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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1977, p. 5

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmianviile, Der.,pmber 28lm197 5 e RES TA URANT* MON DAY - THURSDAY 6 a ý.- 12 P.m. FRIDAY.- SATURDAY 6a. m. -1a.m. SUN DAY 7 a.m. - 11:30 pm. SERVING DELICIOUS CHINESE FOOD TAKE.-OUT ORDERS A SPECIALTY Free Delivery in Bowmanville on il O1 rders of $10. 00 or More Full Course Meals in a HIomie-Like Atmosphere 9 K.Îing S. .623-. New Year', -5412 By Rod Stork, Assoc. Agricuitural Representative IMPROVEMENTý IN BRUCELLOSIS PROGRAM In a recent news column we highlighted changes that have been made in the brucellasis contrai pragram,' and we want ta take this oppartunity ta again point these ont and urge ail livestack farmers ta parti- cipate and hopefuily eradicate brucellosis. The new changes in the pragramn which Agriculture Canada intends ta have in effect early in 1978 are reaiiy an extension af contrai mea- sures that have been in force for some time. While they provide mare bite for the cantinuing battie ta eradicate brucellosis, emphasis wiii con- tinue an more testing, more tracing af infected animais, strict enforcement of farm and ranch quarantînes and much mare concern and contrai over the mavement aI cattie. A major part aI the program invalves a division of Canada in separate regions, based on the incidence of brucellosis. As weli, more controls an the movement of cattie between these regians will came ino effect. Mare research inta the disease also s Dininer (The Second Serving on Us!) served wlth homemade gravy and our own recipe of barbeque sauce. Cordon Bleu Veal stuffed with cheese and hamr and tomato sauce. Dnner Includes homemade sou p, juice, tossed salad with homemade dresslnga, potatoes - baýked, roasted and mashec , your choice of vegetables, choice of homema e piýes made from a ur own recipes or our own special carrot pudding with caramel sauce. .Aduit-s- $5.195 Chidren under 10 yrs. -$25 THE ACRE Five minutes forth on Liberty, east on Tan o r! FOR RESERVATION PHONE2382 wîll be carried out, and mare' testing will be required under variaus circumstances. In the stepped up pragram ta eradicate brucellasis, an Information Officer wiil pro- vide cattiemen and dairy producers with the latest information on the disease as quickly as possible. A Plan- ning Oficer wili co-ordinate activities concerning the re- newed effort ta wipe out the disease. Under the pragram, variaus regians wiil be established across Canada. A Brucellosis Free Region will apply ta an area that is free of field-strain infecti ,on, such as: Newfound- land, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and possibiy, British Colum- bia. The second classification wiii be the law incidence regians and wiil include areas where the current number of infected herds under quaran- tine does not exceed .3 per cent aI the herd population. Such regians are: Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Aberta. Ontario and Quebec will be ciassified 'as other regians because they do nat qualîfy under the first twa classifica- tions. The eradicatian pro- gram cao be strengthened by cancentrating efforts in the higher incidence areas, as weil as, preventing the spread af the disease by cohtrolling movement of cattie between regians. Lt will be very important ta ensure that brucellosis is not introduced from areas of higher brucelosis incidence ta, areas of less incidence. For example: contrais are ta be implemented an movement of cattie fram other regions, iLe. Ontario and Quebec ta low incidence or brucellosis free regians. Test - eligible ani- mais maving between such regions must have originated from a herd af negatîve statis. The animal must also have been negative tested for bruceilosis from two tests separated by ninety days with the last test being within th3irty day piüj or ta vemýent. In addition, new regulatians wilI contrai the movement of cattie within Ontario and Quebec. A negative brucellosis test will be required thirty days prior' ta change af ownership or shipment ta, livestock market. Ail the evidence indicates that brucellosis is spread by the movement of cattie, and therefore, emphasis is being piaced on this area in the new program. Change of owner- ship testing and necessary certification wiii prevent pro- blems. The introduction of an animai on ta a farm