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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1978, p. 13

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n, Bowmanville, January 25, 19 78 13 DEALINE FOR CLASSIFUIED ue s ., ^2 g n o o nr 623-3303 Um s sR om-m- MOII-I -Rab ana ueb (nee Jones) thank God for the safe and happy arrivai of their daughter Pauline Deborah, 7 Ibs. 131/2 ozs. on January 17 at 8:19 a.m. at Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. A sister for Jennifer. Very special thanks toalal Maternity Staff, Dr. Spear, Dr. Sylvester, Dr. Hubbàrd and Dr. Ewert. 4-1 N KELLY- Keth and Penny are pleased ta announce the arrivai of their daughter Kerri-Ann on January 6, 1978 at Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville weighing 10 Ibs. Sister for Jennifer. Grand- parents are Mr..and Mrs. Ray Wslake and Mr. and Mrs. Jlm, Kelly, Bowmanville. Many thanks ta Drs. John Rundie and Westgarth and maternity staff. 4-1 LOYST - Reg and Dawn are happy ta annaunce the arrivai of 'a 6 lb. 9/ oz. baby boy on January 16, 1978 at 9:17 p.m. Happy sisters of Cameron James are Lesley and Michelle. Thanks ta Dr. A. Sylvester and staff of Mem- anial Hospital, Bowmanville. 4-1 MOBACH - Bernard and Liz (nee Vermeulen) are thankful ta announce the birth of their f Irst child, Sarah Christina, on January il, 1978ý in Blind -River, Ontario. Proud grand- ,arents are Mr. and Mrs. C.J. vrmeulen, Bowmanv ille and :Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Mobach, Oshawa. 4-1 JOHNS- Charles A. At Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Saturday, January 21, 1978. Charlie A. Johns of 215 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville, in his 86th yean. Beloved husband of Elvie Frayn, dean fathen 0f Marion (Ms. L. Broome), Jane (Mns. W. Munday), Frayn (Mrs. R. McDanald), Anna (Mrs. S. Snowden) and Dorottiy (Mns. L. Dewehi) and the late Eva Broomo. Also survived by 23 qrandchildren; 13 great grandchlldren. Rested ai the Northcuit Ellioti Funeral Homo, Bowmanville. Funeral service was held in the chapol, 3: 30 o'clock Monda y aften- nooni. Spring informent Hampton Cemetery. 4-1 N JOHNSTON - Garnnt M.S. Suddenly at Memorial Hos- pifal, Bowmanville on Tues- day, January 17, 1978. Gannet John stan of R.R. 1, Opna in htis 56th year. Bloved hus- band af Charlotte' (Lttie) Power, dean fathor af Mrs. T. Allen (Sandra), Mrs. R. Sutch "(Canal), Mrs. B. Worsley (Sharon), Owen and *Grog ai homo and the late Warren. Lovinca arandfathen aof five g randchildren. Rested at the, Nonthcuit Elliott Funeral Homo for service in the chapol -Thursday aftennoon. Spring interment 'Orono Cemeer POL LARD - George Edward ai Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville on SundayJnuary .22, 1978. George Pal lrd 'f Orona in his 85th yoan, husband of the laie Launa Acines Luxon and dean father af James. Resied ai the Barlow Funeral Home, Orono until Tuesday monning thon ta Orono Uni ted Chunch fan service ai 2 p.m. Spring infoerment Orono Cemetery. 4-1 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gibson, Bowmanville wish ta announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Patricia ta John Murdock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Murdock, Oshawa. The wed- dmng will take place March 18, 1978 at 4:30 p.m. in Trinify United Church, Bowmanville. 4-1 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Graham, Millbrook, are pieased ta announce the forth- coin marriage of their duher, Cindy Jean ta Orville Aria , son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Therteli,1 Kendal. The marriage will take place Saturday, February 11, 1978 at 4 'clock in Millbrook Anglican Church. 