Phono 623-330 3 BEDROOMI, semi, in Bow- manville, 3-ytears-old, garage, possession February 1. $300 month. Phone 1-225-3992. 4-2N COZY 2 bedroomn bungalow, close to schôoo and shopping, garage. Firstand last-month's rent., Available immediately. Phone 623-7185. ,. 4-1iN SMALL two bedroom apart- ment, centrally located in Bowmanville $225 a, month, heat, h ydro and cable T.V. included. Available February îst. Responsîble people need only apply.' Phone 623-7402 after 5. 4-1 3 LARGE modern 2 bedroom apartments with appliances and broadloomn in downtown Bowmanville. References. Caîl1 Ji1m 623-7259. 4-1 N LARGE upper apartm ent, Scugog St., close to downtown Bowmanville. Available middle of February. Aduts preferred. $250, utilities in- cluded. Phone 623-7363. 4-1 VILLAGE of Newcastle, 5 bedroom home, close to shop- ping and schools. $300 monthly. Caîl 623-7661 or 723-7197. 4-1 N 5 BEDROOM house and-or store for rent. House or store may be rented separately. Phone 1-983-5373. 4-2N BOWMANVILLE, central to everyfhing 11/ý2 storey detach- ed, 3 bedroom, $300. Torontc 889-1480 or Bowmanville 623- 5238. 4-1 N BOWMANVILLE, 2 bedroomn apatment, $265 per month including fridge, stove, heat, hydro, cable T.V. and parking. No, pets. Telephone 623-9442. 4-1 N BACHELOR apartment in private house, 20 minutes east of Oshawa. Available immnediately. Phone 1-683-6892 9 - 5, 263-2788 evenings and, weekerds. 1-1 N ROQM with owni bathroom, hospital area, use of stove,' responsible adult. Phone 623-9549. 4-1 N ONE bedroomn apartment, heated, stove and fridge. Central location. References requred.- First and last month's renit. Phone 623-3303. 2-tf BOWMANVILLE basement office space for rent. Two rooms, approximately 250 sq. ft. e-ach. $5 per sq. ft. încluding ail utilities. Leasee to pay business taxes only. Avaitable now. Phone 723-0575 or 623- 417 2. 2-4N BOWMANVILLE apartment, 4 rooms and bath, heated, cable T.V., free parking. Avalable now, $225 monthly, plus hydro. Phone 623-7523. 50-tf BOWMANVILLE new commercial space for rent. Prime downtown 'location. Areas of 500 to 5000 sq. ft. Total of 15,000 sq. ft. available. Phone 723-0575 r 62-4172. 2-4N WANTELD young man for room acnd board. Phone 623- 3265. 4--N EXPERIENCED waitress required at Forum Rest- aurant, Hwy. 115, Newcastle. -4-1 N PAPÉ RBOYS - girls needed to deliver the Canadian States- man in the area of Scugog and Prospect Streets. The route consists of 30 papers. Avail- able January 25th. Also in the area of Waverley, Coleman, Chaplad in Street West wt 22 papers. Avalable imed-îiatel y. Phone 623-3303. 3-tf SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Central, Bowman. Mr. T. Turner Courtice Schaols Mm. 1. Galder (at West Courtice) Enniskillen M. B. Lush Hamptan -Jr. M. E. Murdac Kirby Centenr I M. G. Gleibs Lord El gi'n Mm. J. Murray Ma pIe Grave1 School Mr.JLewis(Eý (at Maple Grave West) (West) Mtchell's-Crns. M. W. Pit Newcast le M. R. Munro Otaria Street M. W. Heinbu Vincent Massey M. S. Green fflff Orono Mr. R. Simser WANT YOUR- Bathroom or Kitchen, R EMODE LLE D? For Free Quotations Phone 623-7363 4-5 CUSTOM f urniture, shelf units desks, etc., repairs and refin- ishing. Phone 623-2677 evenings. 4-2N AN DE RSON INSU LATION 623-5181 or 579-2060 Blown Cellulose Fibre for Atfic and RAPCO FOAM for Walls. CITY and COUNTRY HOMES 1-tf N DAT E February 6- 10 (inclusive) February 1 February 8 February 7 February 1 February 21 February 22 February 22 February 9 February 2 February 21 February 22 February 2 Don't wait f111 Spring. Get your Canvas Jobs and Repairs done now. GIori a's Canvas & Upholstery Customn Made Awnings Trai1ler - Boat - Sail1 Covers AIl1 Types of' Canvas Repairs Boat - Skidoo - Motorcycle Seats Recovered BOWMAN VILLE 623-4654 Professiona I Ca rpet Cleaning AT REASONABLE RATES FREE ESTIMATES Phone Bob Days 723-5729 Evenings 623-2383 47-tf WILL babysît in my home, Ontario St. area. Phone 623- 6431. 