contrary ta new regulations may lose the owner his right ta compen- sation if his herd is found ta be infected with brucellosis. The changes are expected ta generate renewed interest among farmers in applying for certification of their herd as a brucellosis-free iisted herd. To be eligible ta apply for such certification, a Iarm- er must have maintained a. herd unit for two years. Certif ication may then be granted if ail test-eligible animais prove negative ta two tests for brucellosis at inter- vals of nat less than six months, or mare than twelve months. Animais in herds qualiiied under the brucel- losis-free listed poiicy will be eligible for export ta the United States. The Health of Animais Branch is embarking on this increased testing program and tightening of regulations sees the possibility that in the short term there will be an increase in the. number of quarantined herds. It is, however, anticipated in the long term, there wiil a significant decrease and even- tually the disease will be eradicated. The entire bruceilosis eradi- cation program now has been èxamined in consultation with the Cattie Industry and Veter- inarians, and based on this consultation, the changes were made.,Further informa- tion on the pragram, and how you can take part can be obtained by contacting the District Office of the Health of Animais Branch located in Bowmanville. WHY GO TO FARM MEETINGS? With the new year rapidly approaching a good many farm arganizatians, Agri Busi- ness firms, and Government agencies are planning educa- tional workshops, meetings, and cammodity group annuai meetings. What ,are the ben~e- fits ta be obtain-ed from taking part îin these types of pro- grams? Why should larmers support their organizatians and commodity groups? Farming today is a com- plex, every changing occupa- tion. There has been mare change in agricultural techno- logy in the iast ten years than in the one hundred years prior ta that. This trend towards change and improvement will continue in the future, and therefore, the successful far- N ORMAN',JS ENTERTANMENT Zenith SALES -,SERVICE - RENTALS T ELEVISION - STEREO MODULARS RECORDS and TAPES Bowmanviîle Mail Oshawa 623-4535 1218 Simcoe N., 57-2411 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 -9 Saturday 9 -6 "We're Not Big ... Just the Best" For that downhome atmosphere loin us New Year's Eve with BEV MARI E and Friends for an evening of Dîning and Dancing SMORGAS BO(DRD with Roast Beef - Roast of Tu rkey Roastof Ham and assorted saîads. Meal served 7:00 p.m. ta 9:00 p.m. Entertainment from9:OOp.m. - 1:OOa.m. Coffee and a light snack served fromn 1: 00 a.m. - 2:O00a.m. for yaur pleasure SEE YOU THEN! CO ACH & FOUR Restaurant & Tavern Coach le Four Mi-àl mile souih of Hwy. 115 and 35 intersection Reserve Now Phone 983-5560 Durb grcultura News HAYDON Rev. Kempiing called an Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton iast week. Mrs. Irene Tabb, Lily and James attended a Christmas party at Shirley Tabb's and Charles Gutti, Bawmanville on Saturday. The Haydon Correspondent wishes the Editor and Staff of the Canadian Statesman and readers of this column, "A Merry Christmas' and 'Happy New Year." -el, mer of today has Lo avail himself of ail sources of information so that the deci- sions he makes will be the right ones. Educational meet- ings, workshops and courses are one way of helping. Information is provided in such a way so as ta allow for presentation of timely, up-to- date material foliowed by exchange of ideas by those in1 attendance. At meetings ideas can be shared between those putting on the meeting and the farmers in attendance, as well as, between farmers. A shar- ing of successes and failures can be a very useful learning experience for everyone. Another approach the good farmer uses, that if he gets one good idea out of a meeting, it has been worth his time ta attend. Many times we hear farmn- ers say that they have nio voice in their industry. One of the mechanisms that they do have is through their comnmodity and farre organizational groups. We urge ail farmers ta take an active part in these organizatiails, so as ta main- tain a strong voice for their particular commodity or the overaîl farm industry. At the county and regional 'level, annual meetings of the com- modity groups can make recommendations which are then carried on to provincial meetings by the