16 The Canadi an Statesman, Bowmanville, December 7, 1977 Section Two Dear Santa, My name is Phillip and 1 arn five years old. I have been a pretty good boy ail year but bad a few times. For Christ- mas I would like a Big Wheel, a game called TurtieRace and cars and trucks. I hope you can get me ail of these and 1 promise to be good until Christmas. Thank you. Yours truly Phillip Green 27 Rosalynne Crescent Bowmanville, Ont. LIC 3X7 Dear Santa, I would like might glow the racîng car set please., 1 would very much like a skateboard please and thank you. There is a hole list of things I would like but there is lots of other children that would like lots of toys and thats why I'm not asking for a lot this year. Thank you very much. 1 hope you read this very much and very 'carefully. I hope I'm not asking for to much or arn I. Please answer me in the letter that you send. Give lots of love to your wif e and lfs and give lots of love to Rudolph and the other rain- dears. I love you to Santa Claus. Lots of love fromn Christian Goernans. BOOK, By D.M. Dineen, Chief Librarian, Newcastle Public Library System The new books fromn this fall's publishing season are now in the bookstores and libraries. Their covers are glearnîng and pages are crisp s0 here are a few that have received good reviews. Agatha Christie - an auto- hiography',, The Nureye'v Valentino, Leading Ladies Canada, Lif is a Banquet - Rosalind Russell, Savage Fields - Dennis Lee, Mallow- an's Memoirs, Toronto - Kilbourn and Christl, Dear Me - Peter Ustinov, The Dionne Years - Pierre Berton, Thé Silence and the Storm, Tom Thomson - Harold Town and David Silcox, The New Pio- eer's Handbook, The Illus- trated Soap Opera Companion. These are just a few of the many new books available at your local public library. Membership is free and there is no lîmit on the number of books which may be bor- rowed. If winter depresses you, curl up with a new book and forget the storms. Burketon Several from this district took part in the Oshawa Santa Claus Parade on Saturday. Others enjoyed the Port Perry Santa Claus Parade. Mr. H. Strutt, Oshawa is a patient in Oshawa Hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. (Harry was a former resident of Burketon). Mrs. E. McGill is in Bow- manville Hospital. We wish her better health, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hodson, Minden, :with Mrs. R. Davey during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor and family were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor., Letter to the Editor, Dear Friends, December marks the begin- ning of The Salvation Army's Christmias Appeal in Bowman- ville and surrounding area. Our objective this year is to provide a Christmnas Dinner to as many deserving families as ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THRU SAT., DEC. 10th, 1977. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMiT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTSI 'fOU GIT GIINGPOWDERED Reg Price 2.99M 'T D box j SEE AP MNGRIO EIFCVALB.IN$.0AD$00 EIMNT D ETERGENIT l e PLA AEAD FO CHITA We pick the best for ail yo r Holday( needs. So you can too! ACTION PRICED! HEINZ - FANCY ACTION PRIcED! f%É%Ti (" Tian l E! %.k cm - 3 VARIETUES N GREEN GIANT IVEGETABLES 10-FL-OZ TIN S * . WHTE I E, PIK, LLOWLIACO RC! BBIO NLYF DAIECE PK 0F 19 ILEIASE 4 ROLLS- BIATHROOM TISSUE GLAD Garbaige Bags pkg f 0.19 PURE VEGETABLE OIL COATING FOR COOKWARE Pam Spray 9-oz aerosol tin 1.29 LIQUID ACTION PRICEDI Javex Bileach PLAc JG PINK OR LIME