s * -, '74 PINTO, good condition, will certify, $1300. Phone 987-4430. 51-1 1976 GMC one ton with dual wheels, dump, body and snow plow, ,,cYl. automatic, with power seering and brakes. OnIy 1 4,000 miles. Asking $7000 and wilI consider a trade. Cail 623-5466 or 987-4091 evenings. 51-lN 1976 CHEVETTE, less than 15,000 miles, yellow with black vin y top, automatic, com- pletely rustproofed inside and ouf and guaranteed 5 years by Vitalizing, snow tires, radio, body mouldings, bumnper guards, etc. Certif led $3400. Cl62-466 evenings. 51-iN J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf 77 DODGE Aspen, two door coupe, 6 cyl. standard, one owner, low mileage. Cal 1-705- 277-2836 affer 5. 1974 PONTIAC Parisienne V-8 51,900 miles, p.s., p .b., new plugs and points, undercoated. Cal i atter 5 p.m. 623-7120. Molly Mairs. 51-lN 1972 CHEV Impala, 2 door hardtop, excellent condition. Best offer. Cal 623-9230. 51-1 '69 CHEV. sedan in good running order. Phone 987-4631. 51-1IN '73 NOVA Hatchback, auto- matic, power steering and brakes, 55,000 miles, winteriz- ed, excellent condition, certi- f iod, $1695. Phone 623-7387. 51-IN '72 CELICA, Michelin radiais and snow tires, Ziebart, certi- fied. $1000 firm. Phone 623-6002. Si-iN VITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofin g on new or used vehicles. W ritten war- ranty. 'Durham Vitalizing, phone 723-1155. 47-tf THE Oshawa Obedience Association Do gTrainingi Çlasses starting January 1lit h in Oshawa. Also a Show Handling Class, starting January lth ini Bowmaniville, Advanced registration only. For information caîl 623-5686 or 576-1167. 49-6N Poodie Clipping and Groomning BY PROFESSIONAILS Pleasecall: 623-6676 48-tf N TWO ponies, saddle broken, good with children, J. Gold, 623-2730. 51-IN BOXER puppies, registered, ears cropped, ready f0 go. Phone 623-2805. 51-1 N FR EE to good home, 6 monfh old fema le puppy, part St, Bernard and part Collie. Good with children. Phone 576-0145.' 51IN AFGHAN puppies, registered, exotic colours, trained, de- wormed. Excellent temper- ment guaranteed.- $75 up. Newcastle 987-5083 . Don'f wait, these gorgeous babies won'f lasf. 51-1 N IRISH Setter puppies, regis- tered, needled and wormed. Phone 623-2805. 50-2 N TO aive away to good home, 2 monfh old kittens, litter train- ed. Phone 725-3947. 46-tf N DOBERMAN Pinscher puppies,' registered, ears cropped, needies, and de- wormed. Phone 623-2805. 50-2N REGISTERED Pekingese puppies. Vet checked and neodled. Phone 705-277-2283 affer 5. 5i-lN BEAUTIFUL registered Pekinese pups, for sale. Jusf in time for Christmas. Phone 576-2685. 45-6N AGE IS NO PROBLEM Many of O.A.A.'s top enrollers and commission earners are mature people who are well on --vtn retirement or are r, tr ci This is part or fuli-time dignified work tor those of a Il ages. For information without obligation apply fo: Mr. Harry Wade, 688 Sunset BIvd., NEWCASTLE, Ontario 49-3 The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education invites applications for the folîlowing position. Duties to commence January 30, 1978. M. J. HOBBS SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL 1Grade 8 Teacher (This isan occasional teaching p osit ion, Januany 30- J une 30, 1978) Please apply in wrifing sfating qualifications, experience, references and telephone num ber fa: Mr. E. S. Taylor, Principal, Hampton, LOB iJO WANTED a bàbysitter for 4-year-old in north Waverley a rea. Caî11623-3154 af ter 6 p. m. 51-1 PAPERBOY-girl to deliver The Canadian Statesman in the area of Fourth and High Streefs. The route consists ot 30 papers and is available the f irst week of January. Phone 623-3303. 