I . - s e .......... ,ALLIN - Johln Davidi and Anna Marie are happy f0 ànnounce the birth of their first child, a girl, Tanya Marie, on January 26, 1978 at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Proud grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. lRoy Scott, Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Afred AlI1n, Bowmanville. A speclal thanks f0 Doctors H. B. Rundle, John Rundie and E. G.Long and nursing staff. 51N COX - Brian is very pleased ,f0 announce the arrivai of his :baby sister, Shannon Marie, ,ong 6 ¼ be30,,1977 weigh- lig bs.1/ ozs. Proud parents :are Larry and Sharon. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Ms. Stan Hall, Bowmanviile and Mr. and Mrs. Alian E. ýCox, Oshawa. Special thanks ~to Dr., H. B. Rundie, Dr. Slemon and maternity staff, -Memorial Hospital, Bowman- 'Ville.5- FOÔSTER - Len and Dorothy <nee White) are proud f0 ennounce the safe arrivai of their son, born January 24, '197 et10:0 a.., eiging9 1b oz. Special thanks to Dr. ~J. 0 . Anderson, the staff of 4th and 5th f loors of Oshawa General Hospital. 5-1 -METCALF - Brian and Elaine (rlee Henderson) are happy f0 announce the birf h of their daughfer Diane ~Margaret, Wednesday, January 18th, wei g ht 6 lbs. 101/4 ozs. Sister for Barb. ~Proud grandiparents are Mr. 'and/ Mrs. Bey. Henderson of ,Campbellford and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Metcalf of Bow- ?manville. Special thanks f0 Drs. Anfossi and H. Rundie and f0 the maternity staff., 5-1 READ-Jim and Ann proudly announce the arrivai of Michael James, 4570 q rams, en January 25, 1978 at Oshawa General Hospital. A littie brother for Susan and a new , randson for Jim and Nora ed, Oshawa and George and Marjorie Barber, Brant- ford. Special thanks f0 Dr. R. XK Lai for his patience and f0 Zusana Groen for her encour- agement and support. 5-1 BAKER - Af Memorial Hosptal, Bowmanville, Saturday, Jenuary 28, 1978, A. John (Jack) Baker, in his 55fh y ar. Beloved husband et June Irris, dear tather'of Tommy, Bcwranville; Gary, Peter- .borough; Linda and Maureen, Oshawa. Loving grandfafher ,of Chris, Doug, La une, Leigh -Anne, Shane and Amenda, ., Service was held in the Mrris Funeral Chepel, Bowrnanville --on Tuesday affemnoon. Creme- io.Donations te Ontario -Heart Foundaion. would be :-appreciated. 5-1 COOLE - Jack. At Memerial 1-osptal, Bowmenvilie on ~Saturday, January 28, 1978, ~Jack Coole of 70 Wellington Stin his 65th year. Beioved husband ef Viola Keeler, dear ,'-ather et Mrs. G. Heal, ,. (Sandra), grandfather et ý, Cynthie,- Peter, Rebecca, ýbrother cf Mrs. E. Henning S(Jean) and Menseil. Resfed et ".the Nothcutt Eliiott Funeral ,Home. Funeral service was« '.held Tuesday À*fterneen. I.nterment Bowrnanville :-Cernetemy. Donations te the ,-Ontario Heart Foundation ~would be appreciated. V 5-1iN (U0r rits F un i 4 DIVISION ST. BQWMANVILLE TWO OFF STREET1 ADAMS - In lovlng memory et a dear sister and sIster-in- law Vemna Cochrane, whe passed awey January 3Oth, 1976. In tears we saw you sinking, We watched yeu fade away, Our hearts were elmost broken You foughf se hard f0 stay, But when we say you sleeping, So peacefully, free frorn pain, Wecould nef wish you back To suffer thet again. - Lovin gly ememberd by brother Leslie, sister-in-law Norma and family. ADAMS - In mernory et a deer and leving mother Verna Adams who passed away Ja vuary 30, 1976. Loving and kind ln ail hem Upright and just te the end of hem deys, Sincere and kind ln heart and minc Whet a beautiful rnernory she Ieft behlnd. Just as you were - you will a lweys be Treasured forever