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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1977, Section 2, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanville,,December 21, 1977 Section Two Letoters to S"anta i>ear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus? Are the reinder O.K? I have tried to be a good girl. Have your elves been work- ing? Please send me a sewperfect, or a Barbie doli bedroom. blow up set, or a radio. I'm eight now Santa. I don't know what my brother and sister want. Give my best wishes to Mrs. Claus, the elves and the reindeer. From Cindy P.S. Please, don't give me a doîl for Christmas. Dear Santa, Hi! My name is Christopher Hay and I arn 6 years old, I have been a very good boy this year. How are the reindeer and Mrs. Claus? How cold is it at the North Pole? 1 hope that you will bring me a Spirograph, a Pink Panther Puppet and a Tonka custom van. I will leave some cookies and milk for you and sorne carrots for.the reindeer. Love Christopher 2Saunders Ave. Bowrnanville Dear Santa, I arn 1½ years old and my daddy is writing this letter for me. I arn a good boy sometimes. I pick up my toys with my big sister. For Christmas 1 would like something to ride on, a jack-in-the-box, and maybe some new clothes. Thank you. Your friend, Jeffrey Darrach Box 446 Newcastle P.S. I will leave you some milk and cookies on the table for you and a carrot for your reindeer. Dear Santa Claus, My name is Stephanie Joyce Sleep and 1 got to Nursery School. I am three years old and would like a Farnily Amusement Park for Christ- mas. My brother David Douglas is two and he would like an Action Garage. 1 also have two cousins Brent and Tanya Lloyd but they live far away la British Columbia. So please rernern- ber them on Christmas Eve. I think rnaybe Tanya would like a doil and Brent would like a fire truck. Our chimney is al dean for you* to corne down. But be careful you don't wake up on dog Ace. H1e wants a bone for Christmas. Love Stephie,- 79 Elgin Street Dear Santa, 1 arn 5 years old. 1 would like some toys for Christmas. This is my list. 1. Patrol car. 2. Transport truck. 3. Texaco Truck set. 4. Etch-a-sketch. Dougie Gmnnblett Box 23, Group 8 RR. 6Bowmanville Dear Santa, My name is Anthony. I arn 8 years old. I wish you and Mrs. Santa a Merry 'Christmnas. I hope your riendeer have fun playing with the elves on Christrnas. There will be sorne cake or cookies under the tree with some milk for you Santa and for your riendeer some carots or suger. I hope you like it, by, now I've got to go. Anthony Speziale R.R. 2, Newcastle Dear Santa, Hello. How are you? I have been a good girl. Would you e eu Thank you fo r shopping at - Gould Photo Shop' Best Wishes from Carole - Rwickand o 78 King St. W. Bowman\iIIe please bring me a Super Star Batbie fashion face, Deluxe Kitchen appliances, P1-ooh wrist watc1h. Thank you. Love Kim Thompson 5 Anne St. Bowmianville Dear Santa, My naine is Sandy and I arn 5 years old. I have been a good girl and helped my mommy and daddy and my baby sister Tracey. For Christmas 1 would like a table and chairs and a guitar. My sister would like a riding duck. Thank you very rmuch. Love and Kisses Sandy Verleysen 26 Jane St. Bowmanville Jason Lyle, 110 Elgin St., Bowmianville LIC 3E6 Dear Santa, My name is Jason Lyle. I arn 3 years old but soon I will be 4. For Christmas I would like you to bring me the Super Heroes, Super Buggy and sorne new trucks. Also my momrny would like a rocking chair and rny daddy wants a new screwdriver. 1 have a dog too, he would like you to bring him some dog bones. We have ail been good this year and if you corne to our house there will be a jam sandwich and a glass of milk waiting for you. I have to go now Santa, s0 remember' what I- told you, and 1 will see, you Christrnas Eve. Your Friend, Jason Lyle Dear, Santa, Again, like my brother and sister my mrn is writing this letter for me. 1 was in the hospital a couple of weeks ago and was given sorpe gifts then, but 1 wouid stili like to have a few more things, rnaskatron, flying aces, dindy cars, a jeep with a boat gun and hoîster set, sorne pyjamas and clothes. Thank you Santa very rnuch. Have a Merry Christ- mas. Love Jeffrey Meek 15 Flett St. Bowmanvilie Dear Santa, I've been a good girl. I want Baby Thataway and a Baby Heartbeat and somne books an3d a few records. 1 hope you will bring a pair of skis.' Thank you for the puzzle and paint book at our Churhc. Love Merrilee Trima 1 Sunicrest Blvd. Bowmanville LiC 2G6 Dear Santa Claus, I would like Baby Baby for Christmnas., And my sister would like Ro..iald McDonald Land for Christmas. Say hello to Mrs. Claus for me. I wîll leave sorne cookies Tidinj.s ai joeu and best i içes ta euveryouc thîs Christmas saon. we are se happy ta euni ,jeu as ouë eue 1 ur znanu saWisfied customers-amd we hope that wre ean ce &nue to serve Yom. f from~ David Sma les and Staff of 67 Kîng St. East Bowmianville Leah Dawn Lockhart is a happy one-year-o1d whose birthday was on December 4th, 1977. Her parents are John and Linda Lockhart and proud grandparents are Mr. and, Mrs. and rnilk on Christmnas Eve. Your friend, Kim Moore R.R. 6 Bowrnanville Dear Santa, My narne is Greg Miller. 