The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 18, 1978 5 The Annual Meeting and Election- of Officers of the Duirhamà - Northuimberland Federal Progressive Con- servative Association will be held in the Clarke High School, Highway 115 (south of Orono) on Wednesday, January 25th at 8:00 p.m. Guest speaker will be Elmer McKay, M.P. Central .Nova who was in- strumental in revealing the Sky Shops Scandal and the subsequent bugging of opposi- tion offices. Allan Lawrence, M.P. will also address the Meeting. It is expected that the Hon. George Hees, M.P. Northumberland, William Scott, M.P. Victoria-Halibur- ton and Jack Ellis, M.P. Hastings, as well as M.P.P.'s Russell Rowe, Northumber- land, Samn Cureatz, Durham East, John Turner, Peterbor- ough an d the Hon. William Newman, Durham York will also be in attendance. Every- one is welcome. Refreshinents served. Declining enrolment was the key issue of the Ontario Teacher's Foundation Board of Governors winter meeting at the downtown Holiday Inn, Toronto, last Friday and Saturday. White Cane Week 1978 will be held this year from February sth to 11th. No fund raising is carried on by the CNEB during this week with the week set aside for the edtication of the public regard- ingthle blind, and the preven- tion of blindness. Bruce Parks formerly loeated in the Tweed District with the Ministry of Natural Resouirces is now stationed with the L-indsay Division of Forests. Wondering what to do with your' Christmas Poinsettia p)lant's? Let the plant rest in a cool location and allow to dry out until April. Begini givinfg the plzant iight and, and then in Jun plant ini a shady sptin the gren. Bring back in doors bee the first frost. Mr. Robert Jones, Ontario Provincial Chairman Federal Headquarters, P.C. Party of Canada, recently announced the appointinent of Robert S.A. Fair, Port Hope to the position of Regional Chair- man, effective January lst, 1978. Oshawa Little Theatre will present "The Miracle Worker" in February at Eastdale Collegiate. This pro- ductiQn will also be their Ontario Theatre Festival Entry. For information re tickets, dates etc., phone 725-7705., Congratulations to Judge Harry Jermyn and Mrs. Jermyn of Oshawa who will celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary the first of February. George Stapleton, chief of the township volunteer fire departinent for il years, was honored last week in the Canton Hall. Mr. Stapleton layed an integral part in hepng to fond the fire service aiong with Col. Giles, starting back in 1961. After the death of Col. Giles in 1965, Mr. Stapleton took charge of the construction of the Canton fire hall and the purchase of vehicles and equipinent. In 1966 Hope Township appointed hlm fire chief, a position he held Up until last year when he was succeeded by Lloyd Kellogg. Don Budd, one of the speakers, paid tribute to Mr. Stapleton as "a great fire chief, neighbor, husband, father and community leader", a sentiment that was echoed by everybody present. Tributes were also paid to Mrs. Stapleton at the dinner and social evening. The family descendents 'of F.M. Bell-Smith, whose exhib- ition of Victorian Canadian art is currently at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery, attended a reception at the Gallery on Thursday, January l2th. The Bell-Smfiths from Cobourg attended as well as grand- children froin Toronto. ~TE î 1-' A Htcu UxCI (Temperance at Queen) 8:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 a.m. HOLY BAPTISM (S.S. and Nursery during 11: 00 Service) Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. HoIy Communion and'Iaying-on-of-hands f or healing ARCHDEACON TOM GRACIE Rector MIN IST ER: Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M.Div. ORGANIST: Mr. D. Dewel SU N DAY, JAN UARY 22nd, 1978 11:00 a.m. Ser mon No. 3 on the Lord's Prayer "The Coming of the Kingdom' 6: 00 p. m. Annual Congretgational Meeting Commencing wit a Pot Luck Supper Audio-visual presentation on the lite of St. Pau's - 1977, followed by congregational reports. Families are urged to attend . .. nursery services are provided. Sr. Sunday School -9:45 p.m. (9 years and over) Jr. Sunday School - 11:00 a.m. Nursery Care during service Nursery-Moe "Play and Learn" Nursery for pre-schuool children every Sunday. PenecotalChurch '75 Liý,berty Street South 9:-055 a. m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Service 7:00 p.m.n Evening Service ý,ms çof iferest The Professional Develop- ment Day for teachers of the Northumberland and New- castie'Board of Education will be held at Bowmanville High School on Friday, February 17, 1978. The day is Federation sponsomed and planned unlike the Professional Activities which are sponsored by the board and are planned by board personnel or. by the p Inas and their staffs. riaFebruary 17 wili involve ail teachers and in- vited guests such as trustees and parent representatives in a variety of workhops. Guest lectumers 'will speak to al teachers as weil. Newcastle Town Council ecommended that a Senior Citizens Ad Hoc Committee be formed, that they deveiop their teris of reference, appoint a Chairman and Secretary, consider proposais and make recommendations to the Community Services Committee. The Committee is formed for a three month's period in which time they will hold a General Meeting of al Senior Citizens in the Town and look at programme and facilities and prepare a report to the Community Services Committee. A Generai Meet- ing wiil be held