in our memery. - Lovingly rerembered by son Brien, Ann and children. ADAMS - In leving rnernry ef a deer and leving mother and grandmother, Vemna Adarns, who passed away January.30, 1976. Twe years have passed, dear Morn; Since you were ceiled awey; How welI de we remember Thaf sad and weary day. You suffered much, you murmured net, We watched you day by day, Two dear brighf eyes, a tender srnile, A loving heet that knew ne guile, Deep trust in God that al w vas right, Hem loy te make some other bright. If sick or sutfering one she knew, Seme gent le acf et love she'd de; No thought of self, but etf'"the other,'" I know he said "~well done, dear Mother.-~ - Sadly rissed and always loved and rernerbered by daughfer Jean, scn-in-law Bce, grandchiîdren Todd and Tanva. 5-1 PAGE - Rosaline A. At Marian Villa, London, Ontario. On Sunday, January 29, 1978, Rosaline (Pollard), widow of the late Frank Gibson and the late Fred Page. Deer mother of Mrs. Fred (Jean) Brunskill, of Meaford and Howard M. Gibson of London. Dear sîster of Sidney Pollard of Jordan Station, Rutherford Pollard cf St. Catharines, Glen (late cf Streetsville), f ive grand- children and three great q randchildren also survive. Funeral service was held Tuesdaï, January 31sf et 2:30 pn . a the Harris Funerai Hme, 220 St. James St. at Richmnond, London. Interment ln Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. Mernorial donations te the Canadien Cancer Society will be gmatefully ecknowledged. 5-1 "F owers àrSay it VAN BELLEet DAI LY Delivery to ... Oshawa - Bowmanvilie Area Phone 623-4441 43-f rral'Chape il ïN rxt4cutt tuuî THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN SERVICE Service to your needs . . . ur fi rst'concern. So that you wiII be relieved f rom worry and detail. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.0. box 176 73 Ontîarie Street Port. Hope, Ontario WORKMANSHIP Q UALITY LýA 3W3 High Quatity et L Realsoneîble-Prices Phono 885-5216 I Home 085-5222 ADAMS - ln loving memory of Verna Adams, wnho passed away on January 30, 1976. Gone from us, but leavlng memories Death can neyer take away, Memorles that wlll always S i nger, While upon this earth we stay. - Ever remembered by Henry. 5-1 BOTHWELL - In loving memory of a dear father-in- ,law, grandfather and great grandfather Dave Bothwell r. who passed away February 2, 1976. His sml le has gone forever And his hand we cannot touch Stili we have so many 1memories 0f the one we loved so much His memory is our keepsake From which we'll neyer part God has hlm ln his keeping We have him in our hearts. - Lovingly remembered by Bernice othwell and family. 5-1 LUXTON - ln loving memory of a dear father and grand- father Percy Luxton who passed away Feb. th, 1974. omany things have happen- ed, since you were called away. So many things to share wifh you Had you been lef t to stay. Every day in some small1 way. Memories of you corne our way Thoughabsent you are ever near. S iliilmi1ssed, loved, always dear. - Sadly missed by daughter Millie, son-in-law John and family. 5-1 KNAPP - In loving memory of a dear father Herb (Red)ý Knapp, who passed away, Februa ry 2, 1977. No farewell was spoken And no lime to saygqood-bye You were gone before w e knew It And only God knows why. But you did nof go alonie For part of us wenf with you The day God called you home. - SadI ymissed and loving ly reme rIed by daughter lrene and son-in-law Mervyn and family. 5-1 PARKER - In loving rnerory of a dear husband and fether, L. A. (Bert) Parker whe passed ewey February 6th, 1976. Toc deerly oved, e ver te be forgotten. - Always rernernbered by hisý wite Dot and family. 