4-1 PERSONAL INCOME TAX RETURNS GÉORGE WEEKES (Bank Manager, retired)' SUCCESSOR TO JAMES BELL 5 Lorraine Court Bowmanville, Ont. L1 C 3L5 Telephone 623-7345À1 -mm s M .0 CLEANING ladly, experi- enced, canscientiaius, for occasional genemal housekeep- lng duties in executive home an Saturdays or evenings. Phone 263-8288. 4-1 N DO you need a "Girl Friday" - Bookkeeper (ta trial balance) - Dicta Sect. - Office Manager? Hi ghly quai- fied in ail aspects. Would prefer part time but will accepf full time if necessary. Phane Mrs. R. Mohun, 623-7234. 3-2 FULLand part timeto calan Fuller Brush Customers. Car necessary, 1-372-9969. 1-4 FULL time or part time beauty consultant required for an expanding company, must be pleasant and mature. Train ing provided if qualified. For appointment caîl 1-986- 5655.-w 4-1 N HAIRDRESSER wanted. Full or part time for Bowmanville Good guaranteed salary plus 50 per cent commission. Our hairdressers are fully covered with sick benefits, dental, drugs and health plans. Experts anly, please. Phone 725-8710. 4-1 EXPANDING Canadian Oil Cd?¶pany needs dependable persan who can wark without supervision. Earn $14,000 per year plus bonus. Contact custamers around Bowman- ville. We train. Write A.W. Dick, Pres., Southwestermn Petroleum, Brampton, Ont. L6T 2J6. 4-1, 1 made over $90 in three hours selling cosmetics last week. You could too. Phone Marsha 579-4647. 4-1 MATURE person to came for disabled gentleman 7 a.m..3 p.m. Monday to Friday. Phone 623-5028. 4-1 N COMPAN ION - housekeeper. Free room and board in exhnefor light dut ies. Would suit pensioner. Phone 623-3265. 4-1 N APPLIANCE sales and ser- vice personnel wanted for the Bowmanville, Newcastle area. Must be bondable and have own car. For futher information please send name, address and phone number to Advertiser 740, c-o The Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont. LIC 3 K9. 3-211 ST. MARYS CEMENT COMPANY Bowmanville Plant REQUIRES A Mechanica I Maintenance Repa irperson with a minimum of four years experience ln the repair and maintenance of heavy indus- trial equipment. Curment skllls and experience in machine shop practices and welding techniaues are an asset. Applicants for this position should apply in writîng to: PERSONNEL DEPT. P.O. Box 68 Bowmanville, Ontario. PART-TIME REPRESENTATIVES REQUIRED. Ontario Automobile Association Can you spare 2 hours a day? Do you wanfta bank a substantial a mount of money each month? We have openings in the Motor Club Field with High Guaranteed new and renewal commissions. Contact MR. F RANK GORESKI, Box 213, Oshawa, Ontario. 3-3 SHIPPING SUPERVISOR, REQUIRED BY FAST-GROWING FURNITURE MANUFACTURER. Previaus shipping experience including traffic scheduling documentation are vital ta, this new position. This pasition be filled b y an organized, aggressive persan used ta achie resuits. S ubmit a complete resume discussing sa requirements ta: Mr. A. Swanberg c-o Pîydesigns P.O. Box 339, Orono, Ont. LOB 1 Mo. THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION ANNOUNCES 1978 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Schoois will be holdinýg Kindergarten regisf rat ions as follows: 9:OOa.m. - 3:30r 9:O00a. m. - 12:O00Or 1:OOa.m. - 3:30r 1:OOa.m. - 3:30r 1:OOa.m. - 3:30r 9:O00a.m. - Il: 30 ê 1:OOa.m. - 3:30p 1:Oa.M.- 3:30r 9:OOa.m. -11:30i 9:OO0a.m. -11:30w 9:OOa.m. -11:.30é 9:0Oa.m. -11:30ê 1:0a.m. - 3:30r ch 623-5614 725-4738 263-2970 263-2252 983-5802 623-3682 East)623-2221 623-2373 576-7222 987-4262 623-5437 623-5502 )uch ýr 983-5006 Paýrents and Guardians are reminded of the folllowing points: 1. In most instances the schaol nurse will be avail able at these registratians., 2. Chýildren tabe registered must be 5years of ageanar before December 31, 1978. 3. Proof of age in the fomm of a birth certificate or an off iciai birth registration is required prio children being admitted ta school. 4. Property taxes fam families with childmen in public schools will go ta support public schools. 