The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 4, 1978 17 the Dai The prc nue lear ity and workerý peàk in) The approvE wthen N that it. with Oni Talks agreem Hydroç Gamnet« chairmE ing to t] parties $2.4 mil] munliciç fion if d money t] nôt neec in eai clear Li an $80 r Port Gri vi»le. El tion, ope Port H1.0 The c stuIyïing sites, it>C pref erre A fedî ment pa ing he Eldorad "Phe w date fa: Bowm radio,,f reiý49tsIf of fhe Di during S 1Memb( Eny ironi tiQfl) th( and mna how nue] Wï2rid ta, demonsti were intE bearing1 TweiVE ontÔ On symiboiz off bJyc ThgEy WE trespassi doliars ii In ail, dem-onsti site. Th( there wE stru(ction th1ey Sul because Other b may hav than H3 refiîierie, its effect In, 1977 shopping ani Sim] attending In 1977, Courtice awarded Generati The Year in Review (From Page 4) Beatrice Foods (Ontario) Limited. ys 115-35 were announced The 25 Gien Rae empioyees were 1977. offered jobs at the Beatrice Foods Business and Industry operations in Oshawa. iiy 18, the province of Ontario Fire and Police ly announced the approvai of Fire claimed four lives in the riington Generating Station. Newcastle municipality during 1977. oject will bring a $3.5 billion Two died in Newcastle village when 7powerplant to the commun- fire struck a house on the farm of E. 1will employ just over 3,500 R. Lovekin. More recently, a fire in ýs when construction is at its Courtice took the life of t'wo men. 11984. The largest property ioss of the station had earlier been year occurred near the Oshawa ed at the, municipal level Newcastle Townline where fire ewcastle council announced destroyed a bowling alley. Extra had completed negotiations equipment from Oshawa was needed itrio Hydro over the project. to put out the fire. ;with Hydro led to an Nineteen seventy-seven marks the ient between the town and final year for patrol by the Ontario signed by Newcastle Mayor Provincial Police in Newcastle Rickard and Robert Taylor, Village, Orono and the former an of Ontario Hydro. Accord- towvnships of Darlington and Clarke. he document sign'ed by both' Regionai police will begin patrol- March 23, Hydro provided ling the above areas beginning lion in funds from which the midnight December 31. Provincial >aiymay cdaim compensa- Police will remain at their detach- Ievelopmnent by Hydro costs ment in Newcastle and patrol that the town normally would llighways 115-35 and 401. d to spend. A robbery at the St. Joseph's rly January, Eldorado Nu- Church in Bowmanville took place in i]mited announced plans for the early hours of Monday, Septem- nllion uranium refinery at ber 19. Thieves made off with an ýanby, southeast of Newton- undisclosed amount of money after idorado,ý a crown corpora- tying up two priests and their -rates a uraniium refinery in housekeeper at the priests' resid- peat the p-,resent time. ence. No injuries were reported. ompan1y stated that after Tracking dogs and helicopter ,i about a dozen potential had to be brought in when police selected Port Granby as the attempted to track down a prisoner d location. who escaped near the Waverley ýeral environmental assess- Road exit of Highway 401, Septem- nel is currently investigat- ber 14. desirability of locating the The prisoner was being transport- io project at Port Granby. ed to a correctional institute at videninýg would include the Warkwo rth. Intensive searches in ,tiQn of a $2illion railway the Bowmanvilie area were cailed s leading to the Goodyear off when the prisoner was not found. the 'heart of.Bowmanville. Hallowe'en night in Bowmanville 1980'S is the earliest possible was one of the busiest ever for the )r the beginning of this Durham Regional Police after some youths in a crowd of about 100 pelted Protest at Darliington officers with eggs and stones. Seven anijie grabbed headlines in wr retd television and niewspaper Miscellaneous .ollowinýg amac to the site We end the roun-d-up eensfroni arlinigton Generating station 1977 with stories that have tLoo mnuch ýeptemrber. human interest or humor to forget. )ers of SEAP (Save the Do you remember, for example, maent From Atomic Poilu- the one about'the siump in sales of ,e Gree-,npeace Foundations cemetery plots at the Bowmanville ny others concerned about cemetery. This dilemaý had town lear energy is effecting the officiais puzzled for a while but it )ok part in the march. The was decided that far-sighted people Irators said their actions had purchased their plots earlier in ended to back a request for a 1976 before prices increased. This into the construction of the accounted for the slower year in [on poWerplant. 