5-1 Floral Crea fions "Flowers with Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Holidays Ruth 623-7259 FLOWERS SY JACKMAN Bowmanville M-2 623-3365 PROMPT, COU RT EOU S, SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL N E E S 49-fl The family of the late John (Jack) Buttonshaw Sr. wish f0 express their sincere thanks to relatives, triends and neigh- bours for the many klnd- nesses, cards, floral tributes and donations f0 the Cancer Socety and Heart Fund. Special thanks to Drs. H. B. Rundle and E. G. Long, nurses in Special Care Unit, and Morris Funeral Chapel. Also thanks to Canadian Leciion Branch 178 and Ladies, Auxiliary. 5-1 The family of the late Fred Boyd wish f0 express their sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to relatives, friends and neighbors for many kind- nesses, floral tributes, cards and donations to the Heart Fund and Ladies Auxiliary, Memoriai Hospital, Bowrnan- ville. Special thanks Io the staff of second f loor, Mernorial Hospital, Dr. A. F. McKenzie, Barlow Funeral Home, Rev. Tizzard and Rebekah Lodge. Boyd Family 5-1 I wish to fhank ail the rela- tives, neighboms and fiends, who sent cards, gifts, or fiowers, or who helped in eny way while i was a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Aise rnany fhanks te Rev. Schamerhorn, Dr. John Rundie, Bowrnanville, Dr. Homwich, nurses and staff on the 7th f coor, Oshawa, doctors, nurses, fherapists, in Bow- manville Hospital, who aided me et th is firne. Wilson Abernethy 5-1 We would like te thank al our relatives and friends for the lovely cards, gifts. and flowers. Speciel thenks te aur farnily and enyone who helped ian wey te mke aur Sth Wedding Anniversary such a happy and memorable occasion. Ruth and Clarence Tink S1 5-1iN Special fhanks te my femily, relatives and fiends fer visifs, cards and kind in- uiries aise te Dr. Ugray and r. owsell, staff and nurses of Oshawa Hospital-for their splendid came. Harvey McGll 5-1 We wish te express aur sincere appreciatien te all relatives, friends and neigh- boums for their rnanyr kind- nesses, -cerds, floral t ibutes and donations in rnemory ef a leving husband, father and grand fat hem Gemnet Johnston. A special fhank you te the ambulance crew, Memoriel' Hospital staff (Bowmanville), Norfhcutt Elliott funemel directors, Goodyear Union Local 189 for the gîft of the Bible, Rev. B. Long, Kirby U.C.W. Lottie Johnsfon and family 5-1 MEM E LE CTROLYSIS (Permanent Hair Removal) Evening app. accepted. ROBERTA McCANN C.E. 19 Burk Court Bowmanville 623-6214 5-tf EAR PIERCING $8.00 (no annnintr,.nt necesary) Plus 10per cent off f irsl ~ purchese of errings with releese slip. ~' Hooper's Jeweîîers Ltd. 29 King St. E. 14-tf Bowmanvilie .......___ 623-5747 FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERÇ Look for this sîea . guarantee of permanence. STAFF-ORD Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. -Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 My sincere epprecletion te aIl who were so thoughtfui whlle i was ln the hespital. Speclel thenks to the nurses and staff of 1stf floor and Ds. Anfossi and Murphy. Cecil Rahm 5- The farnlly cf the lato Charles Johns would like te thank frlends, relatives and neighbours for cards, fierai tributes, donations te varleus cherities, acts et klndness and ail who asslsted wlth transpor- tatien te and from hospitai during the past few weeks. A word et thanks te Rev. Peters and the Norfhcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Special thanks teors. Siemon and Long, aise second and third flber nurses et Memoial Hospital. 