4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 1, 1978 OBITUARIES JOHN EDWARD) BUTTONSHAW SR. Retired for 18 years, the death of John Edward Button- shaw Sr., occurred on Tuesday, January l7tb, 1978 in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, following a short îllness. He was in bis 82nd year. Son of the late George and Rose Buttonshaw he was born in Icklesham, Sussex, England, and educated in Rowmanville. on Mari-h Qth_ 1920, he was married to Dorothy Streeton. A resident of Bowmanville for 75 years, he had been employed for 32 years at Goodyear Canada Ltd., Bow- manville plant. An Honorary member of the RoyalCanadian Legion, Bow- manville Branch No. 178. He served overseas during World War 1 with the Canadian Mounted Rifles. In World War 2 he served with the Veteran's Guard of Canada. Surviving are bis wife Dorothy, is daughters Dorothy (Mrs.,M. Connaghan) Bowmanviile, Joan (Mrs. E. Wilson), Oshawa, Florence (Mrs. H. Wilson), Toronto, Joyce (Mrs. L. Lyle) and a son Jack Jr. botb of Bowmanville. A sister, Violet (Welland) two brothers Leslie (Toronto), Ernie (British Columbia), 18 grandchildren and 21 great grancbildren., Mr. Buttonshaw rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel with Archdeacon Thomas Gracie conducting funeral services on Thursday. Mrs. Albert Cole presided at the chapel organ. Paîl-bearers were Messrs. Ron Richards, Oscar Pingle, Ewert Bragg, Stan Dunn, Meredith Little, and Walter Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. SYDNEY REGINALD KERSEY His many friends, relatives and neighbours were shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden passing of Sydney Reginald Kersey, aged 52, in Victoria General Hospital, on Sunday, January 8, 1978 following a very short illness. Sydney Reginald Kersey was boni in Hampton, and received is early education at Hampton Public School and Enniskillen Continuation School. He enlisted in the R.C.A.F. in World War II, where-he earned bis pilot's wrngs and was commissioned as a Plot Officer. Later be served with the British Fleet Air Arm. On discharge, he enrolled i Toronto Rehabili- tation School to earn bis Senior Matriculation. He then entered Aeronautical Engin-t eering at the University - of * Toronto, and gained bis B. Se. degree in 1951. Hle again joined the R.C.A. F. where he trained as a test pit ndtok bis final work at F n rog in England. He Mastatind at Downsview where lie was involved in the development of the Arrow Aircraft, 'as well as test flying the CF 100's before they were turned over to the Air Force. With the cancellation of the Arrow program, lie was trans- ferred to Ottawa. He later left the Air Force, and joined an aerial survey business in Ottawa. After some time there, lie was one of a group who formed the Saunders Aircraft Company. Work started in Montreal, but then * tbe company moved to Gimli, Manitoba, pri invitation of the Manitoba Government. Reg is survîved by bis wife, Florence, sons Ronald, Richard and Robin and two grandchildren, bis father, is survived by ber busband, Peter Lego; three daughters, Mrs. Heinz Kunz (Barbara) of ' Scarborough, Mrs. Karl Feil (Kathi), of Scarborougb, Mrs. Ron Folk (Helene) of Bow- manville, a son, Peter Lego, of Oshawa,, two sisters, Mrs. Kathi Stumplich of Romania Mrs. Maria Muellero Germany, 10- grandchildren and a great grandcbild. Mrs. Lego rested at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa. Requiem high mass was celebrated in St. Gregory's Churcli (Monday), interment in Resurrection Cemetery. Rev. Lawrence McGough officiated. Mernorial donations to the Leukemnia Research Fund would be appreciated. ALL PRICES SMOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THRU SAT. FEB. 4th, 1978. WE RESERVE THE1 RIGHT TOLIMIT QUANTIT IES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS! REAL VALUE! Vanla or Butterscotch Ripple 2RLITR Plus money-saivn " CTII IC DSecis! 