4-1 BOYD-Samuel Frederick at Memorial Hospital, Bowmaný ville on Wednesday, January 18, 1978. Fred Bayd, Kendal in his 83rd yean, dean brother of Milton, Toronto. Rested ai Barlow Funenal Homo, Orano. Service was held on Friday at 2 p.m. Sping infrment Onono Cemetery. :4-1 RAHME - Russell. Suddenly at his esidence on Friday, Januany 20, 1978, Russell Rahme of 110 Bruce St., Oshawa, in his 77th yoan; dean fathen 0f Doroihy (Mrs. G. Brooks), Jean (Mns. W. Beatty), Douglas, Ileano (Mrs. F . Loddoer); also sunvived b y 10 grandchildren. Rested ai the Nothcutt El iot Funenal Home. Service Was hold in the chapel, 1: 30 o'ciock Manday affernoan. 4-1 N STRUTT - William (Harry). At Oshawa General Hospital on Monday, Januany 23rd, 1978. Harr Strutai Varo's Road North , Osha mnihis 74th year. Husband af the late Ideila Slingenland, dean fat hon of Mns. R. Lott (Phyllis). Brother of Mns. C. Pethick (Stol la). Resfing at the North- cuti Ellioti Funeral Home fnom 2-S and 7-9 p.m. Wednes- day. Funeral service and commutaI 1 o'clock Thunsday affernoan. Spring infrment Bethesda Cemetery. 4-1iN FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Mall 623-3365 P ROM PT, COU RT EOUS, SERVICE FOR ALL VOUR FLORAL N EE DS t4 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Streetf .--- Port HopeOntarioa-WORKMANSHIP - OUALITY LiA W3 High Qualty at L Roasonable Prices Phono 885-5216 Ii Hone 88!Î-5222 FORGET - LEWIS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis, Orono are pleased ta announce the fiharriage of their youngest daug htor Fae Louise ta W es e y Joe h son of M r. Jeph Forget, Newcastle. Tem rrigetok lace in Orona on Fr Iday, January 20, 1978. 4-1iN ADAMS - In laving memo ry of a iaving Imother and grandmather Verna Adams who ieft us January 30, 1976. God's golden gâte stood open Twa years a go today With fa rewoil s left unspoken, You quiotly slipped away You sufferod much in silence Yaur spirit did nat bond You faced your pain with courage Until the very end Yau fought so hard ta, stay 1with us But your fighting was in vain God took you ta His heavoniy home And freod you from ail pain If you could have spoken before you died These are the words you would have replied This life for me has truly past i loved you ail ta the very last Weegf not for me, but courage And love one anothor, for my sake You neyer said goodbye ta us But perhaps its Iust as well For we nover could have said goodbye To one we loved s0 well - Greatly missed by son Bruce, daughten-in-iaw Diane and grandsons Bradley, Kevin and Jeffory. 4-1 PATERSON - Ona i-rene. In loving memony af a dear wife, mum and grandmather who asse d away January 25, 1972. hismanth cames with deep regret, It brings back a day we shahl nover forget, You foul asleep without gaadbye, It happenied so quickly we stiIli wondor why. - Sadly missed and always laved by Sandy, Ken, Heather and family. 4-1 POTTER- In laving memory of Kari O.B. Patter who Is ase way January 28, 1974. issmle is gono forever And his hand we cannot touch Stili we have so many mnemories Of the one we loved sa much. His memory Is aur keepsake From which we'll nover part God has hlm in his keeping We have him in aur heart. - Ever remembered by wife Belle, son Kani, grandfather of Mark andKari. 