13 GIÉ B - Norman and Joanne ffbare proud to anniounce arrivai of their first \-.v4jghter, Hieather Elaine, weýghing 8 ibs. 8 ozs. born on Ja ~ary 6, 1978 at Oshawa Ge e ra . Hospital. Proud raidparents are Mr. and' Mrê. Jamnes Gibb, Oshawa and Mr, and Mrs., Roy Chute, Peterborough. Great grand- mother is MArs. Beatrice Chute, Oshawa. Speciai thanks to Dr. Routiedge and Dr.Halam-Andres. 3-1 McMURTER - Don and Robn are h appyto announce the irhotheir son, Gregory Donald, on Th ursday January 5, 18,at Memoria i Hospita , Bowmnanvilie. A brother for Alispn. Proud grandiparents are,. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMùurter and MAr. and Mrs. John Greenfieid, ail of Bow- manv;lLe and Mr. and Mr-s. R. Marjyn of Parry Sound. The famiîy pf Cia3rence and Ruth Tink invite relatives and friends, to celebrate their parents Sth Wedding Anni- versary at Hampton United Church, Saturday, January 21, 1978 from 2 to 4:30 and 7 to 9 p.m.: Best wishes onîy. 2-2 N BUTTONS'HAW - At Meffioriàl Hospital, Bowman- vill,cc Tuesday, January 17, 1978, John (Jack) Buttonshaw Sr.,_54 Duke Stree&, Bowman- vile, in his 82nd year. Beloved hiusband of DoroDthy Button- shaw, dear father of Dorothy (Mrs. M. Coninaghan) Bow- manivi;le, Joan, (Mrs. E. WWfl Oshawa, Floirence HM~. VN.Wison) ýToronto, Joyce (r.L Lyle) and Jack Jr., Bvvmanville. Resing at the Morris Funeral CÎhapelI, Bowmainviile for service on Thursday at 1:30 p.mn. Inter- ment BowmanvilIe Cemrefery. Leglon $ervice ron Wednesdlay FARRND -Reginald. Sud- 'y at his residence on gda, Januarv 14, 1978, ReladFarnand f7 t. George St., Bowmnanville, husband of the laie Mariorie Copson, darfath-er o P au I and Colin. Rested atffthe Nothcutt Elliott Funeral Hom~e. Funeral service was heI4l,1 a.mn. Monday morning. HICKEY - At Bowmanville Hospital, Thursday, January l2th, 1978, Aânthonýy (Ton y) Hickey, in his 79ýth year, beoved husband of Veimna HicIkey.. loved fathe'r of Clara, Gladys, Irene, Erwin, Bihl, Wes, Elma, Bttyi and Patti, aisQ survived by hîs loving grýidchilren andj one great gran~dchilid. Ser-vice was held in th~e Morris Funoral Chapel, Bow4manville, on Saturday affernoori. intermrent Bow- manville Cemnetory. 3-1 N BENTLEY - Jack. ln loving memory of a dear husband who passed away January 23, 1974. With tears I watched you sin king, u I watched oupass, away, 1 tended you with ioving care, But coul d not make you stay, I watched beside your bedsiad As the lonely hours passed, And how my heart was broken, When 1 saw you breathe your Iast. - Sadly missed and ever remembered - Ede. 3-1 ROY - In ioving memory of our dear father and grandpa, Rob, who left us so qulckiy, January 22, 1976. The blow.was great, the shock 1severe, We littIe knew the end was near. And oniy those who have lost can teill The pain of parting without farewei i More each day we miss you, Dad, Friends may thînk the wound ishealed, But they little know the sorrow, That [ies within our hearts conceaied. -Sadiy missed b son Bill, daughter-il-law, Isie and granddaughter Debbie. MALLEY - At Bowmanviiie Hospital, Monday, January l6th, 1978, Cecil Maiiey, R.R. 1, Orono, aged 82 years, beloved husband of Hazel Brown, dear father of Grant, Bowmanville, and Wanda (Mrs. Archie McNeii), R. R. 1, Orono, loved grandfather of Dennis, Karen and Lori. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Wednesday affer- noon. Interment Bowmanvilie Comofery. 