The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 21, 1977 i Meeting Policy A policy deIbate on "in camera" committee meetings will resumne in the new year to outline which board of educa- tion meetings will remain open to the public. *The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education last Thursday tabled a discus- Lsion onl closed meetings after failing to reach an agreement on the issue. The board was urged by the administration at a previous meeting to establish a policy on whch meetings will be closed to the public and press. The Education Act st ates that ail board of education meetings are "open to the public except where a board determines that certain meet- ings of a committee. ... shall not be open to the public." The board discussed the option of designating losed meetings on an item-by-item basis rather than allowiný specic committees to have exclusive rights to go in camera. Only a decision from the total board is ývalid approval for a committee to prohibit the public from atteinding a meeting. Other board members, however, suggested that pre- designating itemns could also result in problems for commit- tees. The examination of the policy is scheduled to continue at the first regular meeting of the board in 1978. Repor t Growth in the Durham Region is not happening as quickly as expected, according to a report made publie re- cently in Whitby. As a result, a series of changes in the operation of Durham's water and sewer system s was re- commended by a trio of regional departments. Changes include an in- crease in development clharge levies and an extension on the time allowed f'or repayinig OHAP Icans. "Previous estimates Df population growth on which servieing and financing requiremnents were based have proven to be too high, " the region's commissioners of finance, works and planning and dévelop- ment stated in a report. "An overaîl rate of growth over the next five years of 3.2 per cent per year should now be considered most like- ly,"' the report added. B.y 1986, the region's population is now ex- pected to reach 334,000 rather than previous projections of 425,000. Believing that popula- tion growth in Durham would be greater than five per cent annually, the Region ha d expected the ranks of water and sewer customers to ex- pand at a rate of six per recommendations. These will be forwafIded to Durham, Regional counceil for debate in the new year. rncluded in the recom- mendations are higher development charge levies. In addition, the Re- gion will recommend that the Ministry of Housing extend the period of first repay- m-ent on OHAP (Ontarioý Housing Action Pro- gram) bcans to eight years for both sewer an-d water projects. DEVON BRAND SIICED BACON, SPECAL! IIB 1.18 BURNS'CHICKEN, MAC & CHEESE -SPECIAL! 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