nan, Bowmanville, January 4, 1978 1 DEADLUNE ORCLASSIFIEDi- Tue s., 12 noon i phone 623-3303" -CALL ANYTIME- 51-4N EXPERIENCED in dress- making. Tailoring ladies' suifs and coats. Alterations and repairs. Mrs. Alice Hapson. 623-7377. 48-6N Don't wait tI Spring. Get your Canvas Jobs and Repairs done now. G loria's Ca nva s & Upholstery CustomMade Awnings Trailer - Boat - Sail Covers -Ail Types of Canvas Repairs Boat - Skidoo - Matarcycle Seats Recovered BOWMANVILLE 623-4654 1-4 MOUNTJOY S ERVICî-E SEPTIC TANK AND TILE BED INSTALLATION TRENCHING, BASEMENTS, WATERLINES, SCREENED STONE, CRUSHED GRAVEL, SAND, TOP SOIL PHONE' BLACKSTOCK 986-4737 49-1 Geddes Electric Custom Homes, FREE ES;TI MATES 623-4174 ,4,0f- . ...g ... ELECTROLUX (CANADA( LTD. (Offers valtua ble dealer franchises.) FULL or PART TIME Absolutely nô investment. Car necessary. Canada's Ieading manufactur- er and distributor of Floor Care Equipment offers toaa selected number of men and wornen an opportunify ta start their own profitable business at no cost. Experience flot required. Complete training program for, successful candidates. The Sales' Manager of Electrolux in your area will be pleased ta discuss the oppor- tunity with you. His name and Phone number is given below.' Oall him for an appointment. 0. R.- Wright 649 TheParkway Peterborough, Ont. 745-4547 2-N PESNta handle general caretaking duties at, St. ~Andrew's Presbyterlan Çhurch. Wr itten applications Ito D. M. Peebles, 22 Hilltap Dr,, Bowmanviile or phone 623-4105. -Ix FULL and part time ta calan Fuller Brush Customers. Car necessary, 1-372-9969. 1-4 BOOKKE EPER Required lmmediately by Small Manufacturing Company. Somneane ta look after a one persan office. Duties include p ayables, receivables, invaîc- nrg, c r edit and collectioans, as Weil as the general ledger ta , trial balance. Only experienc- Sed persans need apply. For an application, apply ta Mrs. Cox, Cturvply Wood Products, P.O. Box 90, O rono, Ontario. LOB IMO. Phone 983-9171. CUSTODIA N Applications will be recelved Jy the undersigned until Friday, January 13, 1978, far the pasitian of Western Area ' Suppy Custadian, 40 hours per week at the vaiaus schoals in ëthe Bowmanville-Newcastle Goad knowledge of schoal caretaking procedures and cleaning methads. AbiiitY ta wark tramn oral and written instructions and ta communi- -cate welI with thers. Reply in writing stating quali- ficAtions, address and telephane number ta: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, Box 470, COBOU RG. K9A 4L2. 1-1 CUSTODIAN Applications will be neceîved by the undersigned until Frida Y',Jan uary 13, 1978, for the poit Ion af Part Time Custodian, hourspeor week at the Lard Elgin Public School. Good knowledge of school canetaking pracedures and cleaning methods. Ability ta work tram oral and written instructions and ta commun!- cate well1 with othens. Repiy in writing stating quali- f ications, addness and telpoenme ta: Business Administrator and Treasumer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Boarmd cf Educat ion, Box 470, COBOURG. K9A 4L2. 1-1 PAPERBOY - girl ta deliver The Canadian Statesman. Two routes are 'available in the areas of Scugag St. with 30 papens and Duke-Ontania Streets with 40 papers. Bth routes are available immed- iatel y. Phono 623-3303. 