3-1 N MUTTON - At Bowmanville Hospital, Thursday, January 12th, 1978, Leo J. Mutton, aged 72 years, dear tather of Clare and Paul, Ioving grandfather of Lee-Anný, Tracey, Kerri- Ann and Lrine, dear friend of Anne McQua eSrvice wâs- held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmranville, on Sat- urday morning. Interment Bowmanviile Cemetery. 3-1 N SCOTT - At Oshawa Hospital, Wednesdlay, January Ilth, 1978, Sidney Scott, husband of the late -Midrod Mason, dear father of Marion (Mrs. Aleck Birks), Buffalo Grovo, Illinois, dear grandfather of Scott, Peter and John. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel,' Bowmanvillo, on Saturday affernoon. Intorment Bow- manville Cemetery. 3-1iN THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN- SERVICE Thoughtfulý sehleCtion of cemetery sites, for yvarious reasons a concern to many people. . often far- in advanCe of need. We have ~aVaIlable information on al local cerne- 4rerie1s, simply on request. ýThis is part of our service to the community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 I~oris Fune rai Chape i ESTABISHED1881 2 4 DIVIS"ýION ST. 623-5480 BOWiMANVILLE TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS SIMPSON MEMORIALS Monuments - Markers - inscriptions 49 Lavinia Street Port Hope 885-6434 ~ lviHOME APPOINTMENTS M GLADLY ARRANGED 41-1 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITE O Estabîished 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontanio Street ,. Port Hope, Ontario WORKMAýNSHPF QUALITY LiA 3W3 High Quality at L Reasonable Pnicos Phono 885-5216 IJ Home 885-5222 L 24-tf BENTLEY - Jack. In loving memory of a dear father and grandfafher, who passed away January 23, 1974. Gone are the days we used to share, But in our hearts you are always there, The gates of memory will neyer close, We miss you more than anyone knows. With, tender love and deep regrets, We who oved you wiii neyer - Srcat missed by Edie, Richard, John, Ron, Barb andf grandchildr-en. 1 - MULHOLLAND - In ioving memory of a dear husband and father Fred Mulholland who passed away January 18, 1969. I think of him in silence, His name i off' recail, There is nothing leff f0 answer, But his picture on the wall. - Aiways remembered by wife Mariorie, daughter Marie, son Norman. 3-1 ROY - In lovi1ng memory.of a dear father and grandfather, Robert, who passed away January 22nd, 1976. As time unfoids another year Memories keep you ever near Si lent thoughts of times together Hioid memories that wiil last forever. - Sadly mnissed by daughter Mary, son-in-law Bihl and granchildren Cole and Nancy. 3-1 SHA NE - ln loving memory of a dear daughter Carol who left us four years ago January 20, 1974. Our thoughfs are always with you Your place no one can f iii. In life we ioved you dearly. In death we love you stili. We know you walk beside us. And when our lives are throug h. We pray that God will take our hands. And iead us strai ght f0 'you. - Too dearly ioved ever to be forgotten, Mom and Dad.3- SHANE - In ioving memory of Our sister Carol who passed away January 20,11974. Today rocals sad memorios 0f a dear sister gone f0 resf. And the ones who think of her ioday Are tho ones who ioved her bost. L L 1ig yremembered by sites l aine, Veima and brother Raymond. 