Section Two The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, Februarv 1. 1978 >3 el New Law Amendments for Gun %ContArol Appropriate Gift for Foriner Energy Minister Aoneappropriate gift for the Minister of Energy was this candie presented to JamesTyo targoa ouilsession in Whitby last week. Regional Chairman, Walter Beath (left) makes the presentation. James Taylor made one of his final official appearances as energy minister when he inaugurated the Durham Region's energy conservation program at regional headquarters in Whitby Wednesday, January-1 18. Later in the week, it was announced that the minister had resigned.his post and would be succeeded by Reuben Baetz the MPP for Ottawa West. On January 1, 1978 several amendments to Canada's gun control legisiatian came into effect, the first such changes ta the laws since 1969. The amendments, which the gavernment says is ta stem the increasing use of guns in crimes and the reduce the tol of death and injuries which resuit fram the nlisuse of weapons, were _approved by parliament last Muy. Basically, the amendments pravided for increased cantrol of restricted weapons and fully automatic weapans; name new categories of re- stricted and prohibited weapons; and provide penalties for unsafe handling and storing of firearms. In addition, police forces and the courts have been given-wider powers ta control the criminal misuse of fire- arms.'-They include: stiffer penalties; new police powers to search and seize weapons in situations where there is an immediate danger ta thase involved; and legisation ta prohibit ownership and use of firearms by dangerous persans. RESTRICTED WEAPONS Starting January 1, same types of semi-automatic rifles such as the M-i carbine are now included on the restricted list. They also include al semi-automatics which can be fired when the barrel length is less than .18.5 inches, and with discharge centre-fire ammunition. This does not include rimfire .22 lang-guns. Persans acquiring a re- PONTYPOOL (Intended for last week) We, extend aur deepest sympathy ta Mrs. Ron Sutch an the sudden passing of her father, Garnet Jahuston of Orono. Dr. Ralph Clark and his wife of Peterborough were dinner guests of the Lloyd Clarks last Wednesday. Miss Brenda VanWieringen returned on, Sunday from an enjoyable week's holiday spent in Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Curtis left on Sunday-morning for their winter home in Deland, Florida. Our local firemen held a Millioaire's Night last Satur- y. Ail proceeds go towards 4purchase of new equip- ment. The Community Centre was filled on Saturday mgbht for a dance sponsared by the local C.B: Club. Bert Grant, local D.J., supplied excellent music for dancing. Praceeds were used ta purchase a C.B. radia for the Oshawa Ambulance service. Pontypool Park Board held another successful Bingo on Wednesday evening. We understand that Anne Northey was the big winuer. To raise additional funds, the 'Park Board' is sponsoring a dance in tie Pontypool Community Centre in February. (See Caming Events). Manvers Old Timers Hockey Team is doing quite well in exhibition games. On Sunday the men played in Little Britaîn and defeated the Little Britain team 7 ta 2. Players on the team are fromn ail parts of the township. Local members af the team are Dave Sutch, Laverne Finney, Maurice Mitchell, Lloyd Armstrong,, Peter Miller and Terry Fisk. They will be participating in a tournament in Millbrook an February 25th and also at a tournament in Ennismore at a later date. Next season with aur own Manvers Arena there wili be probably many more men mnterested in registermng with the Old Timers. In the Lýadies -Bowling, on, Monday afternoon top.scorers were Dianne Combdon 407, and Yvonne Fallis with 389. (2 games). Pontypool United Church Women The January meeting of the Pontypool U.C.W. was held on Monday, January l6th lu the basement of the church. The President, Dorothy Dewar, was in charge of the Devotion- ai. Follawing a reading from the Bible Hymn "Breath on me Breath of God" was sung. OFF EVERYTHING NWORGANS start at PIANOS at M uV 1 PIANO TUNINO a nd I ORGAN, PIANO LESSONS OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Smcoe St. N. at King Oshawa PHONE 728-1675 Ail present shared in' the reading of "The Flag that Flies Highest of Ai," followed by the singing of "My Faith Looks up to Thee." Yvonne Fallis gave a reading "Bless this Mess." Dorothy Dewar read a letter from Nepal. The secretary's minutes and treasurer's report were given and approved. Ail annùual reports are