10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 1, 1978 Wednesday, visitors here, with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher, included Mr. Clint Lunney and son, Morgan of, Bowmnanville and Mr. and Mrs. Len Palmn, Morgans' Corners., Sorry1 to hear Mr. Stan Bowen of Bowmanville is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital, as the result of a fal on Thursday afternoon, when he was attempting to keep an appointment in Oshawa. Al is friends are wishing him a speedy 'recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown of Newcastle, were supper guests Tuesday, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer. Sorry to hear Mr. Ellsworth Caswell of Orono is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, and here's hoping his condition is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen were Saturday even- ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stapleton. On Saturday, Mrs. Violet Gilmer and sons, Philip and Jim, attended the funeral of her brother, the late Perey J. Rowe, held at the Mackey Chapel in Lindsay. Following the service, they visited Mrs. Miriam Rowe in Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay where she has been a patient for several weeks. Mrs. Florence McEwen of Peterborough was, a visitor here, Saturday, with her mother, Mrs. Agnes Burley. Mary and Sidney Brown were the greeters at our Church door,-Sunday morning and the choir sang the old familiar "Savior, Lîke A Shepherd Lead Us." Rev. Tizzard's theme was "Relax", and he expressed sympathy to H&R BLOCR THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE CANADA'S LARGEST TAX SERVICE is. ready to, serve Bowmanvilte und area again with the most reasonable rates in town. RETURNS CHECKED and GUARANTEED, FOR ACCURACY. ADDREAS LAST YEAR 14 Dilvision St., Bowmanvill e JUST SOUTH OF CASTLE HOTEL HOU RS: MON. to FRI.-9a.m.t05:30P.m. SATU RDAYS - 9 a.m. toi p.m. PHONE: 623-3036 ýMrs. Violet, Gilmer, on the death of her brother, Percy J. Row&whwose funeral was held at Linds ay, or. Saturday. Next Sunday_ our service will include the S4crament of Baptism, and we are urged to try to increase our church attendance - each one try to bring another! The Official Board of the Newtonville Pastoral Charge, will meet in the Kendal Church Hall, on Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. Church Membership Clas- ses begin on Sunday evening, February l2th, at 7:OO0p. m. for teenagers and any others who wish to tome into full churcb membership., Classes will be held in Newtonville Church Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Farrow and Jan visited Mr. Stan Bowen in Oshawa Hospital, Sunday afternoon, after which they drove on to Toronto, where they attended the Ice Capades. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burley of Bridgenortb were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Agnes Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher attended a family re-union and get together at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fletcher, Downsview on Sunday. The latter couple have returned, recently, from an enjoyable trip to Scotland, so many'souvenirs and pic- tures of that lovely country were displayed. About thirty- six relatives were in attend- ance anld each person, there, came home with a keepsake of some kind. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer of Lindsay, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle and Clarence was also a caller with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmér. There was a good attend- ance at our Annual Congrega- tional meeting, Sunday, following the pot-luck dinner at 12:30. Our report will be given, next week, ahl being well! Happy' Birthday to, Vicki Kimbaîl, who is ten years old today!1 (Monday). The U.C.W. met in the Sunday School hall, on Wednesday, January 25th. Vice-President Mary Vinkle opened with the hymn "What A Friend We Have In Jesus", followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Unit Leader Bea Jones presented the Devo- tional, telling of the Church Service she had attend'ed, on Sunday, while in Oshawa Hospital. The Chaplain had described the life of Jesus, as a boy, stressing the import- ance of obedience and dedica- tion in early hf e. The hymn "Happy The Home When God Is There", was sung, after whichAmelia Lancaster took up the offering. A prayer was