Congratulations to the New- castle Junior Horticulturists ,-vho placed entries in the R.oyal Agricufltural Winter ~F&jr. Third prize was awarded tthem for their decorated C.hristmas tree. Becky C'rockett won first prize on lier r',êster and Jessica Mostert tîîrd4 on her Corn husk Doîl. Mrs. Cecil Malley is now a esident of Marnwood Nursing Home, Bowmanville. Miss Shirley Allia, who underwent spinal surgery, is a, patient in Scarborougli Cen- tennial Hospital. Mr. Fred Couchlias return- ýed homre fromn Memorial' ,l4spitaî, Bowmvianville. Mr. and Mr. Wm. Storks enjoyed My Fair Lady at the O'Keefe Centre last Tlursday Kevening. We send birthday greetings, - belated andin advance, to Mr. ..Hfoward Allin, Douglas Rowe, Rev. Thomas Smith,, Lena ~Grahiam, George Rimbaîl, ~ lxHendry, Ruby Brunt and ~Doreen Lake. .. Mrs. Woo is enjoying a :~-week holiday in Hawaii -"with hler daugliter Lilly. She .reotdan 85 degree temper- -,ature when sIc arrived. ~Wouldn't that be lovely! ~:Mr. and Mrs. George Buck- ~-ley enjoyed the wcekcnd in .-Owen Sound witl Mr.and Mrs. ::Mr. and Mrs. Jim Glmer, .,Port Hope, were Sunday .',visitors witl lier parents, Mr. ~and Mrs. Chanton Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood,, :1 NPýewtonville, visited Sunday, :.:evening witli lis parents, Mr. ~and Mrs. Wilfred Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Newtoný, ,:ýîïfamilton, spent tIche kn -,7,ith lier brother, Mr. andMs ~JlnScott and Cindy. ~.Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cutr '_Keitli and Kevin, Toronto, ,were Sunday vîs>ïiors ithMr Mrs. Sam ow-[, ard &ýmily, Lake . Mrs. D. WiDws -~iew and Mr. and Mrs. arley .':Sierman, Lisa and Donald, etowere Sunday dînner îues~ts of Mr. anid Mrs. Jack ýCrago. Mrs. Wilfred d enter-, 4ied tlie ladies o I Euchre ^.,,lub last Monda.y. _Mrs. Susan Floyd, Kelly and :-4Leanni, _Unilc r. and '2Irs. Roger Duval and Sh-awn, ,.:Cowaaville, we,.re Suniîday -;visitors with Mr. and Mrs. - tneyPowell. :Mr. Bill West, Edmon(,ý ~:enoyed a visit recently wýil -. his sister and brother-in-law, -Ir. and Mrs. Alfred- Gray. vSoe 'Vehice A car stolen from a Peter- ýrougli auto shop late Satur- ýy niglit was found clarred y fire and lcft abandoncd in n apple orchard near the ,rinli Golf Course on Sunday fternoon. The velicle was rcportecd issîng, from thc shop in 'eterborough at midniglt on aturday and was rccovercd y' provincial police from the fewcastle detachment a t 4:30 .m. on.Sunday. The 1972 Oldsmobile lad een demnoliàslid by fire when was located betwecn Con- ssion Four and Taunton ýoad new Lambs Road. Police are continuing tîcir ardli for tIe people involvcd ithe incident. Brother Pete from Hamilton also enjoyed getting together with the famiîy as did George Gray, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Talbot All- dread visited on Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Marion Rich- ards, Fenelon Falls. Mr. Frank Gray-is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hendry have returned from Los Angeles, California, where they visited their eldest son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Iýeorge Hendry and grand- sons, Christopher and Matthew. Mr' and Mrs. Don Murdoch and Darlene, Kars, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wade called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson, New- tonville on Saturday night. A reception was held there in honour of Mr. George Hender- son, who was celebrating his 95th birthday. Sympatliy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Len Vivian and family on the death of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hendry and Melissa, Orillia, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hendry. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kimbali visited on Monday evening witl Mrs. Lloyd Clysdale, Newtonville. Sunday dînner guests with Mrs. Marjorie Pascoe were Mr. and Mrs. Roniald Dickin- son, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dickinson and Leslie, Millhrook. Mr. and Mrs . Lloyd Stephen- son and Merridy were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Andrew Macklin, Cobourg. Mr. Murray Paterson is a patient inî Memorial Hospital, dMrs. WVilliam LakeSr were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Jon iBennett, Peterboroughi were Sunday visitors with lis grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Mr. Terry Bernard and Miss Brcnda Magee, Flesherton, were Tuesday evening dinner guests with Mrs. Spencer. Miss Candy Storks, Scarbor- oughl, was home for the, weekend, Mrs. Raye Friedlander.and Mrs. Jill Christie, Toronto, were' weekend visitors witli Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Garrod Jr. Miss Rose Gibbons, Tren- ton, Mr. Gary Johnson, Cen- tennial College, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rumbles, Norwood and Barbara and Mary Yang, London, were visitors on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johinson. Mr.