5. Preci-se Information regarding residence, location and postal code is important. Rural residE reýquime lot and concession num bers. 6For 1.urther infarmation please contact any of the schaols listed above. N.B. linormatiaon and application farms for aur French Immersion classes wiIl be availabl the same ,ý1time at the abave schools. 1and iwill ving lary OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemasons Ltd. (Our fireplaces do flot smoke) Orono 983-5606 18-tf Lloyd Barnes Pîumbing Carpent ry, Renovating AI]I General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovafing SRec Rooms Repairs of ail types. phone 623-2263 20-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES CL EANE D PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON .263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf C &C JANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Uphoistery ProfessionallIy cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANV ILL E 45-tf GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts- Float Mirrors Patterned and Colomed Glass and Glazing. 17-tf DAR LI NGTON Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FRE PLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf NEED a pressure system? Water Softeners? Repairs to ail makes. Harvey Pamtner, Orono 983-5206, Bowmanville 623-2301. 35-tf D urham Masonry Contractors Ltd. Bricks.- Logs. Field Stonework Specializing in Fireplaces Phone 839-2431 49-tf Don Brooks & Son Genera I Contra ctor and Customn Builder Phone 723-6176 New homes, additions, altera- fions, rec rooms, garages, repairs of ail types, etc. 25-tf GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Carpentry Remodelling General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-tf G. VAN LONDEN MASONRY BRICK, BLOCK, STONE 4-1 N AND FIREPLACES. Phone 623-5114. 28-52x Ref rigeration and Appiance Service Commercial and Domestic P.m. Refrigerafion - MiIk Coclers PHONE BERT SYER noon Days .............. 623-5774 Nights............. 621-3177 P.M Lander Hardware P.M. and ELECTRIC a.m. 2-tf P.M.T &D P.m. CUSTOM a.m WOODWORKING am. Cupboards, fables, shelving a.m. unifs, etc. Free esti mates p.. Phone 263-2752 2-4N or to Ron's Floor Care Commercial and household cleaning. Dry foam rug and ents carpet shampooing. Wax re- moval, wali washing. Ron Turcotte le at 623-7966 d-2 >- 33-f Peter Sutherland Alumninum Prod. Bowmanvi le Siding - Soffit Fascia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 FOR FREE ESTIMATE. NOW HANDLING VINYL SIDING 3-tf REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique. Free picku p and delivery. FR EÉE ESTIMATES PHONE 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton 48-tf Steve's Furniture Shop Furniture Refinishing Dining Sets to Occassional Pieces. We do Upholstery FREE E STIMATE S R.R. 1. ORONO 983-9630' Steve Johnson INSTALL an Esso furnace, boiler, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. ion wood and ail. Financîng avail- able. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service policy. Cali Harvey Partner, your Esso service dealer. F ree esti- mates. Orono 983-5206 or Bowmanville 623-2301. 24 hour service. 35-tf M. Brooks CARPE NTRY R EMOD ELLI NG CUP8OARDS - VAN ITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 10-tf ýAil kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 12,9 Scugog st. 13-tf WATER Wells bored, 30 file. Ward';s Weil Boring. Tele- phone 342M030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wa de. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-tf A-i CARPENTRY Specializing in finishi-ng and remodelling 27 Years Carpentry Experience FREE ESTIMATES PHONE JAMIE VOLLENHOVEN 623-6358 at ter 6 p. m. ý48-tf Geddes Electric Custom Homes, Additions - ' Alterations FREE ESTM~ATES 623-4174 40-tf N sa e w lot? Looking for a cotta ge o r starter home? Se this 2-bed- room Alcan sided bungalow. Electric heat. Best otter. Phone 987-4601. 4-1 N Satumý"day, January 28, al7 P.M. Auction sale Pethicks Auction Barn, Haydon, one mile east of Enniskillen. A large quantity of fumniture from an Oshawa home with other things. Everything is, dlean and good in this lot. Washing machine onl y used 6 times. Cliff Pethick auctioneer. 