The Clarke High Countrymen, from left to right, Rick Annaert, Don Adams, Blake VandenHeuvel, Lanny Cooper and Milan Popadich. Largre Crowd Enjoys Janua.ry,, Jamboree at Orono The regular monthly Jamboree in the Orono Town Hall this p ast Sunday, January 8 was another success with a large number in attendance. Everyone enjoyed t he afternoon as they experienced the many talents of the local entertainers. The artists on the show were Bill Lynde on fiddle, Verna, McMahon and John Noonan sang up a storm and Lyle Couch was excellent with comedy routine and on the more serious side his rendition of the Deck of Cards. The Clarke High Countrymen were a big hit with the crowd as the applause was neyer ending at the conclusion of their part of the show. This is a group of four teenagers and one teacher from the Clarke High School who get together and have some fun. They are Lanny Cooper the teacher and the pupils are Don Adams, Rick Annaert, Blake VandenHeuvel and Milan Popadich. The House Band was Fay Adams and The Country Hits with Fay, Glory and Don Adams, Lori Allen, Herb Wasson and Len Sommerscales. The M.C.* for the show was Sterling Mather who also did his regular recitation. Mll in aIl the show was good and it is great to have something like this in the ýCommunity. Door Prize Winners were: Robert Robinson, Bowmanville; Phillip Gawley, Cavan; Charlene Annaert, The last big Grand Finale show of the Year will be Apr. 2 in the Clarke High School Auditorium. In the past years the Town Hall has just not been big enough to hold all the people. The next show will be February 5 at 2 p.m. in the Orono Town Hall. See you, there and have a healthy New Year. The house band, Fay Adams and The Country Hits, with guest artists fiddler Bill Lynde at left and vocalist Verna McMahon at the right mike. Others from left to right are, Bowmanville Nursery Schoo The last four months of 1977 were busy months. The begin- ning 'of nursery school in September was exciting for most of the children, but now we ail have settled in and we already have a variety of interesting activities behind us. Visits to the Fire Hall during Fire Prevention Week, to the Cenotaph before and after Remembrance Day and to the Bowmanville Museum gave the chidren opportunit- ies for learning and under- standing. The curator made The management of Darli ngton A-uto Cent-tre is pleased to announce the addiion of the visit to the museum very interesting for us. She even let some of the children take a pretead bath in the old fashioned bath-tub. At school we talked about life in the days long gone by, and the teachers brought some of their treasurers to talk about, to look at, to touch and feel; a lovely old set of toy china dishes, a cliurner and butter bowl and a spinning wheel which Mrs. Brittain worked to spin some wool. A successful parent night was held on the 22nd of November with about fifty parents attending. Music plays an important part in our programme and Mr. E. Tremeer, music teacher at B.H.S., underlined this in his talk about the role of music in the overaîl developmnent of the child. Mrs, Jan Siocombe gave a very informative presenta- tion about blockparents. This volunteer group is new to this area and its members assist children in distress by con- tancting parents or authorities. The blockparents program :h4s..Police a.pprïvak!. The month of December startied us thinking about Christmas. Special crafts and songs kept us busy throughout the weeks. one day members of the B.H.S. Senior Band paîd us a visit and played some of our favourite songs. The childr the opportunity1 hand or rather t, power at the wini instruments. M again to ail thes their teacher. The Christmas1 l5th was enjoyedt mothers attended Santa Claus madE appearance to thg ail the children. AI enjoyeascu odeicious Chrisi Glory Adams, Fay Adams, Don Adams, Lori Allen, Len Somerscales (hidden) and Herb Wasson. donated by the mothers. Any 3497-3; B. Forsey 3495-3: >1tirne in the year is the right Robinson 3418-1; Foran 3501-0;I dîn tobrng oy o thesbut Bond 3351-0. at Christmas it has a special Highi single 264 M. Schamer- Christmas meaning. So the afternoon horn. Iren also had chiîdren shared the spirit'of High double 437 (219, 2.18) J. to try their the season with the residents Spear. their blowing of the Marnwood Nursing 400 Doubles nd and brass Home on Elgin St. by present- May Alldread - 42 5, J. Bird - .any thanks ing a littie Christmas Concert. 425, M. Schamerhorn - 421, C., students and Roberts - 412, E. O'Neil - 417, Liberfy Belle$ A. Bons - 401. Party on the Top Averages by ail. ManyBoln J. Spear 223,-C. Roberts 214,- .d and even B. Osborne 213, M. Pollard le a surprise Teamn Standings 200, May Allî1dreaZI 198, D. e delight of B. Osborne 3845-5;;Roberts Mutton 194, A. Bons 193, P. Ut the end we 3705-5; Pollard 3609-5; Spear Forsey 192, M. 