1 arn 10 years old. I live at 69 Queen St. 1 would lîke TCR jam car set, socker bail, GI. Joe, customn van, a slinky, garnes, and if you could get me a 5 speed please. Thank -you Santa. It's the side door for me. Hli-bye Greg A. Miller. Dear Santa,* How is your reindeer with the red nose doing? How are you doing? 1 would Iike a hydro set and Miy ownl hockey stick. Maybe you could bring a fijre-hat or toy for my baby sister Amy Kathleen. We will leave something good out for you Christmas Eve. Will you eat it? I have been a good boy and I will try even harder to be good! I arn 4, Love Amy and Tyler Gibson 67 Simpson Ave, Bowmanville Dear Santa, Thank you for ail the toys you gave me last year. I arn 5 years old and I have a brother 4 months old and a sister 212 years old. Please bring me batman viewmaster reel, Scooby Doo viewrnaster reel and Spider- mnreel. Spiderman car, western playset. My sister would like a dollie and a carniage. My littie brother needs clothes and a stuffed animal. Love Michael Goodrnurphy Orono, Ont. Dear Santa, Hello, how are you. I have been a good girl. Would you please bring me a Hush Little Baby, Middie Matic appliance set operation. Thank you. Love Susan Thompson 5 Anne St. Bowmanville Robert Lockhart of Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. James Hartin of Markank. - McRobbie Photo. Dear Santa, How are you and the reindeer? My name is Carol Barrett. I arn 6 years old. I've been a. very good girl this year. 1 would like Donny and Farrah and a pair of boots and family trees if you can't get the Barbie Moble Home. We'li put out milk~ and cookies for you and some carrots for the reindeers. Love Carol 107 Parkway Ave. Bowmanville Dear Santa, How are you and the reindeer? My namne is Dwayne Barrett. 1'ti 8 years oAd. I'veý been a good boy. 1I make xn y bed and help mrn om. I would like a nite-glow, race track, hockey garne and some trucks in my stocking. Thank you for the ski-doo boots. I'rn glad you dropped them in early. I needed them badly. Love Dwyne B. 107 Parkway Ave. Bowmanville Dear Santa, My name is Chiristopher Wood. I am almost 4 years old and I live at 17 Roser Crescent in Bowmanville. I have been a pretty good boy. Sometimes Mornmy and Daddy get mad at me but not very much. One thing 1 don't do very well is eating my vegetables s0 l'Il try harder. I hope you won't get mad at me for this." I brush and floss my teeth, dress myseif, and try to stay dlean. 1 arn also good at church. I don't cry when mornmy or daddy tell me it's bedtime. For Christmas I would like a yellow truck, a blue dump truck, a toy birdie, a toy airpiane, a motor choo-choo train wîth tracks, and a pair of' snow boots, and a pair of slippers and that's ail. I hope you'il be good to me and l'Il try be an even better boy. Love Chris e extend our thanks to those we've been privileged to serve. Have a heart warming' holiday! from the Staff of A lH-lStu rrnck &Sons Mt., ý Sturrock Road 623-5516 Bowmanvile Dear Santa, My narne is Alicia and I arn 212 years old. My big brother is helping me write this letter. I would like a Holly Hobbie Stroller, Lego people, snow shovel, charrn for my bracelet and candy. Thank you. I love you Santa. Alicia Van Schelting il Burk Ct. Bowmanville Dear Santa, My name is Mike. I arn 7 years old. 1 have been a good boy. I would like AFX Tiny mighty moe Tonka toys. Sorne trucks, a mouse trap game, bowling pins, guns and some clothes, slippers. If you like, I will leave you some cookies and milk., Love Mike Smith Dear Santa, 1 have been fairly good. For Christmtas I want i. a ten speed bike, 2. Sun Tan Tuesday TAler Doil, 3. sorne pairs of jeans, 4. some tops, 5. skates, 6. T.C.R. Totie Cantrole Racing, 7. Crazey Carpet, B. KC and the Sun- shine record. Mary Christmas and a Happy New Year. Your Good Friend Lîsa Radford Group 6 Bowmanville Dear Santa Claus, My narne is Shani Lynn. I arn five years old. My mommy is pninting this for me because I can print some -but not too good yet. I have a sister narned Denise but we cali her Deedee. She is three years old. I go to Kindergarten. My teacher is Miss Hall. Denise is StiR littie so she just stays home with our mommy. I would like a Baby Alive doli. Please don't forget the batteries or she won't work. Deedee wants a Thumbelina that turns over. We both want a star necklace like mommy's. Maybe we could have some new colouring books and crayons too because ours are ail used Up. Deedee and me have tried hard to be good but sometimes we're not. But mommy says that you love us ail the time as long as we try. Merry Christmas, Santa. Love Shari and Denise P.S. You were our favourite thing in the parade. Mommy says we should tell you our last name, too. It is Alldread. 