1977. e demonstrators who went No progress was made on a tario Hydro property to skateboard park for Bowmanville e the protest were carried although a crowd of 'about 25 Ontario Provincial Police. y9ungsters who descended on Bow- ere later found guilty of manville's town hall complete with ing and fined $15 plus three skateboards requested one. Spokes- ,n court costs. men said they wanted a place where about 500 took part, in skateboards would be free fromf rations at the Darlington hazards of traffie or pedestrians. ýe majority of the people Do you remember the time that ere members of the con- the Bowmanville Jaycees hosted theî i trades who indicated that Wintario draw February 3 and wone pport the ilydro project $10,000? The club intends to use the of the jobs it creates. windfall for community projects and c business actîvity in the town has already given $1,000 to each of e been of a smailer scale the Newcastle Village and Oronoc ydro plants or nuclear arena fund-raising efforts.' E ýs but this activity also had Do you remember the raccoon we Éon the community. photographed sleeping on a down- Bowmanville's first indoor spout beneath the eaves of aa mrrail opened at King St. Waverley Gardens home? Or how s pson Ave. with about 2,000 about the time that some of Orono's n c opening ceremonies. citizens gave.Mayor Rickard a very' ,Ai.nor Earthmoving Ltd., a firm indication that their fire hall a -based company was roof was ieaking? . a $24.5 million contract for Mayor Rickard told council one A ,g the site of the Darlington night that he was given a chair C L ýng Station. under a leak in the roof during a, ShledonPýethick. 'i.aj Mr. and Mrs. Art Pollard, .Awmanvijle, visited Mr. anti Mrs. Maýurice Polard and famihl' on Sunday. N"' and M',rs. Art Le.atibeat- er were with M.anti Mrs. tïm beadbeater, Oshawa on Sunday. Mvr. and Mrs M-tike Dupuis and Chan:,tel, Alymner were Mo'Înday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stitnand family,. Mîr. aniMs Elwyn Dickey, Miss Vlma DikyRowman- ville, Mîr. ýand Mvrs. Clarence Stainton, and f'aiI'y were New yearS DaIy guesý-tS of Milton Re~ntvistos wthMr. and Mn's C. Avtery and family were MJr. anti Mrs. Tony Sith, Courtice, Mr. anti Mrs. Clarence Eagleson and family, Baileboro, Mr. and Mrsn. Irvin Cook, Whitby, Miss Hleathler Brown.. Tyrone, Miss Mr. aînd Mrs. Earh Trewin, Donald and Dee Fegan were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. anti Mrs. bloydi Siemon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue, Judy and baurie were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey MeGill. Thursday, Mr. anti Mrs. C. Avery and famihy helti a pre New Year's gathering, Mr. anti Mrs. Joe Rekkar'and famihy, Newcastle and Miss Debbie Polard were among the guests. Mr. and Mrs. baurence Wearn, Peterborough, were Friclay night cahiers on Mr. anti Mrs. Edgar Wright anti Betty., Mr, and Mrs. Bob Blanti, WeSt Hill, spent New Year's Eve with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Piggott anti family, Oshawa, visiteti Mr, anti Mrs. Wayne Piggott, Monday afternoon. Mr. anti Mrs. Jake Gerryts anti family a family get-to-gether at Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wright's. Miss Renea Burke was a Saturday over-night guest with Miss Betty Wright. The E.A., Werry Christmas and New Year's family party was enjoyed with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, Black- stock. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Wright and Jeffrey, Ponty- pool, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. William Axford, Hampton were New Year's Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Axford and family, Hampton, Miss Melanie Axford spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty. Mr. anti Mrs. Len Stainton visiteti withl Mrs. Edith Stain- ton on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bll Henderson were New Year's Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tyers, Ajax. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hane- wich, Oshawa, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Werry and looking quite tanned after their huhiday in Florida. They reporteti a wonderful flight both ways. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown and family, Bowman- ville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb and family, Baileboro were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. The borne Lambs were Suntiay dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart bamb. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family visited Mr, and Mrs. James Piggott, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain, Haydon visited with Mr. and Mrs. Piggott and family on Sunday night. During the afternoon, Wayne,, bynn and chiltiren visiteti with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Piggott, Oshawa. A colti, but beautiful day brought forth a small number of people for our New Year's Day Service. The flowers at the front of the church service in memory of the late Mrs. Russelli Hepburn (Verna) to ber many friends and rel- atives. Vîsitorsý with Mrs. Winnie Ferguson, Kevin and Cla rence Sacks, Boxîng Day, until Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh, borinda and Derek, bondon, baurie -Me- Collom, Ensdale, Ont, Bertha Emery, Novar, Ont. and Shirley Thomas, Oshawa. Over the holidays, Rick Robin- son, Sharon Faryna, Marvin McCollom, Danny McCollom, Alex MeNeil and Marvin McNeil, John, Darlene, Eric and Erin Burton, Mrs. Ida bounsbury, Killarney Mani- toba and Ivan bounsbury Winnipeg, Manitoba New Year's Eve at Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Burton's, Zion. New Year's Day guests with Winnie and boys were Meirose McCollom, Ruth Redpath and Shirley Thomas. Among the Boxing Day family gatherings was the Ashton Clan Party held in Tyrone Hall where 34 mem- bers enjoyed a visit together, a good dinner, brief program and a game of cards.' The younger generation members carried the burden of work headed by Janice Fanning, V.C.' Evelyn Ashton, Maie Chorus by Tom Fanning, Bruce Traveil, barry Ashton, Barry Bragg, Douglas Ashton, Allen Bragg, Clare Ashton vith pianist Janice Fanning and typist Karen Ashton. Santa Claus came from Rose-- neath R.R. 4 to say Ho-Ho and vith assistance from the youngest members, i.e. Penny and Wayne Traveli, Richard Wortien, Angela and Michael Ashton and Paul Ashton he listributed the many gifts. Lucky draws were won by Gordon and Bonnie Beech for one of the prizes, a 2hue Richard Worden, Elisabeth Worden, Bowmanville, R.R. 2, Tara Jane Ashton, Oshawa, were New Year's weekend guests of grandparents Orville and Margaret Ashton. The Sub-Executive of Oshawa Presbyterial U.C.W. are reminded of its meeting Monday, January 9th, 1978 9:30 a.m. - 12 noon. at Jean Taylor's home, 52 Pinecrest Road, Oshawa. Enniskillen Publie Sehool Christmas Concert Although the enrolîment of pupils has dropped from over 200 to 176 in numbers, this decrease in quantity did not change the excellent quality of the annual Christmas Concert, which was postponed from Tuesday evening to Wednes- day evening due to the heavy snow storm. Principal Bruce Lush was M.C. for the program which opened with ail singing O Canada and was followed by 8 numbers. 1. Choir selection by Grades 4, 5, 6 when 76 voices blended in singing 4 choruses directed by Margaret Snowden and piano expertise. Douglas Dewell. 2. Pantomime Act of "The Tree That Didn't Get Trimmed" by the 9 pupils of G. Robinson's Class accompanied by a projected film and narration. 3. The Sights and Sounds -of Christmas by the 22 Kinder- garten pupils, who sang 7 songs with several solos and were directed by their teacher Helen Varga, who really were adorable in their costumes of the Wisemen, Shepherds, Lambs, Angels, Santa Claus, Reindeer and Christmas Tree. 4. Chorus and Stage Scenery by 61 pupils from Grades 1, 2, 3 who sang 4 songs with actions including eating real Giniger- bread boy cookies under Margaret Snowden's guidance. 5. Eileen Burgess and bier 25 grade 4 pupils played as a Rhythm Band and sang 2 musical numbers. 6. Playlet "The Christmas Magie Wagon" was presented in 4 acts by 7 pupils from ,grades 4 and 6 representing 3 generations in acting the story with several other class members as stage crew. 7, The choir from grades 4, 5 and 6 sang again wîth 4 songs both secular and sacred. 