50-tf E LE CTR IC IAN Journeyman for small business, own tools 'and driver's liconse required, to start immediafely. PLEASE CALL 623-5901 51-IN BECOME A BIG BROTHER Phone 623-6646 COZY two bed room bungaIo w, close to school and shopping, garage. First and last month s rent. Available immediately. Phone 623-7185. 51-1 N THREE bedroom house, third lune north 'of Newcastle, available immediately, $350 monthly. First and last month's rent in advance. Phone 723-6952. 51-3N LARGE furnished room for rent ln Bowmanville. Cal 623-7434 atter six, 51-1 MODE RN two bedroom aparf- ments, with appliances, in downfown Bowmanville. References. Wrife P.O. Box 144, or phone 6237259 9 a.m. fo 3p.m. only. 51-IN BOWMANVILLE apartment, 4 rooms and bath, heated, cablo T.V., free parking. Avalable now, $225 monthly, plus hydro. Phone 623-7523. 50-TF SEVEN room house. $265 monfhly. Availablo January 1. No pets. Phone 623-3764. 50-2 N GIRL 23 would like another 9ir I f sharo house in country. P'lease cal 263-8327. 51IN TWO bedroom apartmonf avaîlable February 1. Hoat and parking included. First and last month's in advance. Apply a 623-4387. 51-2N TWO, 5-bodroom homes fa choose from in Newcastle. Caîl 623-7661, ask for Donna. Si-iN 5 ROOM hause on the 4fh Lino, Orono. Phone 623-3911. 50-2N FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CA LI MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 * ~o . :r SILVER coins, copper and olad coins. Papor money efore 1937. Wafchos, dishes, funnifuro from affic or base- ment. 579-0164. 50-3N USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf RADIAL arm saw. Phono 1-983-9639. 51-1 CASH for gold, silver, coins, guns, dIocks, jowellery, dish- os, furnifune, cracks, paint- "ngs, sealens, appliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9ff Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAIO ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence ýl623-7112 45-tf Professiona I Ca rpet Cleaning AT REASONABLE RATES FREE ESTIMATES Phone Bob Days 723-5729 Evenings 623-2383 47-t f N WOOD CUTTING Wood sawed wifh circular saw of chaîn. PHON E 623-3548 or 623-3829 46-6N SEPTIC TANK Peter Sutherland NEED a pressure sysfe Alumninum Prod. ali makes. Harvey artr Bowmanville Orono 983-5206, Bowmanv Siding - Soffit 623-2301.3 Fascia - Trough MOU NTJOY Shutters - Windows BACKHOE Doors -Awnings SERVICE 623-4398 SEPTIC TANK AND FOR FREE ESTIMATE. TILE BED INSTALLATII NOW- HANDLING TRENCHING,, BASEMEN VINYL SIDING WATERLINES, SCREEN 3-ff STONE, CRUSHED GRAVEL, SAND, TOP S( C &C JANITOR PHONE- SERVICE BLACKSTOCK Carpet - UphoIstérv 986-4737 1 5 EXPERIENCED in E making. Tailoring ladies' and coats. Alterations repairs. Mrs. Alice Ho 623-7377. M. Brooks CAR PENTRY REMODELLING CUPBOARDS - VANI GENERAL REPAIR Phone 623-5561 AIl kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNI P. LOUWS CONSTRU CT 1< 149,Scugog St. Bowmanvillie 623-2756 Durham Masoni Contra ctors Ltî Bricks - Logs Field Stonework Specializing in Fireplac Phone 839-2431 Ron's Floor Car Commercial and house cleaning. Dry foamn rug carpet shampooing. Wa: moval, wall washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERIb Modern, Tradifional ar Antique. Free picku and deliveo FREE E STIMATES PHONE 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton Don Brooks & Sc General Contraci and Custom Builc Phone 723-6176 New homes, additions, ait tions, roc rooms, gara repairs of ail types, etc GORD SIMPSOI Phono 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Carpyentry Remodelling General Repair! Interior Extei ýem? 