3-1 SHANE - In loving memory of a boloved niece Carol Shane who passed away on January the twentieth, 1974. From hospitai bed f0 heavenly nest God took home to be his guest You suffered too much Your pleasurestf00few You. neyer deserved What you went throug h iYou stood the test 1'And stood if wel 1 rJust what you suftored -No one can tell I was not there Carol To see you sleep away To hol d your hand And kiss you goodbye But i wili remomber my whole life through Carol, The iast words 1 had with you. - Too dearly ioved ever to be forgotten, Aunt Lois, Uncie George and cousin Donald. 3-1 FLOWERS BY JACKMAN BowmanVille Mail 623-33W5 PROMPT, COU RT EOU S, SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL NEEDS w "Fiowers with Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Holidays Ruth 623-7259 49-tf iINE OUALITY MOIN uM EN TS A ND1 MARK ERS Look for thi, sal1 It's your uaranlee of Pgranence. iRF TFFR Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whtby Phonie Whifby 668-3552 EAR P (no appointi Plus 10 per purchase of relei Hooper'. 29Ki Bowi 62ý Harrvi IERCING ;8.00 REFRESHMENTS mient necessary) AVAILABLE rcent off first $10.00 COUP .LE f earrings with Phone for tickets ease slip. 263-8421. 's Jeweîîers D.J. 3-1 N L.td. The annual general meeting ing St. E. of the Tyrone Community imanville Centre on Sunday, January 22nd, 1978 af 7:30 p.m. 3-5747 Doughnufs and coffee served. 1-tf N 3-1N. The annual meeting of the Oro no Cemetery Company wIlbe held in the Lang Chapel on -Monday, January 23rd af iVoerman 7:-30 p. m. 3-1 Insurance 181 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSU RANC E 28-ff PUG pups, CKC registered, female. Reasonabie. Phone 623-4847. 13-1iN Poodie Clipping and Grooming BY PROFESSIONALS Please cal' 623-6676 48tN THE Oshawa Obedience Association Do g Training Classes startinJanuary M9t in Oshawa. iso a Show Handling Class, starting January 1lOfFIin Bowmanvilie. Advanced registration only. For information cail 623-5686 or 576-1167. 49-6N TO give awa yto good home, 2 month oid kîten s, litter train- ed. Phone 725-3947. 46-tf N FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CA LL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 30 tf Opporturiity for Business Minded People To secure a profitable inde- enetfture with your own esnesst riueP.O. Box 2252, Oshawa. 34 KINSMEN BINGO ORONO TOWN HALL JACKPOT $255 in 58 numýers tariy birdiga mes 1: 30 p.m. NEXT BINGO Tuesday, Jan. 25th 3-1iN PAINT INGS by Ca roi Reynolds Untul, J a nuary 21, 1978 BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY ýVERYONE WELCOME .3-1 The Annual Meeting and Election of Officers of the Durham - Northumberland Foderai Progressive Con- servative Association wiii be held in the Clarke High Schooî, Highway 115 (south of Orono) on Wednesday, Januany 25th at 8: 00 p.. Guosf speaker wili boE Pimer McKay, M.P. Central Nova. AilIan Lawrence M.P. wili also address the meeting. Everyone wehcome. Refneshments served. 3-1 THÉ 2nd ANNUAL, GENERAL MEETING of The Big Brother Association 0F NEWCASTLE wiIl be Wed., Feb. 22, 1978 8 P.M. in Court Roomn No. 2, New Town Hall, Churci Street. 2-6N GENTLEMAN going south for a holiday. Companions hip wanfed, ail expenses paid. Phone 1-983-5801. 3-1iN o. GROUND floor apartmrent suitabie for senior citizen. Phone 263-8460. 