'MacDonald' iptious- lunch 3650-4; Piper 3483-4; Harness 191, S. Robinson 190, J. Bird Lmas cookies 3511-3; Fice 3502-3; Stephens 189, R. Fice 187. fJu stAr ri v edl over 10,000 sq. yds. of CARPET SQUARE YARD SCarpe t Warehouse ýl 10 King St. W.- 728-0292 Oshawa Jay Rogers to their staff. Darlington Auto Centre is a professional car service centre manned by trained, skilled mechanics who can diagnose the problem and repair it. There are no surprises at Darlington Auto when lt's time to pay. We charge reasonable, fair and com- petitive prices on ail our work. So.. . bring your car to Darilington Auto Centre forail1 regu lar and unscheduled maintenance. We are also dellghted to announce to our customers the addition of a resident expert in ail small car repairs.. cars from Britain, Europe and Japan are his specialty. Auto centre Proprietors: Reger Swan - Richard Cireening Telephone 623-6900 19 Silver St., Bowmanvillè M.C. Sterling Mather DENITURýÎE THERAPY CLINIC 36 King St.' West BowmanvilIle 623-4473 Patrick G. DEEGAN INTRODUCING HALF BACK. 'Whyis itcalled HALE BACK? It's called HALE BACK because if you participate in the pragram, yau get hall bock. Yau paid a dollar for eacb Wintaric ticket. You get f if ty cents bock. How does HALE BACK work? Its si mple. If your Wintaria, tickets don't win in the draw, don't throw them away. Just endarse them on the bock with your name and address. Now they're worth 50ei eocb an the purchose ai ony bock by o Canodian outhar or on the purchase cf o subscriptian ta aniy participoting Cana- dion magazine. You con use up ta 4 tickets, for a total discount of $2.00 on any qualifying book or subscription. Iheres na limit ta, the number ai books or subscriptians you con purchase as long as, each one costs at least $3.00. Here's how you get yourHALFBACK rebute on books. First, endorse yaur Wintario tickets on the bock with your naine and address. Then, take them ta any participating Ontario bookstore. Participating bookstores are easy ta recagnize by the distinctive HALE BACK signs they displary. Book rebates are also avaiuabue thrcugh participating book clubs. Check your montbly mail- ings for details. For every 4 Wintario tickets you bring in, you will get $2.00 off an a OMin istry of Ontario Culture and Lottery Recreation Corporation Ontario FHon. Robert Welch Minister Canadian-autbared bock that costs $3.00 or more. The boaksell'er bas a wide selection ai books eligible forHALE BACK rebates and will be glad ta help-yau make o choice and tumn your Wintario tickets into savings. Here's how taget your HALE BACK rebate on magazines. A descriptive HALE BACK, leaf let is oeraiiable at partic- ipating bookstores, many Wintario, ticket outuets qnd at your regional of fice cf the Ontario Ministry ai Culture and Recreation. It bas an aider faim attached. In the leaflet, you'll f ind a list and description ai the Canadian magazines that are eligîble for tbe rebate. Siwîply make yaur choice, f i11 ut the form and send it aff with yaur endorsed Wintario tickets and a cheque for tbe balance. When des HALE BACK start? When doesîtend? And whattickets am'eligible? HALE BACK isacitbree- month piogmm spanscred by the Ontario Min-istry ai Culture aind Recreatian. It starts an January 20 and ends onApr-il 12,1978. Tickets for 6 Wintario drows will be'eligible: JANUARYI19 MARCH 2 EEBRUARY 2 MARCH 16 FEBRUARY 16 MARCH 30 Tickets foar the January 19 draw go an sale January 6. Tbe last day tickets can be tumed in for rebate under the progiam is April 12, 1978. HALF BACK RUNS UNTlur TICKETS FROM DRAWS ON JAN.] 9, FEB.2 AND 716# MAR.2, 16 AND 30 ARE ELIGIBLE! FOR Fmom January 20, you can use yourWintario tickets for discounts on Canadian books and m'agazines. Ask the insurance professional STEVE BELL. Q: I have an orange two-wheel trailer that I use to haul grass clippings to the dump. It's only worth $100, so' I don't insure it for comprehensive or collision coverage, and it isn't ~~~ described in my policy. On the way back from the dump Saturday, the trailer broke loose from my car, crossed the center line and sideswiped a car going in the opposite direction. Is the- damage covered by my auto Insurance? A: Ves. Your bodily lnjury and property damage liability coverage appli'es. So any injury or property damage resulting from the accident will be paid. There's just no substitute for professional advice. If you have an insurance problem, MIl be glad to help you solve it. Just eaul me. SAFECO OSBORNE &SHANK INSUIRANCE AGENCY LTD. 10M Liberty St. N., Bowmanville, P.O. Box 277 623-2527 M 7ýý ý Oshawa