12 - The Canadan Statesman, Bowmanvil1 le. Decmhbr 7. 1977 chocolate' milk and MacDonald R66BUD99 Alirtue Two local skiers can spend a week at Mount Orford at below the usual prices after winning a draw spon- sored by the D and R Sports Sthop. Shop owner Bruce Colwell, centre, presented the prize package which includes a week of free ski tows and lessons for two at the'Quebec resort to Karen Kickinson, left, and Chris Locke, right at the King St. store. M 8King Street - East,, Bowmanville 623-2967 $32,500 ASKING PRICE - 2 bedroomn brick semi close to uptown, schools and shopping, separate dining room, four appliances included. See if now and inquire about others we have. HOME ON THE LAKE - at Bowmanville, 11/2 storey, with 4 or 5 bedrooms, has large .1iving room, working kitchen and dining area. ýAskîng $34,500. Terms. Try your offer, WE HAVE -- 2 brick bungalows in Oshawa. Priced from $56,900 f0 $6 1,500. Caî11 offi1ce. LOTS - f rom 1/2 acre fo 10 acres. Close f0 town and others within commuting distance. 52king St. West Bowmanville 623-2453 At the 2th anniversary party of each week. Mrs. Shulga- was an Courtice West Home & Sehool Assn. original charter member and was on November 23rd, one of the stilî working with the H & S up until hïghlights of the evening was the the time of her death. The presentation of the Ruth Shulga nresentation was made by President Memnorial Citizenship trophy to bDe Mrs. G. Kingsley to Principal L. awarded to an outstanding student Golder. Letters t Snt Central School, December 6,1977 Dear Santa, I have been good because 1 help my mother do the dishes. And before I did some- thing else I picked up my toys. I also vient to bed at the right time. 1 am going to leave you some cooking a glass of beer and 8 icarrots for you reirdeer. 1 will put on the dineing-, room table. I would please like to have a Raggedy Anne and Andy. And a rock and roll stroller and Wake Up Tumpublena, Tuff Suff Shopping basket. A'barbby Doîl,' Farrha makeup set, a panit set, I would like a neck Lace in, my stock- inig one candy cane and soecandy. Love: athy O'Hara Central SehoolI, December 6, 1977 Dear Santa, (1) Y helpned my o put out the garbaýge. ()Iam giving you three cookies one glass of ml and carrots of (3) I wanýut trucks, and cars, playdo work bench, hamster, toypig,. adventure people, boy barbie, toy Santa- Claus. Love Darren Edwards Central Sehool Dec ember 6, 1977 Dear SANTA, I have been very good because I washed the dishes and I went to bed when I was told, and helped g et the breakfast out and cleaned up my toys. I want to leave you some crakers, tea and carrots for the reindeer. I also want to leave you milk and cookies. I would like a easy bake oven, baby burp, happy birthday tender love, ginypig, pogostick, gerble, gerble f ood, play record player with records milk the cow, dumbo, kite, ginypid food, dolîhouse, paint set, pretending robot, sled, baby crib, piano, play cloths and a saucer sleîgh, rubber duck, big piano, ginypigcage and a-%rle cage and famîily, tree .house, strech armstrong, and skates,, crayons and a colouring book. Love Heidi Enders Central School, December 6, 1977 Dear Santa, I did the dishes with my mom and dad I made my mom a picture i I cleaned my room 1 was very, good for my teacher I am giving you some milk an a big apple and two peanuts for the raindeer I woûuld like a real tipe riter and blakes and toy plain and a real car Ian Watters Central School December 6, 1977 Dear Santa, (1) I cleaned the rug in the living room. (2)1w give him two chocolate chip cookies and a chocolate milk and a carrot for all the raindeers. ~(3) 1 want a toy robot, the adventure, a dol Santa Claus, a big bird, a oscar grouch cookie monster, Ernie and Bert Kermit, play, doe work bench building bricks and plastic toy Jamnie Bentley December 6, Dear Santa, Cleaned up my toys KING ST. E. -Older type f rame home on large lot, 83 x 330. Asking $48,000 with terms. CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN - two brick homes, six rooms and bath ln each, fwo car garage. Cali office for details. THIS SIX-ROOM -- brick semi features fhree bedrooms, spacious living room wifh broadloom, modern kitchen, four-piece bath. Asking $36,000 with ferms. FIVE-ROOM HOME - in area zoned commercial, has oil furnace and is suifable for, office use or small business. Asking $36,900. AFTER HOURS J. A. Barfon ................... 