1-TF TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE invites applications for the position cf By-Law E nforce ment Off icer Sealed applications, manked as ta contents, will be neceived by the undersigned until 12:00 o'clock noon on Monday, January 9, 1977. The By-law Enfon .cement Off icer, unden the direction ot the Town Clerk, will be requined ta carry out tho foliowing dutios: respansible fan the enfoncement of ail Towny By-laws and ta coliect and present evidence before the courts when necessary; supervise parking -contrai off icons; supervise animal contrai off icers and dog licence, issuers; supervise school cnassing guards and carry aur such othor duties as may be assigned by the Town Clerk tram time ta timo. Qualifications The successful a pplicant wili have some administrative background, andi a knowiedge 1 of-Cour' Room rr -ocedJutes and have the abiiity ta commun!- cate with the public. Salamy Commensurate with qualifica- tions and experience. Apply [n writing including a complote resumoe with refenences. J. M. Mcllroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clomk 40 Tompemanco Street Bawmanville, Ontario. LI C 3A6. 52-2N VVt WVULLI ta gieLOV E togvyou a free,i obligation estimate on pair ing and-or paper hanging o ur home, or place usîness. Work done ta yc com plote satisfaction. Caîl GEORGE MYCOCK,. 623-7703 noa int- in of un Jr. 1-2 AN DERSON INSU LATION 623-5181 or 579-2060 Blown Cellulose Fibre for Atfic and RAPCO FOAM for WaI Is. CITY and COUNTRY HOMES 1-tf N WATER Wells boreti,,30" file. Ward's Weii Baing. Tele- Phone .342-2030. Renesenta- tive Hanry L. Wade. Tele- phono 987-4531. 16-tf Prof essional1 Carpet Cleaning AT REASONABLE RATES FREE ESTIMATES Phone Bob Days 723-5729 Evenings 623-2383 Bilis1 GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Div\ision St., Bawmanville Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazi ng. 17-tf DARLI NGTON MASONRY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf A-i CARPENTRY Specializing h f4iishing and -rem ode 1 t g 27l Years Car-pentry Experience FREE ESTIMATES PHONE JAMIE VOLLENHOVEN 623-6358 atter 6 p.m. 48-tf ~J Retigeratiori and Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Mi lk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days .......... ....623-5774 Nights............. 62-3177 La nder, Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf C & C JAN ITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professionally Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMAN VILLE 45-tf REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique. Free pIcku p and delivery. FREE E STIMATES PHON E 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton 48-tf OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemnasons Ltd. (Our fireplaces do not smoke) Orono 983-5606 18 tf Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpentry, Renovating AIl General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes- Renovating Rsec Pooms Repairs of all types. P HON E 623-226 20 tf JACK BURGESS OILBURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmnanville 30-ff NEED a pressurle system? Water Sottenens? Repairs ta aIl makes. Harvey Partner, Orono 983-5206, Bowmanville 623-2301. 35-tf Don Brooks & Son General Contractor and Customn Builder Phone 723-6176 New homes, additions, altera- fions, mec rooms, garages, ropa irs of ail1 types, etc.ý-f GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Ca rpentry Remodelling General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-tf Durham Masonry Contra ctors Ltd. Bricks - Logs Field Stonework Specializing inFireplaces Phone 839-2431 49-tf G. VAN LONDEN MASON RY BRICK, BLOCK, STONE AND FIREPLACES. Phone 623-5114 28-52x NORTH jf bowmanville, bed- sitting roomn with private bath and kîtchen, quiet house in country. Available January 1. Phone 1-683-6892, 9 ta 5 or 263-2788 weekends and even- ings. 1-iN TWO, 5-bedroorn homnes ta choose from in Newcastle. Cail 623-7661, ask for Donna. 