8. The Finale had all pupils on, stage, for 2 choruses. Prïicipal B. Lush was requested to have the' 9 teacher staff step on stage iLe. Principal B. bush, Principal-Relief and Li- brarian D. Barry, M. Snow- den, L. Rogers, E. Burgess, S. Morrison, J. Welch, H. Varga, G. Robinson, Mrs. Jeffries (speech therapist). Apprecia- tion was expressed briefly to them for everyone by a parent Graham Dallas. The cover design of the programs we must mention was an artistic masterpiece in art and message by 2 pupils John Gilbart and Carnie Davidson. The efficient crew for stage props, lighting projector operating and commentating deserve a high credit rating as well as pianist D. Dewell for accompanient and background music throughout the entire per- formance. Last but not least we couldn't do mnuch without secretary. R. Kinsman andi Custodian R. Nielsen and assistant. Tyrone news in last veek's issue had a superlative report of this event but we wished to add ours this week as we feel it deserved double coverage. Youth Group Holiday Skating Party andi Dance A perfect winter's day was deal for skating by some Guys and Dolis on Don Rowan's Pond to be followed by supper at the Commu nity Hall. In the evening the Group members were joined by many friends for dancing to music provided by Disc jockey Don Rowan. During the evening Pres. Allan Ashton and Linda Sharp presenteti a gif t from the Youth Group as a 137 King St. East Bowmanville tangible expression 0f apprec- jation to the Counsellor Margaret Ashton. After sehool exams are over in January, 1978 the Y.G. have plans for 2 special social events ' The Executive of the U.C.W. met at Margaret Ashton's home on Wednesday evening to arrange its program for 52 King St. West Bowmanvill, 623-2453 ZONED COMMERCIAL - One and one-haîf storey home, five rooms, oil furnace, good location for home, office use or smal I business. Asking $36,900. TWO STOREY SEMI - brick, three bedrooms, spacious living room and kitchen, convenient to schools. Asking $36,000. TWO ADJOINING HOMES - two storey, brick construction, each side contains six rooms and bath, oil heat, double garage on same lot. $60,500. KING ST. E. - Older frame home on large lot 83' x 330'; $48,000. Terms may be a rranged. AFTER HOURS J. A. Barton..................... 623-3098 P. Kowal Jr ................. ........... 623-5868 '"FOR SALE Phone 623-7694, 623-7661 WE CAN DO THE FI NANCING- on this immaculate 4 bedroom brick bungalow on a large lot in Newcastle, on water and sewer, finished rec room, heavy duty for wôrkshop. Asking $54,900. ASK I NG ON LY $19,900 - for this cozy 2 bedroom home in Bowmanville, newly panelled and completely renovated, large bright sunroom, try your offer. JUST REDUCED TO $68,500 - 4 bedroom brick home, finished recroom, deck off master bedroom and den with sldina doors, 2 - 4 pc. bathrooms, extra large master bedroom, separate sitting room, 4 pc. Dathroom and bedroom, privacy for boarder or inlaws. COUNTRY LIVING - 4 bedroom older brick farm house, 8 rooms, 1-3 acre lot with mature trees, located in Bowmanvil le. Asking only $65,900. $58,900 - for this 6 bedroom home on a ravine lot, extra large dining room, kitchen and -living room, full basement, nicely decorated, caîl for inspection. BOWMANVILLE ORONO 623-3393 983-9547 FAMILY HOME - BOWMANVILLE Spacious 3 bedroom home close to recreation, schools and sho pin*.Semi-finished rec room. Lots of storage space. Roughied-in fireplace, 11/2 baths. Priced'to seîllat only $57,500 with terms, Caîl Laverne Lenharf. BOWMANVILLE - 10 ACRES Spectacular view of the lake from this 10 yr. old brick home. Completely private. Large L-shaped rec room with brick f ireplace. Double attached garage, Laundry room on main floor. Asking $123,900 with good terms. Cal1 Ron Hurst or Ken Brown. HETHERINGTON DRIVE - BOWMANVILLE Tired of that subdivision feeling? Not so with this lovely 3 bedroom backsplit home on quiet court. Walkout in semi finished rec room to country sized backyard. Separate dinfing room. Extra bedroom downstairs. Sunny kitchen features abundance of cupboard space. Exceptionally well kept home for only $62,900. Terms. Caîl Laverne