3-1 We wouidlike to thank ai our relatives and friends, for the ioveîy cards, gifts and ilowers. Special thanks f0 our famiiy and anyone who heiped n any way to make our 4Oth Uedd ing Anniversary such a happy and memorable occas ion. Leslie and Neta Aildread S3-1 We wish to express our sincere appreciation to ail relatives, friends and neigh- bours for their manyr kind- nesses, cards, floral t!rbutes and donations In memory of a ioving mother and grand- mother, Elsie McGi I1. A Secial thank you to Northcutt E iiiott funeral directors, Rev. H. Kempiing and Enniskillen U.C.W. Keith and Ruth, Jim and Reva and families. 3-1 N We would like to thank ail our dear friends and neîgh- hours, Dr. Long and nurses in, intensive care for aIl the kindness shown us in the loss of a ioving husband, Dad and Grand pa. The White famjiy. 3-1 i would like to thank ail our friends, neîghbours and rela- tives for the kind deeds, many sympathy cards and fiowers received in a ioss of a dear mother. Ann and Clarence Engiish 3-1 We wouid like to thank ail our relatives and friends, for the lovely cards, gitts and f lowers- Speciai thanks to our fami ly and anyone whoheiped in any way to make our 4Oth Wedding Anniversary such a happy and memorable occasion. Lesi e and Neta AIlldred 3-1 ~ "F lowers, Say it Best" VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery f0 ... oshlawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-44411 43-tf REDUCED up f0 50,per cent, ladies home fashions, sizes 7 f0 16. Suifs, lump suifs, tops, pants, dresses., Phone 987-5215. 3-1 N ANTIQU ES Antique bnass hanging prism lamp, original, $350, firm. Five piece china wash set, "'Cabbage Rose", $125, firm. Twocoaloiliam ps, $65 and $35 firm. For appoint ment phone 623-2930 - 3-1 N OSHAWA Antique Gun Col- lectons Show and Sale, Kins- men Comm'unity Centre, 109 Coîborne Street West, Oshawa, Ont., Sunday, Januany 22nd, 1978. 9 a.m. - 1 pm. Ladies' Silver Dollar Oraws. Admission $1.00. Ladiesfree. 3-iN DOWNHI LL ski boots, Lange,' size 10, like new. 60 amp. temporany hydro service., Anxious f0 sehl. Phono 725-7693.3- '78 E LAN Skidoo, $1 100 or best offen, or trade for good '70 to '72 pick-up. Phono 1-983-9489. 3-1 FIRE PLACE WOOD Ail hardwood, (applewood), ail cut ready for the fireplace. Will deliver. Phone 623-4550N 1975 340 OLYMPI1QU E ski-doo. Very good condition. Phono 1-983-5522. 3-1iN BRASS fine screen, for fine- place and antique coal scuttie and accessonies., Phono 623-9498. 3-1 N FLEA Market -, Port Hope. Every Sunday, Hwy 2 east at bus terminal . 10 a.m. taS5 p.m. 2-2 Id~.mmr APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NEWCASTLE "Alvin Tower and the Country Boysý" Fn. and Sat. Jan. 20 -21 Dancing 9 - 1 3-1 N HARD TIME DANCE January 21, 1978 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. $5.00 Couple LIONS CENTRE 26 Beech Avenue Sponsored by the, Bowmanville Lions Club 2-2N Register now for Craft Classes. Monday - weaving 7:30 - 9 p.m.; Tuesday - quilting 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.; crocheting 8:30 - 10 p.m., Thursday - quiiting 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.; smocking,-8:30 p.m. - 10 p.m. Materials suppîîed for weaving and crocheting. $25 for eight classes. Classes, begin week of January 23, 1978 at Patchwork, 31 King St. W. 623-6543. 2-2N Take-a-Break, St. John's Anglican Church, Tuesday, 9:15- 11:15 a.m. Speakers- films- craîts - exercises- bowling. Babysitting provid- ed. Everyonewelcome. 3-1 POTTE RY CLASSES Peggy MacKenzie will be teaching pottery for Cla rke High School, Thursday evenings, starting January 26th., For information phone 1-983-5189 affer 6. 