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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1978, p. 14

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NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F RUSSELL ELGIN VICE, late of Town of Newcastle, Re- glanaI Municipality af Durha m (R.R. 1, Hamptan, Ontario). AIl persans having dlaims against the Estate af Russel Elgin Vice late af R.R. 1 Hamptan, Ontario are hereby required ta send full particu- lars of such dlaims ta the undersigned on or before February 2lst, 1978 affer which date the Estate assets will be distributed having regard only ta dlaims that have then been received and undersigned will flot be hiable ta any persan af whose dlaim they shall ot then have notice. Estate of Russell Elgin Vice by solicitors for Estate Lovekin & Ewert Barristers & Solicitors Bax 9, NeWcastle, Ontario 4-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANDOTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F HARRY GEORGE SAUNDERS. AIl persans having dlaimns against the Estate of Harry George Saunders, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the' Regianal Municipality of Durham, Accountant, de- ceased, who died on or about the 24th day of Februa ry, 1977, are hereby natif led ta send in ta the undersigned personal representative of the deceased on or before the 28th day of February, 1978, full particu- lars of their dlaimf. After that date the said personal repre- sentative MiIl proceed ta distribute the said estate, having regard anly ta the dlaims of which she shahl then have notice. JANET SAUNDERS, Admin- istratrix, by her Solicitor, GEORGE J. ELASCHUK Q.C., 372 Bayy Street, Suite 1600, Toronta, Ontario, MSH MW. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F FLORENCE ADEINE KINGSTON late of Town of Newcastle, Regioanal Munici- p ality of Durham (R.R. 1, Bawma nvi lie, Otaria) AIl persons having dlaims against the Estate of F larence Adel ine Kingston, late af R. R. 1, Bowmanvilîe, Ontario, wha died on or about lst day of October 1977,,are hereby required ta sen full particu- lars of such dlaims ta the undersigned on or before February 21sf, 1978 after which date the Estate assets will be distributed having regard only ta dlaims that have then been recelved and undersigned will not be hiable ta any persan of whose dlaim she shal I not then have notice. Eileen Florence Partridge, Executrix of Estateof Florence Adeline Kingston by soli citors for Estate, Lovekin & Ewert, Barristers & Solicitors, Box 9, Newcastle, Ontario. USED Furniture and1 Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hem pton 263-2241. 26-tf RIELIABLE cleaning lady has openings for Manday and Thursday . References i f re- quired. Call 623-2018. 5-1 WILL babysity aur child in my home in Waverley area. Phone 623-6230. 5-1 RESPONSIBLE lady desires position as apart-time com- pan ion. W Il so do light houskeeping and coaking. Phone 623-5640 or 623-4623. 5-1 N A-i CARPENTRY Specializingin finishing and remrodelling 28 Years Carpentry Experience FREE ESTIMATES PHONE JAMIE VOLLENHOVEN 623-6358 after 6 p.m. 5t AN DE RSON INSU LATION 623-5181 or 579-2060 Blown Cellulose Fibre' for Attic and RAPCO FOAM for Walls. CITY and COUNTRY HOMES SSteve' s Furniture Shop Funiture Refinishing Dîning Sets ta Occassional Pieces. We do Upho stery FREE E STIMATES R.R. 1. ORONO 983-9630 Steve Johnson 4-21 N ýREYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique. Free pickup and delivery. F RE E E STIMATES PHONE 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton 48-tf Peter Sutherland Alumninum Prod. Bowmanville Siding - Soffit Fa scia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 FOR FREE ESTIMATE. NOW HANDLING VINYL SIDING 3-tf -eI FREE REMOVAL 0F- FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CAIL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 30-tf CASH for gold, silver, coins, guns, docks, Iewellery, dish- es, furniture, cracks, paint- i ngs, sealers, a ppliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-f WANT YOUR Bathroom or Kitchen REMODELLED? For Free Quotations Phone 623-73634- CUSTOM furniture, shelf units desks, etc., repairs and refin- ishing. Phone, 623-2677 evenings. 