on Monday afternoon January 23, 1978 in St. Johns Church Hall at 2:00 p.m. The aggnda wili consist of evaluating the needs of Senior Citizens and discover present prograin and facilit- ies. The Committee is coin- posed as foilows: Chairman- Amchdeacon T. Gracie, Vice Chairman and Secretary-Mr. Peter Feddema, Mr. W.' Bagneil, Rev. H. Kempling, Mr. Venning, Mr. G. Heath, Mrs. Margaret Shea, Mr. John Vanderkooi, and Council Representative-T.A. Fanning Director of Parks and Recrea- tion. As interesting b~rochure on the Centrai Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is available by writing the C.L.O.C.A. 1650 Dundas Street E. Whitby LiN 2K8 or phone (416) 579-0411. It includes a map, area rules, programn- mes, management, object- ives, etc. ray diselthe mtst of self. For further info.. - P.0. Box 36, Bowmanvilie or "The Book Mill", Mr. and ,Mrs. Lloyd Snow- den were entertained by their family on the occasion of their 4th wedding anniversary at' the Port Darlington Marina Hotel, later returning to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pickard. General Motors' dealers in Canada delivered 537,398 passenger cars and trucks in 1977, establishing niew ail-time calendar year records for total vehicles as well as individual records for cars and trucks. This record was accomplished by G.M. during a year when only modest real gains were being experienced by the economy as a whole. At the regular meeting of the Goodyear Retirees' Club in the Parish Hall of St. John's Anglican Church, on Monday,, January 16, sixty f Our members enjoyed slides shown by Mr' Alf Allin of some of the places, exotic and otherwise, he has visited on his many travels. Among the slides shown were pictureis of Tahiti, Hawaii, Australia and the north and south islands of New Zealand. ANfS running commentary made it a very enjoyable morning, and was very favourably received by those who were present. The pictures only serve to make many of us realize why Canada is suffering froin a critical imbalance in the tourist business. Graduate William George'Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robinson of R.R. 6, Bowman- ville, received an Honors Bachelor of Arts degree in Recreation recentiy from the University of Waterloo. The former graduate of Oshawa Central Collegiate has accept- ed the position of Leisure Education Officer with the Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology in Kitchener. He plans to conti- nue his formai education on a part-time basis, in order t< pursue a Master's degree in education on community developinent. Todayý's Bible For the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation hath appeared to al men. T 1T US 2: 11 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10 a.m. - Junior and Intermediate Classes il a.m. Beginners, 3 yrs.; Kindergarten, 4 - 5 yrs.; Primary, 6 -7- 8 yrs. 930 a.m. - Band B Bunch ilia.m.-WORSHIP SERVICE, Sermon Topic "The Need To HeIp" wiIl be shortened to a ha If hour fol lowed by the Annual Meeting of Congregation Nursery Care Provided A Warm Welcome for Everyone 1: 30 p.m. - Confirmation Class Week of Prayer Services Jan. 2U to Jan. 27 at 7:30 p.m. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Tues,, Jan. 31 - Former members of Men's Chorus f rom Cornz-A- Poppin are asked f0 meet in Sunday School Hal1, 7 p.m. Printed Financial Reports available at Church Office The Bowmanville and District Ministerial1 Association [s sponsoring the We-ek of9 Praye for C h rîis Tlan Unt at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Tuesday, Jan. 24th to Friday, Jan. 27th at 7: 30p. m. Speakers: Tuesday -Rev., F. Paul Erb Wednesday- Rev, H. Kempling Thursday- Rev. A. Haldenby Friday- Rev. D. Spivey, Special music wîll be providied by local churches. Affer expenses are paid, the offering will go to the World Development and Relief Fund. -A cordial invitation isextended toali toattend- In bis book, "The Public Worship of God, " Henry Sloane Coffin tells about a conference held by a group of missionaries in Africa some years ago. The missionaries, represent- ing the varlous pro- testant churches, met to discuss their work and to enjoy mutual fellow- ship. They concluded their conference by tak- ing communion in ,a service presided over by an Anglican Bishop. They ail departed, filled with the warmth and joy of sharing the sacra- mental elements to- gether. However, when word of this happening reach- ed the Bishop-,of Zanzi- bar, he sent a protest to the Archbisbop of Canterbury. It was im- mediately referred to a Commission. The mem- bers of that august body studied the details of the situation, reflecting upon their learned knowledge of tbeologic- ai doctrine. The report was wittily summarized by the late Bishop Bell as follows: "The Com- mission tomes to the conclusion that the ser- vice at Kikuyu was eminently pleasing to God, and must on no account be repeated." This littie anecdote causes us to reflect on the ,denominational d ivisions and disunity that have plagued the Christian cburch rlght from the first century down to today. The Apostie Paul spent' much of bis energy and time dealing with the divided state of tbe emerging 'church. Tbe church at Corinth was split up into fac- tious sects and parties. Each faction claimed to be Christian yet they Take-A-fBreak Club Starts '78 Program St. John's Take-A-Break Anglican Church every Tues- group has started its prograin day 9:15 - il1:15 a.m. Our aimn for 1978. On Tuesday, January is to refresh and stimulate 3, we enjoyed a slide presenta- ourselves spiritually, tion on Ghana and the mentally and physically. Netherlands. A representative There is babysitting for al of the Block Parent Assoc. youngsters with a nursery was at the next meeting to school program for 4-5 year show us a film and discuss olds. See you there next their prograin with us. Tuesday. Up coming events include a speaker on "Life in the *Northwest Territories' (first s hand experience), bowling, and an auction. We welcome anyone or any group who e wishes to share with us their. hobby, craft or other interest. If you wish to be on Our e programn caîl 623-4086 or e 623-7i298. 