Lenharf. ORONO Single building lot in centre of Orono. AIl permits approved. Asking $20,000. Terms. Caîl Bill Morrison Sr. c*c Coast(o Coast Real Estaîe Service Dunwoody and Associates Limited Managemnent Consultants 146 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa P.O. Box 516 edvan Phone 576-3430 REALTY LTb. BRd"KER NEWCASTLE., ONT. 123 KING ST. WEST RFA LTOR-MOR TGAG ES - PP RA IASJ THREE BEDROOMA COUNTRY HOME -- only three years old, on a secluded acre in the scenic Kendal Hilîs area. It needs some finishing touches but look. at the price; $41,900. Full dry basement, Wooded lot. Cal for tull details. NEWCASTLE COUNTRY LIVING -3 bedrooms, very well1 decorated, i ust a mni le f rom town, 74 x 150 foot lot. $44,900. M. L. S. COUNTRY ACREAGES - 27 acres, some woodied, $32,500 and up. BOWMANVILLE - $49,900. Large 8 room home presently used as a duplex - suit single family, country style kitchen, double detached garage, on good sizelot. 1.3 ACRES, DOUBLE GARAGE -- This brick bungalow just east of Newcastle boasts a builî in frîdge and stove, finished rec room and excellent landscaping. Asking $73,000. Have a look. KEN HOCKIN LTD. mDE A ILTO QRIEALTOA BOWMANIVILLE -623-"4115 BUILDING LOT 100 x 200 country lot on good road'between Newcastle and Bowmanvil1le. $22,A00. Bowmanville -6331 BOWMANVILLE- new 3 bedroomn brick bungalow with plaster walls including the attached garage. Rec roomn with- fireplace, broadloomn and cushion floor throughout. Truly a weIl built home. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. BOWMANVILLE - 2 new 3 bedroom brick bungalows now being completed with Hollywood kitchens, broadiloomn and cushion f loor of your choice. Close to school in north end area. Asking $54,900. BOWMANVILLE - 4 bedroomn brick bungalow with paved drive, rec room, also completely finished basement with kitchen, bath and bedroom. North end area, close to school and church. Asking $60,900. BOWMANVILLE - compact 2 bedroomn bungalow. with broadloom, garage and nicely landscaped loi 165' deep, south end area, close to school and park. Asking $37,900. BOWMANV ILL E -4 bedroomn 2 storey home on choice north end area court, 1½ bat hs, rec room, central vacuum and intercomn system, sIîding doors to sundeck, attached garage and paved drive. Asking $69,900. NEWCASTLE AREA - new 3 bedroom side-split now being completed with Hollywood kitchen, broadiloomn and cushion floor of your cholce, on quiet road. Asking $49,500. REL . p JIN,ï WAV ERLEY CENTRE e. 104 Waverîey Road, (Suite 202), Bowmanville, Phone 623-6121 BOWMANVILLE - Deer Park Cre!s., 3 bedroom brick andi aluminum bungalow, new broadloom and newly decorated, paved drive, f ull basement, ideal for the games room and rec room. BOWMANVILLE - Attractive 11/2 storey 3 bedroom famîiy home, 4th bedroom, T.V. room, sun room, above groOnd pool. Asking 546,900.00. FUEL BILLS GETTING YOUDWN I NSLT You have probably seen higher heating costs already this Winter. Months f0 go until warm weather - and you are faced with ever-increasing energy costs. Conserve Energy Reduce Your Heatîng Bis Increase Your Comfort Save Dollars INSULATION is the right investment now and for the years 1f0 corne. CELLULOSE FIBRE - UnAttiàcs Hig h R Factor CIlean,Fast Application S1Fire Retardent CMHC Approved Readily Available BORDE'S ISULIlAy 9 A F ae kn aII Hel ps el iminate a ma jor cause: of heat o Fis in cavities H 1g h Rvlu Reduces draughls CMHC 'Appod NOW is the time to calîl Igloo in for consultation on how you mray upgrade te cmfot leelof your home and, at modet cost, how you may saei he years ficme Caîl today for- free consulItation.- inulpry®Insuîspray i R EA LTOR S 623-4428 REAL ESTATE LiMITED Bo m nil TAUNTON RD. - 3 bedroom brick bungalow on 72 x 238 ft. lot. Rec room is partly finished.i Attached garage. Nice location. Asking $55,000.00. $44,900.00 - Large backspl it semi with 4 bedrooms and 2 complete baths. Nicely I andsca ped yard and patio for summer B.B.Q.'s. Agood family home. 19 LIBERTY ST. - $44,900.00. Cosy bungalow with, separate diningroom, sundeck across back of house. Kitchen newly renovated with, loads of, Hanover, cupboards. FuI y broadloomed. A must to see. $48,900.00 - 3 bedroom backsplit in Orono. Large kitchen features dishwasher. Tool shed in fully fenced yard. b-