's to, ner, ville 35-ff Ms. and Mrs. Barry Laiý and Mouissa of Peterboroug were Saturday visitors wit Ms. and Mss. C.M. Jones, well as Ms. and Mss. ChasiE Gray and girls of -Orono. About tbisty-five parent and intesested fsiends an relatives, attonded the musi Recitai of Mss. Wiison's pupil in Newtonville United Churcl Saturday afternoon. Mss. Be Jones and Mss. Mary Jone woro among those prosent ai lunch was sosved at the close .Ms. Ailan Jones o Campbellford, was a visito, with Mrs. Boa Jones recentiy Mss. Bernice Hendersci and Mss. Gladys Walkey wen among those attending ili Christmas Party for the Pas Matrons of the Eastern Star held at the Fiying Dutchmai Motel, rocontly. Ms. and Mss. Raymon( Gilmes of Islington wer( supper guosts, Saturday witi Ms. and Mss. F. Gilmes an( aiso cailed at Ms. and Mns Phil Gilmes's. Mss. Margaret Eliiott anc Mss. Leone Lane wero th( greoters at aur Churcb doos or Sunday morning, when oui Cburcb iooked especialiý festive, with the gaily decai- ated Christmas tree, near tbE altar, as well as the beautifut flowess, and decosations at the windows, etc. The iigbting of Advent Candie No. 4 was carsied out by Mariene Stacey and ber assistants, and the chois sang the old favorite "Sulent Nigbt". We wero a]l pleased ta receivo Chsistmas Greetings from aur minister, bis wife and son, in the form of a ioveiy poom "At Christ- mas. " Suppes guests, Sunday witi Mss. Agnes Burley inciuded Ms. and Mss. Keith Buriey, David, Casai, Michael, Janet and Mark of Watorloo and Ms. and Mss. Dan Vinkie. 1-4N dress- 'suits and ipson. - .- Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Mil k Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days .............. 623-5774 Nights............. 62,-3177 ýTIES Lander Hardware RS and ELECTRIC ý6 2-tf 10 fi OXFORD IEYS Brick layers and Stonemasons LM. )N (Our fireplaces do not smoke) Orono 983-5606 18-f 13-tf Lloyd Barnes Iry Plumibing dI. Carpentry, Renovating Ail General Repairs REASONABLE RATES ces 263- 2288 49ftf 27-ff re D. Beers & Sons ehold CONSTRUCTION 1and New Homos - Renovating x re- Roc Rooms Repa irs of ail1 types. P HON E 623-2263 20-ff 33-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS- FURNACES 4Gý CLEANED id PLUMBING REPAIRS nd PHONE HAMPTON ry. 263-2151 E MAIL ADDRESS: P-0. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-ff 48-ffBl' GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 01 7 Division Sf., Bawmanvillo tr Ontario. Phono 623-5187 Shoot and Floaf Glass der Soaled Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mimrons Pattenned and Coloned Glass era- and Glazlng. 17t Ref rigeration and Appiance Service rior 14-f RELIABLE mother wiIl give day cane fan one pne-schoolen. Phono 623-6118. 51-1 CHIMNEYS and FIREPLACES CLEANED Cali Anytime 705-277-2215 51-2 N Geddes EI'ectric Custom Homes, Additions - Alterations Re"iring FREE ESTI MATES 623-4174 ODD JOBS Basement Cleanouts Light Movini Phone 725-1i DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf A-i CARPENTRY Speciaîizing in finishing and remodelling 27 Years Carpentry Experience FREE ESTIMATES PHONE JAMIE VOLLENHOVEN 623-6358 affen 6 p.m. 8t WATER Wells boned, 30" file. Wand's Weil Baing. Tele- phono 342-2030, Represenfa- tivo Harny L. Wade. Tele- phono 987-4531. 16-tf G. VAN LONDEN MASON RY BRICK, BLOCK, STONE AND FIREPLACES. Phone 623-5114 28-52x 40-tf-N INSTALL an Essa furnace, boiler, humidifier, heator or air cloaner. Cambination > wood and ail. Financing aveul- able. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service policy. Cail Harvey Partner, youn Esso Ig iservice dealor. Froo estim- afes. Onono 983-5206 on Baw- 05 manville 623-2301. 24 hour 48-4N service. 35-tf CtOLON-IALSTABLESM EQUESTRIAN CENTRE "Learn to Ride" Special Courses in Equitation, Jumping and Dressage. "Horsemanship" and "Showmanship" Opporfunity to Compote in Shows. Horses Supplied. SPECIAL PROGRAM being offered this faîl. 4 lessons per month plus 8 hours free ridinq fime - $50.00. Tel: 623-4984 1lîth Lino, R. R. 3, Bowmanvi lie 34-tf -FO0R CL . A SSIFIE D Tuesà7. , 12Ilnoonî Phone 623-33O3i Solvution Army Asks for HieIp Letter fo To Make Christmas a Merry one The Edîtor-- For Area's Needy Famiies PUMPI NG Professionally Cleaned by FREE ESTIMATES Claude Harness Phone 623-3624 (formerlv Bert Tompkins) BOWMANVILLE is )st ng ls as 41 It .5 ed ýd ry ly nt el le )n nt is w ýr Salvation Army, distinguisb- ing it from other agencios with strictiy social goals writteri into theis contracts. More information on this year's Christmas Cheer Drive is availabie at the Bowman- ville citadel on Division St. or by phoning their office at Telephone 786-2552 - CALL ANYTIME - Dear Ms. James, The ladies of Trinity Unitý. Church Women would liko 'ta thank you for the coverageof aur work during the past year in your papes. Sincoreiy yours, Helen Hammýonid Corrosponding Secrotary Trinity U.C.W. Private Estate December 22nd, 6 p.m. 0f Mr. Clothier, 221 Smr Sf. N., Oshawa f0 be helE Stirtevants Auction Hall, Hall Sf. Oshawa- Bedr( suite, antique wrifing di apartment size washer dryer, refrigerator, red pl chesterfield suite, col fable, book sheif, chr< kitchen suite, table Iary humidifier, antique dressi antique wooden chairs, wi robe, wash stand, rugs, tables, drapes, vacuum CIE er. portable sewinq mach luggage, cedar chest, colc T.V.,30" stove, rec, and crystal, occasional cha small electrical applian( dishes, pots and pans, F many more items fao nuny ous to mention. Sales rc open Monday to Friday 12 and 7 - 9 p.m. Auction sE every Tuesday and Thursi af 6 p. m. Please note: Th wiIl be no sale befw( Chrisfmas and New Yeî Our firsf sale in 1978 will Tuesday, January 3rd a- p.m. A very Merry Christr and a Happy New Year to our customers, and m. thanks to ail for a vi successful year. Myles Ki auctioneer and carte 725-5751. Fridlay, Decomber 23rd at 7p.m. At Pethick's Auction Shi Haydon, one mile east Enniskillen. A large quant Of furniture. This is our lI sale for 1977, you'll have come. We have to dlean hou! From everybody at the Bart Merr y Ch ristmas. CI Pethick, auctioneer. 51- ENNISKILLEI Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sweet, J and Cory heid a Christs Tree Party on Sunday. H( you ail got your trees. Mr. and Mrs. Tye Florida, spent the weekE with their daughter, Mrs. 1 Henderson, and family. Tt wili be around the areai Christmas with Bill, Marti Tracy and Mark. Beavers held their Iz meeting for 1977 with Mr.IK Morten showing siides oft North West Territories. Mr. and Mrs. R. Angi Bowmanville, Mr. and Mi Tom Leadbeater, Oshaw were Sunday guests of Mr. a Mrs. Art Leadheater. NEWTONVI LIE (1 s A smile and friendiy greet- campaign has set for thiý ing is guarantoed for anyone Christmas campaign. IN W ho passes by a Salvation The drive bas focused mosi NT Army officer standing on a of its concorn on the rising I E streot corner at Christmas. number of cases turning up or The cheoriness is alI part of regional welfare sols. Lasl iOlL a