4-2N M. Brooks CARPE NTRY R EMODELLING CUPBOARDS - VAN ITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 10-tf AIl kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS f P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 SCU90g St. Bowmanvi île 623-2756 WATER Wells bored, 30 tule. Ward's Well Boring. Tele-' f' hone 342-2030. Representa- ive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-tf T& D CUSTOM WOODWORKI NG Cupboards, tables, sheîving units, etc. Free estimates Phone 263-2752 2-4N Durham Masonry Contractors Ltd. Bricks - Lags Field Stonework Specializing in Fireplaces Phone 839-2431 49-tf Don Brooks &Ê Son Genera I Contractor and Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 New homes, additions, altera- tions, rec rooms, garages, repa irs af ail1 types, etc. 25-tf GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Pa inti ng Paperhanging Ca rpentry Remodelling General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-tf G. VAN LONDEN MASONRY BRICK, BLOCK, STONE AND FIREPLACES. Phone 623-5114. 28-52x Professional1 Carpet Cleaning AT REASONABLE RATES FREE ESTIMATES Phone Bob Da ys 723-5729 Evenings 623-2383 S1 47-tf Don't wait tiîIl Spring. Get your Canvas Jobs and Repairs done now. Gloriaý's Canvas & Upholstery Custom Made Awnings Trai1ler - Boat - Sail1 Covers AIl Types of Cenvas Repairs Boat - Skidoo - Motorcycle Seats Recovered BOWMANVIIL E 623-4654. THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EUULAIO ANNOUNCES 1978 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Schools wilIl be holding Kindergarten registrations as follows: SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Central, Bowman. Mr. T. Turner Courtice Schools Mr. I. Golder (at West Courtice) - Enniskillen Mr. B. Lush Hampton Jr. Mr. E. Murdoch Kirby Centennial Mr. G. Gleibs Lord Elgin Mr. J.,Murrey Maple G rave School Mr.J .Lewis (East (et Meple Grave West) (West) Mitchel's Crns. Mr. W. Pitt Newcastle Mr. R. Munra Ontario Street Mr. W. Heinbuch Vincent Messey Mr. S. Green Orono 623-5614 725-4738 263-2970 263-2252 983-5802 623-3682 st)623-2221 623-2373 576-7222 987-4262 623-5437 623-5502 Mr. R. Simser 983-5006 DAT E February 6- 10 (inclusive) Februery 1 February 8 February 7 February 1 February 21 Februery 22 Februery 22 February 9 February 2 Februery 21 February 22 February 2 9:OOa.m. - 3:30p.m. 9:O00a.m. - 12:O00naon :Oa.m. - 3:30p.m. 1:Oa.m. - 1:Oa.m. - 3:30p.m. 9:O00a.m. - Il: 30 a.m., 1:Oa.m. - 3:30p.m. 1:0a.m. - 3:30p.m. 9. 00 .m. - 11 30 a.m. 9:O00a.m. - Il: 30 a.m. 9. 00a.m. - 11: 30a. m. 9. 00 .m. - Il: 30 a.m. 1:Oa.m. - 3:30p.m. Parents and Guerdians are reminded of the fol lowing points: 1. In most instances the schoal nurse wil I be eveilable et these registrations. 2. Children ta be registered must be 5 years of ege on or before December 31, 1978. 3. Proof of ege in the form of a birthcertificete or an officiel birth registration is required prior ta chlldren being admltted ta schoal. 4. Property taxes for familes with children in public schoaIs will go to support public schools. 5. Precise informration regarding residence, location and pastel code is important. Rural residents require lot and concession num bers. 6. For further information pleese contact eny of the schaols listed above. N.B. Information and application forms for aur French Immersion classes will be availeble et the same timre et the ebove schools. eu= - DO yau need a, "Girl Friday" - Bookkeeper (ta trial balance) - Dicta Sect. - Office Manager? Hig hly quai!- fied in ail aspects. Would prefer part time but will accept full time if necessary. Phone Mrs. R. Mohun, 623-7234. -3-2 Geddes Eîectric Custom Homes, Additions - Alterations Rewiring FREE ESTIMATES 623-4174 40-tf N, INSTALL an Esso furnace, boiler, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. Comblination wood and ail. Financing avail- able. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service policy. Caîl Harvey Partner, aour Esso service dealer. Free est!