to be handed in on Sunday at the Annual Con- gregational meeting. Al U.C.W. officers retain their same positions during 1978. They are: President-Dorothy Dewar; Vice President-Jessie Fisk; Secretary-Yvonne Fallis; Treasurer-Grace Fallis; Sick and Shut-ins-Ruth Richardson; Flower and decorating-Marie Finney and Gloria Dunford. Amrong the correspandence received was a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Curtis McKay for their Christmas gift-also a very nice thank you note fromf _Mrs. Skuce. Notice of Presby- terial meeting to be held in Knox United Church, Peter- borough, January 24th was read. The February meeting is planned for Tuesday, February 14th, 7:30 p.m. at the home of Dorothy Dewar. Mrs. Graham is in charge of the meeting and is going to show slîdes on her travels in Ireland. All ladies are invited to attend. Mr. Graham closed the meeting with prayer. A social haîf hour followed with a lunch of cake and coffee. Pontypool United Church Congregational Meeting The Annual Cangregational meeting was held on Sunday, January 22nd at 2 p.m. Mr. Graham opened the meeting with the reading of Cor. i-13 chap. In the absence of Jessie Fisk, Dorothy Dewar acted as secretary. Minutes of the 1977 meeting were, read and approved. Reports handed in were those of the church treasurer, Betty Lou Glbank, M and S givings, Gloria Dunford; Sunday Schooli Violet Ander- son; U.C.W. Grace Fallis and Dorothy Dewar;, Renovation Committee, Percy Beggs. All offices remain the same as in 1977. Curtis McKay and Frank Stacey were appointed as additional elders f or 1978. DIRK BRINKMAN Scugog St., Bowmanville 623-3621 State Farmn Fire and Casualty Company Happy Two- Year- Old Hi! My name i s Gary Lawrence. I celebrated my second birthday on January 15, 1978. My mom and dad are Joan and Greg Adams. My grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cascagnette and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Adams. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wludyka of Bobeageon, Mr., and Mrs. Z. Adams of Bowmanville and Mrs. Alice Quinney of Newcastle. cite a specific reason for doing so suc h as the protection of life, use in an approved target club or ta form part of a bona fide gun collection. PROHIBITED WEAPONS The class of prohibited weapons will now include fuily automatic weapons, switch- blade knives, silencers, and operable shatguns or rifles which had been madified toaa barrel length of less than 18 1/ inches or ta an overail length 'of lees than 26 inches. No persan other than a bana fide callectar wil be alaowed ta own or acquire a fully automatic weapon. Collectors wiIl be able ta retain or trade such weapons now in their possession, but the purchase of additional, prahibited weapons wiIl be against the law. Penalties ranging from a fine ta five vears in prison can be imposed against persans who carelessly handie, use or store weapons and ammuni- tion. NEXT YEAR The second stage of change ta the gun contrai laws will be intro-duced January 1, 1979, and will involve the issuing of a fire-arms acquisition certi- ficate, avallable only ta per- sans with no recent record of criminal violence or acute mental instability which would make it unsafe for them ta own a firearm. In addition, some prov=ce may requlre proof of captency i the safe handling and use of firearms. Also caming inta effect Januaryl, 1979 is a system ta inspect and licence ail dealers in weapons and ammunitian, and the requirements of safe storage, the maintaining of inventories and the. recarding of ail transactions. f 11 I J i I B Phone 725-0711 I I I I I I I 18 King St. ÉE Oshawa - .1YAMA HA OnIy 99.95 SYSTEM FAUE CR66 Receiver, 25w RMS with only 0.1 per cent (THD), features sucn as continuous variable Ioudness control, provision for 2 sets of speakers and headphone jacks, high and Iow f ilters and super sensitive FM tuning. Cornes complete with a rlch rosewood cabinet at no extra charge. YP66 Semi-Automatic Beit Drive Turn table with incredibly Iow wow and f lutter of 0.08 per cent and signal to noise ratio of 52DB. Turntable cornescomplete wlth a high qualIty carTriage andl again finished in ricfl rosewood. NS 66 ""Rock Monitor" speakers with frequency response' of 40-20000 HZ, power handilng capacity of 50 watts RMS and the ability to reproduce music accurately. Don't forget that this entire audio system is backed by a fuit 5 year warranty covering bath parts and labour. Hear it now at Bo manvflle Limited 20 KIng St. W. 623-2312 COMPA NY SALE 2/o. 1 j Audlouvision 623-2312 20 KInq Ste we