trademark that has beon- year, the $2,600 raisod waç ciosely linked with the season used to provide some 41 since the organization's families with food hampors at earliest days. Christmas and food vouchers Preparing food hampers for and moal tickets distributed 49-1 families, gathering toys for throughout the year. The food chiidron and making provision baskets give temporary for loss fortunate people are assistance, helping a family somo of the basic goals their waiting for a governmort à nnuai Christmas Cheer choque to arrive in the mai]. Drive. Although there are some iceThis year's campaign wîi recipients, who abuse the nce operate aiong the same financial assistance they are d a grounds as previaus drives, given, the majority of those ,33with a large percentago of the who apply to the Salvation lsk, necossary funds expected Army are genuine, Lieutenant and~ from the generai public. Lewis said. lush t takes several hearty men, Experience from provious 4ffe and women who are wiiling b.j campaigns, however, show orme remain out in the coid and that the most needy people are YlPs, snow ta make the yearly effort the ones who reject the offoi ors, a success. But the smiiing because they feol there isa ,ard- contingent of the corps is in stigma attached ta accepting eand the front lines, giving encour- free gifts. mne, agement to everyone who "Those that reaiiy noed it, red, walks by ta drop a donation neyer reaiiy phono in," hi ord into the siot. said. airs, Not ail potentiai contrib- Family Emphasis ices, utors however, want ta put While their achievements in Plus their donation into the bubble providing for needy families ner- and an appeal ta various local tend ta overshadow every ~omr businesses draws in another other area, there is another 22 ýales major portion of funds. aspect of their work that is ;day Peak Peniod often forgotten in ahl the ere As with businesses and excitement, hoe added. - ýeen shops, Christmas is an import- A strong spiritual emphasis ias. ant time of year for the that stresses the need for 1be Saivation Army's fund-raising every family to be structured it 6 efforts and their work during around faith in God is the most nasth a Il the coming year depends on important facet of the, pro- ýanyth success of the, pro-Christ- gram, hoe expiained. ýey mas campaign. But people who are hungry ng, The toli in families set back or need sholter are likoly ta age by financiai difficulties is as ignore their spiritual side until 51-1 heavy this year as it was in they have food and a place to - 1976, Saivation Army Lieuten- live, hoe pointed out. Sa ant Doug Lewis told the physical provisions came first Statesman last week. on their list of priorities and ied, T ho Bowmanvilie branch the counseliing is added later. of commander discussed som e of This two sided program has ity the main objectives that the aiways been the policy of the last ta 50e. iN Jay nrs fore has, en for Irs May your Christmas trèe be gay with in decorations, and your home be S bright with warmth & Iaughter! f rom the Management and Staff of as Cliffcrest Cenr es eiOnr OS~ 38 King St. 'E. Bowmanville ts ýils ,e r If s such a pleasure to ~~ say "Thank you" to our re many friends and cus- ýsttomers at Christmas. irFRM THHSaFF y ATdys in Kn t . omnil CLidSNAMODY USA re M eebr2.62 th LSDJINDY USA id anjry- 623-3761....... MVay the gloriis tee music of long rememnbered Christmas carols bring harmony and love to your world. Sincere thanks. FROM THE MANAGEMIENT AND STAFF 0F p Pl1 ' SeiSefSrvc, 180 King St. E. Bowmancule 1