4-IN Saturday, January 28th 1: 15 p.m. Bannister's Auction Hall, Bewdley Consisting of chests of drawers, Victorian armchairs and settee (needs repair), tables, chairs, chesterfields, dishes, glassware, oul lamps, pocket books, picture frames, T.V., refrigerator, and other items still being consigned. Roger Bannister auctioneer, 416-797-2651. 4-1iN Corneils Auction Barn Friday, January 27th, 7 p.m. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west, of Lindsay on the Lindsay-Little Britain Road. The estate of the late Garfield Heatlie of Little Britain. Wash stands, antique dressers, quantity of fIat top trunks, quantity of picture frames, wicker chairs, rock- ing chairs, iran beds, with brass knobs, china cabinet, pocket watches, dining room table and chairs, ferni stands, Aladin lamp, oval top trunks, pine desk, woodenplains, 10", table saw, Sunbeam gas snowblower, quanfity of china and glassware plus many more antiques, furniture and, household items. Don Corneil auctioneer.* R.R. 1, Little Britain, 705-786-2183. 4-1 K Fridpy, January 27, 7 p.m. At 16 Bond St.E.,,Oshawa. The property of Mm. Ken Grady, Oshawa and other consigments. Consisting f 10 p iece diningroom suite, desk- ch ina cabinet combination, haif round tables, several sets of drapes, sewing machine, 2 night tables, 2 desks and 2 chests of drawers all in maple, guitar, modemn diningroom suite with large china cabinet, aId Victorian- rocker, banjo dlock, server, 2 tier table carved, large cast iran bell, round drum tables, wash basin and pitcher, bmeakf mont, bar stools, 25" color T.V. basket chairs, stuffed silver wolf, lamps, French Provin- cial chesterfield, dining table, humidifier, dishes, Avon jars, botties plus many other articles. This is a very'goodl sale with several good aId pieces. Plan ta attend. Open 9 ta 6 everyday. Note time 7 p.m. Ross McLean, auction- eer. 576-7550. 16 Bond St. E., Oshawa. 4-1 N Saturday, January 28th, at 12:30 p.m. at Orange Hall, Cobourg Pine drap front desk, pine ;drop leaf table (mefinsihed), pine harvest table '(refinish- ed), washstand (refinished), dresser, oak sideboard, aId rocker with leather seat, mounted deer head, pine box, aid pine child's bed, china cabinet, 4 x 8 pool table with accessories, shot gun and rifles, coach lamp, ail Iamps and lanterns, copper kettle and base, sad irons, brass belîs, blue flowered crock, marked jugs, cracks, milk baffles, ginger beer bottles, aid toals and other items, terms cash. No reserve. Paul Lean auctioneer. Phone 416- 352-2403. 4-1 Saturday, January 28, 1 p.m. Brooklin Commnunity Centre Estate of the, late Charles Clemence of Brooklin ta be held in Braaklin Community Centre. Sale of car, furniture and antiques including 1971 Chevelle Malibu, (26,000 miles), certified, 6 cyl. aufomatic, excellent condition. 9 piece walnut dining suite, Heintzman and Ca. piano (excellent), pine fiat, to-wall cupbaard, ginger- bread dcock, mantle cdock, wicker planter, T. Eaton sealers, 4 piece walnut bedmoom suite, bed chester- field (nearly new), treadle sewing machine, caned chair, swivel rocker, upright freezer, Viking 30" electmic range, refrigerator, record cabinet, 4 g al. crack, 2 baseboard eaters, tools, shovels, grinder, vise, Lawnboy lawn- mower (nearly new)plus numerous ather articles. Terms cash. John Annis, Auctioneer. 655-4663. 4-1 N Thursday, January 26th 'a 6 p.m. Auction sale private estate property of Mm. G.M. Thomp- son, 255 Simcoe St.N., Oshawa, ta be held at Stirte- vants Auction Hall. 27 Hall St. Oshawa. 7 piece Mediier- anean bedroom 'suite .