4-1 RICHARDS - In loving- memory of a dear mather and grandmathor, Rachel Ann Richards wha passed away suddeniy January 30, 1956. God lookod around His garden and faund an empty space He then looked down upanthis oarth and saw your tired face, He put His arm around yau and lifted you ta rest, God's garden must be beautiful, cause He only takes the bost. - Sadi missed by daughter Grtruleand g randchilIdren Gertrude, William and Mary. STURGEON - Thomas. In loigmemlory ai a dean fathen and grandfather who passed away, suddenly, 14~ January 22, 1977. There's a daug hier who misses you sadly -And finds the urne long since yau went, 1 think ai you daily and hourly jButiry ta be brave and content, Teans that i shed in silente And i breaihe a sigh af regret For you were my dad and I lovod you Thaugh evoryone else may farget. There is nothing sa treasured and nathing so rare As the love thai a faiher and daughten can shane, Thraugh jay and througfl laughton, Thraugh sornow and tears, They develop a closenoss Tha t gnows ihrough the yeans. This love that we sharod didn't -I need ta be spoken 'Twas a wonderful band that cou Id nover be brokon. - Always lovod and remem- bered by daug hier Allanah, son-in-law Siophon and grand- dauqhter Kristina. 4-1 24-tf Flo ral1 Cre# fionas "Flowiers with Feeling" For a ny Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Holidays Ruth 623-7259 49-tf F iowers Say it Best" VAN BELLE DAI LY Deivery ta... - Oshawa - Bowmanviîbe Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf The family of the late Reginaid Farnand wish ta thank their friends and neigh- bons for thein kindness and sympathy duning their recent loss. A special thanks ta Rev. Tom Gracie and Dr. Hubband. The family of the late Gladys Hale wish ta express their sincere thanks and apprecia 'tion ta relatives, friends and neighbars for the many kindnesses, floral tibutes, cards and donations ta the Cancer Fund during the ilinoss and passing of a dean wifo and ,mathen. Sp.ciai thanks ta the staff 0of 3rd f onr Memonial Hospital, Drs. Singal and Cunningham, Nothcutt Elliott Funeral Home, Mns. L. Ayne and Rev. Tizzard. Francis Hale and family. 4-1 With the qreatest af ploasune And lots of thanks to 1rhis little message has been ,written fan yau. Fan Family and Friends who are s0 thoughtful and kind, To give us a Silver Anni- vensany party with j ust us, in mmnd. Wo sinceroly thank overyane. Berniceand Ken Rahm 4-1 i (Mrs. Bannie Faben) would 'like ta express my speci al thanks toalal my wonderful fiends and neigh- bours in Hampton and ail groups and organizations from ail areas for thoir kindness during and affer my stay in hospital. Your kind noss wil1l long be remembered. Thank you dean friends. Mns. Clarence Werny and family wish ta express thein sincere appreciatian for cards and the many acts of kindnoss during their recent beneave- ment. 4-1 I want ta take this opportun- ity ta thank relatives and friends, the U.C.W., Lionettes, Lions Club, fan cards, flawors and gifts while a patient in Memanial Hospital, Bawman- ville and Oshawa General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. W.G. Pearson, Dr. A.F. Mc- Kenzie, nurses and staff fan their kind attention. And a thank you ta Rev. David Spivey and other folk who visited me. Sincerel[y LiIl ian GIenney 4-1 We would like ta thank all aur relatives' and friends for the lovely cards, gifts and flowors. Special thanks ta aur family and anyone who helped in anyway ta make aur 5th wedding annivensary such a happy and memarable occasion. Oscar and Olive Mornison 4-1 My sincere thanks ta every- one fan attending My birihday party and for gifts, f lowers and carcls, ta