- mates. Orono 983-5206 or Bowmanviîle 623-2301. 24 hour service. 35-tf OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemnasons Ltd. (Our fi!replaces do flot smoke) Orono 983-5606 18-tf Lloyd Barnes .P lu mbing Carpentry, Renovating AI I General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf D). Beers& Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs of ail types. phone 623-2263 JACK BURGESS 011 BURNERS -FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADD)RESS:- P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf C & C JAN ITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholsterý Prafessionaî1îy Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE 45-tf BiIl's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 7t DARLINGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 Ref rigeration and SAppliance Service Commercial and Domestic Ré ratreion - Milk Colers PHNE BERT SYER Days .............. 623-5774ý Nights............. 623-31771 tLander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf[ NEED a pressure system? Water Safteners? Repairs ta ail makes. Harvey Partner, Orona 983-5206, Bowmanville 623-2301. 35-tf Ron's Floor Ca re Commercial and household cleaning. Dry foam rug and carpet shampooing. Wax re- moval, walI washing. Ron. Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf Western Canada .School of Auctioneering Ltd. Canada's f irst, and the only completely Canadian course offered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970, C.366. For particulars of the next course write: Box 687, Ldcombe, Alberta or Phone 782-6215. 5-9 Pethick's Auction Barn Saturday, February 4th Auctio an éatPethick's Auction Barn, Haydon, one mile east of Enniskillen on Saturday evenlng February 4th at 7 o'clock. A large quantlty of furniture from a Montreal apartment ta settie the estate. Beds, dressers, kitchen and dining room suites, ru g s, odd chairs, small articles. E verything is in good condition. Terms cash. Cllff Pethick, auctioneer. Sl Corneil's Auction Barn Friday, Feb. 3rd at 7 p.m. 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay an the Lindsay-Little Britain Road. Due ta the snow storm af last weekend, the estate af the late Garfield Heaf lie will be held this Friday, Feb. 3rd at 7 p.m. Don «Corneil, auctioneer, R. R. 1 Little Britain, 705-786-2183. 5-IN Saturday, February 4th at 1: 15 P.M. at Bannisters Auction Hall in Bewdley Cansisting of: chesterfield and chair, R.C,A. coloured T.V., chests of drawers, tables, washstand, chairs, kitchen cabinet, dilshes, glassware, ail lamps, shelves, vacuum cleaner, refrigeratar, small appliances, and other items, stili being consigned. Rager Bannister, auctianeer, 416-797-2651. 5-1 N 2- Day Aucti on Sale Thursday, February 2 Tuesday, February 7 at 6p. Property of.Mrs. Eff le Murless, 232 Albert St., Oshawa in care of the Public Trustee, Toronto, ta be held at Stirtevant's Auctian Hall, 27 Hall St., Oshawa. Diningraam gate leg table, 6 dinlingraam chairs, buffet, antique radia, loveseat, chesterfield suite, large wall mirrar, Zenith portable T.V., rocking chairs, coffee and end table, coal and wood stove (Annex), large kitchen cabinet wlth flour bin, hall tree, wash stands, antique dressers, chest of drawers, large wardrobe (salld waad), Frigidaire refri gerator, magazine rack, tub stand, sewi ng machine, washing machine, bridge lamp, book- shelf, set of Limages - disheséê (apprax. 125 pieces), pine eupboard, complete îine of carpenter tools, hand toos, garden tools, china, silver, pots and pans. Largle quantity of aId dishes, pic tires, etc. This Is a large estate sale. Plan ta attend. Terms cash. No reserve. Myles King, auctianeer and cartage. 725-5751. 5-1 Fso, PUREBRED Tamworth boar ready for service, weighs approxlmately 275 lbs. 986-4881 or 986-5088. 5-1 Nf N EW 1150 sq. ft. home, one car garage, 1 acre lot, quiet area 1ust off Hwy. 7 nea r Reaboro,5, miles south east of Lindsay - 5 year warranty. 705-799-6305. 5-1 N 10 ACRES, 2 barns with 10 box stalîs. Tyrone area. $60 month ly. Caîl 1623-7661. Ask for Donna. 