3-1iN OLD TYME DANCING in OId Tyrone Hall on Jan. 21, 1978 Musicby WILLIE & BOB AÀdm: $2.50 per person Sponsored by L.O.A. Acres Valentine Dance Sat., Feb. llth SPOT DANCES DOOR PRIZE LUNCH JANUARY SALE on Si lverplate and Stainless Steel by Oneida AT GREAT SAVINGS Many atterrns f0 choose f rom. Sale ends Jan. 28, 1978 DROP IN SOON. Hooper's Jeweîlers Ltd. 29 King St. E. 623-5747 3-1 N 1972 MOTO-SKI Grand Prix' 340 cc, 30 h.p. ood condition. One0pain1' radial snow tires,- 5,00 mi les. Homemade 4 x 8 tilt trailer. Phono 1-983-5690. 3-1 1972 SKI-DOO 440 TNT, new' track, speedometer and tack. $400. Phono 623-3970. 3-1 CHOICE appiewood. $70 cord in firephaceoro stovo lengfhs. Phono Newcastle 987-4888.> 3-1iN 1971. SKI-DOO Olympic, excel- lent condition. $575 on bost offen. Phono 263-2719. 3-1 '75 RUPP Nitro, FA 440, best, of fer. Phono 263-8041. 3-1 ONE box trailer 4' x 5' with 131 tires. One snow plow 6' with harness and hydraulic lift. One platform 8' x 10' custom built low side racks. Two 16" truck wheels, snap rig.One heavy duty Pint le hOOK. One heavy dufy tow hook. Four 8.75 x 16.5 truck snow tires (used), 900 x 20 truck chains. Phono 263-8172. 3-1 '69 SKI-DOO Olympic, good running condition, new skis, track and licence, $250. Phono 263-8460. - 3-1 N HARD)WOOD, cut and spiit $45 a cord, deiiverod. Phono 623-3035. 3-1 N HAMMOND Piper organ. Asking $850. includes shoot music and instruction series, automatic poddle, drums and bass. Easy f0 iearn., Phono 623-4193. -IN, 301 ELECTRIC stove. A-1 condition. Phono 623-4265. 3-1 N AQUARIUMS, 10 and 15 Gai. with filters, heaters and pump. Best offer. CahI 623- 4302. 3-1 SKI-DOO, 1972 Olympic, 335, excoelont condition. Asking $400. Cali1623-4302. 3-1 RADIAL saw, drill press, band saw and wood lathe. Write Adverfiser 741, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanvilie, Ontario, LiC 3K9. 3-1 ONE brand now chesfer-bed covered in fan vinyl. $350. .Phono 623-3373 Flying Dutch- .man Motor Inn. 3-1 1971 SKIDOO, TNT 292 cc, new track and ciutch. $300. Phone 623-2962 af ter5. 3-1 8 TRACK stonoo radio, 2 speakers, 1/2 price. 4 Pc. Swedish f ine set. 1. red antique chair. 1 G.E. heater. 623-7976. 3-1 in Stock, Organs Too! Ha mmond, Heintzman OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 1Simncoe N. (at King) 728-1675 3-tf ANTIQUE CLOCKS - REPAIRED - Parts available for most antique dlocks, pocket watches and modemn watchos and dlocks, and 400 day dlocks. Our repairs are done with modemn up-to-date equipment and qualified Swiss trained watchmaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phono 623-5747 1 -Ntf WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, VKHF Aerials, Rotons & Repairs $76-5606 Also Insulation -Blown Cellulose Fibre by White's Insulation Free Estimatos 576-5606 APPLES FOR SALE SPY AND DELICIOUS REASONABLE PRICES Roy Onchards 92-8430 j and M TIRE Servic, Michelin tires, your onE radial centre, 299 Dean Oshawa. 576-1220. FIREWOOD FOR SALE $80.00 A CORD Availabie at any quant tLawn Ga rder- Hwy. 2, Newcastle Phone 987-4470 ce for jo-stop iAve., 46-ff 1973 E ViNR U DE snowmobi le, good condition, low mileage. Phone 987-4884. 3-1 N 1972 MERCURY Hurricane, 644 c.c., excellent condition. $550 or best offer., Phone 1-797-2428. 3-1 1965 RAMBLER trailer with awniilg. $900. Phone 623-3153. 3-1 N TEAKWOOD and Rosewood Scandinaviari furniture, bed- room guite- 8 pc., dining room suite - 9 pc. chesterfie id and chair, etc. Ail Brand new, reasonabie. 1 -247-4377. 