24-tf The Johns Family 1-tf N Opportunity for Business Minded People To secure a profitable inde- gendent future with your own usiness. Write P.O. Box 2252, Oshawa. 3-4N Winners of the January 25th Leqion Lttery draw are: 1sf - ticket ne. 1372 - Mm. Glenn, Prout, Bowmanville; 2nd - ticket ne. 2397 - Miss M. J. Tubb and group, Oshawa; 3md - ticket ne. 2203 - AI Moing, Oshawa. Next draw, February Harry Voermnan I nsura nce 181 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-4428i Res.,623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSURANCE 28-tf GREY, fluffy cat. Salemn area. Phone 263-8419. 5-1 N ROOM and board evaileble for senior citizen in Bowmen- ville. Phone 623-3416.- 5-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel N EWCASTLE "'Bud Roberts"«ý Fr!. and Sat. Feb. 3 -4 Dancing 9- 1 5-1 N FREE FILMS FAMI LY ENTERTAINMENT Tues., February lth 7 te8:15 p.m.approx. BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance St. 5-1 N Durham East Libemal As- sociation genemal meeting or Tuesday, Februamy 7 et 8 p .m. Port Damlington Marina. E lec- tien et delegates and elter- nates te attend the Ontario Liberel Pamty's annuel meet- ing in Toronto, Mamch 10 - 12. Everyone welcome.' For in- formation celi 1-983-9353 ar 623-2904. 5-1 N MACRAME 10 Classes for $20, materials for 3 prolects supplied. Monday 7 te 9 p.rn. beginning Febmuery 6th. BASIC LEATHERCRAFT 5 lessens with purchase of Beginner's Kif, starting week et Februe ry 6th. FIGURE CARVING AND DYEING LEATHER 10 lessons for $25, Sefurday mornings 10 - 12 a.m. starting Februemy 4th. Reg ister et: The Rowan Tree 133 Church St. Bowmenville c- Phone 623-9122 r- 5-1 N 2. )r ADVANCE NOTICE Reserve these dates for the following activities .with Trinity U.C.W. April 21sf.- Bake Sale from 10a.m.-12 noon May l6th - Sa lad Luncheon f rom 11 a.m. -1: 30 p.m. Nov. 4th - Beef Dinner f rom 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 5-1 INTERNATIONAL POOL DISTRIBUTORS 690 Drake St., Oshawa Get the facts and figures on a modemn vinil lmer pool from a dynamic Canadian manufac- turer. Enrol now in the ""Pool School Program"ýý Sa t., February 4th atl:30p.mn.' FREE REFRESHMENTS Cali for reservation fhrouah the day 723-0345, evenings 579-8869. 5-1 N Orono Country Ja mboree, Sundey, February 5, 2 p.m. 0gono Town Hall, more good country and bluegress m usic. Aduits $1 .50. Chu dren .50 5-1 x THE 2nd ANNUAL, GENERAL MEETING 1 c f The Big Brother As sociation 0F NEWCASTLE will be Wed., Feb. 22, 1978 8 p.m. in Court Room No. 2, New Town Hall1, Church Street. 2-6N The Annual Meeting of the Durham East Branch ýof the Canadian Red Cross Society will be held Thursday, February 9, 1978 at 8 p.m. at the Memorial Park Club- house, Liberty St. S., Bow- manvilie. Ail welcome. ,5.2 JUDO TOURNAMENT Februa ry 5, 1978 9 a. m. -6hp.m. CLARKE HIGH SCMOOL GYM Sponsored by Ciarke Evening Courses i nstructor: Mr. Ray Wilson, second DAN Admission: 50c 5-1 N OLD TYME DANCING in OId Tyrone HaIl on Feb. 4, 1978 Music by WILLIE & BOB Adm: $2.50 per person Sponsored by L.O.A. 5-1 x DANCE ST. JOSEPH'S HALL 127 Liberty St. S. Bowmanv.ille.-- Sat., Feb. 4, 1978 Music BY SAPPHI RES $5.00 PER COUPLE 9-1 a.m. EVERYBODY WELCOME SCRAP PAPER Suitable for homnework, letter- writing, grocery notes etc., end of newsprint roils suitable for making patterns, lining shelves and drawers, wrap- pichina, etc. Aluminum plates 24 x 36 suitable for insulation, craft pro jects, pro- tection of young trees etc. STATESMAN OFFICE 62 King St. W. Bowmanville HADASSAH JEANS and UPHOLSTERY SALE Brand name jeans, ali sizes. Material by the yard. Very Reasonable Prices Large selection 0f nearly new clothing. Wednesday, February 8 _9 a.m. -9 p.m. 144 King St. E. Oshawa 5-1 N A a 5 Clearance Sale Ba rgains 3 new one piece Skideo suifs. Ladiestall..........