1.57 Action Priced! Chocolt,, Dutch Devil, GOlden, Haney Spice White 9.5-ex pouch p&eck EEG, PCE 44c PKG CAEMIXES Sovierdale, Frozen, Cholce, Straight or Crinkie Cut FRIES_______Rl Reguler Or Mint Flavours Action Priccdl 150,ml tube Crest Toothpaste 1.490 FACIAL TISSUE, WHITE, GREEN, LAVENDER, PINK, YELLOW XBOX 0F O Kleenex200S..E.. Z2frl10 YeIIow, Pink, White Regular Price 1.19 Pkg Of 4 Rols Decor Bathroom Tissue 1.00 INSTANT CREAMER ACTION PRICEDI Coffeemate 16-. i,,1.29 Ready-ýto-Serve, Apple & Cinnamon, Maple& Brown Sugar Regular, Pre-Sweetened Action Pricedi 12-oz Pkg Robin-QaCereal 2forlO Concetrated Powdered Action Pricedi 9-lb., 6-oz. box 'Anil Detergent 4.69 A&P - BEEF CHUNKS, BEEF STEW, I4ORSEME&T, LIVER CHUNKS145OTI Luxury Dog Food 3fo,.Ou CANAD, RED A GOLDEN DILICIOtJS Apples EXTRA FANCY lb 491 FLORIDA, TEMPLE, SwEUT, .IUICY, TIIIN IKIN Oranges dozon 991 No. 1 GRAD, PACKED FR!SH DAILY, CRtisp Celery Hearts bunch69î' FORIDA, FMESH, CRISP 'Radishes i-lb cello plcg 491 MEXICAN-- SWEI, JUICY Large Pineapples ach 991 T«08., Wa..d, ExSelu'.t coimed or In sale Spinach 10-z celo pkg2for991 CAIMORIA Large Lemons 5for891 A&P 19-FLOZ TIN STRAINED - MEATLESS VARIETIES CHOICEIN POTATOES BABY FOOD YORK-FANCY ACTION PRICED! REG. PRICE 59e TIN JANE PARKER, SLICED ACTION Pl Peas 1I4-oZ in5for L, Raisin Bread TOMATO ACTION PRICEDI 2o-FL-oz vTL SAVARIN, BEEF, CIICKEN, SALISBUR HeinzKetchiup, 79v' Froze Dinnei IN TOM4ATO SAUCE ACTION PRICEDI 14-FL-OZ TIN HeiînzSpaghetti 3 ol '0 PEA, VEGEtABLE, PEA & HAM, CHICKEN NOODLE, CIIICKEN RICE ACTION PRICEDI 2q-FL-OZ TIN Habitant soups 2fo,0'O YORK - FANCY ACTION PRICEDI Corn KERNEL 12f-oz tin 3 for 1.00 PANTRY SHELF Apple Drink 48fz tn3 9 BORDEN'S - ASSORTED FLAVOURS Yog"urt 6-oz tub 4for 1.() cip THESE >RICED!I 16OZ. LOAF 2 for9W RY STEAK, TURKEY rs 1.KG6! MONARLII - QLUARTERS ACION rKRCU' I -LB BOX Imperial Margarinle 129 PANCAKýE MIX - REGULAR, BUCKWHEAT OR BUTTERMILK ACTION PRICEDI AUnt mia kg pkg ^ Aunt Jemima - Regular or Butter Flavour 32-FI-oz btl Pancane Syrup 1. 19 KELLOGG's "NEW" O350g PKG Crackling Bran 8 9 Strawberry, Raspberry, With Pectîn 24-fI-or Jar' AnPage Jams 1M0 / A&P IS MANY SHOPS IN ONE!Î -A &P 15 u Country Furm Pork Shopl"-- Rib Portion 3 to 3Y/2-lb Average Tenderloin Portion 3f 1sI u PRUK LOIN CHOPS CENTRE dUT lbl,7 S PARE RIBS COUNTRY STYLE 1bl.43 BONELESS PORK LOIN R PBEND.l b 1.88 PORK, BACK RIBS Ilb 1.88 PORK, CHOPS lb 2.58 PORK SHOULDERS3 O0KED lb8ý PORK TENDERLOI N FROZ1,9 LAMB IMPORTED, NEW ZEALAND, FROZEN LEGS WHOLE OR BUTT HALF BURNS SAUSAGES HADDOCK FILLETS lb 1'38 BES PRK lb 99G SEiRSH lb 1.59, Schneiders Weýek ut A____ Schneidiers, Siced Side Bacon i-lb Vac Paci148 AIl Beef, R,*d Hots, Dutdh Treet 1'b Vac Par. Schineides Weners 9&- Schniders, Sl"iced Bologna, 6o-a 8 Schneiders, Slk.ed Cooked Ham 6-oz Vac Pac 1*38a Schneiders, Regular, AIU Beef, Country Mapi. Mni Sbizzler sausages lb 1,3 A SUPERS ÊtWAD, RICH ON BEAILIAN WITH COffEES (EGULAR FRIC! i 3e) VALID MNTI. FRUAEY 4Mb, 1978. MIx' Mah- Asorted laors 3-OZ PKG REG. PRICE 26c PKG A,ýction Pricedl Maryel Brand, Suýc& 24-OZ LOAF REG. PRICE 39c LOAF