the Loskard U.C.W., and ail who helpod ta make if a happy and memar- able occasion. Mrs. E.B. (Mana) Duvali, Leskard 4-1 More words cannai express aur heartfelt ihanks and appreciation toa ai aur noigh- bauns, fniends, relatives, Marnwood and Staff for so many forms ai kindness shawn ta us in the' loss ai a dean Husband, Father and Grandiather, Cocul Malley. Spocial thanks taODrs. Long, S y vesterand Siemon, nurses ai the intensive cane unit, alsa the Morris Funonal Chapel,' Rev. Spivey 'and Memorial Park Association Ladies. Hazel Malley and family. I would like ta thank my -friends and relatives fan gis, cards and visits while in Oshawa Hospital. Spocial ihanks ta Dactors B. Luck, G. 'Luck, R. Cummings and T. Manchesky and Rev. H. KempIing, nurses and staff an 8ih fi aar. Ruth Bertrim We would like ta express aur appreciatian ta aur friends a nd noighbons fan iheir kind- ness and sympaihv dunina aur son and brother, Reg Kersoy's funeral. Aiso the kind attention fnam the staff of Norihcuit Elliott Funenal Home. If was greatly approc- iaied during aur deep sarraw. Thank you. Dad and the fa.mily 4-1 1 wishto ihank Dr. Murphy, Dr. Stephenson and Dr. Long, also the nurses and staff on f insi floor and in the Intensive Cane Uniitfon their spedial cane, whiie in Bowmanville Memonial Hospital. Thank you ta ihoso who sent cards and f lowers. (Mrs.) Gertrude Stapletan, f 4-1 I wauld like io ihank ail my frionds, neîghbons and rela- tives for iiowors, cards and visîts during my siay in hospifal. Speciai ihanks ta nurses and staff ai firsi floor and Dr. Siemon. Mary Cuni My sincero appreciatian ta aIl wha woro Sa thaughtiul while i was in hospita I and recuperaiing. Launa Butery Resenve Friday, March'10 for Beehive Rebekah Rummage Sale. 4-1 TRENTWAY TOURS WHEELING WEEKEND STAR Merle Haggard March 3 -5, 1978 For details contact: Bowmanvi lie Travel 47 King Street West 623-3182 Poetry Reading BY Joy Kogawa (CANADIAN POET) Wed., January 25th BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance St. MACRAME 10 Classes for $20, matonials for 3 projects suppliod. Monday -7 ta 9 p.m. beginning Febnuary 6th. BASIC LEATHERCRAFT S lessons with purchase of Beginnon's Kit, stariing week of February 6th. FIGURE CARVING AND DYEING LEATHER 10 lessons for $25, Saturday mornings 10 - 12 a.m. stariing Februany 4th. Rogistor at: The Rowan Tree 133 Church St. Bowmanville Phone 623-9122 4-1 N Exhibit of Paintings BY Anthony Geboers Jan. 23 to Feb. 4 BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Tempenance St. SOLINA COMMUNITY ,HALL DANCE Sat., January 28 Ray Avery's Orchestra EVERYONE WELCOME 4-1 BINGO NEWCASTLE -COMMUNITY HALL Tues., Jan. 31, 1978 Early Bird Games 7:30 Reg ulan Bingo 8:00 $400 ln Pr izes PLUS $500 JACKPOT NEW~CASTLEII'LIONS 4-1 N Durham Pork Producers Association Meeting Wed., February Sth, 10Oam. - 3:30 p.m. BOARD ROOM - O.M.A. F. 234 King St. E., Bowmanville Under Registrations of the Ontario Park Producers Marketing Board the nomina- tion and subseq uent election of counclilmen wiIl take place at the above location at 2: 00 p.m. Ail praducers are eligiblo ta attend and vote. Programme includes: -Everett Turner and Don Staples on Mrd Healtjh -Panel Discussion - bave Brackinridge, Jack Chambers, Jim Daîrymple. Secretary Treasurer TOM PLEASANCE. 