$2each New AC 610 10 herse power tractor-mowem and blowem ........... .... $1695 New AC 712 12 herse power trector-mower and blowem ............... $2395 Used 42" snew thrower for AC 400 semies g arden tracter. George Wh ite 86" dernonstma- tom snow blower ......... $950 New Rupp sport 25 snowmebile............ $995 Trewin Farmn Equipment BLACKSTOCK 986-4283 5-1 N FIREWOOD Apple wood, fireplace or steve lengths. PH ONE 987-5152 after 4 p.M. 5-2N WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS -Towers, U HF, VH F Aerials, Rotors& Repairs - 576-5606 E. WHITE Aise Insulation Blown Cellulose Fibre by -White's Insulation Free Estimates - ~ 576-5606 TEAKWOOD and Resewood Scendînavian fumnitume, bed- roern suite - 8 pc., dining oom suite - 9 pc. chesterfield and chair, etc. AlilBrand new, reesoneble. 1-247-4377. 3-tf J and M TIRE Service fei Michelin tires, your one-step radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf Cash in Your OId PIANO for sale. $225. Phone Wintario Tickets 623-3414. 5-1 Save up ta $2 per book on fhe Half-Back Prograrn. Cheose 1978 SKIDOO, insured, oniy tram aur large selection eftfwa manths aid wif h caver, Canadien books for ail ages. Olympic 340. Aise skil saw; timing light and tachometer. - Kendal Hilîs Phone 1-983-9494. 5-1iN Antiques and Books Shop APPLES Hwy. 115 nd 35 atKirby REASONABLE PRICES Open 10 - 5daîly, Sundey 12- 4 ClosedTuesday Roy Orchards Phone 983-5476 263-8430 4-3N 4-2N TWO windows, double glazed, one 15 5' x 41 and one is 5' x 11/2'. Phone 263-8833 affer 6. 5-1 N FIRE PLACE WOOD Alil hardwood, (applewood), ail cut ready for the fireplace. WiII deliver. Reasonable. Phone 623-4550 5-1 N '72 SKIDOO Olymplc in good running order, $300. Phone 263-8455. 5-1 N CAR PETS. 12 x 19'9" Hardinig acrilan plush - Reg. $19.95. Clearing $9.95 sq. yd. Several 12' x 12' area rugs, scatter matts 27" x 54" - $3.95. See our window dis p ay. Kramp Furniture, 37 King St. E., Bowmanvllle. 5-1 N SWIVEL chair, child's bed, picture frames, sink, antique stand, 2 full length mirrors, 4 ec ieset, antique chair. hoe63-7976. 5-1 Applewood for SPLASH $10.00 a tree HWY. 2 and MARTIN RD. Feb. 4 -AIIDay 5-1 N CHOI CE a pplewood. $40 face cord. $70 bush cord. Cut in fireplace or stove lengths. Phone Newcastle 987-4888. 5-1 N REFRIGERATOR, General Electric, 16 cu. ff., swing-out shelves, 50 IL freezer. $150 firm. Phone 623-5739. 5-1 N HAR DWOOD, cut and spl it, $4~ a face cord delivered. Phoné 623-3035. 5-1 N Lots of Used'Pianos in Stock, Organs Too! Ha mmond, He intz ma n OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simcoe N. <at King) 728-1675 PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.s and stereos and aIso used fumniture and appliences. Will accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf ONE Findlay ovai cookstove and one McClamy cooksteve. Phone 1-786-2512. 4-tf N GOOD quality rnixed ha y and oats and oet straw. Phone 263-2082. 4-3N ONE Tecomaster drill press, comiplete with stand and motor, excellent condition, $100. Phone 987-4865. 5-1 N 3000 BALES good quality Timothy hay, suitable for horses or cattie. Phone 987-4865. 2-6N COR N, cats or barley $5.00 per 100 lbs.; straw 90c; hay 75c; extra charge for delivery. Evenings 623-5466 or 987-4091. 3-tf N USED fumnitu re and ap- ýIiances. Paddy's Market. arnpton. 