- and Mrs. Francis Jose, Murray and Gordon visited on Sunday witl Mr. and Mrs. Alec Sinclair and family, Orillia. Miss Heather Hoar, Cobourg, visited lier parents, THE TALISMAN EMPr-orIUM (Eat at Sandy's Snacker Barrel> at Hwy. 115 and North St., Newcastle NOW OPEN Every Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. - 5p.m. tMr. and Mrs. Frank Hoar on Sunday. Mrs. Lillian Glenney remains a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 1 Newcastle Horticultural Society Despite a busy night else- where in the community, Newcastle Horticultural Society was pleased to liost one of the biggest gatherings in recent years to its Annual Pot Luck Supper and Christ- mas Show in St. George's Parish Hall. TIc society was cspecially pleased to welcome its guests, Mrs. Louise Jose, Assistant District Director O.H.A., Mr. Clarence 'Pink, District Director and Mrs. Tink and Rev. and Mrs. Allan Haldenby of Newcastle. Mrs. Margery Freethy acted as dliairperson for the evening and Mrs. Jenny Cave as show dliairperson. A larger range of exhibits tîan usual, made the judging very diffi- cult and the socicty was very grateful for the services of Mrs. Bey. Anderson and Mr. ivor Brawley in this field. Mrs. Narda Hoogkamp re. ported that the Junior Gar- deners, many of wliom were present, lad taken several prizes at the Royal Agricul- tural Winter Fair in Toronto and dispînys of their work were on show for the society to view. A very pleasant evening ended with thc showing of the prize-winning slides from the phiotographic competition, and a selection of slides from the American North-west States. Senior prize winners of tIe show wcre Class 1-small coffee table arrangement, 1. Lorna Crockctt, 2. Marg Freethy, 3. Carol Mostert. Class 2-Welcome-Christmas decoration for a door, 1. Marg Frîectliy, 2.4ean Goode, 3. plaque, 1. Lorna Crockett, 2. Carol Mostert. Class 4-Home made decorations for'the tree. 1. Carol Mostert, 2. Jean Goode, 3. Lorna Crockett. Class 5-A gift wrapped for Christmas, 1. Lorna Crockett, 2ý M. Freetliy, 3. C. Rowicy. Class 6-Clristmas Card, 1. Lorna Crockett, 2. M. Buck- ley, 3. C. Mostert. Class 7-Decorated home-made caadle, 1. M. Frcethy, 2. L. Crockett, 3. W. Freethy. Pliotographic Competition Slîdes Class 1-Our Emblem-white trillium, lst. Len Palmn, no other entries. Class ?-On the Rocks-a rock garden scene, 1. Marg Freethy, 2. Len Palmn, 3. M. Buckley. Class 3-Winged Woî¶der-Butterfly, bee or humming-bird on plant. lst. Len Palmn. Class 4-Spring Magic-Tulips or daffodils in bloom, 1. Len Palin, 2 1. Madeleine Buckley, 3. Vicki Lesnick. Class 5-no entries. Class 6-On view-society plant- ing la progress, 1. V. Lesnick, 2. M. Freetliy. Class 7-Winter Wonderland, 1. G. Buckley, 2. L. P -almn, 3. V. Lesnick. Class 8-TIc Four Seasons, 1. Len Palmn, 2. M. Buckley,. 3. V. Lesnick. Pliotograplis Class 1-Our Emblem, 1 Lorna Crockett. Class 2-On the Rocks, 1. Wendy Freetly, 2. L. Crockett. Class 3-Winged Wonder, 1. L. Crockett, 2. W. Freethy, 3. M. Freetliy. Class 4-Spring Magic, 1. L. Crockett. Class 5-no entries. Class 6-On View, 1.' M. Freetliy, 2. Z. Lesnick. Glass 7-Winter Wonderland, 1. L. Crockett, 2. IZ. Lesnick, 3. Wendy Freethy. Class 8-The Four Seasons, 1. L. Crockett, 2. Marg Freethy, 3. Z. Lesnick. Junior Gardeners A. Exhibits. Class 1-Small table arrangement, 1. Jessica Mostert, 2. Becky Crockett, 3. J. Chard. Class 2- Shristmas Card design and verse, 1. Jessica Mostert, 2. Arnold Mostert, 3. Kim Tordiff. B. Pliotograplis. Class 1-My Trip, 1. Becky Crockett, 2. S. Vandermale, 3. W. Rowley. Class 2-My Pal, W. Rowley, 2. S- Vandermale, 3. B. Crockett. Class 3-Beauty in Bloom, 1. B. Crockett. Anglican Churcli News Bradley Hayman was con- vener for the Games and Pizza Party held for the Services in St. George's Panisu Hall on Saturday evening. Plans were made for the next activity programme on