4-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NEWCASTLE "'Alviýn Tower and the Cou ntry Boys", Fni. and Sat. Jan. 27 -28 Dancing 9- 1 DANCE ST. JOSEPH'S HALL 127 Liberty St. S. Bowmanville Sat., Feb. 4, 1978 music BY SAPPHIRES $5.00 PER COUPLE 9- 1 a.m. EVERYBODY WELCOME 4-2 BINGO PONTY POOL COMMUNITY HALL Wed., February lst 7:30 P.M.' Snawball - $100 in 55 nurnbers Sponsored b y Pontypool Pan ks Boarnd 4-1 N GENERAL MEETING of The Big Brother Association OF NEWCASTLE wiil be Wed., Feb. 22, 1978 8 P. M. in Court Raom Na. 2, New Town Hall1, Church Street. 2-6N EAR PIERCING $8.00 (no appointment necessary) Plus 10. per cent off funst purchase of earrings with release slip. Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. 29 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-5747 1-tfN Bowlers wanted for secon( schedule on Canadian Fanest ors àaue Fniday nights at p.m. Yu o NQT have ta bei Farester ta bowl. Anyoni intorested caîl Mangi Pal Ian (soc.) at 62.3-5018 or Crysta Santonne (treas.> at 623-5345. 4- W;nners of the first Legion Lottony draw are ticket no. 1567 - Mn. N.H. Hircock, Oshawa; ticket no. 1243 - George Calder, Newtanvilîo; ticket no. 2014 - Mn. Jack Bounnie, Whitby. Next draw January 25th. 4-1 Harry Voerman Insurance 181 Church St., Bowmanviîle, Ont. Phono 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSU RANC E 28-tf NOTIC-E TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS, ilN THE ESTATE 0F RUSSELL ELGIN VICE, laie ai Town ai Newcastle, Re- gonal Municipality ai Durharn (R- R. 1, Hampton, Ontario). Ali pensons having dlaims against the Estate af Russell Elgin Vice laie of R.R. 1 Hampton, Ontario are hereby required ta send full particu- lans ai such dlaims ta the undensigned on or befare Februar y 2lsi, 1978 aiten whic h date the Estate assois wilI be disinibuted having regard only ta dlaims that have thon been received and undersignod wiIl not be hiable ta any persan ai whose dlaim they shahl not thon have notice. Esiate of Russoll Elgin Vice by sol icitors fan Estate Lavekin & Ewonf Barnisters & Solicitars Box 9, Newcastle, Ontario 4-3 AND OTHERS' IN THE ESTATE 0F FLORENCE ADELINE KINGSTON laie ai Town ai Newcastle, Regional Munici- ality ai Durham (R.R. 1, wmanville, Ontario) Ai pensons having dlaims againsi the Estate ai F lorence Adeline Kingston, laie ai R. R. 1, Bowmanville, Ontario, wha died on or about 1sf day of Octoben 1977, are heneby required ta send full particu- lans ai such cdaims ia the undorsigned on or befaro Februany 21sf, 1978 aiter which date the Estate assets will be distribuied having regard only ta dlaims thai have thon been received and undensigned will not be hiable ta any p orson ai whoso dlaim sho shall natthon have notice. Elleen Florence Partridge, Executrix ai Estate ai Florence Adeline Kingston by solicitors ion Estate, Lavekin & Ewent, Barnistens & Solicitors,, Box 9, Newcastle, Ontario. 3-3 jINE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANE MARK ERS Look for this seal. lt's your STAFF-ORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Monu ments LIMITE O Box 133 318 Dundas St. E.- Whitby Phono Whitby 668-3552 FIREPLACE WOOD' Ail hardwood, (applewo ail cut ready far the firepl Wil deliven. Reasonable. Phone 623-4550 Cash in Your Pli Wintario Ticket Nj Save up ta $2 per book or Half-Back Program. Chi Ifrom aur Ianrge selectiai Canadian boaoks fan ail a Kendal His Antiques and Boc Shop Hwy. 115 and 35at Kirl IOpen 10 - 5daily, Sunday Ih Clased Tuesday Phone 983-5476 ANTIQUES Invest in Canadia We have a su per selectiar N you. Pine h arvest tal cupbaards, chests, chairs, Many local p iecos. Open( 10-S, Sunday 12 - 4. Ci Tuesday. 