623-3098 P. Kowal Jr ................... 623-5868 #?a FOR SL 137 King St. i- e Phone East >f - 623-7694 Bowmanville 623-7661 WE CAN DO THE FINANCING - on this.4 bedroom brick bungalow with large living room, separate dinfing room, heavy dut y wired workshop, low down paymenf, try you r of fer. LOTS & LOTS 0F LOTS -ail shapes, sizes, locations and prices, cal now for more information. 1.6 ACRES - beaufifull y treed lot wifh this immaculate 3 bedroom brick bungalow with finished rec room, double car garage, caîl now to inspecf. JUST REDUCED TO $19,900- for this cozy 2 bedroom home in Bowmanville, complefely renovated, newly panelled, large brighf sunroom. MUST BE SEE N. CENTURY OLDJ HOME - il rooms, large kitchen, on a 12 acre lot with.good ouf buildings and barn, 700' of Wi Imot Creek, cail now. FULL PRICE, $29,900 - 4 bedroom home, J7 acre lot, single car garage, needs renovations, try your offer. ASKING ONLY 547,900 -for this cozy 2 bedroom brick bungalow wifh 3rd bedroom in basement, large living room, and kitchen, single detached gara ge, paved drive, lot50 x 150, own your own home by Christmas. COBOURG- Lougheed Trailer Park. ASKING ONLY, $16,900, 3 bedrooms, lot 30 x 100, included in purchase price are air conditioner and wooden storage shed, cal nowfto in specf. NEWTONVILLE - 3 bedroom frame and ýaluminu m bungalow, full basement, large lot 100 x 125, MUST BE SEEN.ASKING ONLY$48,900.11 JUSTiRED UCED-to $26,900. Full price handyman's speclal, needs lots of work. Lot 54 x 100. 14 roomis and garage In Oshawa. (Suite 202), Bowmanville, Phone 623-6121 Dunwoody and Associates Limited Managemenwt Consultants 146 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa P.O. Box Phione 516 576-3430 nu.wmniii .,- 'u00 s a BOWMANVILLE - new 3 bedroom brick'bungalow with rec room and fireplace, broadloom and cushion floor, Truly a well constructed home with plaster walls including the attached garage on large 53'lx 153' lot, close f0 school and church. BOWMANVI LL E - 2 new 3 bedroom brick bungalows, now being completed with Hollywood :kitchens, broadloom and cushion f loor of your choice, close to school in north end area, asking 554,900 BOWMANVILLE - 3 bedroom side-split with 11/ baths, family room and fireplace, broadiloom and cushion f loor, attached garage and paved drive. Immediate possession. BOWMANVILLE - 3 bedroom brick bungalow uith~ separate dining room, garage and paved drive,-os0t school, asking $43,500. Vendor will hold mortgage. NEWCASTLE AREA - new 3 bedroom sidespllt now being completed with Hollywood kitchen, broadloomr and cushion f loor of your choice, asking $49,500. BOWMANVILLE - 4 bedroom brick bung£,alow with paved drive, rec room, also com plefely finished basement with small kitchen, bath and bedroom. North end area, close to school and church. Asking $60,900. MOBILE HOME - in Newcastle Trailer Park, built-in washer and dryer, f ridge and stove. Asking $17,900.00. COTTAGE- near Gooderham, private sefting, safe sandy beach, some furniture included. Must be seen. NORTH STREET - Newcastle, detached 3 bedroom brick bungalow on a landscaped lot 75' x 230', den or 4fh bedroom in basement, workshop area. Asking $551,900.00. LOTS & LOTS 0F LOTS - several fo choose from, some subjecf bo severance, others ready to build on. Phone office for details. COUNTRY LIVING - execufive split-level, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, fireplace in the rec room, inground pool, change house, double paved drive, sun deck, separate dining room. STRIKE AVENUE - Bowmanville, 3 bedroom brick bungalow, finished rec room, walk-out basement, newly decorated throughout, aftached garage. REALTOR gram6213-44281 à_ _ _ L _ _ >_ _ _ _ 1 8 1 C h u r c h ~4jWD~é~ Street REAL STATE LIMITED Bowmanville GREAT BUVI - Your own fully detached 3 bedroom home on 100 x 105 lot. OnI y 9 yrs. old, this Orono home has finished rec room, office andutility room in full basement. "QUALITY! - Built with pride, this new 3 bedroom sidesplit offers finished family room, fireplace with heatilators, wood patio doors to sundeck, continental kitchen cupboards plus more.'Ask about the special heat saving package designed to give 10 per cent saving on fuel cost 1 Near Bowmanville. $80,900.00. JUST REDUCEDI - 13 yr. old brick bungalow, attached garage. Fenced yard. Excellent location on Taunton Rld., near Orono. Asking $55,000.00. NEW YEAR OCCUPANCY - or earlier if you like, newly decorated throughout plus new carpeting in this 17 yr. old, 3 bedroom bungalow wifh good, dry basement, partly finishedrec room. Excellent value af onl y $39,000.00. 