(used three months), 9 piece French Provincial diningroom suite (good condition), 2 swivel velvet chairs, 2 piece chester- field suite (like'new), gold platfomm rocker, 3 p iece coffee and end tables, E lectrohome portable TV (2 vears aId>, 2 green velvet chairs, 2 contin- ental beds (like new>, dressers, chests of drawers, gold rug (12 x 15), red mug (12 x 15), red occasional chair (like new), Fleetwood combin- ation coloured TV, radio and record player, 2 gold table lamps (new), mantlefireplace unit (complete with burning log, screen, tools, etc.), crystal hanging chandelier, 2 original ail paintings, corner whatnot (old), kitchen suite, smoker, pale lamp, Lady Hamnilton silverware, large quantity of antique dishes, set of Barbarian dishes, brass fîireplace tools, complete set of crystal (20 pieces), ailkitchen appliances, rw Derby set of dishes, luggage, upright vacuum, bookshelf, swag amp, fern stand, cane seated chair, large quantity 0fbrass Pleces. Ail furniture in this, estate in excellent condition. Terms cash. No reserve. Myles King auctioneer, 725- 5751. 4-1 Foundry Bowlinig Team Standings Cindy Knapp 6, 8554, Flo Draper 6, 8313, Dot Bridger 5, 8616, Barb Gilkes 5, 8532, Linda Cryderman 4, 8124, Molly Horstman 1, 8031. High triples-Sam Adams 776, Darne Serrurier 604. High singles-Sam Adams 334, Phyllis Donofrio 227. Over 200 Sam adams 334, 259, Bob Apted 276, Ross Hall 257, 248, 203, Tony Horstman 246, Jim Muller 235, Norm Cowle 229, John Serrurier 228, 224, Phyllis Donofrio 227, Darlene Serrurier 222, AI Swetman 211, 206, Rae Shackleton 211, Dot Bridger 210, GordSimp- son 210, Cindy Knapp 206, Joyce Rowe 206, Linda Cryderman 202, 202, Bob Stiles 201. January 5 Hooper -.3, 1665; Moore - 3, 1606; Smith - 2, 1642; Gibson - 2, 1601; Huisman - 1, 1641; Elliott - 1, 1595; MeMahon - 0, 1472; Dowholis - 0, 1417. High single - Mary Huisman 263. High double - Gloria Smith - 429 (250, 179). High average - Gloria Smith 214.m Canadion Foresters 1. Rogers 8359. pins, 19 points, 2. Luffman 7832, 15, 3. Emmett 7930, 13, 4. Watt, 8094, 12, 5. Serrurier 18089, 12, 6. Michelson 7787, 10, 7. Rundie 8018 9 8 Pollard 7842, 9, 9. Ellis 7691,~ 10. Smith 7778, 8, il. Hall 7546, 6, 12. Robinson 7261, 4. High single-men's-Al Mac- Dowall 301. Ladies - Ann Emmett 307. High triples-men's-Howie Pollard (255, 261, 262) - 778. Ladies-Ann Emmett (307, 144, 210)-661. Top 12 Averages 1. Howie Pollard 228, 2. Harold Michelson 223, 3. Gary Griffîn 218, 4. John Luffman 215, 5. Charles Rundle 215, 6. John Serrurier 215, 7. Ann Emmett 211, 8. Ross Hall 208, 9. Gloria Smith 202, l0. Jake Kapteyn 196, il, Peter Bumna 194, 12. May Alldread 193, Don Ellis 193. Top Ten Averages Onie Etcher 240, Donna Harness 238, Nancy Welsh 227, Judy Bragg 221, Ceeuee Bowers 220, Nancy Evans 219, Joan Ard 215, Sharlene Dehart 211, Dale Jackman 210, Dot Bridger 207. Team Standing Donna Harness 5860 pins,,5 points, Nancy Evans 5639 pins, 5 points, Onie Etcher 5681 pins, 4 points, Jackie Bray- brook 5721 pins, 3 points, Viekie Terry 5719 pins, 3 points,, Fern Bradley 5672 pins, 3 points, Judy Bragg 5552 pins, 3 points, Dot Bridger 5240 pins, 3 points, Shirley Davis 5560 pins, 2 points, Marg King 5365 pins, 2 points, Sharlene Dehart 5288 pins, 2 points, Nancy Welsh 5584 pins, 1 point. High triple-Donna Harness 766. High single-Donna Harness 301.ý Shop et'* " DKS T THE QUALITY ","FOOD STOR-1E WITH LOW PRICES O AN TEMîS FRESH, GRADE A ROASTING CHICKENS69 LB 4 LB. AV'G. LEAN, BONELESS BRISKET POT ROASTLB SWIFT PREMIUM STORE S LI C FULLY COOKED DINNER HAMLB SPECIALS ALWAYS ASPCA AT lCB JUICY, SWEET TEMPLE ORANGES SIZE'125 ' H EAD LETTUCE SIZE 24 CELLO BAG' SPINACH1' 6 A CH 39ACH Ai STEER PBEEF FRONT QATR PROPERLY CUT, WRAPPED -AND FROZEN 9 CLB. Coffes is on the, house for shoppers Thons., Fr1. and Saturdayý's at DYKrSTiRA'S DELICA TESSEN FOOD MAIRKET 13-77 KING ST. WEST 623-3541 FREE PARKING OFF QU EEN STR EET s * -. o * -«o A e - WELCOME BACK BOBI Eric Snyder, Generai Manager of MacDonald Ford Sales is pleased to announce the appointmnent of Robert Switzer to the position of Service Manager. Mr. Switzer's many years of experience in the automotive service field plus his record of service excellence in the Bowmanville area wilI enable hlm to provide the utmost in quality and convenience when it cornes to the maintenance of your vehicle, Cail Bob at 623-4481 ta make an appointment for your vehicle or Iust to say "Welcomne Back Bob".