5-1iN Hockey Re.suits Midget, Jnnunry 15, 1978 Reddi Chef - 7 - Daug Piekeil 2, Greg Vyfschaft 2, Keith Sheehan, Robert Poulit. Attersley Tire - 4 - Mike Janssen, Wilfred Thiele, John Klompmaker, Joe Nowlan. Novice, Janunry l9th Grape Crush - 2 - Richard Stone, Brian Noble. Bonded Paving - 1 - Jamie Lever. Atom Orange Crusb - 2 - Dan Meraw, Bob Lee. Darlington Auto Centre-i1 - Pete Raetsen. Midget, Jnnunry 21, 1978 Reddi Chef - 7 - Doug Pickell 2, Keith Sheehan 2, Gary Vyfschaft, Greg Langfard, Richard Sneed. Voyageurs -1 - John Ayre. Jnnuary 22, 1978 Attersley Tire - 7 - Joe Nowlan, 4, Steve Cale, Keith Dennis, Stephen Wood. Canucks - 3 - Randy Hanthorne, Scott Dawn, Bll Lambert. Novice, January 20, 1978 Elmburst Hotel - 5 - 'Rab Baker 3, Brad Lawrence 2. Crosstown Cleaners - 3 - Fred Milîson 2, Jamie Todd. Pee Wee, January 21, 1978 Dennison Mfg. - 1 - Glenn Klompmnaker, shut out ta John Derry. Nichals Motors - 0 - Mr. Submarine - 3 - - Kelly Brownell 2, Jeff Logan. God- year Rangers, - 3 - Robert Geidlinger, Marcel Barriett, Wayne Bragg. Cable T.V. - 8 - Don Daigle 2, Mark Kohlsmitb 2, Rick Baker 2, Mike Tidd, Ken Kelsb. Larry's Sparts - 2 - Tim Cowie, Steven Brooks. Hlutton Transpoart - 5 - John Kapteyn 3, Jef f Brunt, Grant HOL$ Wood Poe Wos Moa Most of 5 Goames Lose Close one to Bay Ridges On Saturday, January 21 the Taras hosted Bay Ridges in their last meeting of the season and lost a close one 4 ta 3. At 5:51 af the first periad Scatt Masters scored an a hard shot assisted by Mike Hamel and Jay Sweet. Shartly into the second period Raymond Cummings scored, with assists gaing ta Jay Sweet and Daug Brown. At this paint it loaked like the Taras had the game well in hand but at the 7 minute mark Bay Ridges bit for their first goal and followed 1 minute later ta the the game. The first 2 minutes of the third periad saw bath clubs scaring with Bay Ridges at 1: 15 followed 27 seconds later by Deryk Clark assisted by linemates Danny Weir and Scott Heard. The next 10 minutes saw even play between theseý well matched clubs. At the, il minute mark Bay Ridges netted the winner. A taugh one ta lose but a well played game by bath teams. End Season Play with a 1-1 Tie in Markbam On Monday, January 23, the. Taras travelled ta Markham ta play their last season league game. In their one previous meeting the Taras had only, managed ta tie the Markham club so this was their chance ta win against the team they will likelymeet in playaff action. Instead af a win the Tpros tied their apponents due ta the superb goaltending of Donnie Hayes. Bath goals were scared in the second frame with Scott Heard scoring at 4:14 and Markham at 7:18. Assists went ta Danny Weir and Deryk Clark. This ended league play with the Toros in faurth place. One point out af third spat. The 3 teams ahead of aur boys are "AA" teams. Start Double Round Robin Series On Friday, January 27, the Taras met with Cabourg ta open a double Round Robin, defeating their opponents 3-2. Danny Weir opened the scaring at the 8:47 mark of the first period assisted by Deryk Clark. This one goal lead held until 8:46 of the second, when Cobourg tied it up, shawing a great deal more aggression than they have ail seasan. In the third period the Taras were able ta get past the Cobourg defence ta go ahead Gibson. Rotary Kings - i1 Troy Brady.' Novice, January 21, 1978 Hires Root Beer - 1 - Mark Neamtu, shut out ta Kevin Smith. Ban Rae - 0 - Cansumers Gas 7 6- Rabbi Davidson 3, Gord Murchison, Scott Snowden, Richard Snowden. Denis! Pizzeria - 1 - John Bragg. Bonded Paving - 2 - Jamie Lever 2, shut out ta Darrin Bunker. Cable T.V. - 0 - 1 Atom, Janunry 21,1978 Newcastle - 4 - T. Faster 3, B. Milîson. Darlington Auto Centre - i, - Mark Romard. Osborne & Sbank Insurance - 2 - Tim Davidson, Steve Baker. Kinsman -.1 - Babby Grill. Larry's Sparts - 4 - Steven Smith 2, Brad Bamsey, Greg Stapelton. Lange Gane '- i - Andrew Davey. B3antam, January 21, 1978 Newcastle - 5 - Grape Crusb - 4-, Kool Enterprizes - 5 - Grant Jones 3, Glen Eeuwes, Kelvin Sloos. Barry's Variety - 3 - Hugb Francis, John Van De Weer, Scott Hillier. Novice, Jnnuary 28, 1978 Denis Pizzeria - 3 - John Begg 2, Brad Stapeltan, shut out ta Scott Webster. Cable T.V. -0 - Cross Town Cleaners - 4 - C. Pearce, E. Jenssen, F. Mil- lsan, W. McGarvey, shut aut ta D, Callinsan. Hires Root Beer - 0- Consumers Gas -- 2 - Robbie Davidson 2. Bonded Paving - 1 - Jamie Lever. Atom Kinsman - 6 - Tracey Stephens 2, Randy Smit 2, Don Mann, Michael Day. Lange Gane - 13 - Michael Vander- wouden, Donald McLachlan, Bruce Cooke. Larry's Sparts - 4 - Steven Smith 2, Brett Blundell 2.