delegates that are selected. In this way, a cross-section of opinions is obtained before recommenda- tions are sent on ta govern- ment and Agri business. Be selective in the meetings that you attend because it is very easy tQ, be attending meetings ail the time, and therefore, the farmn operation will suffer. However, plan on taking an active part in a number of the educationai and commodity graup meetings that are planned in the upcom- ing new year. TAKE CARE 0F TURKEY LEFTO VERS Turkey leftavers, the day after Christmas are as tradi- tional as the turkey itself. They are great ta have on hand. However, it is important ta take the praper care of them ta make sure they keep their good ualiad are safe ta eat. Turkey, lefto-ivers mrust' be refrigerated or frozen as soon as dinner is over. Take ail the meat off the carcass and remove the stuf- fing. Leave the meat in as big a pieces as possible. To refrigerate, wrap the meat tightly ta, prevent drying out, and package the stuffing separately. Refrigerated tur- key meat or stuffing shouid be used withing twa days. To freeze the leftovers, wrap-the meat and stuffing separately in aluminum foul or place in plastic freezer bags. You cao also place ail pieces of meat in rigid freezer containers and caver with leftover gravy ta prevent drying out. If this iý done leave one-haîf inch af head space for expansion. For best quality, you should plan on' using frozen turkey with or without gravy within two manths. Frazen stuffing should be used withing one month., Leftover turkey and stuffing can be an ecanomical and nul ritiaus meal long after Christmas day is past, as long as it is handled properly. SeS 1Budget A budget of $445,000 for the Ganaraska Region Conserva- tion Authority was set t his month. The figure represents'an increase in the total budget for 1978 of three per cent. The Province of Ontario is expected ta provide the bulk of the authority's budget with a contribution of $256,483. This leaves approximately $184,887 ta be recavered by, the municipalities thraugyh tax 983-9545 3 miles forth of Orono' Exra one million du 100 bonus prizes of$1eah cm Eight-digit Bonus ~-> Draw number. If the eight cditbou Regularfive-digit '. number on you,ýr ticket Wintario ticket - ~ '.oneof the 100bonus and series numbers.. numbers drawn, you win For five hances at 41$1,00taçfre $100,000 and more than r 00 a re 90,000 other tax-free ................ pnzes ............. Abucka.ndyou'. .rb. t. For the January 5 WVintario draw, your Wintario ticket has two, sets of numbers-one for the regular Win- tarlo draw, for baimeen $3 and $4 million in przes. And the other for the special million-dollar Bonus Draw-with one hundred extra prizes ot $1 0,000 each.* n accordance with the Lottery regulations, ail unclaimed prize money is retained in the prize fund, until the expiry of the one-year claiming period. t is then transferred into a special prize tund to be Get yourtiktnw available tor addition al or bonus prizes insu bsequent draws, January 5 is aur sixth Bonus Dram. On this occasion, 10 accommodate the advance bonus dramîng. ticket sales will cesse at 6:00 p.m, Thursdav, January 5, 1978. Sa get your ticket nom, because they're goirog tast. And watch the special oeshour Wintario show mie on TV from the Leah Posluns Theatre, YMYWVHA, Toronto, January 5 ai 9.00 P. M. ýone year clairng period. i'~'~~ TIREParty and Banquet hacilities Available I~A!!EIIVCE I Mon. - Tues. - Wed., 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. II1 I 299 DEAN' I Thurs - Fr;. -Sut',a.toamI OSHAWA Sond'Ay 12 Nlon on t-,in 0pm Chargex y off ers you the best New Yea r's E ve with Dancing, Live Entertainmnent with excellent live music by FLYTE Z Friday and New Year's Eve Dec. 3Oth - 3lst Admission........................ $5.0.0 each Whi le here, try our delicious home cooked specials. (NO ADMISSION CHARGE FRIDAY EVENING) 3Etritaoc 3I4.rnwo Bowmanville Mal - 623-3023 for Businessmen's Lunches DeiIy Full Course Dinners Glob*lsIr-1N D G Hosi 9:30 -11:00 DAVID MA1J1 Mon. to Fri. AIMIS 10:00-11:3(0a.m. Sat ~e~ CALL 1:465a.mSun. lNigh '(416) 961-1500 New Times Watch: New Year's Eve Special December 31 Il -00p.m. - 12-.30 a.m. el 4e January You must be le years or over PROPER ATTIRE REQUESTED COME and JOIN'US FOR' A WONDERFUL EVENI'NG OASIS Restaurant and Tavern Hwy. 115 and 35

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