263-2241. 33-tf FIREWOOD FOR SALE $80.00 A CORD Available et any quar Lawn Garder Hwy. 2, Newcastle Phone 987-4670 's USED timber, Pine 8" x 11", x 8'. Would make excellent tireplace mentIes. Phone 623- 2677. 4-2N L i R'1 Buy Now anci Save U pto $300 Before Price InCreases February1, 1978 "'BEST PRICES"' Prowler Tmevel treilers -Starcraft FolIdewns Bonair Hdtp. foldewns Honey Truck Cempers -Maple Leaf Truck Cep Sliie-Ins - 1/2 Ton or Van Used and Factery Clearances AÀsk tom liougAllen or Neil Veneout De -ýsifholds till Spring 1916 i.undas E., Hwy. 2 Whitby, 728-9493 Toronto 683-3571 Open Sundey 1 - 5 p.m. ANTIQUE CLOCKS - REPAIRED - Parts avallable fot most antique cdocks, pocket watches andnmodemn watches and dlocks, an 400 day dlocks. Our repairs are' done with modern up-to-date equipment and qualified Swiss frained watchmaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 1-Ntt ANTIQU ES Invest in Canadiana We have a super selection for you. Pine ha rvest tables, cupboards, chests, chairs, etc. Many local pieces. Open daily 10 - 5, Sunday 12 - 4. Closed Tuesday. Kendal His Antiques and Books Shop Hwy. 115 and 35 at Kirby Phone 983-5476 ,I 1974 LeMANS Sport Coupe, spbradial tires with eysfone mags, sunroof, 350, A-i condition. $2500 certif ied. Cal 1-983-5295. 5-1 N 1972 FORD 3/ ton, V8,' automatic, power brakes, însuiated cap, snows, sliding windows, radio. Certif led $1700 or best offer. Phone 623-2250 affer 6. 5-1 N 1972 DOOGE Colt station wagon, 4 cyl. autometic, excellent condition, certified. $1200. Evenings 623-5466 or 987-4091. 5-1iN 1970 DATSUN pickup, excel- lent condition. Certif ied. $1000. Evenings 623-5466 or 987-4091. 5-1 N 1973 DATSUN pickup, rusf- proefed when new, geed condition with lew mileage. Certif ied. $1500. Evenings 623- 5466 or 987-4091. 5-1 N J and M TIRE Service for ýMichelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf '74 VOLVO, 142, AM- FM, radial tires, hitch, AI condi- tion. Best offer. Orono 983-9404. 5-2N '77 GMC Sierra Grande pick- u p ,8400 miles, 20 options. Besf off er. 728-4510. 5-1iN VITALIZING! Pnone 723-1155 for Rustproofing on new or used vehici es. Wrîtten wem- ranty. Durham Vitalizing, phone 723-1155. d7-tf tion announces S pring Train- ing Classes for dogs. Novice and open classes starting March 21sf in Bowmanville. Novice classes sterting Mamch 29fh in Oshawa. For further information, please phone 623-5686 or 576-1167. 5-8N Poodie Clipping, and Groomning BY PROF ESSIONAILS Please cail: 623-6676 48-tf N 51/2 YEAR old fernele lab, f0 be g iven away f0 good home, preferebly wlth children. Phone 623-9506. 5-1 N DALMATION, 1-year-old, purebred, house trained, ex- cellent family dog. Phone 623-2760 efter 6. 5-1 N FREE te. good home, twc ternale cats, both spayed, ene hait Persien, other tabby. 49-tf N Beth have beaufiful markings and very gonfle. Caîl 623-9277. 5-1 TO g ive away te good home, 2 rnonfh old kittens, litter train- ed. Phone 725-3947. 46-tf N BABYSITTER fer fwo schoel Sa osi he King-Ontario Sta e a. Phone 623-6989 affer 3:30. 5-1 FULL time or part time beaufy consultent rp,,quired fer an expe nding compa -iy, mnust be p eesa nt and meafure. Treining povided if quelified. For appointrnent caîl 1-986- 5655 aftem 4. 5-1 N WANTED - Reliable person te babysit, 2 pre-scheol children in our home. Light housekepn uisincluded. Own trnrtin essentiel. Goodpa ibryed Conces- sionEas, Modaythreugh Fridays hoe evenings 623-577.5-1 N BACHELOR apert ment in private house, 20 minutes east cf Oshawa. Available ilm- mediatel y. Phone 1-683-68.92, 9- 5, 263-2788 evenings'and week- ends. 5-1iN TO sublIet 4 bedroom house with atached garage, in- ground swimrnlngipool. $275 per rnonth. First and last mequired. Caîli Hampton 263-2044. 