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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1977, Section 2, p. 18

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18 The Canadiar' Statesman, Bowmanville, December 7, 1977 Section Two Celebrated ler First Birthday L'da Frances Van Dam celebrated her first birthday on October 27th, 1977. She is the daughter of MIvr. andt Mrs, George Van Dam Jr., Pontypool. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Van Da,Pontpool, Mrs. Luella Buck, Millbrook, Mr. Perey Buck, Omemee and a great granddaughter for Mrs. Frances Fajt, Brantford. -Photo by Astor Local resideuts leaving for Floida this past week wer e Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fallis, 7Roy Strong and Mn. and Mrs. Ralpb Sharpe. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Propp i eturned borne this week after a tbree week holiday lu the soutb. D-urrg thein absence MsLeaFored stayed vwitb Do ad Ikept the h,-ome ifîres Geral Fisk, wbo u.udetrwe--nt HositlPeterborough. Genald is a patient ou the 4tb flo.Martin Joncas bad the mîsortuue to dislocate bis nigt shoulder agaiîh thig week and will probably be operated on- as soon as swelling leaves. Hermaný- Webb bas also'been* off wrk receutly witb a bly,-swolleu rigbt baud and arn-the resuit of prescribed Nce ta.bles of cchewene i e Cetro Friday evenjing. Wîuues wee Doris Brown, Be,,tty Brown, Lila Kerr, Sid Po'.wers, Mrs. Kenuetb Mc- Keutzie, and Wlfred Beggs. W I'tif Service will be medo Sunday, December 131h 10:0 a .1heSunday wiI beheli~e ot in the Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Dewar were Thursday uîgbt dinuer guests of Mr. and Mrs. Curclo mn Oshawa. Congratulations Lu Mn. and Mrs. Sam Stewart on their 22ud wedding anniversany. A surprise party was held for themn on Saturday night at the hom.e of Mr. aud PMrs;. Bill McCurdy lu Tononito. Attend- ing from Pontypool lui addition, to the bououred couple were Mn. and Mns. Tom Donobue and Mn. and Mrs. Keith Dewar. Bert Grant, local 1),J., s upp I' *ed the music for dancing for' the Ply Design Chrismas Party beid lu Poutypool Community Centre ou Satur- day ulght. Don't fonget the Christmas Dance Ibis Satur- day nigbt. (See Comiug Events). Take note that the Arena Christmas Dance scbeduled for Saturday, December I7tb bas been- cauceiled. Severn! members of our localJudo lub-raveIe~d to tafodearly Saturday moriurg (5:30 a.m.) lu partie- ipate lu the, Southwestern Ontario Regional, Winten Games. The local young people.did quite well witb Sandra Everdîng placîug 2nd, George Hamilton, a second, Tim Curtis a third and Rodney Finney a gold medal. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Browu, Lorraine Challice, Terry Fisk, Mr. and Mrs. George VauDam Jr., Annie Joncas and Mr. and Mrs. George Reid were guests at the wedding on Friday night of Donna Bothwell and Jordy Hzelsvold in St. Andrew's Churcb, Bowmanville. The reception was beld in the, Legion Hall. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brown, Peterborough, were Mr., and Mrs. Bob Brown, Mrs. Greta Stewart, Heather McGill1' Laverue Brown and Donald Challice. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Terry Slack on the arrivai of their second daugb- ter. Mr. Jack Snyder was hired as Manvers Arena Manager at a special meeting of council on Thursdny evening. Mr. Snyder bas approximately tweuty years speut as manager of the Township Arena in Wellesly Region, 12 miles from Kitch- ener. The arena's first manager will take over bis duties the first of January, but will be in the area beforeband looking for living quarters. He is a married man with four teenage childreu. We wish Mr. Suyder ail the best in his work with the new Manvers Arena. Readers are also reminded of the car draw and the T shirts now on sale. We have heard of several buyiug the above for Christmas gifts. Grandview School Recently at Grandview School tbree