- Darlington Auto Centre -- Mark Romard. Orange Crush - 4 - Scott Barklay 3, Sirvinder Sodbi. Newcastle - 2 - T. Petherick T. Foster. Bantam Kool Enterprises - 2 - Kevin Taylor, Rabbie Hodgson. Local 12219 - 2 - Tony Rupa, Leslie Perry. Barry's Variety - 4, - M. Tuttle, Hughe Francis, Jim Hogar,th, Robbie McKay. Franks Variety - 2 - Robert Thompson, Glen Tink. witb a goal by Scott Masters, Raymond Cummings assist- ing. With Cobourg still persisting ta tie it up once again, a goalmoutb scramble develop- ed and somehow the puck slipped by George Kennett ta even the score once again. In this scramble George Kennett's glove was knocked off and a skate cut Georges' fingers, ending bis gaaltend- ing for the rest of the game. Donnie Hayes took over witb 7 minutes remaining in the game. Twenty-ane seconds later Mike Hamel taok a pass from Kelly Matthews and scored the winner for the Taras. Taras Win Over Markham On Saturday, January 28, the Toros defeated Markham 4-2 in tbe first meeting of tbe Round Robin Series. H.L. Wood Taras opened tbe scoring on a goal by Scott Heard witb Raymond Cummings and Mike Hamel assisting. In the second period, Danny Weir netted the Toros second, day Sweet assisting. The third period saw bath teams bit for two goals a piece. Bowmanville's markers were scored by, Danny Weir witb bis second of the game at, 8: 10 and Mike Hamel, unassisted at 14:50. Assists on Danny Weir's goal went ta Scott Heard and Deryk Clark. Donny Hayes was in net for the Taras and provided the buils witb excellent goaltend- ing. 1Scott Heard Scores Sth Goal of the Season ln 4-2 Win Over Markhan On Suniday, January 29, the H.L. Wood squad travelled ta 1974 Pinto. Automatic, Lic. LSC 196 1972 Pinto. ýs0LO'B 503 1972 Toyota. SOLDBJ 786 Big Car Comfort' 1977 Charger. Lic. LDR 734 1977 Cordoba. Lic. LMF 436 1977 Monaco. Lic. LDR 969 1976. Coronet Wagon. Lic. KOD 375 195Ford LTD. Lic. HR0666 Many have air conditioning an Trucks and Vans 1977 B100 Dot SOLO Lic. E5278 1975 Dodge B300. Stake. Lic. P56095 1973 Ford Van. Lic. E9492 Markbam ta complete their 2 games of the double Round Robin Series. The Taras were up for this'one and carried the pilay ta their oppanent-s tbrougbout ,the ,game Markbam opened the scaring at 4:27 of the first period with the Taras scaring 5 wminutcs later an a blast by Scott Hfeard assisted by Daniny Weir anid Deryk Clark.' The second period sawthree Taras goals. Scott Heard froî4' Danny Weîr, Raymond Cummings fram Mike Hamel and Scott Heard fromn Danny Weir and Deryk'Clark. Mark- ham scored the only goal in the third period. Donnie Hayes was in net for the Bulîs and provided solid goaltending. Scott Heard registered bis fiftb bat-trick of the season but bit the fîfty goal mnark. SeaUýti bas acbieved this pkleau 4in only 38 games and is ta be congratulated for bis great abilities as 'captain, teamn player, sportsman and last but nat least, goal scorer. Wintor Price Spring Pric $3,595-00 $4095-00 $2,495-0 2995.00 $1,895-00 2195.00 $ 995-00 1195.00 $ 895.00 1095.00 Winter Price SDrina Pric $5 ,195.0 $6,599-.00 $4,599-.00 $4,399-00 $2,59S'0 nd cru ise con Winter Price $4,995-00 $4,695-.00 $2195-00 1973 Courier. Lic. D98391 , $,895.00 TELEPHONE 623-2586 FOR A TEST DRI VEI $5695 .00 6995.00 4995.00 4695.00 2995.00 itr ol. Spring Price $5695.00 5195-on 2595.00 2195.00 DRI VE NOWI ... SAVE NOWI No Down Paymnt.. No Payments Until March Ail Cars Cortifiod and Guarantood c ,T UCHRYSLER DODGE 8QIWMANVILLE Hwy. No. 2 al Maple Grave - 2 Miles West of Telephono 623-2586 Bowmonvilie WE'RE OPEN 9:00 a.m. UNTIL 9:00 pm WEEKDAYS SATURDAY 9:00 UNTIL 4:00 p.m. a a V- - E M 30 M-, Ce

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