1-1 N 3mileseastof' Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay an the Lindsay-Little Bn tain Road. Opening seasan sale, Friday, January 13th at 7 p.m. Details next week. Anyone wishing ta consign articles, contact Don Corneil auction- feer, R.R. 1, Little Brifain at -705-786-2183. 1l1N Expand to Port Hoipe Reprosentatives of Bow- manville's Jaycees will ho travelling ta Port Hope this manth for the first meeting of a Jaycee unit there. A spakesman for the Baw- manville Jaycoes saiti that the local group has assisteti in farming the new unit. Port Hape's first Jaycee Club wili have its charter meeting January 14. (Intended for last week) The pu-pils anti staff af Bowmanville Nursery Scbaol (Lions Centre) presentedi a littie programme of Christ- mas sangs, verses anti rhythm banti selectians at Marnwaad last Tuesday, December 2Otb. In the mitist of the beauti- fully decorateti home, Mrs. Peggy Honnigaiti spake an bebaif of ail the residents anti staff ta welcome the yaung visitons. She introduceti, especialîy Mrs. Ruth Wight who, as a teacber, apeneti the first Bawmanville Nursery Scbool at Trinity Cburcb in the mid 1940's anti later mavet t its present location. One of ber assistants was the late Mrs. Ethel Coucb of Beecb Ave. Tbe nursery chiltiren per- formeti beautifully entier the direction of Mns. Christine Goati anti Mrs. Sharon Brit- tain witb Mrs. Margaret Killeen at the piano anti Mrs. Elaine Barber assisteti as a parent. Amang tbem wba enjayeti the chiltiren were Mns. Nellie Barrie anti Mrs. Eva Bragg, and Mrs. Lais Bragg, ail of Shaw's. Recent holiday calions at Killeens includeti Mn. and Mrs. Laverno Clemens, Mn, 'anti Mrs. Davo Hall, Mn. and Mrs. Barry Ciemens anti Tanya, Mrs. Ron Clemens and boys, ail of Hampton, Mr. anti Mns. Donald A. Carruthens, Cobourg, Mn. anti Mrs. Ross Lane anti Mn. anti Mrs. Gardon Bannie of Sbaw's. Mn. anti Mrs. Howardi Wood, Kovin, Stephen anti Donald spent Cbristmas Day witb the former's sister anti ber family, Mn. anti Mrs. Antirew May of Ballentrae, Stephen stayeti over for some cross- country skiing practice anti 33-tf NsTALL-a Esso furnace, bolier, humidifier, heater or air cloaner. Combination woad and ail. Financing avail- able. Funnacos ci ea ned. Parts and service pliîcy. Cail Harvey Pantnen, your Esso service dealer. Free estim- ates. Onono 983-5206 or Baw- manville 623-2301. 24 houn service. 35-tf M. Brooks CARPENTRY REMODELLING CUPBOARDS - VANITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 1o-ti AIl kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bowmanvillie 13 tf Peter'Sutherland Atumninum Prod. Bowmanville Siding - Soffiît Fa scia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 F-OR FREE ESTIMATE. NOW HANDLING VINYL SIDING came home in the middle of the week in time ta plan Kevin's New Year's Eve birthday. Holiday visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wood includ- ed ber niece, Shirley Macklin of Owen Sound, Mrs. Wood's brother Howard Beare of Springbrook, Mr. Wood's brother Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wood of Pickering, Mrs. Wood's nieces and nephews Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Beare and daughters Debra and Ellen of Markbam, Dr. Charles Rogers and Dr. Joyce Rogers and their daugbter Anne of Ottawa. Mr. E. Eagieton and son f rom Cambridge called on Mr. and Mrs. Wood between Cristmas and New Years. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cox spent Christmas, with her sîster and family, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Burgess, Oshawa and New Year's Day tbey were witb ber brother and bis wife Mr. and Mrs. Souch. Dear Sir; When I read this poem I thought it has a tirnely message for us ail. If God Went On Strike It's just a good thing Gad abave Has neyer gane on strike; Because he wasn't treateti fair or tbings be didn't lîke. If he had ever once sat down And said "That's it - F'ra througb I've had enough of those on eartb Sa this is what L'Il do. L'1l give my ordors ta the sun Cut off your heat supply Andi ta the moon - give no more light And run thase aceans dry. Then, just ta really make it tougb And, put the pressure on, Turn off the air and oxygen 'Tii every breatb is gane." DELAESSSENK BONELESSTA PTROAST 19 LB. DELICATESSEN SPECIALS STOR-E SLIC ED MAPLE LEAIF.2 DINNERHAM A LB. STORE, SLICED MOCK CIKNLOAF 9 c 9LB.1 STO10RE SLICED MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA 7 LB. FRESH PRODUCE SPECIALS c, ~ BAANAS CELLO BAG PARNIP 2 LB. Bi CALIF -ORNIA NAVEL ORANGES1S7-E 113 FLORIDA WHITE OR PINK SIZE 48 G3 9C 2/25C EVERY WEEK LOW PRICES ON TOASTMAST ER 289 CHAPMN'S iRINDLESS ICE CEAM ISTORE SLICED Discount Prices B onjuýgs and Býagskf Milk L B. FOOD MRKET b37 KN T. WEST 623-3541 FREE PARKING OFF QUEE N STR EET Do you knaw He'd be justified. If fairness was tbe garne? For no one bas- been more abused Or treated witb disdain Than God - and yet He carnies on Supplying you and me Witb all the favors of bis grace; And everytbing - For Free Men say they want a better deal And so 'On Strike' they go, -But wbat a deal we've give God Whom everytbing we owe. We don't ca re wbom we burt 1or harm To gain the things we like. But what a mess we'd ail be in If God sbould go an strike. Mrs. Max Underbîli Gagetawn, N.B. Tboughtfully submitted by Mîldred C. Young Dear Editor, Dennis and friends, Dennis, I'm disappointed in yau! I assumed that the bottam line on your balance sheet would came ta some- tbinçi more valuable than dollars and cents. You want to talk money? O.K. That "ýmeasly $18" to me repre- sents a week's graceries. I arn not gaing ta pay the fine because the charge sbauldn't bave been laid in the first place. As ta the $40 I am coSting the poor taxpayers, I happen to be one of them and would rather perform some community service than waste my time bebind bars. However, we al recognize tbat the law is the law, whether or not it is just. Ay, there's the rub. The law is nat always just. And, yes, it bas ta do witb the individual's position an' the ecanomic ladder. Just compare the numbers of poor in jail ta the numbers of wealthy in jail. Simplistic but revealing. The law is nat perfect, neither is governrnent. Tbey are useful institutions, but wben tbey *begin ta place their awn interests above their respans- ibility ta tbe people, they begin ta stagnate and rat fram the lnside. The inevitable stench sceyAt this point, the frè'Csh air of dissent becomes a necessity. Some caîl it civil disabedience, athers caîl it law-breaking. ' "Disagree as yau rnight, -ane tbing you must, ack- nowledge - aur stand disrupts aur lives, remaves aur liberty, exiles us... .from aur friends, aur communities, aur country, aur churcb - from everything we lave sa passionately. Wbat of your stand? It costs mast of you neither risk nor loss, except perhaps your integrity, your country's welfare, your Christianity. Perbaps your immediate gain may be your long-term loss." (Father Pbilip Berrigan, the first American Cathalic priest imprisoned for a political act, destroying draft files during tbe time of the Vietnam war.) As you read this, l'Il ho in jail for the first time, dis- cavering what it's like ta 'practice wbat you preach'. And tbinking of you, my friends in SEAP, Ontario Hydro, the council,, the churches, ah aof you who are members of my family. Peace ta you- all in 1978. Jikke Miedema Bowmanville Dear John, Would like ta pass alang a little dilly fromn an area paper. This concerns the deveJop- ment at Courtice whicb is prajected as 20,000 people in 1987ý Sa the .B.I. consultants bave came up witb a traffic flow and 1 quote "at rush hour (4:30 p.m.) -in 1987, 344 cars will move along H wy. 2 from the west (Oshawa-Toronto) toward Prestonvale ançi Trull's Road.. 150 will turn nortb or south anto Preston- vale and. 192 will arrive at Trull's Road. and Hwy. 2. 