given by Mary Brown and Mary Vinkle rend the poem, ,'The More of Everything You Share. " Minutes of previous meeting were read by secretary Jean Kimbaîl and approved after which treasurer Shirley Stapleton gave the financial report. Sidney and Amelia Lan- caster will be re-doing the tables in the Sunday School. The Sunshine Committee reported seven plants had been given at Christmas, as well as cards for bîrthdays etc. and several of these were acknowledged with thanks. Used Christmas cards have been brought in and some will be taken by Val Zietsma to Whitby Hospital, with others given to Mrs. Rowena Tîzzard for Del-Nor Home. A motion was passed to give a donation of - twenty-five dollars to Jean and Roy Bickle, toward their Tape Fund. After some discussion regarding other donations, it was moved by Violet Gilmer, seconded by Margaret Elliott, that further donations be tabled, until after the new executive have met, to plan this year's budget. Carried. Oshawa Presbyterial Work- shop meeting is comîng Up, February 8 and representa-- tives are requested at Kings-, view United Church, Oshawa, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Bring a bag lunch, beverages will be provided. Mary Vinkle and Rowena Tizzard agreed to go. World 'Day of Prayer, Friday, March 3, will be held here at Newtonville this ear and Mrs. Mary Worralwllb asked to be our speaker. A donation of ten dollars is to be sept to the Salvation Army in memory of the late, Mrs. Bgeie,y with a card of smah, signed b y al present, to the latter's daugh- ter. Good Friday will be March 24 and Inez and Amelia were appointed a Committee to secure a speaker for that occasion. Amelia expressed the appreciation of ail present, to the new executive, after which ail joined hands, in a circle and sang "Taps." Lunch was served by the group to the twenty-four ladies in attendance. Brownie News On new Brownie was en-, rolled, namely Tracey Hudgin, making 24 Brownies - our allowed number. The following earned the Golden Ladder : Nadine Stapleton, Tiffany Rowe and Lori Sharpe. Golden Bar - Wendy Harness, Sharon and Jackie Stapleton and Sandra Zîetsma. Service Stars - 3 years-Vicki Kimbaîl. 2 years- Jean Kimbaîl, Kelly- Powell, Nadine Stapleton, Tiffany Rowe and Lori Sharpe. 1 year-Tina Cox, Wendy Harness, Brenda Knapp, Sandra Zietsma, Juanita Patterson, Julie Ogden, Sharon and Jackie Stapleton. The following earned badges - Art Appreciation- Tiffany Rowe, Bookiovers- Sharon Stapleton, Cooks- Karen Park, Sandra Zietsma, Brenda Knapp. Housekeepers- Karen Park, Sandra Zietsma, Brenda Knapp. Neighbour- Vicki Kimbali. Singers-Sharon and Nadine Stapleton. Space- Tina Cox and Brenda Knapp. Writers-Rrenda Knapp. TOY- maker-Sandra Zietsma.' .The next three weeks, we will be busy practising for the play and puppet plays, that were postponed at Christmas time to thinking days, February 22nd. Brownies are inviting ahl their parents, and any Senior Citizens, who wish to attend a Christmas in February play. Van Belle on Gardening Ail About Cuttings' The one that is the most What are cuttings, cuttings widely used is the softwood are a piece of a plant that does cutting specially for indoors, not have roots, they can be and then we think about the divided into groups, softwood geraniums, Ivy's and other cuttings, hardwood cuttings, houseplants, that can be leaf cuttings and root cuttings successfully propagated in this way, by. the softwood cutting method. Select the mother plant, -n where you are going to take Mk- -ýeýý-Zë the cutting from, that it is disease free andaper healthy, since you needt a good cleancutting to obtain the~ best results, now when Isay a good can cutting, this does not man that you have to wash te cuttîng, but that the utting appears healthy, with god strong leaves. Cuttings ae mainly taken from the se shoots of the mother 't flnt, take a sharp dlean knife ad cut off the cutting as close tthe stem as possibie, then mke a fresh cut at the bttom, make this cut on an agle, 50 that any excessive misture will run off the bttom, and no rot will set in. Ty to have the medium where yu are going to "stick" the etting ready so that the I.. ,wV "It ï ffep lc cutting wîll not dry out, then "ick" the cuttmng into the ý4 edium with about two-thîrct ofthe length of the cutting on op of the medium, and firm in !W te cutting by pressing down othe side with your fingers oa blunt object can be