small boys ne- ceîved injuries on the play- ground and were taken te have their injuries examined. Al tbnee boys returned te school the followiug day. Grandview pupils of course told their parents and stories spread around like wild-fire with al aspects of the unfortunate inident greatly exaggerated e.g. six to ecigbt boys were injured, ambulances ,,ere calied to take injured to bospîtal. Even the word "assault" bas been uised in refernce tb theocurne Mr. Caplig rincipal of GrandviewScol is very mucb concernevd regardiug thîs incorrect in.for-mation about the scbool wbicb is circulatiug througb the com- munity. Wile the scbool bas experienced some problems this fail, the situation bas neot been ueanly as serious ýas rumours apparently indîcate. Mr. Capeling stated that it is very frustrating for the staff te know how to effectivety deal witb the problem of misin- formation. The record would Sincere sympathy is extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vivian and family on the death of his mother Mrs. Beulah Vivian in Bowmanville on Saturday, December 3. Funeral service will be Tues- day, from the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. -Mr. Stanley Malcolm is progressing favourably following major surgery in Oshawa Hospital on, Monday of last week. Mr. Fred Dayes is making good progress as hie conval- esces at his home. Friends regret that Mr. Don Frew returned to Oshawa H-ospital on Friday. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm and family, soon be set straight if parents and-or other interested resi- dents would call the school or get the facts whenever ques- tionable stories are heard. In the future let us as parents and other concerned citizens make sure that, if told stories relating to school incidents, we will learn the true facts and will not be guilty then of spreading false- hoods. Let us remember too that we must not make mountains out of mole-hills. Blackstock wene eveniug dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm. This community extends a welcome to Mrs. Charles Briggs, Toronto, wbo returned to bier Nestieton home on Monday of last week. Sunday visitors witb Mrs. Briggs were Mr. and Mrs. Alvýin Boyd and Mrs. Gordon McLeau, Bowmanville. Friday eveniug dinner guests witb Mr. and. Mrs. Harry McLaughlin were Mr, and Mrs. George Wolfe, Jobn, and Brian, Mr. Harry Sander- son, Mr. Roy Werry, Black- stock, Mns. John Werry, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McLaughlin, Lynu, and Brent, Nestieton. This was to bonour Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe on their twenty-seveutb wedding anniversary. Con- gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fisb, and their littie nephew Steven MeMaster of Oshawa. were Sunday evening vîsitors wîth Mr. and-Mrs. Grabam Fish. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadier, Mr. and Mrs. Ricbard MacKenzie and family visited with Mn. and Mrs. Ian Scott, Charles and Jeumifer at Corbyville for a birtbday dinner lu bongur of Mrs. Sadier. Ne tl(, Mr. andcivirs. Leýn Mennen were Friday overnight guests with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Irutchinson at Uolland Landing. Several from Nestieton have returued to Florida for their annual winter vacation. On Mouday, Mrs, Mabel Cawker, P.RO. of Central Ontario Womeu's Institute, attended Summary Day at Uxbridge. Mrs. Dave Robinson of Stroud. spent Friday to Sun- day with ber parents, Mr. and Mgrs. Balfour Moore. Sunday Services In the Presbyterian Church Miss Dorothy, Bulmer, Dea- coness, chose Mark 1:1-11 for the Seripture, readîng, "We cau say that God loves man at ail times and he neyer fails us. It is God alone, who lifts us up and judges us. What happens to man, in their after-life depends on how we accept God in this life. In other words, how you feel tomorrow de- pends on wbat you do today. We are members of an earthly world wbich cornes and goes