The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Febi r ,17 Victioria &Grey Trust Open B ranch Lin elri Cmlex On Thursday, January 26th, at 11: 30 a. m., the 45th branch of Victoria and Grey Trust was formally opened in the Veltri Complex in Bowmanville. On hand for the proceedings were ail of the senior personnel of the trust company, many elected officiais from the area, and a crowd of hardy souls who braved the inceredîble storm. The storm was credited with waylaying two V & G executives who were hit from behind on the way to the opening, and Allan Lawrence, MP for this area, who got stuck in the blockage on highways 115 - 35. Pictured above in the left photo are from the left, Chairman of the Board of Victoria and Grey C. G. "Kip" Fleming, Region of Durham Chairman Walter Beath, Mayor of Newcastle Garnet Rickard, MPP Sam Çureatz, and.Bowmanville Brancn Manager laîn Maciver. On the right hand side, we have Iain and his staff who would be happy to meet you in the warm and friendly manner that characterizes t he style of Victoria and Grey Trust. From the left, Lee Beers, Marion Maxey, Manager Iain, Willie Babcock and Alice Post. In the centre, V & G President and Chief Executive Officer Bill Somervihle welcomed everyone to the proceedings and gave an explanation of how Victoria and, Grey emphasize service and dommitment to the communities they are located in. Below Bill's picture is the very happy developer, Mario Veltri, who has personally deait with Victoria and Grey for over twenty years. Missing from these photos were Lindsay Branch Manager Jacic Sinclair who has serviced this area from that office for many years, and former president of Victoria and Grey and now Vice-Chairman Colin Bennett who, was, a federal MP and crony of, Publisher John M. James from 1949 to 1957 in Ottawa. The Statesman extends their thanks to President Bill Somervile for mentioning the longtime service of this paper'in the area, and to Astor Studios for the kind use of photos of the event. Our photographer was unable to cope with some technical problems, and the fact thaa his house was blowing down during the proceedings.' -Photos by Astor Studio Gxet-well wishes are sent to Russell Kerr, a patient in Send Ou.r FTD Bouque 1Fresh, romantie flowers arranged with. a spray of sparkling ýhear(s. We can send it ahmnost anywhere by wire, the FTD way. But hurry. . Valentine's Day is Tuesday, February 14! 'We r-eally get around. ..fïor you!~ Daily'Delivery Oshawa General Hospital, Room 4107. Russell recently had surgery and we under- stand he is scheduled for another visit to hospital in a month's timne. Mrs. Keith McDonald re- turned home on Saturday after spending most of January la the new Therapy Wing in Oshawa General Hospital. Jeanne has had back problems for years. We hope that after ber stay in hospital where she was kept in traction she will be feeling much better. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McKay moved to Bolton this week. Wayne is an employee of Simpson Sears. Alvin Olan returned home on Wednesday from Civic Hospital, Peterborough. We trust that Alvin's condition will steadily improve. Miss Wendy Halfyard of Ladies College, Whitby, spent the weekend at the C. Fallis.' A meeting of the, Official Board of Bethany Pastoral Charge is to be held on Tuesday, February 7th at 8: 00 p.m. in Pontypool United Church. Al members of this board make note of the date and check it on your calendars. The. Pontypool Park Board would also like you to make note of the Benefit dance that is being held on Saturday, February llth. Mr., and Mrs. Sam McDowell and family of Oshawa were weekend guests with Sue and Clarence Plead- well. Wayne Fallis of Owen Sound spent the weekend with his family. Wa-yneý reports that there is very liUttie snow in the Owen Sound area. Bryan McKay has been holidaying la Acapulco, Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Richardson were visitors to Toronto on Wednesday and Thursday. They had intended returning on Thursday but the storm changed their plans. Paul and Harry gave shelter to eight folks marooned la Thursday's storm. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt hosted a family gathering recently. Present were Helen and Andy May of Ballantrae, Stan and Kay Powell, New- castle, Janice Hunt and friend, Toronto, Jamie and Rachelle McPhail, Peterbor- ough, Debbie and Darryl Hunt, Pontypool and Wayne's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wood of Bowmanville. Wayne had just completed a large coloured portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Wood and this was presented to them during the evening. Mr. Bill Britton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Britton, was injured in a car accident on his way home from G.M. to Viewlake last Thursday. Thursday, January 28th, 1978 This date wîhl long b'e rememibered by residents of Pontypool and surrounding area. Ia the early morning,, ramn was falling with easterly winds. These winds dimin- ished for a short time but by 8:45 a.m. had shifted to the south-west and with each, passing minute grd y growing stronger withWwbl6ing snow. By 10 a.m. visibility was A good selection of top quality merchandise stili1 aval lable at (artr's tee Ohb ce OSHAWA Bond Towers Shopping Mail 44 Bond St. W. Downtowen Oshawa 576-7152 SQ UARE, nil at times with weather conditions rapidly deterior- ating. Police were warning motorists to stay off -the roads as the velocity of the winds ranged fo seventy to eighty miles per hour (115 km.). Grandview pupils were fortunate. They had just reached school when the blizzard started and ahl were immediately sent home. As the density of the storm increased motorists were forced to abandon their vehicles. Highway 35 between the 4th lime and the 6th line (Ballyduff) was a holocaust. Approximately 200 vehicles - cars, trucks, transports, buses - were stranded. Even two police cruisers and an ambul- ance were victims of the storm. The occupants of the vehicles sought shelter in the homes along the way. There were many good Samaritans. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Tenhaaf served dinner to one hundred and nine on Thursday evening. Other homes providing warm hospitality were those of Jim McMullen, Alvin Mitchell, Gordon Britton, Tapio Mýlan- nonen, Dave Pre,-ston, Ken M&cKen-zie, Paul Fleming, Lajos Kiss, Wilf Richardson and Gene Lombard. Several also spent the night in Pallyduff Hall. We are told that one fellow actually slept on the piano. Neighbouring ladies provided lunch which was taken to hall by snow- mobile. Some men also spznt several hours in the Pontypool Commun.iiity Centre. These were later taken into the Stoldt, Noden and Kish homes Church services were held as usual. Rev, Kennedy spoke on, "Christian Witness." The choir sang. Mr. Banister was at the door. ln the' village. About 10:30 p.m. Thursday the winds had decreased sufficientlly to allow the snow ploughs to make a -path through.- It took tepl-ugýh two hours to travel the four miles north from the highway shed to the Ballyduff corner. Some of the vehicles than started to move. The tow-trucks had a bey-daypulling out autos,. By mid-afternoon on Friday the hast victim of the storm - a transport - was towed out. Af ter witnessing this blizzard many people will now find truth in the axiom I'Seeing is Believing." Mr. W. Lewko is home from the hospital. Mrs. H. Sheppard is home again also and Mrs. Campbell is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. R. Westheuser and girls were with Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson on Saturday. Mrs. J. Sevenhuysen, Thompson-cî, Man. returned home on v-criday after spend- ing a -eek ln the areaà Mr. and Mrs. A. Peacock, Bolton had dinner with Mr, and Mrs. V. Peacock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, J. Currier and family, Port Hope, were with Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrill, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crombie and boys, Bowmanville, were with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer on Sunday. Other cahiers were Mr. and Mrs. W. Terbenche and famîly, Port Hope. The Muldrew's from Oshawa were at Sunnyside on Saturday. Miss Diane Beatty came home Sunday for a couple of day. Mrs. Nettie Muldrew, Bow- manville, is in the hospîtal. Mr. Walter Beatty isn)'t very well., Mr. Alvin Trew, Millbrook is ln Peterborouglh Hospital ln serious condition. He had an emiergency operation on Sun- day. ; Mr. and Mrs. H. M1uidrewi, Mr. and Mrs. J. Barkwell were visitors wvith Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty last week. Our institute meeting is to be February 7 at Mrs. B. Wheeler's home. Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson took Mrs. W. Lewvko into Port Hope on Monday hast and visited Mr. Lewko, Mrs. H. Sheppard and Mrs. Campbell. 1Mrs. M. Walker has also taken Mrs. Lewko into Port Hope~ whihe Bill was ini the hospital. 1 am-r sure there are others who have taken her that I didn't hear about. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Provost and family, Lindsay; were with Mr. and Mirs. O. Mercer last weekend.I Tii OPTICAI 111111GW 30 KING ST, WEST BOWMAN VILLE PHONE 623-4477 WRAYE CAMPBELL DISPENSING OPTICIAN I p kM ,do 10 You'II SAVE 10% on ony Cash, and Carry purchase of $100.00 or more between the period of February 1sf fo Feb. l5th. If you require delivery services ,.add $5.00. Incidentally. .,. we're now open Fridays unfil 9:00 p.m. and Saturdays until 5:00 p.mi. -Credif Cards Nof Accepted During this ScAe - 361 Ki*ng St. East 9743 Ltd. Nemwcstle I PONTYPOOL Eliz abethville I ***und