71 King St.W. Apt. 5 Bowmanville Goodyear Retirees On Monday, December 12, at noon, 69 members of the Goodyear Retirees Associa- tion met for a dinner in the Parish Hall of St. John's Anglican Church and served ny the Martia group of the Church. The head table was made up of the five Past Presidents, the President, Vice President, Secretary Treasurer, Chairman of the %ntertainent committpp 2ni-I Rev. Tom Gracie as an honoured guest. Grace was said by the Rev. Tom Gracie after which the ladies served a delicious meal which was much enjoyed by ail, and elicited many favour- able comments from those present. On behaîf of the members, Norm Allison, our versatile Sec. Treas., expressed thanks and appreciation to the ladies, after which he presented Rev. Gracie with a cheque as an expression of thanks-to those responsible for their generos- îty in allowing the Association to use their premises, and the wonderful co-operation re- ceived from them. Each member at the head table had an opportunity to make a few rernarks, and they did so, several reminisc ing on the humble start of the Assn. and its present status, in numbers, particularly with several humourous references to happenings during the seven years since its incep- tion. Much applause, evidence of the good feeling prevailing among the members, greeted the oratorical efforts of the committee chairmen, which was followed by the presenta- tion to the Chairman, of the ticket comm. Everett Wina- cott anfd his overworked assistant, President Ken Lux- ton, of a token award for their untiring efforts to relieve the members of any loose change that rnight prove a burden to thern on Monday mornings. Prior to closing, Walter Woolley with his harmonica, led in some singing by those who weren't too full of food to Dear Santa, My name is Janice and I arn 3 years old. I have been helping Mommy wash dishes. I would like you to bring me for Christmas a table and chair set, set of dishes, crayons and a surprise. 1 will leave some lunch for you and the reindeer. With love, Jani _reRickard 80 Given St. Newcastle Dear Santa, 1 want a bike and a whole bunch of babies. Thank you. Love Cher Braybrook participate. At the time of going to press, we have no reports of any scouts for Tom Jones or Engelbert Humper- dînck being in the area, s0 once again, oui' talent goes unnoticed! A gala dinner appreciated by ail, and a hearty "thank you" to ail who contrîbuted in any way towards it, including Johnny James and his camera and from the Retirees Association, to ail, "A Merry Christmas." ELIZABETH VILLE (Intended for last week) Church services were held as usual. We followed the White Gift Services. The Third Advent candie was lit. Our' Sunday School decided on, mitts as gifts and the children went to the front and decor- ated the tree with these mitts of every color. The choir sang and Rev. Kennedy had a few words at the close. Mrs. M. Davis and three of the older ones took part in the services. On Saturday morning, North Hope Central School took part in the Campus Quiz over CHEX Peterborough T.V. Channel 12 and defeated Marmora. Congratulations boys and girls. On Sunday evening about 50 gathered at the Elizabethville Church for a pot luck supper and Christmas Tree. Mr. and Mrs. M. McAllister had gone T' v-W. e d Sending along al for a peaceful, 1. wherever you miay l for y our support. Shirk's$ 43 King St. W. Bowmai Ce lebrated Her First Birthday 1our best wishes happy Christmias ' be.We'reth-ankfuil Variety M23-l2e May the joys and blessings of Christmas be with you through this season. Durham Farmer's Counity Co-Op SOrono Ontario JANUARY 2nd (STOCK TAKING)I jA MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALLIj SHope you have just the brightest, happiest kind . ~ Sof Christmas. You've been ~ . great to us over the year, e and we've enjoyed serving .. y ou! Here's to a happy holiday for everyone! from the Staff a t 103 King St. E.Bomnil to a lot of work preparing for it. Also the teachers had practised and had a very enjoyable evening. Miss Barbara Sheppard's and Miss Alcock's classes had numbers as well as the older classes. Mrs. B. Burton played. Rev. Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy a'ttended. Mrs. Kennedy acted as M.C. Santa cam-e and distribute d gifts and candy bags. The snow storm .stayed off tili ail were homne after the evening. Mrs. J. Barkwell bas plan- ned a quilting for today if the storm doesn't last tloo lopg. Mr. Wilf Lee,, PeterboroLugh, has been down to help Mr~. V. Peacock cut Chr-istmas trees. Mr. and Mrs. J. DeKoer, Sunderland, Mrs. Robt. Westheuser, and girls were with Thickson's on 1 have made several phone calls this morning and got no answer or busy signais. Those 1 did get had no more news to report. HAYDON Mrs. ilton Sanderson, Toronto, MIrs. Lois Swain, Mr'. and Mrs. Herb Swain, Mr. Clarence Marlow, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain, Tyrone, were Suniday riight dinner guests z)f Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Blackburn and Wenidy spent the weekend with friends a~t Smith Falls.

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