Receives Donation for Participation House This poem, by the f amed James Whitcomb Riley (1849-1916), of Indiana, starts with the conclusion of "The Christmas Dinner of the Cratchits." "God b/ess us every one!" prayed Tiny Tim, Crip pied and dwarf ed of body, yet s0 ta/I Of soul, we tiptoe earth to look on him, High towering over ail. He loved the ioveless world, nor dreamed, indeed, That it at best could give hirn, the while, But pitying giances, when his on/y need Was but a cheery smiie. And thus he prayed, "God bless us every one!" Eni o/ding ail the 'creeds u'ithin the span Of bis child-heart; and so, despising none, Was nearer saint than man. 1 like to fancy God, in Paradîse, Lifting a fin ger a'er the rhythmie swing 0f chiming harp and son g, Uith eager eyes Turned earthward, listening- The Anthem stiiied - the ange/s leaning there Above the golden walis - the morning sun 0f Christmas bursting flower-iike with the prayer, "God biess us every one!" Itfs fitting to say thank you for your patronage and to hope YOD enjoy the full measure of® the season's pleasures. fromnthe Management and Staff of 1415 King St. E.Plc Oshawa The local Participation flouse pro- while Dr. Ted Mann, fund raising ject lias received a financial boost co-ordinator for the project, looks from the Bowmanville Business and on. Participation flouse is a home Professional Women's Club. In this for severely handicapped aduits, photo, Mrs. C. H. Quinney, president planned for a site on Concession St., of the organization, signs a cheque east of Bowmanville. thougli it is no longer a tradition in Europe, the custorn of breaking a can- dy-filled pot bas fiourisbed in Mexico. Christrnas in Mexico is a blendi of both r-eligious sig- niificanice an)drnerry-rnak- ing, mucli as it is in the United States. And of al the Mexican customs cur- rently enjoyed south of the border, none is merrier than the breakîng of the pinata.- InMxio the celebra- lion o the o]icilay seasýon begins in earneist ,ine days before Christmnas. During this. tirne the posadas are observed. Celebrants forrn a pro- cession behind figures rcp- Stvendou Nli Moore lectrc Ltd 62-91R.R%,Bomnil resenting Mary anld josephi, and go about from b)ouse to bouse, asking for posada or lodging. Inside the bornes, other celebrants enact the role of the innkeepers wbo refused Mary and josephi lodging in Bethlehem. After being told that there is "no room at the inn", the celebrants are at last adritted to one of the bornes, and the fiesta begins. The highliglit of this"cel- ebration is the srnashing of the pinata by youngsters. A clay pot, filled witli nuts and candies and other trin- kets, and irnaginatively decorated witb paper-ma- cie, is strung up on a rope, eacli youngster is blindfolded in turn and ai- lowed to takze a swing at the pinata with a stick. Since the rope can lie pulled ecd tirne a young- ster swings at it, rnany blows are usually rcquired, witli muci shouting on the part of onlookers, before, tbe pinata is finally broken and goodies cascade upon tic dclighted youngsters. The tradition of the pina- ta was actually brouglit to Mexico during the l6th century by Europeans. AI- Section Three ALL RELIGcýIONs Tbrougliout the centur- ies men of ail faitbs have acknowiedged the Golden Rule as a vital, intrinsic part of their faith, and ex- pressed it thus: BAHAIISM - "If thou lookest toward justice, choose then for others what thou cboosest for thyself. Blessed 15 lie who prefers bis brother before birnself." BRAHMANISM- "This is the sum of duty: Do nauglit unto others which would cause you p ain if done to you." BUDDHISM - "In five ways should a clansman minister to bis friends and familiars: By generosity, courtesy and benevolence, treating thern as lie treats hirnself and by being as good as bis word." CHRISTIANITY-"All SINCE1309 B.Ce tbings wbatsoever yot would that men sliould do to you, do you even to thern:lFor this is the iaw and tbe propliets." CONFUCIANISM- "I there one word wliicb may serve as a rule to practice for ail one's life? The Mas- ter said, 'Is not reciproc- ity (sympatby, considera- tion) sucli a word? Wbal you do not want, done to yourself, do not unto others."' HINDUISM--Tbe life- giving breatbs of otlier creatures are as dear to tbem as the breatbs of one's own self. Men gifted witli iitelligence and pur- ified souls should always treat o thers as tbey tiern- selveswisli to be treated.' JAINISM - "Indiffer- ent to worldiy objects, a man sliould wander about, Offering, a prayer of thanks and Shoping that-the beauty of the Hoiûy Birth I S wifl surrouýndyou at Christma 1stide. from the staff at TAUNTON MOTORS LTD. Taunton Rd. E. Oshawa Phone 723-3041 defensively. reunion. needless. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 21, 1977 il treating ail creatures in and culture, men should the worl d as he himself give mutual aid, and enjoy would be treated." reciprocal, peaceful pleas- JITDAISM-"Thou shait ure by sliowing in their love thy neiglibor as thy- conduct that they are self."brethren." MOHAMMEDANISM- TAOISM - "Regard "4No one of you is a believ- your neighbor's gain as. er nti li loes or isyour own gain, and regard V e unil e lvesforhisyour neighbor's los s as brother wliat lieloves for your own îoss." himself." ZRATINS s SIKHISM ý"As thou Z"ha tranisMgoo deernest thyseif, so deem 'whchnatreanfr o d beotheathesatetbouing unto another whatso- -4nxn beo', prnri ever is not good for itself." SHINTOISM -"Irre- spective of, their nation- ality, language, manners Unfortunately for some this Christmas wilI be the season.during which they Iost a loved one through a traff le accident. Most of the accidents are They involve fao much alcohol and a moment's inattention ta driving. The members of the Durham Regional Police remind you that at this time of the year it is even more important ta drive We wish yau andyour families a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Chief of Police DU RHAM REGIONA 9HR SMA IN MEXICO I.S MADEFIE WITH PINATA the ýDuâham ýegtoK' This Christmas wiII be remembered' by most of aur citizens as a time of enjoymet and rejoicing in famil