5-1 N APARTMENT, srnall, one bedroorn. Available Feb, 1IL Phone 623-7438. .5-l' BOWMANVI LLE besernent office space for rient. Two moorns, apprioximately 250 sq. ft. each. $5 per sq. ffý. including ail utilifies. Leesee te pay business taxies only. Available new. Phone 723-0575 or 623- 4172. 2-4N bMALL fwo bedmoom apart- ment, heat, hydre and cable T.V. included. $225 a rnonfh. Centrally located. 'Phone 623-7402. 5-1 PART-TIME REPRESENTATIVES REQUIRED Ontarîo Automnobile Associatin Cen you spere 2 hours a day? Do you want te bank a substential aemount of mpneày 1eech month? We have openings in the Motor Club Field with Hîigh Guarenteed new and reneweî commissions. Contact MR. FRANK GORESKI, Box 2l3,OshawaiOntario. 3-3 ESTABLISHED 188 : 62&3e5480 PAR KING AREAS FIVE room aparfment. $150 month. Includes hydro. Phone 728-5213. 1 5-1 SPACIQUS upper duplex, two bedrooms plus dining% room, new carpeting. Avala e Feb. lSth . Phone 623-3924 between 5 - 8 P.r. 5-1N UPPER apartment, frldge and stove, heat and hydro supplied. $250 rnonthly. Phone 623-7363. 5-1 N OFFICE space on King St. in Bowmanville, 600 sq. ft., carpetted, immediate occu- pancy, leasee moving, assume sub-lease. Phone 623-6555. 5-1 N TWO bedroom apartment, Newcastle, $125 per month inciuding heat, fridge and stove, central location. Phone 623-4129. i 5-1 UPSTAIRS apartmnent, 11/2 bedroorns, fridge and stove suppiied, garage, 2 miles east of Bowmanville on Highway 2. Available March 1sf. Phone 987-4474. 5-1 BOWMANVILLE apartment, 4 rooms and bath, heated, cable T.V., free parking. Available now, $225 monthly, plus hydro. Phone 623-7523. 1î 50-tf 3 BEDROOM, semi, in Bow- manville, 3-years-olçl, garage, possession February 1. $300 month. Phone 17225-,3992. 4-2N 5 BEDROOM house and-or store for rent. House or store may be rented separatel y Phone 1-983-5373. 4-2N THREE bedroom bungalow, attached garage. $350 month- lyPay own heat and hydro. Ca11623-7661. 5-1 TWO single rooms, in private home, working gentlemen pref erred. Ail conveniences. Phone 983-9494. 5-1 N TWO bedroom du plex, living, dining, kitchen and laundry rooms. Country atmosphere. $285 monthly, all services included. Cail 623-2381. 5-1 B OWMAN V 1LLE new commercial space for rent. Prime downtown location. Areas of 500 to 5000 sq. ft. Total of 15,000 sql. ft. evallable. Phone 723-0575 or 623-4172. 2-4N PAPE RBOYS - girls needed f0ý deliver the Canadian States- man in the area of Scugog and Prospect Streets. The' route consists 0f 30 papers. Avail- able January 25th. Also in the area of Waverley, Colemnan, Chapel and Kingý Street West with 22 papers. Avaleble immedietel y. Phone 623-3303. 3-ff TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Applica tions are invited for the position ôf Anima I Control Off icer for the Town of Newcastle. Sealed applications rnarked as f0 contents will be r eceived by the undersigned until 5 p.m. on Friday, February 10, 1978. Animai Control Officers under the direction of the By-Law Enforcement Officer in the Town Clerk's Departrnenf are required to enforce the Animal Control By-Laws and also look after the, Bowrnan- ville Dog Pound. This is a Union job (Local 74, Canadien Union of Public Employees) and the current rate is $6.06 per hour, 40 hour week. Apply in writing including a compiete resurne, with mferences. J. #W Mcliroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. LlC 3A6. 5i ;t h 81