used. Different medium dan be ued, and what wiil work for oe may not work for the next prson, water, sand, peat- moss, perlite, vermiculite or a cmbination of these have' ben successfullv used. my on preference for softwdod uttings is using perlite, and my main reason for this is the t7 fct that it does not become ïj sggy, it will let some air tough, and it can be easily hndled. Keep in mid though 4,J tat the dîfferent plants could rquire different medium i.e. te geranium does real well in sand-peat mix, but for the bginner 1 would suggest the ýîîprlite medium. Different con- taiers can be used, plastic fts or pots or plantboxes or NCESSION ST. ay container that wîhl hold te medium, with flats prob- aly the easiest since then you ýA "tick" the cuttings in a row ad start a few more. There Ss7'. 50s is a peat pellet on the market called the Jiffy-7, which you can use to start the HWY. 401 cutting, but be careful with overwatering, since the peat will hold the moisture. To speed up the rooting process, different hormones are on the market that can be ued, these are available from yur local Garden centre or Florist. It is a powder sub- sance, in which you dip the utting before "sticking" it in te rooting medium. Watering ivery important, neyer oerwater, rather use the mist system, by spraying the fiage of the cutting with a mister, to keep the leaves turgid, this should be done at least twice a' day for the first week. When the cutting bas developed a healthy root system, probably in about two ýe othree weeks, it can then be FI 1 tansplanted into a proper soil mix, either in pots or in flats again. 74 -,Most houseplants can be sarted this way, such as geraniums, ivy's, impatiens, philodendren, begonia's, peperomia's etc. Past President of McLaughlin Gallery Honored The Robert McLaughlin Gallery honored retiring president Ted Samuel of Bôwmanville during a directors meeting last week. Stepping down from the position after serving a two year term, Mr.:Samuel, above left, received a painting especially chosen for the occasion in appreciation for his efforts. Judge Donald Dodds, right, past president of the gallery, above presents hlm with the gift. I I: ~eaub3I Ipricsale!, Extra large refrigerator with extra good Iooks, Beautfifully prîced at $ 69 qs ln White, color extra. CompleteI ly ros:fe. ThlinwaIl cabinet is only 301/2 inches wide but has lrge 6.9 cubic foot capacity. Adlustable shelves for easier storage. 3tmeauebte conditioner. Two vegetable crispers. Egg storage racks. grain insert handies . AImond, Harvest Wheat or Snow White. Hotpoint self-cleaning range for good inside and CUtL Beautifully priced at$,5 in White, color extra. 19 looks Automatic self-cleaning oven. Glass covered control panel. Timing, center. Timed appliance outiet. Four plug-out elements with infinite heat control. Porcelain enamel drip bowls. Oven selector switch off ers, variable heat control. Golden Touch baking. arven ight and full width platform surface light. Black glass door panel. Chrome towel bar handie. Optional rotisserie. Almond, Harvest Wheat, or Snow White. A Hotpoint convertible dishwasher. For the best of both worlds. Beautifully priced at$ 9 .s In White, color extra.3 Use it as a portable now - build it in later. Pl ugs into regular wall socket and hoses attach easily to kitchen sink faucet. Rolîs on casters. Fixed maple top provides extra counter space when not ln use. Three pushbutton controls. 10 cycles, 4with sani option. Two indicator ights. Multi-level wash. Soft food disposer. Cutlery basket. Rinse agent and detergent dispensers. Retractable cord reel. Almond, Harvest Wheat, or Snow White.V Constellation Washer Beautifully priced at Constellaion Dryer In White, color extra. Two speed selection: Normal and Delicates. Four rograms: Normal, Handwash àPerma - nient Press-Knits, .Delicates. Regular agitator lus extra gentie Handwash<à agitator. Th ree water temperatu re selec- tions and variable water ievel selection. Self-dlean ing fi ter ring. Bleach dispenser. Self- levelling.legs. Washer and D"r available in Almond, Harvest Wheat', or Snow, ,White. Two dryin cycles; Automatic and Timed. Four tem perature selections: Normal, Del icate, Knits-Permanent Press and Fluff. Easil y accessible uip-front lint filter. Drying rack on door. Porcelain enamel drum and top for long-lasting durability. Four way venting. Safety start. The Pair I eoElct Main Street, oron