1' ~ ~ Only our naine mij~ has chauged itiw j FIVE ACRES 0F PRIVACY Only 1/2 hour to Bowmanville, a nicely treed building site with ail permits available. Asking only $28,900. Cali Ga il ChurchilIl 623-6622 or 986-4304. LOT 66 x283 Quality built 1200 s q. ft. bungalow, commuter train 2 minutes from your door. Nestled in small community only 25 miles f rom downtown Oshawa. A bargain at $45,900.00. Cali Gord Barnes 623-6860 or 623-6622. 1IMMACULATE STARTER - OSHAWA Detached, brick 3 bedroom home, lots of roomn and cupboards. Paved drive with garage. Only $39,900.00. Try your down payment. Caîl Mary Pike 623-6622 or 623-2149. NEWCASTLE - $58,900 Will provide you wifh this roomy 3 bedroom sidesplif wifh finishied family room, attached garage on extra large lot. Cal1 Jan Oudshoorn. 108 ACRES - NEWCASTLE AREA Sifuated only 1 mile from Hwy. 115, this eýxcellent acreage consists of mosfly workable, partly rolling land wifh small stream, bush and barns, I deal for.-mostý livestock. Asking price of'4$124,000 includes somfe machinery. For details caîl Elfie Josf. ý 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOME - BOWMANVILLE Large finished rec room with brick fireplace. Large !17' x 12' kitchen. Utllity room wifh plenty of extra cupboards. Low down pay ment wîth easy termns. Asking $58,900. C ail Ron Hursf. ORONO - 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOME Lovely large home wifh enormous sized kitchen, living room and den, laundry room off kitchen. Single car garage. A good buy af $48,900. Caîl Charlie Reid.ý NEWCASTLE - $45,500 Exceptional 5 room bungalow on a 70' x 150' lot close fo ail conveniences. Act fast. This one won't last. Asking 545,500,vif h terms. Calîl Bill Morrison Sr. BOWMANVILLE - $54,900 Immaculafe 3 bedroom bungalow wifh finished rec room and broadloom fhroughouf on extra large lot. CailiKen Brown. C>cc Coast to Coas( Real Estalle Service BOWMANVILLE ORONO0 623-3393 983-9547 BOWMANVILLE OUTSKIRTS - 30 ACRESý- Wifh over 4,000 ft. of road frontage. Excellent Iocatiî1ý. 1/2 mile from fown limits. Slightl y rolling land. Askingi $80,000. Terms. Cali Bill Turansky or Ken Browqn. LET'S TALK TURKEYO The smart purchaser will gobble up this, lovely new 32 bedroom sidesplif located on a large lot in Bowmanville. Close to schools and shopping. Priced, atý only 555,900 with good terms. CaliAlbert Kerekes, Courtice West, H & S Presents Memorial Trophy NEWCASTLE VILLAGE CHOICE BUILDING LOT Just lsted, near downtown. 70 x 150. Services available. 524,000. 3 BEDROOM HOME IN THE COUNTRY 74 x 150 ft. lot. Weil decorafed bungalow near Newcastle. Only $44,900. il ACRE KENDAL BUILDING LOT AIl useable excellent garden or nursery soli. '534,500. Make an offer. Down payment negotiable. NEW BRICK BUNGALOW IN NEWCASTLE 3,bedrooms, convenlent location to downtown. $49,900. YOU WILL FALL IN LOVE With this 5 year old sidesplit in Orono, ifs fully broadloomed and beaufifull y decorated wifh many fine features, 5 bedrooms, familIy room with firepla-ce and patio doors f0 sun deck, natural knotty'pine finished rec room, main floor laundry room, 2 car garage with electric doors, drain and catch basin for car washing, walkout basement workshop. Priced to seil at $79,900.00. Cali Ed Jeans 623-7152, or 623-6622 Bowmanville. Dand R Sports Draws Ski Package Winners dddshwirnnmaplucelkeai- Sand Tà1 ooueitn the~ H4 - nes on my colouring plane, a truck, dump- WAVERLEY E boohadidgo b e Iluca smera CEegRE - ; b~~~~hd ooitcb en I tuck, ar spder mn eW RCETR I have been eating cookescanies LoeJon 14pWvSSAy oad ncRawknvîsl candie2 Lov John 't~ UITED â. 104WlverIv Pni