12 Thê, The UCetennial Holiday jestivities. A Christmnas Package Party, fNew York City. Woodcut illustration frorn Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, january 13, <1877. Courtesy of The New York Historical Society. Community Spir1,it Gret A Joyous Critmseason Christmas! The season of music and wonder is filled with a powerfui klnd of magie. A magie that is expressed in many ways ... in the merriment of its parties and celebrations, the contentment of hearth and home, the heartwarming tradition of gif t giving and receiving, the dazzle and brilliance of its Holy meaning. Excitement grows as each new sign or symbol of this cherished holiday appears. Rehearsals begin for Nativity piays at schools. Christmas cards are addressed and ciosets are piled high with mysterious packages. Store windows glisten with dazziing displays and forests of fir and spruce appear on every corner. Parties are planned and tempting delights are cooked and baked. Carolers appear filling the air w ith lilting holiday tunes and th.e local community tree is decorated and lit. Finaily ornaments are tenderly and nostalgiîcally unpacked, stockings are hung with anticipation. Surely those are slelgh beils jingling faintly in the distance! The many iegends that surround'Christmas add to its aura of magie and mystery. If bees can hum psalms, animais speak and cattie kneel in their stables, then surely any miraculous happening is possible! And so the excitement mounts! This wonderfui tirne of merriment is also one of profound reverence. Churches i cîties and country byways hold midnight services to celebrate the humble birth of Christ. It is the season of worship and rejoicing.. Set apart by its majesty, mood, and magie, Christmas stands eternally outside time. As Christmas day approaches it seems that everyone is waiting for somethlng o happen! Ail are caught Up in the spirit of what-mnight-be. At long last we know what ail the preparation and waiting means ... the miracle of Christ's birth which happened Almost twýo thousand years ago, happens again in the hearts of people everywhere! Christmias is cherished as a religieus holiday of unparalleled importance honoring the birth of Jesus Christ, by Christians the world over. For those of other f aiths, thîs beloved holiday happily expresses universal good will, cheer and the spirit of brotherhood. And so Christmas, that magicai season of music and wonider, belongs Vo everyone! Spinning our wheels to wish you ai happy holîday. Drive carefully for a sede holiday.,m from aIllof us at DRSAUTOMOTIVE SERVICELtM. Your New F&IRELLI Tire De2aler 1-164 Base Lune Rd. E. Bowmanville Phone 623-2772 Christmuas Scene from Godey's Lady's IBook, iJecember 1850O. Courtesy of The Museum of T[le Cty of New York. au. .00e( t.T We11 ¶o i j The Christmnas Tree. Wood engraving froni drawing hy Winslow Homer, from Harpers Weekly, December 25, 1858. Courtesy of The New York, Historical Society. To our many fine customers. May your Holiday Season be full of happy blessings from the Parker family at a rket Hampton 263-2241 Sears wiII be closed on Christmas and Boxing days, December 25th and 26th Si mpsons-Sears Li mited