December 17. The work of tIe Canadian Bible Society was described in the Sermon by Rev. Allan Haldenby at St. George's Anglican ChurcI. This was the second Sunday in Advent, known as Bible Sunday and refers to the place of the Bible in the work of the Churdli. St. George's Choir and Clurdli SdIool are practising for a Carol and Lesson Service to be presented at 11:15 a.m. on December iBtI, and a Candîcliglit Service at 7:30 p.m., on December 18. An invitation to a Pot Luck Supper at 5 p.m. December il followed by Carols and pre- sentation of tîcir concert in tIe I.O.O.F. Hall, Orono, was rend from St. Saviour's Churdli. This year tIe concert is a Fun Extravaganza. United Clurcli News On the second Sunday in j bepc ebt Ed itors H-1azel and Jack Crago Tlpoe9740 Corne on ove-r to the., A pertect Chlristmas gi. .. for sommoe special "REACHING OUT" liy Bonita Mason A selection of poems NOW ONLY .......... ...... ................. $3,00 a copy Boinita Mason will be at the store in person on Saturday, Dec, 17t1 from 2 to 3p.m. Gift selections for almost everyone on your list. 4 King St. L. 'We have a beauti;ful selection of many unique gîft ideas, as well as some- of the traditional favorites sudh as 987-5253 WALLETS - KEY CASES and CLUTCH PURSES by Buxton Newcastle Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 7, 1977 19 Advent, two -beautift.l poin- a 1ccompanying tea got the a reminder of the General settias, donated by the U.C.W. meeting off to a good start. Meeting, December I2th. was graced the Newcastle United Leader Kathleen Powell made, and the Mizpah Bene- Church. Mrs. Hazel May welcomed everyone andi pro- diction was repeated. Munro lit the second Advent ceeded with a short business Unit Two of the U.C.W. met candie, representing Christian period during which Secretary on Thursday afternoon, family life. Rev. David Spivey Edna Darling read the December 1, at the home of chose as his sermon, Two mninutesi of 'the previous Mrs. Margaret Smith, Bow- Perplexed Young People - mee ting, gave the Treasurer's manville. Mrs. Wîlda Johinson Joseph and Mary. Christiani report and read a thank yo was in charge of the meeting. families today strive for the note from Joan Goschl. Mrs. Each of tht members brought samne God-centredness, Rena Megit personally ex- an article from Christmas loyalty and hope. pressed her thanks to the girls past and told a story about it After the service, an Advent for kinidness shown during lier or just, remninisced, making workshop was enjoyed when bereavemnent. -A' silent this a very enjoyable meeting. families stayed for lunch and auction, which provided enter- Unit Three met at the home made a Christmas decoration, taàý inent, also raised a sum of of Mrs. Marie Pedwell. Mrs. under the leadership of the mroney for Paiýticipation Jean Rickard assisted by Mrs. Hi-Cý Houise. Betty Adams was in charge. The Hi-C members liad a Mvrs. 'Hazel May Munro then Carols were sung, accompan- very busy schedule on Sunday, performed the task of Mrs. ied by Mrs. Marie Pedwell at lielping with the lafternoon Santa, delivering gifts to the organ. Proceeds from service at South Haven and everyone from under the their silent auction also went joining with the Hi-C Club of prettily decorated tree. At thîs to Participation House. There Northminster, Oshiawa, for time each member discovered was also the usual exchange of their evening service. who lier mysterious sunshine Christmas gifts. White Gift Sunday will be sister was. Mesdames Mar- held' on, December l8th, the jorie Paterson, Kay Powell, IS YOUR CAR READY morning of the Pageant. Clara Schmid, Ruth Perrin FOR WINTER DRI VING? The Prayer for this week is: and Evelyn Northrup witli Lord, may we be over- Hazel May Munro at the wlielmed by your wonder and piano, presented a meaningful glory through the Babe of> devotional programme, Bethlehem's manger. Amen. during which candles were lit U.C.W. News representing the different Unit One of the United backgrounds of Canadia Churcli Women met at the people and their worship home of Mrs. Stanley Powell After the lighting of each on Monday evening, Novem- candie, an appropriate hymn ber 28th. Thirteen members was sung.- and five visitors were present After the singing of addi- for the Christmas meeting. tional Christmas Carols, the SAFE DRI VING Delicious desserts and friendship circle was formed, 18 A FAMILY AFFAIR Telepho ne 987-42 01 Aýe 1 1