3- Kendal Hilis 9 Antiques and Boc ýa ie Shop d Mwy. 115 and 35 at Ki rb 5l Phone 983-5476 1ple-1 o SPLASH $10.00 a tree HWY. 2 and MARTIN RD. Jan. 28 - AUl Day ONE Findlay aval cookstave and one McClary coakstove. Phone 1-786-2512. 4-tf N GOOD qual1ity mixed ha y and oats and oat straw. Phono 263-2082. 4-3N CHOICE a pplewaad. $40 face cord. $70 bush cord. Cut in fireplace or stave lengths. Phone Newcastle 987-4888. 4-1 N FARM elevatar, 40 ft., 1 h.p. electricenl.gine, excellenit-con- dition. Phone 987-4563 Williamfs Grave orchards, Newcastle. 4-1 N HARDWOQD, cut and spl it $45 a face cord, delivered. Phone 623-3035. 4-1iN DEAD trees - will remove no charge. Phone 623-5188. 4-1 N USED timber, aine 8" x il" x B'. Would make excellent fireplace manties. Phone 623- 2677. 4-2N 10 PER CENT OFF ON ALL FURNITURE UNTIL JANUARY 3lst Dusty Corner Antiques 420 King St. W., Oshawa 576-6732 4-1 PADDY'S Market naw has new furniture, applianices,, T.V.s and stereos and also used furniture and appliances. Wiil accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf TEAKWOOD and Rosewoad Scandinavian furnituro, bed- roomn suite - 8 pc., din in roomn suite - 9 pc. chesterfie id and chair, etc. Ail Brand new, reasanablo. 1-247-4377. 3-tf CORN, oats or banley $5.00 per 100 lbs.; str'aw 90c; hay 75c; extra charge for delivery. Evenings 623-5466 on 987-4091. 3-tf N 4 TIRES, LR78-15 Unirovals, 2 snow tires, LR78-15 Uni- rayais, goad condition. $150. Phono 623-2368. 4-1 N 10 (,AL. acquanîum, wîth hood, gravel and filter. Phono 623-4529. 4-1 BEJD chostorfield with chair, very reasonable. Phone 623- 5616. 4-1 VIKING, cappertone, refrig- erator, $100 firm., Phono 263-2371. 4-1iN HAY, approximately 3000 large bales of goad mixed hay, easy loading canveniences. Phone 263-8000 or 723-1176. 4-1 N PY RAMI D Mobile Home, 68 x 14, located on lot 50 x 150 at Sandawn Park, R.R. 4, Cabourg. Three bedrooms, carpets, drapes, fridge and stove, TV tawer, steel shed. Can be seen by appointment. Phono 623-4521 or 623-4606.' 4-1 N Swan'sSeed, Cleaners and Dea lers R. R. 2, Blackstock 986-4331 Order now for January prices., Registered, Certif ied and' Canada No. 1 oats and barley. Certif ied and Canada No. 1 alfalfa, timathy and brame. Most other hay, pasture and jq lawn seed availabi e. Call now 986-4331. REASONABLE PRICES Roy Orchards 263-8430 4-2N ANTIQUECLOCKS - REPAIRED - Parts available for most antique dlocks, pocket watches and modemn watchos and dlocks, and 400 day dlocks. Our repains are done with modern up-to-date equipment and qualified Swiss trained: watchmakor. ',, MOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 4-3N - - WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS, 3na . Towers,U HF, VHF n for Aerials, Rotors a ibles, Repairs das% 576-5606 Alsa insu lation by Blawn Cellulose Fibre by 4-3N White's Insulation 4-3N - Free Estimnates 576-5606 Lots of Used Pianos in Stock, Organs Too! Hammond, Heintzman OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Slmcoe N. (at King) 728-1675 3-tf J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf 3000 BALES good quality Timothy hay, suitable, for harses or cattle. Phone 987-4865. 2-6N USED furniture and ap- p liances. Paddy's Market. Harnptan. 263-2241. 33-tf FIREWOOC FOR SALE $80.00 A ýCORD Available at any quar Lawn Garderi Hwy. 2, Newcastle Phono 987-4670 SCIRAP PAPER Suitable for homework, letter- writing, grocery notes etc., end of newspnint rails suitable for making patterns, lining shelves and drawers, wrap- png china, etc. Aluminum plates 24 x 36 suitable for insulation, craft pro jects, pro- tection of yaung trees etc. STATESMAN OFFICE 62 King St. W. Bowmanville 1972 FORD Galaxy, 500, 4-doar hardtop, p.b., p.s. 1 new paint lob, one owner 39,000 miles, immaculate condition, wiIl certify. Phono 263-2914 after S. 4-1 N j ana M TIRE :Service for- Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf 1976 CHEV. Monte Caria Landau, one owner, excellent condition. 