DETERGENT 32-FL-OZ PLASTIC BTL Sweetheart Liquid 89z JANE PARKER, PLAIN OR WHEAT TWIN ACTION PRICEDI A&P BRAND "BROWN 'N A11NAC PKG - SER'V"E"y ROUSLSW NCACKR_ PKG 0F 12,6 --LMRS6 MEATLESS VARIETIES 7.5-FL-OZ JAR Hieinz Junior Foods 3for89W' RICH OR MARSHMALLOW, INSTANT, HOT 23-OZ JAR Carnation Chocolate 1.99 TOMAT!0 ACTION PRICEDI Heinz Ketchup 15--o b69p' KRAFT - SMOOTH ACTION PRICEDI Peanut Butter 4-lb îa3.39 Highîiner, Frozen, Faniiîy Packs, Breaded Portions or, Fish In Batter 32-oz pkg'2.69 300 .1 PKG. 0OF 4 TUBES Listerine Toothpaste 1.59 MONARCH - 5 VARIETIES 9-OZ PKG Sponge Pudding mixes 2/891 PALANDA 10-FL-OZ TIN Mandarin Oranges 2for79,1 I. PIECES & STEMS 73Y1 CRYSTALS URANGES M 1.1NON IUH-O C R l CROP5-LB BAG PKG OF 4 CRANBERRIESF~IRM I -b cello bag 49< A&P's GARDENSPOT! 1"O3/-ZNo. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO GROWN ýCANADA FANCY, ONTARIO GROW 3-LB CELLO BAG ENYS Large C ba e eachIyý 'Cortuand Mpples TIN No. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO GROWN LARGE S1IZE, MANY BLOOMS I (PERC )a Ca rrots 5-lb cello bag79< Po i nsettia s 6-ich pot3*99 "umm *m***** NI MMMMMMMM M M ~KELLOGG'S CEREAL ACTION PRICEDI SPAGHETTI, READY CUT MACARONI, SPAGNETTINIDEPBONITPRCATONPCD'45LOZIt M EPOWDERED WITH THIS COUPON Rice Krispies 350gp1kg 79< Primo Pastas 24lb l69< Libby's Beans 6fr99 BOX 1 0 DETERGENT L ~ : A &PF IS MANY, SHOP NOE &Pss1frmuPrytm imit one coupon per cutomer. Valid until Sait, Dec. bih, 1977, with M SF40PSYS - COLE SLAW OR miiu 5prhsexcluding cigarettes & iis product. No. 627 aD ie n (A ifu nm n l Iu _________________________Potato Sauad â24-oz _______________________________________________SHOPSYS I-ZCU PORK LOIN CHOPS CUIT INTO Ol inaS lami1.69 2 Loin End MAPL.LEA (hop Cocktail Sausages89 K 3 8 CARIBBEAN (61 TO 70 COUNT) tamK O2 Rib ChopslbSr p kio49 6 (entre (ut 10 iilOPS I RN (hops IAPG Lobster250929 ____________________________BLUEWATER, OCEAN SNACK 20-OZ PKG TENDERLOIN PORTION, 21/2fo 31/-LB CUIT L s H dok& hip22 ROASTS 212 to 3'/21lb AeOgeG8D "A", EVISCERATED, FROZEN, VAC FAC, CENTE CU, BOELES A&PSELF-BASTING OR SWIFT PREMIUM,,DEEp.BASTEI) CERE CT OELS PorkITLoin Chops lb 1.78PokRbEdl188 Bte aîTu ey VAORSA IS EFBSIG Tis veeVs Reature- (GronIPnrk l O Pork Back Ribs lb 2.19 10 to 14b COVEIIS COUNTRY STYLE BONELESS - CENTRE CUT Average& designed rtms aiow a vapssr seaitot 2-QUART COVERED__ Lpca'en the heat is îwered. Istlerior cover 20Is& UPM âosfood te baste in its swyn juices. SIar Ribs lb.48, Pork Chops - îb2.58 ____ SELF STORING LDS AND HANG Up Double BolIer pi ____ï____ cor etI nHANOLES _______________________________________________in___ GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, FROZEN, VAC FAC liandies ishatfangisg. Ai! bant tes and trm (A YOUN99 V&7100!) m movn sale Up ta 375-F. MARY ILESlue!)E NEW ZEALANO IMPORTED, FROZEN 2-bs Si up clTRI-PLY CONSTRUCTION ONLY MAYMLSORE ~*~3 Cbo t eton dcore ,ýsprd's b't'eaeneeîyratonwgh fIe 1-b Lc ,nl ' OIci k I W LE ORIbIIff.3 8' usage Sntess steet tnswe and out for easy BaconbLes lbUR EY " BUeNS FRp.N CO * Mary Miles, Smoked, Cooked, Dininer Style, 21/ to 3Va2-lb Av. 5-YEAR N14s99er Purchas Beef & Pork îb89< Baby Lobsters lb 2.49 Boneless Hams il .98 t E"IIAflALI~~~~~~Tr'Io Rteq urch BURNS, GOLDEN GARLIC GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN 2-LB BUCKET PRD0FCNARG&LLBE 2-BVCAC15 Ithis product faits due t0 defecs or st PolishUfHII Sausage b99e' Cooked Chicken 3.29 Winr 1-lb Vac Pac 78 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N