ance, Mr. Brown told the cib.U munity Centre grants that are The site, however, also oIfers vl lefr h roeth advantages inrlaont said. Wben the complex is operational costs, he add completed, however. it will With the services that are bave no effect on tax bills already supplied to esholbcaseo the p,, rofit that it the water, sewage and î~ budmk rmwide use by chaýýrges will rma iwerth;cmuntybepedicted. tho itose of motohr r tvn aidttatthe hadto nclde nstllig te' pulic~.~otrbu:o--1eho $60,u00 he estjimateuu i rois i okîgi Another strong avct fvr~ae~ nldn or expanding recreatioal aî-toorcov îgan al ities in the Town fNwaterni cussfrfnst SPECIAL 197 ELA 20 c(F 163 Baselme R. E. Bowmavill SPECIALIZINýG 1IN: MINOq TU E-UZ - IL andr LUBRIATIONCHANES kALLBRKRPAS FR-'ýONT-END WORK - ENG IN E plus1 ALLGEELREAS For Further Information Call Jerry Brown or Glenn Bail aiî community looked on as the thermometer located at the four corners was painted up to its present total. Among those who watched it go up, left to right above, are Ron Richards, Stan Bowen, Mike MeFeeters, the Rev. Ed. Schamerhorn, Randy Forsey, Gwen Magg, Hloward Jeffrey and George Forsey. people in outlying districts. The committee bas also organized 'a lottery which offers trips around the world to the top winners as well as cash prizes. .The remainder of the funds, approximately $100,000- are expected to come tbrough donations f rom the area's service clubs, be added. If plans go according to sebedule, SPLASH hopes to turn the sod for the project by the Faîl1 of 1978, Lefters toi The Edîtor Need Flood Information Dear Sir, As one of its functions, the Central Lake Ontario Conser- vation Autbority acts to mini- mize the potential threat of floods wîtbin the region via legislation, work projects, and a flood-warning system. Un- fortunately, assessing areas Th e gift of cabl e 1v. A ie whoulo failv îywill onov. eevnight of tho year. At Ch-,ristmas. it's the gift of more programs (o creato that special hol, mood. Ail yea. its (ho gift of more chiofor everyone. One phone ca wiil got your gift wi th a cortificato t, prpyas much, servicé as you ike Basic cable service. Enjoy 12 cle'ar, reliable ,channels with' no antenna, rotor or maintenançe cost. Only $6,00 monthly.* SPLASH Thermometer Hits SI100,000 Mark which are susceptible to flooding involves the analysîs of a number of variables. One such variable involves study- ing the historic trends of floods within the region. Procuring information on the location, extent, and resulting damage of floods affords to the Authority, the opportun- ity te implement adequate strategies to reduce the harm- ful potentials of floods. Because of thîs, 1 ask if you and vour newsDaner would ity by telephone, (416) 579-0411 enable me to obtain this necessary information by printing the following article in the appropriate place. "Any person having inform- ation (recorded or in memory) concerning, the location, extent, and damage of creek and lake flooding wi'tithe Whitby .Oshawa- Bowmanville region, please contactý Fred Ernst or Robert Sm)ith e(, the Central Lake Onntario Conservation Author- (Link-up wiih ,Tr.ýansportatîon to Oshawa) Beginning Thursday, December 8 ORONO PICK-UP R ET UR N Robins Rd. & David Cres. 9:30 a. m. 4.52 p.mn. Davids Cres. &Andrews Road 9:31 a.m. 4:51 p.mn. Andrews Road & Peters Pike 9: 32 a.rm. 4:50 p. m. Peters ike & Davids Cres. 9:33 a.m. 4:48p.m. Main St. & Milison Hill Drive 9.:37a.m. 4:45 p... Millson Hill Drive & Mill St. 9: 38 a.rm. 4:44 p.mu. Downtown Orono 11 9:39 a. m. 4;:43 p..ro Main St. & Duchess St. 9:40 a. m. 4: 42 p.m.f1 Newcastle Trailer Court 9:46 a. m. 4: 36 p. m. NEWCASTLE Arthur St. & Orchard Height Dr. 9: 49 a.rn. 4:33 p. m. Mili Street & NorthStreet 9: 51 a. m. 4:31 p.m.' North Street & Wilmot 9:52a. m. 4:30p.M. Baldwin &Caroline 9:54a.m, 4:28 p.m. Sunset Blvd. & Lakeview Road West 9:58 a.m. 4: 24 p.m. Sunset Blvd. & Lakeview Road East 9: 59 a.rn. 4: 23 p.m. Sunset Nursing Home 10: 00a. m. 4:22 p. m. Mili &Caroline 10: 02a. m. 4:20p.m. Mill &Hwy. No.2 l:03a.m. 4:18 p. m. Nel-Gor Nursing Home 10: 05 a.m. 4:15 p.m. Bowmanville Mall 10: 09 a.m. 4: 10 p.m. Bowmanville Downtown 10: 10a.m. 4: 05 p.m. (READ RETURN TIM E S FROM BOTTOM TO TOP) For Ifraio aI:623-3811 Orono 10 Bwmranville ... digital news/weather 24 hours a day. Ou- Enjoy remote control channel sec selection anid fine tuning fromn your Ifyo chair. 19 channels, $9.50 monthly.* yu !a Free maintenance ..., $15c ilPino Ri 1dgo cablo 15 to istallations rarely require Gif mainenacebutwhe thy d, i's Askt -. froo, courteous and prompt. cetilf Cable up your fm radio mans, 55Ç tiets for thýffat cond set ... dve got more than one tv, 'I want to cable in, a full programf tion. Additional outiets are only 0.a mnonth. ft certificates . . ., us about our attractive gift icatos allowing you t0 prepay as m nonths as 'you want. or by mail: Central Lake' Ontario Con- servation Authority, 1650 Dundas Street East, Whitby, Ontario. LiN 2K. Attention: Fred Ernst. This information will be used by the Authority to evaluate present day flood protectioiî programs. YJour assistance willý be greatly appreciated." Sînicerely yours, Fred Ernst Hiistorian Newcastle',ýý,,,, 50* PLEf.'-.;E Cli.lý', T U R E REFERENCF Ar