111 will turn right. " What happens ta the 81 is not stated. Presumably, tbey will corne on ta Bowmanville etc. but you will note 150 plus 192 equals 34 2 ant as we bad 244 on route 2. cars are unaccounted for- per'haàps there was an acci- dent? If this bhappens every day in no time at ah aour traffic Letters to teEdito MaDOAL FOD' xclusiet W 'T YOUR CERTIFI'ED USED CAR OR TRUCK BOUGHT AT MacDONALD FORD, BOWAVULLE, BRING UT BACK WITHINI 7 DAS AN WE',LL REFUND YOUR FULL' (lUc kavec oim'netp eonîtdenee irt OUN emttded umd ete. Èakolle tg tokougkpQg eolditioied and keadg ma wîtQeg o06jjcaguhabedh[iing. q4 iiv[ttc yoa to ghak Ouk CoAt6deîiee by eyteidttng togou SEE BUD FOGG RICK DAY. PHIL DANIEL for fuit details and for outstanding buys on used vehiCles Ilike these 1977 VOLARE-siant-six, automiatic, Iow mileage. Great Economy. Stk. No. 8FM19A 1976 CHEVROLET BEL AIR -- V8, automati 'c, power steering, power brakes. A full size familyv car in toip shape. Stk. No. 8F39A. '974 VAL IANT -4 door, siant-six, Ê, power steering, radio, terrific second car. Stk. No. UJB18O. 193 COMET - 2 door, V8, automatic, power steering. A great Iooking littie car with Iow mileage. Stk. No. 76128A. 219 King Stret East TMe leph one from the West Hill will be decimated - if you follow me and we may have ta have a revised plan. Once upon a, time 1 used ta wark in a large office where a bunch of us used to lunch tagether every noan. One day one of the chaps reported a relativQ of his was giving Up his position to open a doughnut franchise. The firm was Chicago based, the location was ta be on narth sîde of Dundas St. West of Dixie Road (West Toronto), they would need so many salespersons and bakers, they would operaté 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, sel 50 many hundred dozen dauglinuts everyday and the owner would clear, as 1 recaîl, around $40,000.00 yearly. Sa they got open, staff was hired, doughnuts wxere baked, everything went just like Chicago said it wauld with one exception. The custorners fail ed ta miaterialize and in just a few short!:rnonths the owner was lucky enough ta get bis aId position back and that is why I got a littie chuckle from the I.B.I. repart. Don't like tu really laugb 'cause I.B.I. are getting paid and, I may be helping pay thern sa, who would be laughîng at who? Morgan Book Beat By D.M. Dineen, Chief Librarian, Newcastle Public Library System Start off the new year with a new book, whether for f un or information. Your local library gets M:ost of the best-sellers so this year, borrow before you buy. Rita Hayworth - the time, the place and the woman This biography follows her extensive career as well as her much publicîzed private life. t is a sympathetic look at one of Hallywood's most famous actresses., GoIf ers! Keepin practice a n dhelp your comimunity. See our ad on page 8 s COLONIAL STABLES EQUESTRIAN CENTRE "Learn te Ride" Special Courses in Equitation, Jumping and Dressage. "Horsemanship" and "Showmanship" Opportunify f0 Compefe in Shows. Horses Supplied. SPECIAL PROGRAM being offemed this faîl. 4 lessons per 1monfh plus 8 hours free ridinq time - $50.00. -Tel: 623-4984 llth Lino, R. R. 3, Bowmanville 34-tf SEPTIC TANK Ron's 1loor Ca re PUMPING Commercial and household by cleaning. Dry foamn rug and carpet shampooing. Wax e- Cia ude Harmess moval, wall washing. (formerîy Bert Tompkins> Ron Turcotte Telephone 786-2552 623-7966 1