BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, JANUARY 18,1978 S ECTION TW( Six Wins Out Of 10 Gamestet. NotuBad Bowmanville teams wonsix out of 10 games here on Saturday during the Young Canada Day tournament. In the, opening game, H. L. Wood Transport Minor Peewees were defeated by Ajax 6 - 5 who won the Courtice Septic Services trophy held here by Capt. Russeli Roy and presented by Kverett Wood. The three stars presented b 7Doug Heard went to Danny Weir and Mike Hamel of Bowmanvil e and Kevin MacDonald of jax at far right. Bowmanville's Walter Frank Real Estate Major Peewees took the second ïgam-.e quite handily, defeating Richmond Hill 7- 2 to wi the C»nsumers s trophy, presente4 lby Carreil Clemnens of, the H-ockey Mothers. Bill Morrison, representing Walter Frank, presented thç three stars to Capt. Tim Preston, Paul Stocker of Bowmanville and Bill Lazenbyof Richmond Hill. The fir st shutout of the day came in the third game when Mary Brown's Novices met Oshawa L.N.H.L. Blackhawks and defeated them 2 - 0, to win the Peter Kowal trophy, held here by Capt. Shawn Rekker. Three Al Stars went to Cory Sweet and Larry Perris of Bowmanville and Capt. Michael Cole of Oshawa. They were presented by Frank Leach and Gary Fossum.1 Thornhill's Major Bantams knocked off Silver Stick contenders Inche Welding of Bowmanville in the fifth game 3 - 1 to win the Fisk Fuels trophy el in this picture by Ca pt. S. Tschiper. K. Goble and C. Jacob of Thornhill and Todd Hooper of Bowmanville were the Ail Stars. The awards were presented by Bob Inche and Ralph Ormiston. Don Piain's ShelI Minor Bantams completely dominated the Oshawa L.N.H.L. Blackhawks,-winning their game 6 -0 to win the Larry's Sports trophy held here by Capt. Ed Osborne. 17he Three Stars went to Darcy Cuinings anid Rod Plaini of Bomnii and Dr>ug MvacMillan of Oshawa who was unable to appear becaus,-e of an injury. His award was accepted by Keven Logaman. They were presented by Ken McArthur and Bob Jackma'n at rear. The Constitution Insurance 'Minor Midgets of Bowmanville came through with a close 5 - 4 win over Peterborough to win the Constitution Insurance trophy presented by Murray Bartell, and accepted by Capt. Randy MacDonald. He also presented the Three Star awards to Jack Bouckley, and Brook Cole of Bowmanville and Doug Ogilvie of Peterborough. T'own Takes Over Brantford's Major Atoms took the honors in their game with Silver Stock Contenders McGregor Hardware Major Atoms of Bowmanville 4 - 1, to win the Bill's Billiards trophy held here by Keith Gretsky who also was one of the three stars. The other were Paul Polillo of Brantford and Chris Dreossi of Bowmanville. Jim. Houston and John Rice made1 the presentations. In the roughest game of the day, Bramalea Major Midgets came through with a 10 -2 win over Vani Dyk Real Estate with Bramalea at one time leaving -the ice in protest. Fort-unately, they were perstiaded to return. The Marr's, Jewelery trophy was prese-nted to Capt. Da nny Nolan and the Three Stars were Nick Veston and Dave Vienneau of Bramalea and Wayde Preston of Bowmanyille. Jim Hooper and George Van Dyk made the presentations. The tenth and final game didn't wind up until nearly il o'clock at night and featured a juvenile encounter between St. Marys Cement and Unionville with Bowmanville squeezing out a 3 -2 win to take the Hooper's Jewellery trophy. It was presented to Capt. Rick Mackey. The Three Stars were Jerry Leddy, and Rick Bain of Bowmanville and Gary Gentles ,of Unionville. Gene Wrinkle of St. Marys Cernent and Richard Dennis made the presentations. Tunnel at Bowmanville's Waverley Gardens tunnel is about to become the officiai property of the Town of Newcastle. The pedestrian walkway beneath Highway 57 has been the responsibility of a devel- oper but now the town's publie works committee is recom-, mending that it be turned over to the municipality for regular maintenance and upkeep. During a meeting last Thursday, the works commit- Waverley tee had very littie enthusiasm over takinig over the tunnel. "I don't know what else we can do but assume it. I don't think it wiil ever be satisfactory," said Newcastle Mayor Garnet Riekard. Councillors said that the developer responsible for the structure had done more than his subdivision agreement, stated in attempts to improve the underpass. Plan $32,500 for Bowmanville Sidewaik D & R Sports Minor Atoms chalked up Bowmanville's third win of the tournament when they p1ayed Oshawa L.N.H.L. Canadiens and downed themn 3 - 1.'Their Captain Mark Hickey was presented with the County Chrysier trophy and the1 three stars, Jay Kelly, Peter Hughes of Bowmanville and Capt. Todd McNabb of Oshawa were presented with smaller puck trophies by Peter Guttin and Jerry Leddy. The Town of Newcastle's works committee is recom- mending that a $32,500 side- walk for Bowmanville be inciuded in the municipality's 1978 budget. The sidewalk would extend from Highway Two to Waver- ley Rd., along the hili linking the Waverley subdivision to Bowmanvîlle's main street. "One reason for the cost being somewhat high is due to the existmng elevations and terrain,"said 'Newcastle WrsDirector, Jack Dun- ham. Councillor Bob Dykstra noted that $10,000 negotiated from an agreement with a4 developer in Waverley Mothers seem Lo play a major role in almnost any organization involving children and hocký,ey is n Gardens wilI assist in the dfeetfo tes nBwavle hr sa ciego aldteMnrHce ohr construction of the sidewalkühr.I wavle.tee sa ciego aldteMnrHce "In our budget we wijÎ Association whose members repair equipment and raise a'consiuerable amount, of money as ,,e'L. On provide for it. Whether it win Saturday, they-had set up this attractive display in the lunchroom anxd were selling souvenirs t ailý be able to remain in the corners. Taking part, wvere fromii eft to right, Mary Erwin,,Bobby McArthur and his mother Gerryyre budget or not is another Potter and Mary Skene. mnattïr," Mr. Dunhamsaid. -