Doug Lewis attempts to get the flourescent bail past an extra obstacle on the 7th hole, nameiy Colin Read. Not a great deal of attention was paid to rules and etiquette. In this sequence, Ai Strike first demo nstrates that he's a better iawyer than winter golfer (we hope) by hitting the bail higher instead of further. The foursome consisted of Dick Bedard (left), AI Strike inspecting hIupre point of impact, Dick's son Paul and AT's son Dan. In the large shot, Al demonstrates the approved manner for bali-cieaning under winter rules, while youngi Mr. Bedard attempts to remove himself from ansrUo association with the event. S rîc Cpi. Len James (Goini to Brighton), received a standing ovation and a Constable David Cook (Sebringville) receiving his mug in the packed mug momento from District Superintendent John E. Closs. Sergeant's Mess at the Oshawa Armoury. Randy Meleod (Sebringviiie) with Supt. Closs,,discussing1 the incident that eventually led to the "hats off" poiicy for officers inside patrol cars. Cpi. Pappin, and former detachment commander, Inspector Alexander "Mac" Wilson, who had the audience in fits with his'denials of harsh, disciplined rule during bis command. Constable George Moon (Parry Sound) receives bis momento. Almost the entire detachment was on hand as reli ;ef forces came in from adjoining areas for the evening patrol. On the far ieft, M. C. CpI. Sid Pappin, Dave MacKay (Parry Sound) and SupDt. Closs. Cpi. Pappin and Rick Forman who bas retired to take care of outside business interests that have grown impressively. Supt. Cioss presents Bill Helmer (Lancaster), with bis mug. The tra nsfer senids Constable Heimer back to bis.,hometown area. i1 RY 1. 1978 SECTION TWO Fîrêit.Amiual Rotaryrujayeee Tournament