22,000 miles. Phono 263-8288.' 4-1 N Î1973 GMC Jimmy, 4 wheel drive, automatic, air candi- tioned,- new large size tires. Original owner $3500. Cal 623-2368. 4-1iN 1975 CHEV. sedan, air. candi- tioning, 25,000 miles, certified. Phone 623-5089 after '5 p.m. 4-1 N 1973 MONTE Caria - P.S. P. B., swivel bucket seats, air candi- tianing, radial tires, new paint and new vinyl top. Must be seen. $2300. certif ied, or best offer. Ca11 623-6668 after 5p.m. 4-1 N 1977 PONTIAC Catalina 4 doar, 305 engine, vinyl roof, cruise contraI, tilt steering, many mare options, low mileage. Phone 987-5215., - 174 FORD Pinta, goad shape, $1100 or best affer. Phone 623-5435. 4-1 N 169 PONT lAC'Grand Prix, 400, P.S., P. B., P.W. 79:,000orig mal miles. Excellent condition. $850 cert. '74 Pontiac Lauren- tian 350 automatic, P.S., P. B., air conditioning, AM FM 8 track sterea, new paint. Cert. $1795. Phone 623-7387. 4-N VITALIZING! i-none 723-1155 for Rustproofing on ýnew or used vehicles .Wr itten war- ranty. Durham Vtalizing, phone 723-1155. 47-tf YEAR-olcI spayed tabby cat free ta good home. 723-1240. 4-1 N PUPPIES, part German ShepparLd, f ree to go home. Phono 983-9271. 4-1 N COU NTRY homeiwanted for one year aid Shepherd-Golden cross. Excellent watch dog. Good with children. Has been ta Obedience school. Has, all needies. Phone 263-8050 evenings. 4-1iN s5 Association Do g Training Classes starting January 1 lth in Oshawa. Also a Show Handling Ciasý, starting January lOth in Bowmanville. 49-tf N Advainced registration only.ý For information ýcali 623-5686: or 576-1167. 49-6N Poodie Clipping aànd Grooming BY PROF ESSIONALS Please cali: 623-6676 48-tf N TO gi1ve away ta gaod home, 2 month aid kittens, litter train- ed. Phono 725-3947. 46-tf N Opportunity for FRERMWLO Business Minded DISABLIED'FARM STOCK, People ,CALL Ta secure a profitable inde- MARGWILL gendient future with your own FUR FARM usiness Write P.O. Box 2252, Hmtn2322 Oshawa.,Hmtn2371 3-4N 30-tf ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-if WE would liko ta buy or borraw siudy books for Marine Engineen Campe- toncy. Please cali 987-4367. 4-1 N CASH for goid, silvor, coins, guns, dlocks, lowoIiory, dish- os, furnitune, cracks, paint. ings, seaiers, : appliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Sn'ïowmobi les For Wrecking PUrposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 COLONIAL STABLES EQUESTRIAN CENTRE "Learn ta Ride" Special1 Courses in Equitation, Jumnpin-g and Dressage. #Horsemanship" and "Showmanship"f Opportunity to Compote in Shows. Morses Supplied. SPECIAL PROGRAM being offered thiS faIL. lessons per month plus 8 hours f ree ridinq time - $50ï.00 Tel: 623-4984 llth Line, R. R. 3, Bowmanvilie 34-tf THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE Your thoughtfulness for others is our f irs ' concern. We wiIl arrange for charitabi e foundation donations (such as Heart o r Cancer Society) to be acknowledged any ' where In Canada with the appropriat e acknowiedgernent card present on the sam e day, wélth the other tributes. This is part of our service to community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 MI.ý st le )r i- ýe ie,

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