3-tf CORN, oats or barley $5.00 per 100 ibs.; straw 90c; hay 75c; extra charge for deiivery. Evenings 623-5466 or 987-4091. 3-tf N 1970 MS18 MOTO SKI, 1970 Capri Moto Ski wîth rebulit motor. Both mach. good running condition.. Double trailer. As is $500 or best offer. Phone 987-4230. 3-1 N VW CAS heater and one pair of, VW chrome tail lig hts; runner rods for skidoo; coal oul stove; assortmenf of inside doors; one roi-a-way bed; swivei rocker. Phone 705-277-2512. 3-1 N VALVE grinding machine, brake drum turning machirne, headlight aimer. Best offer. Pone 623-7783. 3-1 N House of Amber (Ha mpton Villa ge) FEATURES 20 PER CENT OFF ail items that are used for hangîng and ail items which have some type of handie. Items featured fromý December 27th unfil January 31sf. Shopwili beclosed January9 - 25th inclusive. NEW SHOP HOURS Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 9 a.m. - 4p.m. Closed Sunday and Monday PHONE 263-2981 1-3 Swainý's Seed Cleaners and Dea lers R. R. 2, Blackstock Order now for January prices. Registered, Certified and Canada No. 1 oats and bariey. Certified and Canada No. 1 alfalta, timofhy and brome. Most ofher hay, pasture anc lawn seed available. Calnow 986-4331. roller 5, feet. Please contact Mn. Ted Skinner- 263-8167 for further details. Closing date Feb. lst, 1978. 3-1 1967 PONTIAC not certified. Good engine. Completely rebult 327 with 30,000: miles. Best offer. Cal 623-430 2. - ----------- 1971 CHRYSLE R New Yorker, excellent condition. $1550., Phone 623-7544. 3-1 1976 FORD,' ¾/ crew cab Econolifle, with overhead camper unfinished inside. Lic. H27666. $4495. Phone 1-986- 5517. 3-1 1971 'PONTIAC Catalina., Power steeriflg,, power brakes, radio, air condition- ing. $800. Phone 623-3970. 3-1 1971 FORD 1/2 ton V8 stan-, dard, wide box, as is. $550. 197 Ford stationwagofl Country Squire, V8 automatic, double power, radio,: as is, good transportation, $595. 1971 G.M.C. 1/2 ton Fleets'ide, V8 standard, radio, dlean, Lic. H20-331. 1970 Pontiac, 4 door, hardtop, V8 automatic, radio, Lic. AWX717. Phone 263-8172. 3-1 1975 CH EV. station wagon, air conditioni'ng, trajler hitch, q ood cndi ion, 40,0,00 miles. Best offer. Phone 576-7343. 3-1 N 166 G.M.C., 3/4 ton, 350 motor, 4 speed transmission, $400, full fprice. Phone 1-983-5801. 3-1 N *PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and aiso used furniture and appliances. Wili accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf USED f urniture andi ap- p lia nces. Paddy's Market. Hampton. 263-2241. 33-tf 3000 BALES good quaiity Timothy hay, suitable for horses, or cattie. Phone 987-4865. 2-6N 3000 BAL ES of hay. Phone 1-986-4679. 3-1 N SCRAP PAPER Suitable for homnework, letter- wrîting, grocery notes etc., end of newsprin t raIls suitabie for making patrns, lining shelves and raes, wrap- ping china, etc. Aluminum plates 24 x 36 suitabie for insulation, craft prolects, pro- tection of young trees etc. STATESMAN OFFICE 62 King St. W. Bowmanvilie NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F FLORENCE ADELINE KINGSTON late of Town of Newcastle, Reg ionai Munici- C aity of Durhiam (R.R. 1, owmanviiie, Ontario) Ail persons having_ daimns aga inst the Estate of F lorence Adeline Kingston, late of R. R. i, Bowmanviîie, Ontario, who died on or about lst day of October 11977, 'are hereby required to send full particu- lars of such dlaims to the undersigned,-on or before February 21sf, '1978 after which date the Estate assets wilI be distributed having reg ard 'onily to dlaims that have t hen been received and undersigned wili not be liable to any person of whose dlaim she shahl not then have notice. Eiieen Florence Partridge, Executrix of Estate of Florenc Adeline Kingston by solicitors for Estate, Lovekin & Ewert, Barristers & Soictors, Box 9, Newcast le, Ontario. Last ail fr teder fr3on usdBsho n oelw motor, new clutch and brakes, gas heater, radio. $600 or best offer. Phone 623-2999. 