and yet, God wishes fellowship witb us for eternity. Do we waut Hlm? Mrs. H. Visser and Ms. S. McNeely favoured with a duet "Low How a Rose EFer Blooming." United Church Reverend Victor Parsons, lu the United Cburcb read Isarah 9:27, and Luke 2:1-7 and spoke on the theme "He is Coming. " Christmas is a time for the great rejoicing to honour the birth of our Saviour. Famîly parties, gift giving, and the insel tend to over sbadow the real meaning of Christmas. True, it is a time for family reunilons but let us, not forget the true meaning. Wbat are we doing to, honour Jesus and that Christmas Day of long ago" ELIZABATH IL LE Cburch services on Sunday. were conducted byRev. H. Linstead. He spoke on, "The light of the World." The choir sang. Mr. H. White and Mrs. Gardiner were at the door. Next Sunday we wilI have Rev. Kennedy. December llth Elizabethville ýSunday School Pot Luck at 6:30, December l8th isGarden Hill Christmas Concert at 7:30 p.m. The U.C.W. general meeting will meet at 10:30 a.m.' on December l4th. Our U. C.W. Unit Il will meet on the 131h at 2 p. m. at Mr. and Mrs. R. Beatty. Mr. and Mrs. W. Terbenche and family, Port H4ope were witb Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. R. Prevost and family, Lindsay, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler, spent Sunday at Belleville celebrating with Mr. and Mrs. C. Yarrow, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Russel and families. Mrs. V. Peacock hasn't been quite s0 well lately. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew attended a christening of their little granddaughter, Sarah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Boyko, Roseneath on Sunday. A family gathering after the service was held at Mr. and Mrs. Boyko's. Mr. nd Mrs., R. Westhesuer and girls were with Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson's on Sunday. Mrs. D. Grinby and Miss Diane Beatty, Toronto, were home on the weekend and Diane is home for a week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott, Oshawa visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrili on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrili visited with Mrs. C. Quantrili, and Mrs. Birdena Elliott in Oshawa recently. REDCROmS helps you to helpotheroeâ Corneto and visit our new greenhouse. Wide choiceof: Tropical Plants House Plants Christ mas Poinsettias Cactus ALSO. D URA-LITE GROWING LIGHTS '10 ER ENTOFF HANGING BASKETS -Tel. 263-2193 or 263-8277.J ýHampt oh We' lie t invite you ta corne iu and se thene 184-4 M, nolstock. SP'-EClAL FRWINTR ... -Cash nRebate' auild îFREE Teerms ou. all our ýagr1zulturai equiprnent until April, i7ý üî longer on some. Monto rd . a.rn. - 2 .FAf Newcastle iBowling Ladies, J. Stere 237, B. Dickson 248, E. Perrin 216, V. Bond 205, E. Meadows 239, R. Sinou 216; M. Pierik 206, M. Major 263, M. Garrod 209-203, F. Wright 207, A. Langstaff 216, T. Langstaff 230-249, H. Couroux 202, K. Mercer 202. Men J. Forrester 248, B. Fal1row 229-265-233, G. Kimbali 212, 1. Fanis 253, P. Gardner 217, W. Flintoff 268-228, G. Calder,1O2, B. Lewis 258-275-229, J. Glap- dorp,248-215, E. Taylor 24&.264, T. Embley 294, J. Schultz 206-235, J. Grahiam 202,: M. Henry 219-239-201, G. Cow;Jing 215. Thursday NMixed J. Forget 254-200-211, 8B, Forget 208-229, F. Lewis 230-231-226, W. Forget 23G, K. Southern 231-205, R. Forget 279. Friday Mixed R. Burley 244, H.M. Munro 203, T. Embley 225-239, B. Glanville 211-200, H. Webb 202, L. Willems 251, R. Good 207-249-258, G. Osmond 241, G. Kentner 202-200-203, B. Lall 204, H. Caîl 225-215, M. Skinner 220, A. Pearce, 202-233, M. Burley 211, J. Holmes, 211, S. Nickolson 213, H. Nickolson 203, M. MacDonald 206, G. Henry 210,'M. Henry 246-270, M. Pearce 201-204. P.S. Saturday Bowling Youth 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Public 2 p,.m. to 5 p.m. No evening bowling.

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