1 We al!so extend a hearty a welecome to any who are interested in joining our group. We meet in St. John's nBLACKN'STOCK Several fromn this area attended the, Ecuminical CUit e viChurchotSunday UntChurch ervce n d aPry evening. Rev. V. Parsons and Rev. R.,Rose were among the several Ministers of the differ- ............. ent denominations of Scugiog Township taking part in this special service. Improved health is wished <? , for our local people in hospitals, Tom Hodge is in the heart unit of Bowmanville Hospital, Norman Green in Oshawa General Hospital and asee Tennysn Samelîs. in Port Perry. A speedy recovery goes out ® to Mrs. Marie Robinson who is adok now home from Port Perry C.. Ldl Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Medland of Brooklin were recent- evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls. Peter and Patric Atkinson of Brampton were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Atkinson to celebrate Peter's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Van- Camp were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Larmer and family, Pickering were I) Sunday evening dinner guests A D wi th Mr. and Mrs. Russell -REDUCING Larmer. PLAN U.C.W. Evening Unit 1.5 lb Slippemy roads on January iith did flot affect a most pleasant evening at Sharon I Essery's home for the evening B N unit of the U.C.W. Past COUGH President, Sharon Essery SYRUP opened the meeting with an 20f inspiring poem from "Too Busy to Pray' . Sharon also led the devotion from Psalm 90. Beth Schryburt gave the RO EM K prograin on our Nursery SKIN CARE$ Schooi in Blackstock. This 13C opportunity is offered to any EA% child 3-5 years and provides a 30n happy and relaxed atinos- pheme for these littie people to learn. Melted cheese on bunst wame ,u p before leaving q for home. The new executive Antiseptîc for 1978 is Group leader- Mouthwash Joanne Lee, Secmetamy Donna and Gargie Kyte, Treasurer-Barb Byems 7o and cards Vemna, McMahon. Our next meeting xiii be Februamy lst at the home of Beth Schrybumt and anyone, wouid be most, weîcome -to 2 FOR FULLACI come. N A I The Y.M.C.A. Ladies take-a- Sparkling S" x 7" Enlargemr. break is being held at the Your Favourite Negatives- Biackstock United Churchi on in Deluxe Studio Mounts.... Tuesday morning froin 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. An intemesting prograin has been set up for the ladies and everyone is welcome. For further inform- ation contact Linda'Skerratt5KIGS RT at 985-3;280.1ý,G TR wer e separated from their, brethren. Paul exhorted them to forget their differences and to be united. The word he used for this unity was a medical term which was used for the knitting together of bones that had been fractured. Robert McClure, the noted Canadian medical missionary who served many years in China, could neyer accept, the fact that he was not allowed to take com- munion in some of the mission churches because of difference in denomination. It is his belief that 'lit was more effective to, live the spirit of Christianity than it was to preaeh tbe doctrine of it."' While denominational differences provide a choice in doctrine and manner of worship, they must not prejudice us against sharing in the most intimate moments of Christian worshlp. If we are to be ambassa- dors of Christ reconcil- ing the world to God, we must be willing to be reconciled 'one to another. The World Develop- ment and Relief Fund, a joint ef fort by five major Canadian de- nominations, is evi- dence of -this reconcilia- tory spirit. This fund provides financial help and incentive to dis- b Keuertnb Peter 3lonez world. Next week bas been declared The Week of Prayer For Christian Unity by the Canadian Council of Churches. Citizens from shore to shore are encouraged to worship together. To rise above our denominational differ- ences in a unified wit- Unity may also help resolve our striving for national unity in Canaàda today. Editor's Note: Week of Prayer Services in Bowmanville and area wilI be in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church,. Tuesday, January 24; through Friday January~ 27. Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Department of Parks& Recreation ATTENTION, S"ýE NIO0R CiT"1Z E NS. General Meetiîn: Will be held in St. John's Anglican Church 'Hall, Temperance St., Bowmanville Date: Monday afternoon, January,, 23 rd, 1978 a t2:00p. m. Purpo5e: A fact finding meeting to evaluate the needs of Senior Citizens and to discover present program and facilities. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chairman, Archdeacon Tom Gracie 623-5873 Secretary, Peter Feddema 263:-2042 Town Council Representative, T. A. Fanining 623-3379 This meeting is under the direction of the Senior Citizens Steering Committee, appointed by Town Council of Newcastle. IMPORTANT!!!!