3-1 N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf 1973 MAV ERI1C K, 4 door, with b.uckr-t -eat and. luxury decor. $600. Phone 623-7807. N VITALIZINGI Phone: 723-1155 for Rustproofing on new or used vehicies. Written war- ranty. Durham Vitalizing, phone. 723-1155. 47-tf - * e APPLIANCE sales and ser- PAPE RBOYS - girls needed to vice personnel wanfed for the deliver the Canadian Stafes- Bowmanvil le, Newcastle' area. Must be bondable and have own car. For further information please send name, address and phono number to Advertiser 740, c-o The Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanvihle, Ont. LiC 3 K9. 3-2N man in the anea of Scugog and Prospect Streefs. The route consisfs of 30 papers. Avail- able January 25fh. Aiso in the area of Wavoerley, Coeman, Chapel and King Street West with 22 apers. Available immediately. Phone 623-33031 3-tf Fuller Býrush Customers. Car necessary, 1-372-9,969. 1-4 MICHELE Lynn Jewellery. MATURE woman in Church Fine fashion jewellery sold on and Liberty area f0 babysit a party plan. H ave openings in children 3 and 5 years old in this area. Housewives add to my home from 4:30 p.m. to your family income. For more 11:0 pm. ModaytoFriday. information cail Sandy at Phone 623-9274. 3-1 579-8099 or 579-0732. 3-1 N Urgently Required VOLUNTEERS DO you have skilîs which would benefit young people between ages 14 . 16. Ceramnics, macrame, water colours, pottery, photography, downhill and cross country skiing, music' tc Pine Ridge School Mr. B. Morris, 623-2582 311N PART-TIME REPRESENTATIVES REQUIRED Ontario, Automobile Association 1Can you spare 2 hours a day? Do you want ta bank a substantial amnount of mnoney each month? We have openings in the Motoir Club Field with High Guaranteed new and renewal comm issions. contact MR FANK GOfRESKI, Box 213, Oshawa, Ontario. UAbM tor lU yOiU, r, oins, Ull~USED 1urnture anda ppli- guns, dlocks, jewellery, dîsh- ances. Paddy's Market, es, funniture, crocks, paint- Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf i ngs, sealers, appliances. Fri endly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractons, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For WArecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKE RMAIN AUTO WR ECKE RS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 COLONIAL SIMDLEb EQUESTRIAN CENTRE tity "Learn f0 Ride" Special Courses in Equitation, Jumnping, and Dressage. "Horsemnanship" and' "Showmanship" Opportunity f0 Compote in shows. Horses Supplied. SP ECIAL PROG RAM being offered thisfaîL. 4 lessons per month plus 8 hours free ridfing time - $50.00. 49-f N Tel: 623-49,84 lth Lin, R. P. 3, Bw msanvile miles, dealer maintained, Michelin radiais, AM-FM radio, leather upholstery, asking $3,950. Phone 623-5061 or 623-2552. 3-1 N 1977 PONTIAC Cataina, 4 door, 305 engine, vinyl roof, cruise control, tilt steering, many more options, low mileage. Phone 987-5215. 3-1 Lots of Used Pianos